
Chapter 01

Grow Up


"Hitsugaya-taichou, Abarai-fukutaichou, there is a very important mission I would like for you to both attend to. During this time, you will not be allowed to contact Soul Society, and must follow the orders your leader will give you." The Commanding-General announced gruffly. "You both will be going to the Real World with Kurosaki Ichigo. It would seem that he is going to leave the country, and I would like for that two of you to go with him in order to make sure he plans on returning to Japan once this is over with."

Both nodded, and Toushirou questioned. "Who is in charge of orders?"

"You've got to be kidding me…" Ichigo looked at the two who invaded his bedroom through the window. "Come on guys, I can't deal with you guys right now—I have a plane to catch, I'll get in trouble if I miss it!"

"We got orders from above again, this time, we're supposed to go with you when you leave the country." Renji spoke to cool the carrot top down while sitting on the bed. "We got these… passport things already."
He twitched when hearing this. "Y-You're kidding me, right? You can't go to America with me, neither of you know nothing about the culture—or the language!" Now he pointed at them. "You are not coming!"
"Soutaichou is making sure that you return to Japan. Abarai is here to make things less complicated, I'm here to make sure that you're here for the duration of schooling." Toushirou stated from the windowsill."
"Everything is taken care of, so we're gonna be rooming with you at your lodge." The redhead gave him a cheesy thumb-up and cheeky grin. "We realize that it's two beds, so I'll share my bed with you, alright?"

"It's not a lodge! It's a dorm!" Ichigo tried his best to resist choking his friend until he thought about it a little more. Renji and Toushirou would be practically helpless; they cannot speak English, they do not even know what a plane was! 'Oh… I can have some fun then if they come along with me to America…' He then shrugged as if he gave on up the subject as he began to ask them a few things to his benefit. "So, if you're boarding in the same room as me, does that mean you're going to go to school too?"

"We have been off and on, haven't we?" Renji glared at him. "Besides, we have to listen to what you say."
"You—what? Seriously?" He looked at the two seated officers, hoping it would be clarified. "Why me?"
Toushirou decided to answer this part as to not fill his ego. "Because soutaichou told us to, Kurosaki."

This lit a fuse, but Ichigo ignored it and grabbed his camera bag.

"Fine… whatever, I don't have any time to argue with you guys. My flight leaves in one hour!"

The two others only shrugged before listening to the man that was in charge.

Their transport came by and Ichigo shoved his things in the back of the van before realizing that the other two only had a suitcase full of stuff. He would have ranted about it if he had the time, but he threw their things in the vehicle while telling them to get into the back seats without causing trouble. It took a minute for him to hug his sisters and kick his father in the head before jumping into the front seat to tell the driver to step on it. Ichigo looked at the two to see them just seating there, causing him to smack his head at their cluelessness as he told them to place their seatbelts on. Who would have figured he would have to teach a captain and lieutenant the basics of cars; they were not going to be happy about riding a plane. His hand pointed to the side of the seats to explain what to do, but by the time they finally understood what they were supposed to do, they had made it to the airport with forty-five minutes left for departure.

"H-Hey Ichigo—wait! How do you get out?!" Renji cried out desperately for being stuck in the machine.
Ichigo opened the back seat door, leaned over Renji, and unbuckled their seatbelts. "Now get out."
The two did as told and Toushirou did not like the crowd. "Are we out of the country already?"
"No, just… grab a bag and help out will you?" He was already going to a man for help.
Renji looked to the captain before shrugging and grabbing a few bag. "This is a lot."
"Either way, we only need to make sure he returns." The short one stated quietly.

"Stop being a lazy ass and help Toushirou!" Ichigo growled as he picked up the bags that Renji could not.

Toushirou was about to reply until he literally watched the carrot top picking up his pace after paying the driver for the ride with Renji on his tail, so he merely followed them. They went in so many directions to have the luggage sent away to be placed into the plane as they now waited for their plane to start letting passengers on. It amazed Ichigo that Urahara Kisuke was sneaky enough to get the two Shinigami their own tickets and passports for the same plane ride as him, but ignored it. This then brought him to bring his attention towards everyone waiting for the same flight, most of them were staring at the three, but eventually a man came running over to them with excitement… this man was obviously American.

≫Are you from a Yakuza group?≪ The man asked with a big smile on his face.
Ichigo blinked and looked at him confusedly. ≫What would make you think that?≪
He pointed to the boy. ≫He has white hair!≪ He pointed to the redhead. ≫He has tattoos!≪
≫If we are, don't you think it is a bad idea to approach us?≪ The carrot top smirked scarily at him.

