A/N: Okay guy's this is it the sequel to Picture Me Whole...I hope you guy's enjoy it...:D

Don't Forget To Remember Me

Chapter 1-


That was the sound of the Doctor removing her gloves.




That was the sound of my heart beating fast. I wanted to bolt for the door but I knew I had to do this. I watched acutely as the doctor flipped through the papers of her clipboard. I swear if this woman clicked her tongue one more time she would be on the floor. I wanted to know already. She flipped through one more paper before she looked at me with a small smile.

"So?" I asked eagerly. I watched as my Doctor, also known as Dr. Welby sat on a chair in the small white room still awaiting to hear the news.

"Well from the test's we've done, you are in fact Pregnant." My heart stopped. I had been hoping this wasn't so, I was hoping I would get a negative test ,go home, and pretend none of this happened. I looked back at the doctor shocked.

"Are-are you sure?" I stuttered. I looked into the woman's dark brown eyes and I could tell she was telling the truth.

"Yes, the urine test you took confirmed it." Dr. Webly said.

I put my head in my hands. I didn't want to absorb the truth ,the reality.

"Thank you very much Dr. Webly." I told her before Walking out.

"Goodbye Bella."I heard her faintly call but I was already out the door and in the reception area.

I raced to my truck. All I could think about was how just last week when Emmett and I were in the bathroom looking at the 'Pee stick'. We had a hoped it was wrong and I had been clinging to it until now.



"Emmett...It's positive" I told him. His facial expression was one of shock and worry. He was leaning up on the wall for support.

"Bella what are you going to tell Charlie? He is going to bust a vein." Emmett said.

I was panicking. I didn't want to tell Charlie.

"Emmett don't say a word to anyone, please!" I begged. I couldn't handle it if anyone found out just yet.

"Bella, I promise I will keep it a secret but we can't lie for too long. Eventually you will get..er, get bigger, then how will you hide it?" I grimaced.

"I know but sometime these tests are inaccurate, maybe I'm not. " I knew it was a chance that I wouldn't be pregnant, but I could hope.

"Bella, that's a one in a million shot. I wouldn't get your hopes up."

"I know but I have an idea. I will go to the Doctors next week, check and if it is then..." I didn't know what I would do after the appointment.

"Okay Bella but remember I'm here for you." He said with a small smile. I was happy that he didn't explode like I thought he would. I went up to him and hugged him. When we pulled apart the door slammed open and we jumped. Charlie was home.

"Damn! Emmett go stall! I need to get rid of this." I told him motioning to the 'pee stick' in my hand.

"Deal." He said before running down the stairs.

I ran to my room and I hid the stick in my dresser. I could vaguely hear Emmett nervously chatting to Charlie. I hit my hand to my head. I was doomed. I suddenly heard my name and then footsteps coming upstairs. My door opened revealing Charlie looking leery.

"Hey dad!" I called nervously. I could tell he saw through my facade but he let it slide.

"I don't want to know." Was all he said before walking out and shutting the door.

I sighed in relief and I pulled out my phone and called the doctors to schedule for next week after school.

End of flashback...


The drive home was rough.. I was panicking. If I told Edward, this would guarantee an end to whatever future plans for collage he had. I knew he wanted to pursue after Carlisle in the medical field, and a baby wasn't right for us. Of course there was the abortion option, but I couldn't find myself killing the child in me. I wouldn't kill a helpless child. There was Adoption, but what if the parent's who adopted the child were abusers like Phil was? I knew that there was no way out of this situation. I had to be responsible and take care of this. I couldn't doom Edward's future with a baby. I wouldn't. I knew what I had to do. I was going to run away. It was for the best. My plan was mapping itself in my head the whole way home.

In a hurry to get home I pushed my truck to go faster. When I did get home, I sighed in relief that no one was there. I got out of my truck and I sprinted into the house and upstairs to my room. I grabbed the nearest suitcase and I filled it with clothes. I didn't have much clothes so I finished in a jiffy. Next I grabbed my shoes and shoved them in my suitcase. I then rushed hastily to the restroom and collected my toiletries and put them in the suitcase also. I thought I was done when I noticed on my desk was a picture of Edward and me.

Tears welled in my eyes but I knew this was for the best. I grabbed that picture, and another one with Emmett, Charlie, and I smiling. I packed it and then I went to my beside table where I had my money. When Renee died everything she had went to me since I was on her will. I had plenty of money, and since I was now eighteen I was able to access my bank account and Charlie wouldn't be able to trace me through it either. I was fully stocked and I would be able to support myself for a while. When I was sure everything was good I went to my desk again and I pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. I was writing a goodbye note. Tears were now welling up in my eyes because this was the only goodbye I could give them, or anyone.

Charlie, Emmett-

I am leaving. I have to get out of Forks. I cannot tell you where I am going but it's for the best. Please, do not come after me, I don't want to be found. It's for the best and the less you know the better. I love you both with all my heart. You have both been the best to me. Please understand.



My tears could no longer be held in and I let them spill down my warm cheeks. I folded the note up, picked my suitcase off the floor and trudged downstairs. I put the note on the kitchen table and then I walked out the front door. I put the luggage into the bed of the truck and I hopped into it. It took me a moment to realize that this would be a mistake. Where would my truck go? I couldn't take it where I was going. I sighed and got out of the cab along with my luggage from the bed. I then pulled out my cell phone and I called the operator. It was from there that I got a cab called for me. When I hung up I waited for about ten minutes before the taxi driver arrived. He got out and helped me with my luggage and then I got in and told him where to go.

The drive was short for which I was thankful. When we arrived at our destination I sighed in relief. The cabby got out and he went to unload my luggage from the trunk. When I got out he handed me my luggage and smiled a bit.

"Thank you." I told him before handing him some money and walking into the airport.

When I walked in their were crowds of people. I grimaced but went to the reception desk with my luggage in tow.

"Hello how can I help you?" The perky reception woman asked. She kind of reminded me of Alice. I almost broke down at the thought of leaving my best friend but I pushed it away and put on a brave face.

"I need a one way ticket to Phoenix, Arizona." I told her.

The woman nodded and I paid her. She then gave me my ticket and then I boarded the plane with my plan still intact.

A/N: So what do you think?? good or bad?? Please review! I am desperate for feedback! I feel like Alice...I'm bouncing with Energy...Any ways I thought it would b fun to make a playlist for the story so as I write new chapters I will post songs that I think go with the chapters. The song for this chapter is Goodbye to you by Michelle Branch...I know it's a supposed Break up song but if you put the lyrics and think of them differently you can see that it kind of goes with the chapter. It has the break that she's leaving all the things she loves behind but she has to do it...so yeah...I hope you guys like it...


Lizzard :D