A big thank you goes out to Kayla Smiley, Skillet's Lady Goddess, KimmieCena, TednCodyGirl, Mrs. Brittiany Orton, RKOsgirl92 and BourneBetter67 for your awesome reviews!

A/N: Ok, so here is the last chapter of Eve's Christmas. I never intended for the story to be any longer than what it is, and I hope you guys like the update. For everyone who has read, reviewed, put the story in their favorites, etc, you guys are awesome!

Present Time

As Eve started to wake up, a big smile spread across her face. "Good morning," she said happily as she reached across the bed to touch Ted. But, the only thing she touched was the sheets she laid on. When she opened her eyes, she was sad to see it was a reality. Ted wasn't in the room with her.

Eve sadly sighed as she sat up in bed. "I guess I wasn't deserving of my wish," she muttered to herself. As she got out of bed and put on her cotton robe, Eve suddenly stopped in the middle of the room. It was then she realized that she wasn't in her apartment in Boston-she was in a spacious master bedroom, and there was snow outside.

"Oh my gosh," Eve whispered.

After looking outside for a few minutes, Eve turned around and noticed some pictures hanging on the wall and on top of a dresser by the bedroom door. One picture on the wall was of her and Ted's wedding day, and the other was of a newborn baby girl. As she inspected the pictures on the dresser, there was one of Ted and the baby girl, presumably in the hospital while another was of Ted and Eve on their honeymoon. Eve's mouth literally dropped.

"Oh my God! It worked! I can't believe it!" she exclaimed.

"Everything ok?"

Eve turned around and saw Ted standing before her, drying off after a hot shower. "Y-Your here! Your here with me!" she exclaimed as she literally jumped into his arms.

Ted laughed out loud as he caught Eve without hesitation. "Yes baby I'm still here. Why wouldn't I be?"

Eve then looked down at her hand, and immediately noticed the wedding set. As Ted put her down back on the ground to get dressed, she also got glimpses of his wedding ring too. "We're married! We are still married!"

"Yes we are still married, I promise," Ted replied as he pulled a t-shirt over his head. He then reached into his dresser drawer and pulled out a neatly wrapped gift. "Speaking of still being married, happy 3 year anniversary!"

"Thank you," Eve said with a smile. She then tore off the wrapping paper, and giggled at the framed picture. It was of her, Randy Orton, Ted and John Cena, all smiles before a show. "Baby I love it. Thank you!"

"Your welcome," he replied as he leaned down and quickly kissed Eve. "By the way, Randy told me to tell you that he can't wait for you to come back to work. He says it's to quiet around the arena now that you aren't there yelling orders at him."

Eve glanced toward Ted with a curious look on her face. "Come back to work?"

"Yeah come back to work. I still don't see how your the personal assistant to three of the top WWE superstars. Your almost like Wonder Woman or something."

Before Eve could respond, she and Ted both heard cries coming from the next room. "I'll go get her, and I'll meet you downstairs."

Not listening to a word Ted said, Eve excitedly followed her husband to the next room. When she walked in the doorway, she was just in awe how Ted was handling his, their, daughter. Eve was just amazed how comfortable he was with her, and as he turned to face her, Eve couldn't help but smile.

"Look Lucy, there's mommy," Ted said in a baby like voice as he handed the infant to Eve. "Say merry Christmas!"

Lucy. She had always loved that name, and decided at a young age that she wanted to name her first daughter Lucy. As Eve took the baby in her arms, she couldn't help but tear up. Lucy was so beautiful and such a content baby. She looked so much like Ted, but had Eve's eyes and lips. "Eve, what's the matter?" Ted asked. "You act like your seeing our daughter for the first time."

Eve immediately began to shake her head. "No, it's just I can't get over how beautiful she is. I just can't believe she's here."

Ted smirked as he kissed the top of Lucy's head. "I still say she is the best birthday present I'll ever get," he replied as Lucy began to fuss. "I tell you what. I'll go get her bottle ready and I'll meet you downstairs and maybe possibly do I get to open a present?"

Eve's eyes widened. "I...uh..."

"Ah Eve, don't tell me you lost it," Ted asked sarcastically as they began to walk down the stairs. "Is it under the tree?"