The man paled and ran away.

Renji looked at him. "What was that about? What were you speaking anyway? I couldn't understand!"
"English, and he thought we were punks basically." Ichigo then heard that they could board the plane.
Toushirou sighed at how content they were. "What was the point of hurrying here if we're just sitting?"
"We have to get on the plane now. I'll sit by the window because you guys might freak out." He replied.
"I'm not scared of some window! I want to sit next to it!" Renji pouted, causing more people to stare.
"Alright, alright, take the window seat." The human could care less. "Let's go before you kick us out."

Why was a captain stuck with two idiots?

The three showed the flight attending their tickets and passports before allowed to continue towards the plane so they could sit in their seats. Ichigo found the row they were supposed to sit in, but Renji jumped over a row of seats to make sure he would get the window. His head shook at the usually behavior as he sat down next to the redhead while Toushirou reluctantly sat in the seat next to him. He waited for the flight attendants to finish their boring speeches before leaning his seat back a bit before closing his eyes. The other two looked at him curiously to find out if whether or not he was going to fall asleep or not, and suddenly the plane began moving oddly, causing the two Shinigami to panic.

"Ichigo, we're under—"Renji mouth was covered by one of Ichigo's hands.
"You can't say that on a plane," he whispered sharply. "The plane's supposed to do that."
Toushirou looked at him. "This… plane, is it really supposed to take us to another country?"

"Yes…" Ichigo dipped his head for a brief moment before leaning back in his seat. "We'll be here for a few hours. Might as well get some sleep while you can. Most likely it will take about a day to get to the United States." With that said, he shifted in his seat, and slowly began to fall asleep once again…

"Whoa—Ichigo! We're in the air! We're flying!" The redhead yelled excitedly as he tugged on the man.
"I know Renji," he yawned tiredly. "If you don't stop pestering me, you're switching seats with Toushirou."
The captain glared at him. "How many times do I have to tell you it's Hitsugaya-taichou to you, Kurosaki?"
"That reminds me, do you know how stupid Renji's going to look if he calls you taichou in front of others?"
Renji heard this and turned to the carrot top worriedly. "That's insane Ichigo, I can't call him anything—"

Ichigo sat up from his seat and leaned over the insanely tattooed man, causing the latter to pipe down and swallowed nervously as the former towered over him. He whispered something delicately soft in the redhead's ear to watch a blush creep onto his cheeks—if not his entire face for that matter. His face had become even closer to Renji's as he began to do something that none of the passengers could see while Renji started to make funny noises. The carrot top slowly pulled with an smug grin on his face while the other look completely defeated with and even deeper blush across his face. Toushirou on the other hand had a large vein on his forehead with a slight blush against his cheeks as he ignored the two while he caught sight of all the passengers looking over that the three in either horror, love struck, or surprise.

"Now be a good boy and put your seatbelt on." Ichigo called as he sat back down to place his own on, and then he looked over to Toushirou. "Hey, Toushirou, put your seatbelt on too—hey, are you… blushing?"

He flushed the colors off his face before turning to scowl at him coldly. "You're delusional." The captain then reached over his shoulder to grab the seatbelt—wait… "There is no seatbelt on this seat Kurosaki."
"Oh, no it's down here." Ichigo leaned over the white-haired boy to grab the farthest piece, and buckled it against Toushirou's stomach. "There, now just adjust it like this." He tightened it a little and slipped his—
Before Ichigo's hand could graze against his stomach, he slapped his hand away. "I get the idea moron."
He retrieved his hand from the violent little monster while spoke in a stunned manner. "Y-You just slapped me!" His other hand rubbed his abused one. "I was just trying to help you Toushirou, what's with you!"

Toushirou did not answer him as he looked away while thinking to himself. 'Pervert.'

After fourteen long hours on the plane, they finally landed in the United States where they were in the state called California. Ichigo unbuckled his seatbelt to stand up and stretch his stiff bones as Renji followed suit, so he looked to Toushirou who was asleep. He shook the boy lightly to see if he was alive, but it seemed like he was just having an early case of jetlag, so he unbuckled him to carry him on his back. Renji followed him off the plane while quietly asking where the bathrooms were since he did not leave his seat for the longest time. He was about to get an answer but a woman came to them, asking in English if one of them was Ichigo, so the redhead pointed to the guy next to him when hearing the name. Toushirou began to stir slightly when hearing a slightly annoyance voice that sounded like his lieutenant, but he could not understand a word the woman said. He would open his eyes to look if he did not feel so comfortable in his seat—but he felt vibrations while hearing Ichigo talking a different language.

