Sorry it's been so long... I have no excuse except for school and theater. Please enjoy! Ill try to get the next one out as soon as I can! (SUPER busy next week 9 o'clock rehearsals and then the showing of the play!)

Nate walked into school the next morning feeling horrible. He felt helpless and betrayed. His brain was wracked with horrible thoughts and images the night before and he felt as if he would pass out at any minute.

How could Chloe do this to him? She was his friend and she blew him off for some jerk who changes into a wolf.

A wolf!

Nate felt like that was a dream.

How couldn't he though? He walks through those woods at least twice a week and never has anything so bizarre happen to him. How was it possible to change in to wolf? Was what he saw real?

Of course it was real, Nate thought. I saw it with my own eyes!

Nate stopped in front of his locker and leaned forward to rest his forehead againts it, he closed his eyes and sighed. The cold locker felt good against his throbbing head.

He didn't know how to face Chloe today, he didn't see her that morning like he usually did. Was she coming to school? He would see in a couple class periods when drama started.

The bell shrieked through the halls and Nate detached himself from the locker. He opened it and took out his things for math before walking down the stairs and towards the mobiles. Thats when he stopped and looked towards the parking lot then back at his outside classroom.

Screw it.

He trudged toward the parking lot.

Nate took a deep breath before knocking on the old, worn out door. He studied the cracked, peeling paint that used to be a vibrant blue color. Lifting his hand slowly, Nate reached out to feel the door. His fingers ran down the old surface and he blew out a puff of air.

Nate retracted his hand and put it back at his side as the door swung open. Behind the door was a short man with long white hair. He had a white beard that went past his collarbone and was tied at the end. The wrinkles on the mans face showed just how old he was. A blue cloak hung from his scrawny body with a big gold medallion to hold it together.

The gold piece had a strange symbol on it. It was a flame with a vertical line, and horizontal line and line that looked as if it shouldn't be there.

The little old man scrunched up his fat nose.

"What do ye want?" He barked.

Nate's green eyes snapped to the old mans green ones.

"I need to talk to you, Grandpa. Can I please come in?" Nate pleaded.

Fearghus sighed and let his grandson into his living room. He led Nate to his tiny tea room and had him sit down on a chair.

The tea room was a small room that had dark red walls and two big windows in it. The deep green curtains were drawn up so the light was shining in. In the middle of the room was a short brown, round table that had two short chairs around it. On one wall, there was a tall wood china cabinet that held various shapes and colors of teacups and teapots. There was many little boxes scattered around the room that held different tea bags. There was a small chandelier hanging from the ceiling that helped light the dim room.

Nate noticed the teapot in the middle of the table and a teacup filled with a steaming liquid across from him.

"You caught me in time fer tea." Fearghus told his grandson in his strong Irish accent.

"Sorry," Nate replied. "I just needed to talk to you."

The old man took his spot across from Nate and took a sip of his hot tea. Once finished, he smacked his lips together and sighed contently, putting the small cup back on its little plate.

"Tea?" He asked Nate.

Nate figured it might help his queasy stomach and told his grandpa he would like some. He waited while Fearghus got up and got him a cup from he cabinet. His skinny fingers set the cup in front of Nate and poured some hot tea in it. He sat back down in his spot.


Nate nodded as Fearghus pushed the cream towards towards him. Nate took his shaky fingers and poured in some cream, making his tea lighter.


He nodded again and took the sugar his grandpa passed to him. Taking the miniature spoon, he put two scoops of the tiny crystals into his drink.

"So, what have yee got inter this time?" Fearghus asked Nate.

The young man sighed and shrugged, mixing his ingredients together with a small spoon.

"Stuff." He said.

The old man couldn't help his eye roll.

"Ye come 'ere and tell me ye need ter talk, then ye say 'stuff' when I ask. Don't make me send yer sorry butt back ta school." Fearghus glared.

Nate chuckled darkly and shook his head.

"You would never belive what I saw."

"Try me." The old mans eye's glinted.

"You know my friend? Chloe?"

"The blonde one? Short. Tiny. The one ye had a crush on?"

Nate sighed. Of course his grandpa knew that last part. "Yeah, well, you know how she left and went into a 'home'? Well now she is back. With a couple of guys."

Fearghus smiled. "Got yerself some competition now?"

The red haired boy smiled and shook his head. "No way." He replied sadly. "The competition is already over. I lost. You wouldn't believe who I lost to."

"Tell me."

"I mean, you really wouldn't believe me."

The old man smiled. "I doubt it."

"A wolf." Nate burst. "Some guy who turns into a wolf. I saw it happen! He was changing into a black wolf and when I tried to warn her she defended him! She defended a wolf."

"A werewolf." Fearghus said, mezmerized.

"A werewolf?"

The old man jumped out of his seat and ran to the other room, coming back moments later with the thickest book Nate had ever seen.

"What's that?" Nate asked.

Fearghus dropped the book on the table, causing a bit of Nate's tea to spill, and opened it in the middle.

"A supernatural book." Fearghus replied.

"Supernatual book?" Nate jumped up to stand by his grandpa.

Fearghus nodded. "Yes, a supernatural book. Don't yee know anything? I swear. How does my grandson know nothing about this?" He said the last part to himself but Nate still caught it.

Nate prodded on. "Know nothing about what? Supernaturals?"

"What else?"

"So, your saying that Chloe and her friends are werewolves?"

"Get yer head out of yer ass, boy. It's impossible for a female werewolf to be born. They must be bitten."

Nate's eye's widened. "Chloe's been bit? Was it that guy? I'm going to kick his-"

"Don't be silly, laddy." The old man was shaking his head while flipping pages. "That girl couldn't of survived a werewolf bite! She'd be dead in a day!"

Nate didn't feel comforted. "But what if-"

"But nothing. It's impossible. There is only one known girl werewolf in this world and Chloe is not her!


"Shut yer trap. Yer friend might be in danger."

Nate's eyes widened. "Danger? Why? What-"

"S.W.I.M." Fearghus cut him off. "An organization who takes there supernatural powers."

"How do you know they're after Chloe?"

"If it's the girl I'm thinkin' of, she is very powerful. She could be of great use ter them."

"Why do they want to take powers?" Nate asked, confused.

Fearghus sighed. "Long ago," He started. "the supernaturals were thought of as evil beings. Normal people hated them and wanted them exterminated. After a while, people started to kill them and the supernaturals decided to go to into hiding. Over the years, they slowly started showing themselves again but they hid their powers. Most of the supers didn't like this, saying that they shouldn't be hiding a gift and that they were superior to normal humans. The werewolves and the necromancers got out of it. Since they're rare breeds, they decided that starting anything that could get them killed would be too risky and left. The shamans left, saying it was against their nature and the half-demons didn't care and wanted nothing to do with it. The sorcerers and the witches decided to make a group called the Sorcerers and Witches Intent on Magic. In other words, S.W.I.M."

Nate shook his head. "That doesn't explain why they are taking peoples powers."

"They want their kind to rule again. They are making weapons, putting powers in 'em. They plan to destroy everyone and everything who stands in their way."

The younger boy gasped. "They're going to take her powers! I have to warn her!" He looked to his grandpa. "Thanks, Grandpa. I gotta go now!" Nate ran out the door and slammed it behind him.

Feaarghus let out a breath. "Kids these days."

Gosh guys, I really have no excuse except I'm a lazy ass :P

I understand if your not reading anymore D; I probably wouldn't be!

I hope you still are though and I want you all to know that I love all of you guys so much! I never thought this story would even reach 100 reviews :)

Don't kill me because this chapter sucked so badly! More exciting ones to come:D