"We don't have a tree!" she replied as they walked into the living room. "Oh my gosh, we have a tree," Eve exclaimed as she admired the ornaments and lights. As she looked around the house, she could see Christmas decorations all around the living room and into the kitchen. As she looked down, she noticed a gift under the tree from Eddie, her guardian angel. Being careful not to jostle Lucy, she picked up the box.

As soon as Ted walked back into the room with the bottle, Eve handed him the box. "Merry Christmas. You open it and I'll feed the baby."

"Who's Eddie?" Ted asked as he read the tag.

"He's just a friend. Now open it!"

Ted did as he was asked and within seconds, they both got settled on the couch. As Ted ripped the paper, Eve looked down at Lucy again. It was like her maternal instincts kicked in instantly. She couldn't believe how comfortable she was with Lucy already.

"Baby I love it. Thank you."

Eve looked Ted's way, and smiled as they both began to look through the scrapbook of pictures-possibly to help show Eve what had happened in the last three years. There was several pictures of them backstage at WWE shows, especially the night he debuted and the night he won the tag team titles with Cody. There were several more of them with family and friends, and as Ted flipped to another page, something caught Eve's eye.

"Is that Ashley? With David Callaway!"

"Of course it is. Why wouldn't she take a picture with her husband?"

"Husband?" Eve exclaimed.

"Yes husband. You were there as her Matron of Honor the day they got married. As a matter of fact, that was the night we conceived Lucy," Ted replied as he wiggled his eyebrows.

Eve laughed out loud. "Oh Teddy!"

Ted and Eve spent the next several minutes looking at the pictures before Ted glanced at the wall clock. "You know what, we should probably start getting ready. We have to be at your parents at noon, and we have a good hour drive ahead of us."

"My parents! We are spending Christmas with my parents!" Eve couldn't help but feel excited.

"Yes of course we are," he replied. "It's been the same thing for the past couple of years-we go to your parents at noon, and then we are due at my mom and dad's house for dinner at 6.

Eve only nodded, trying to act as if nothing was different. "You are so right. We should start getting ready."

Within the hour, both Ted and Eve were ready and after grabbing the diaper bag and some gifts they were on their way, and like Ted said, about an hour later they made it to Clinton. As soon as Eve opened the door, she couldn't help but smile.

"Merry Christmas!" she called.

"Oh there you guys are!" Kathleen exclaimed as she walked into the living room. "Merry Christmas...and happy anniversary!" she said as she hugged both Eve and Ted. "And there is my beautiful granddaughter!"

As everyone came in and said hello, Eve couldn't help but feel excited. She was so happy to be seeing loved ones again. Just then, Kelsie and her husband came through the front door. They also had a little boy in their arms, maybe around the age of 1.

"Look Aiden, there's aunt Evie," she exclaimed.

Eve giggled. "Hi sweetheart," she said as she extended her arms to her nephew, and then also pulled her sister into a hug. "It's good to see you Kelsie. I love you."

Kelsie scrunched her eyebrows. "Eve, the last time we saw each other was like 2 or 3 days ago."

"I know, but it doesn't hurt to tell you, right?"

Throughout the afternoon, everyone sat down at the big wooden circle table to eat lunch and after opened Christmas presents. Eve excused herself to the kitchen to grab a drink and just stood there, watching everyone.

"Thank you Eddie," she whispered. "I am truly happy right now, and I promise to uphold my end of the deal. I will never ask for anything again."

Ted, who was sitting on the couch, turned around and exchanged smiles with Eve. "What are you doing in here?" he asked as he also grabbed something to drink.

Eve shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just watching everyone. I just can't believe how blessed I am. I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful daughter and a great family. I couldn't ask for anything more."

"Hey mom," Kelsie called, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Did you happen to see where Ted and Eve are standing?"

Ted and Eve looked up and realized they were standing under the mistletoe. Eve couldn't help but giggle. "Hey, it's Christmas tradition," Richard pointed out. "You better kiss her Ted!"

"You guys do realize your asking me to do something I do everyday, several times a day?" Ted asked sarcastically.

"Who cares, just do it!" Kelsie demanded.

Ted chuckled as he met Eve's stare. He then leaned down and gently kissed his wife as everyone chuckled and giggled. When the kiss was broken, Eve couldn't help but smile. As she looked into Ted's eyes and toward her family, she knew that she had made the right decision, and was for certain she wasn't going to regret it for a second.