≫I'm Ichigo Kurosaki, that's Renji Abarai, and this is Toushirou Hitsugaya… he's a bit tired.≪ Ichigo told the woman before having to ask her curiously. ≫Are you the person picking us up or something?≪
≫Yes I am, I was surprised to hear that two transfer students would be joining you. Anyhow, let's gather everyone's belonging and head to the school grounds.≪ The woman smiled while laughing cheerfully.
"Ichigo, Hitsugaya-taichou is starting to wake up." Renji warned in case he would want to set him down.
His attention shifted to see the boy's head moving slightly. "Hey Toushirou, are you finally waking up?"
Toushirou was carefully set on his feet as he mumbled, "I need tea, that plane was ridiculously long."
"We'll get some at the café after grabbing our stuff." Ichigo placed a hand on the small of his back to nudge him forth. "Can you manage to walk yet—you just woke up after all." He received a tired scowl.

"I'm fine." Turquoise hues then looked up at the woman. "Who are you?"
"This is the woman taking us to school." Ichigo explained lightly. "Be a little nice."
≫Oh what an adorable little boy!≪ The woman brought her hand out to rustle his hair.
He intervened before she touched the boy. ≫He gets cranky around strangers easy, sorry.≪
Disappointed, she looked to the other and realized the tattoos. ≫Those cannot be real!≪
≫Um… it has a tradition in his family… he is a descendant of… a noble samurai!≪
≫Oh my! A real samurai?! Can he handle a sword like his great ancestor?!≪
Ichigo felt as if the life was being sucked out of him. ≫Can we get our things?≪

Thankfully, that snapped the woman out of her giddy attitude and fled to find their luggage while the three walked after her calmly. However, she began apologizing immediately for not being able to read kanji and wondered if they could help her, so Ichigo did as asked. Again, Renji took half while Ichigo took the rest, leaving Toushirou nothing to grab—the carrot top knew he was still tired and did not want him to help. They requested a cart to place the stuff on to help make their life a little easier for the time being, and Ichigo told the woman that his friends wanted tea while he himself wanted some strong coffee. The woman obliged and steered the cart of luggage towards the food court, Renji muttered how crazy this female was, but it went unheard as Ichigo bought the drinks. He knew what the others wanted, so he did not bother having to ask them, and then paid for the beverages before taking the tray to share with them.

"Chinese tea for Renji, green tea for Toushirou," he announced as he set them in front of the spoken names of the people before sitting down and drinking his espresso with five shots to keep him up with the day. "When we get on campus, if anyone bugs you say, leave me alone, alright?" He tried teaching them English.

≫Leave… me… alone…≪ Renji cringed at how weird it was. ≫Leave me alone…≪
"Good job, what about you Toushirou?" Ichigo watched him to see if he would try.
Toushirou looked at him, sighed, and replied. ≫Kurosaki, leave me alone.≪

Ichigo's mouth dropped at how cruel it sounded when he said this, causing Renji to laugh like crazy when being burned by someone who just learned three words in English. He sulked on the feeling of being talked down for a brief moment before drinking a little bit more trying to think of other things that they would need to know. Nothing came to mind except that he needed to go to the bathroom, so without disrupting the others at the table, he left to use the restroom that was only about a hundred or so feet away. Renji saw that where he was going and immediately ran after him to use the facility as well since he asked where one was earlier.

Toushirou only sat there for a moment before realizing that he was alone with that woman whom was just smiling at him… making him uncomfortable to no end. He decided that he might as well use the facilities as well if it allowed him to get away from the creepy woman, but when he entered the restroom, he wished that he stayed at the table. The little captain turned his head away once seeing that the idiots were casually trying to compare the size of their lengths—most likely because they were alone, but they stopped when Toushirou walked passed them and into a stall. His ears noticed their snickers and chuckles that were probably because he tried to avoid their perverse eyes by going to a toilet rather than using a urinal, but he did not care.

"So tell me something, are you going to let me sleep at all when we get to school?" Ichigo asked smoothly.
"Isn't it you that keeps me awake most of the time?" The redhead asked back when flushing the urinal handle.
"Hey, don't put the blame all on me." He grinned as he did the same before washing his hand. "You're at fault."
"Well maybe I'll just take the bed all for myself and make you sleep on the floor. You're used to it, right?"
"That was a cold shot, I always treated you right." Ichigo then purred at him. "I'm not abusive, am I?"

Toushirou could hear them coming closer to one another while the lieutenant was sounding embarrassed.

"Will you two shut up already?" He pressed the button for the toilet to flush before coming out to see Ichigo towering over the lieutenant with their fingers laced, just what was going on? "Get off of him, Kurosaki."
Since Ichigo hit his final stages of puberty, he was a few good inches taller than Renji, and more than a foot or two taller than Toushirou. "Why?" He released the redhead to approach him. "You want me to get on you?"
"Touch me, and I'll kill you—" Toushirou smaller body was pinned against the stalls. "Kuro—saki—you b—"
"If I'm the one in charge, who are you to threaten me?" Ichigo watched the anger flicker in his eyes. "Renji told me on the plane that you're not allowed to get out of your faux body. So you're a useless child now, right?"
"How dare you insinuate that I am a child—" his sentence was cut short when he felt a leg between both of his just then. He was slowly getting ready for the right moment to kill him. "Release me right now, Kurosaki."

"I already know how weak you guys are in the faux bodies, you're literally like humans with the exception of the usage of kidou." Ichigo pressed a little harder against the little body to suffocate it. "I'm saying it because you need to be reminded that you can trust me when something happens at the school that we're going to." He finally removed himself from the captain. "While you're in that body, you're a kid to everyone, Toushirou."

"Ichigo, that was a little harsh." Renji rubbed the back of his neck while frowning. "Go easier on him will ya?"

"I lectured you on the plane while he was asleep, it's only fair he received the same thing." He looked at his phone to check the time. "We better head out, we don't need that woman coming in here peaking on us."
Once he left the restroom, he turned to the captain who brushed himself off. "You alright Hitsugaya-taichou?" Renji received a scowl from the little one, so he tried to explain. "Ichigo's trying to make sure we'll be okay."
"How does pinning someone to wall a way to make sure their okay?" Toushirou straightened his clothes before he washed his hands. "That idiot needs to learn his place in society, otherwise someone will kill him."
"What society? Not ours I hope, if it weren't for him, we might still be living a lie with Aizen and the others." He tried to defend their friends from criticism. "In Soul Society, he is a well recognized hero. But here? No."

Toushirou was left alone to think on this.

Two years ago, Kurosaki Ichigo risked everything to save both Soul Society and his town—everything—he risked everything he had to save everything alike. In Soul Society, he was practically a god that had to be worshipped every time he came to visit be it official or just there for some fun. On Earth, in Karakura Town, he was no one but a senior in high school that went by the name of Kurosaki Ichigo, no one knew the great things that he had done for everyone. That man deserved much more than being a simple nobody to the eyes of the world walking about him; he deserved to be praised and thanked for being involved in the war.

Yet here Toushirou was, trying to put that man in place.

He left the restroom with his head down, only to stop suddenly to see his cup of tea being held out in front of him by a large hand. His attention looked upwards towards the orange-haired male that was trying not to look at him while offering the still hot beverage to him. Toushirou took it in both hands confusedly; he was sure that this man was angry with him for being a pain in the behind since they came to America. The little captain then flinched when feeling a foreign object rustled against his white hair, but did not tell him to stop.

For the moment, he would take the humiliation for his earlier actions.

Ichigo stopped and began leaving. "We're ready to leave, don't fall behind."

Toushirou looked over at the distance to see Renji and that woman waiting patiently while Ichigo joined the group that was now solely on himself. Once he realized that they were watching him stand there motionless, he snapped out of his thoughts to walk over to the group, which began to walk off once he caught up. His eyes went up to the tallest one in the group, who was actually the youngest now that he recalled the most basics of the human world. Why did that stupid old Commanding-General place this idiot in charge when he knew near nothing about anything—then again, it might be because the codger wanted to make sure he would return. He then looked down in thought; wondering what it would be like if, Kurosaki Ichigo was no longer in their hair anymore. It sounded a little too good to be true, however, he could imagine how upset most of Soul Society would be without that man there to help them—especially if they needed—

"Toushirou!" Ichigo yelled and grabbed him by the collar, accidently picking him up in the air.
Furious that he was picked up like a child, he began yelling back furiously. "What was that for?!"
"Idiot! You were almost hit by a car! What were you thinking?!" This struck the little captain quickly.
Toushirou looked in front of him, a man in a car flipping him off before driving away. "I didn't realize…"

Renji sighed in relief that the white-haired captain was safe. "That was a close call, good job Ichigo."
"Ah," Ichigo replied as he set the small one down on his feet. "Be careful, people are crazy here."
"Yes sir," Toushirou mumbled under his breath, but flinched when he heard what he called him.

Ichigo watched him for the moment, but sighed as he threw the empty coffee cup away while Renji was busy placing the bags in the trunk of the taxi van. With the woman fawning over Renji whom was occupied, Ichigo decided to bring his attention back to Toushirou who tried to appear invisible for being stupid. He placed a hand on the small one's shoulder to bring him out of his thoughts, yet the captain did not want to look at him.

"I'm sorry I was aggressive in the bathroom, but really, no one knows the truth about you being at least a hundred years older than them." Ichigo removed his hand from him. "For the duration of being here, I can easily say that you skipped a few grades because of how smart you are, but they'll still think you're a kid." Fierce turquoise hues flared with angry when hearing the word 'kid,' causing the taller one to sigh at this.

"Ichigo, everything's packed up!" Renji called as he closed the trunk of the van.
He turned to his direction. "Alright, get in the back with Toushirou so we can go!"
"It's Hitsugaya-taichou," the captain grumbled without a thought before getting in.
Renji came over and whispered to Ichigo. "Take it easy on him already will ya?"
"I know—I just apologized." Brown hues rolled. "Never mind, get in already…"

≫Okay everyone, let's get going!≪ The woman giggled as she sat in the driver's seat.
Ichigo closed the back door after Renji went in, then sat in the front. "Put seatbelts on."
"Hey Ichigo? Why is this woman so interested in me?" Renji asked after doing as told.
"Uh… I told her you were a descendant of some noble samurai. Tattoos aren't allowed."
"Huh?! What kind of place is this?!" He yelled frantically. "I want to go back already!"
≫My, my, your friend is so energetic!≪ The woman giggled as she made a turn.

This caused him to panic. "What did she say—tell me what she said!"
"She says your very energetic and wants to sleep with you." Ichigo grinned.
He turned pale and became completely silent after shivering in fear.
'That will keep him quiet for a while.' The carrot top thought quietly.

≫By the way Ichigo, we have a cot placed in the dorm in case one of you don't want to sleep on the floor. We wish we could give you another room, but the dorms are filled to the max.≪ She drove onto a large campus. ≫Anyway, I gave permission to have an honor student come meet you at your room later to give you a tour.≪

≫Thank you.≪ Ichigo replied as he unbuckled his seatbelt once the van was parked in front main office where students were everywhere. Immediately someone had thrown a football at his face, but he caught it.

Students were laughing at first when they thought it would hit him, then they all turned silent when they watched him catch the ball to inspect it. This person obvious had some reflexes that could be useful for sports, they watched as he tossed it lightly in the air, and a redhead grabbed it with a hand. Some could hear them speaking a language that was not English, which meant they were transfers students, study abroad students, or stuck up that keep to themselves students. They then watched a younger looking student come out of the van and said something in a rough tone to the others who grinned widely as if teasing. Renji gave the football to Ichigo who then threw it back to the group who tried to test their skills, only to watch as a soccer ball was coming from above them. Toushirou was growing tired of this American greeting, so he easily back flipped to kick the ball right back at the group that had kicked it to begin with before telling the others to keep going.

"We don't have to go to class today since it's starting in fifteen minutes." Ichigo explained to the two as he then headed towards the main office, swaying a hand casually. "The others will take our stuff to the room."
"Hey Ichigo, why do they keep staring at us. Is it because of my tattoos?" Renji asked curiously.
"Probably, we're the new guys in school, so we're going to be the gossip for a while until someone tries to approach us." He replied coolly with his hands in his pockets. "Anyway we need to check with the office."
Toushirou mentally rolled his eyes at this. "That would be a little more than obvious, Kurosaki."
"Don't start, we're all tired from the flight. After this we can set up the room before going for lunch or a nap." Ichigo then opened the door and looked at the secretary. ≫I'm Ichigo Kurosaki, the study abroad student.≪

She looked at him curiously, but knew who he was. ≫Ah, Mr. Kurosaki, we have been expecting you… and… these two are?≪ He explained who they were, and she remembered. ≫Ah yes, the foreigners, they'll be in the same classes as you since they have little to no knowledge of English speaking.≪ He smiled sheepishly, telling her how he was trying to teach them a bit. ≫Here is a map of the campus—your dorm is right here.≪

≫Thank you.≪

Author Note: Sorry about the story... it was in my head and I could not get it to leave without typing it down.

Ichigo and Renji were messing around with each other every time they seemed intimate; mainly they were trying to tease others, especially Toushirou.

I am pretty sure that, if I continue, it would be a Boy x Boy story (aka, Yaoi), but it is hard for me to determine IchiRen, IchiHitsu, or threesome...

Hopefully you guys will let me know how to continue this if anyone wants it to keep going.