Author's note: I shall try to update this at least once a month, just had to write this down cause I thought it was a good idea. Hope everyone enjoys!
Disclaimer: I own nothing Tolkein wise nor Rumiko Takehashi wise... if I did would I really be writing a fanfic?...
"Inuyasha…" Kagome breathed looking up at the man she cared so much about. Kagome looked beautiful arranged in her priestess miko apparel, much like what Kikyou had once worn. Kagome had decided that it would be the best thing to wear. She'd chosen it as a symbol to show she was okay with Inuyasha's past relationship… that she understood by wearing the apparel she reminded him nothing of Kikyou… and that she chose to live in his era instead of her own. Kikyou had shown up. Kagome believed the dead miko to have shown up to finally relinquish her hold on everyone and go on to the afterlife. At least that was the assumption everyone was under.
"Kagome," grinned Inuyasha. His smile had an odd evil leer to it. Like there was something she didn't know resting behind his eyes that was ready to break out, like his old demon. But Kagome trusted him even in his worst demon state. Miroku and Sango stood behind Kaede, Miroku with his robes on that he would wear to marry Inuyasha and Kagome today. Shippo stood behind Sango deciding to give his mother, Kagome, a moment. Rin and Sesshomaru were even present with Jaken hopping up and down wondering why his lord had decided to be present for a mere human's marriage. The truth was the demon lord respected the miko who had traveled long and hard searching for the jewel pieces to protect the world. Anyone who risked their life for the fate of the world without much complaint over the burden was okay in his book.
"Inuyasha… I love you," smiled Kagome, her eyes shining up at the hanyou. "And I want to give you the wish." Kagome pulled out a jewel, the glowing Shikon no Tama, and handed it to her true love. "Go ahead and make a wish."
Inuyasha smiled and nodded his head, "I know exactly what to wish for." He glanced over at Kikyou before closing his eyes and wishing in his head, I wish for Kikyou to live and be human again.
The jewel burst forth a bright pink light and it suddenly turned a dark sinister red.
"What's happening?" Miroku cried shielding his eyes from the blinding light.
"He made a selfish wish," murmured Kaede as the jewel spun around furiously. Suddenly it stopped, light flooded Kikyou's body, the soul in her body flew out back to Kagome's own, and a soul rose up from the ground and flew into Kikyou's own body.
"Inuyasha what happened?"
"I'm alive," shouted Kikyou flexing her fingers as the jewel shot out into Kagome's chest. Kagome fell back against the tree grasping it for support as pain seared through her body from the jewel once more being sealed in her body. Kikyou turned a hateful glare to Kagome. "Why are you still alive? You shouldn't be alive unless you-"
"Were never Kikyou's reincarnation," finished Kaede.
"Inuyasha why?" Kagome asked looking at Inuyasha and feeling betrayed. The miko's eyes shone with hurt and confusion.
Inuyasha smirked and pulled out an arrow out of the folds of his fire-rat cloak taking a step closer to Kagome, "Because my love," he purred stroking her face tenderly, "I have gotten you a gift and didn't have one for her. This arrow I was stabbed with shall be yours," Inuyasha leaned forward and kissed Kagome. She closed her eyes thinking that Inuyasha merely wanted Kikyou to have a second chance at life like he was allowed… she hoped… but her better instinct screamed in Kagome's head to get away from him. However, Kagome's heart wouldn't let her stop kissing him. She'd waited so long for him to accept her and feel this way with her. His lips against her own, her lips moving gently against his own, tasting him, but he growled low in his throat making her stop. And then Kagome felt a stab in her chest that was so quick she didn't know what was happening until her fingers reached down to feel the wound upon her body. An arrow protruded out of her chest and as her fingers traced it tears fell down her cheeks. "Goodbye Kagome," murmured Inuyasha against her lips having stabbed the arrow through her body into the tree behind her. The very place where Inuyasha had once lain dormant for so long.
"KAGOME!" Sango cried out. Everything happened so fast in a blur but Kagome didn't notice it. She was wrapped up in her world with Inuyasha that only lasted for a mere few seconds.
"I loved you," she whispered tenderly, "and would've given her life at your request without my death."
"I need your dead to focus on her," he admitted quietly as the power of Kikyou's arrow bound her to the tree. Before Kagome's eyes fell shut to the magic from the arrow she winced at the pain in her chest as her heart broke. I should be used to this feeling, this pain, shouldn't I? …Inuyasha I love you…
Kagome's eyes were closed. Sango and Miroku had immediately tried pulling the arrow out of Kagome. It wouldn't budge. Sesshomaru's sword was drawn and he fought Inuyasha angrily, his hatred towards his half-brother resurfacing at this defying act. But before anyone could kill him Inuyasha had grabbed Kikyou and hightailed it out of the area with Sesshomaru trailing on his heels.
10 years later in a tavern…
He'd never caught up to Inuyasha though he was a demon lord. The Western Lands Demon Lord, Sesshomaru, and proclaimed that should someone bring forth Inuyasha's dead corpse he would give them all his lands and title. Prince Kouga of the eastern lands and pack had made a proclamation entailing the same things. So Inuyasha disappeared from the world in hiding with his newly living miko. However he always kept an ear out where Kagome was concerned though he loved Kikyou. He knew something was bound to happen. And Inuyasha became even more obsessed with learning of those he'd once called friends and family when Kikyou began to age and he didn't. It wasn't that he needed something to listen to from the past to comfort him but Inuyasha knew something was fishy. Despite the proclamation no one had captured him. Inuyasha knew Kouga or Sesshomaru would've had him by now if they'd really wanted. So Inuyasha knew something was up, whispers were passed in towns that he and Kikyou frequented with their hoods pulled over their heads, and every whisper about the miko and the tree, every rumor drove him to insanity as he realized that the proclamations had been a ruse. They had been merely to scare him into hiding for the rest of his life and make sure he wouldn't interfere with plans.
A week later…
There she lay against the tree. Waiting for the one she loved to pull the arrow out and release her. Many had tried but none had succeeded.
And then, Kaede old in her age walked towards the tree where the still young miko rested. The binding of the tree hadn't aged Kagome at all, just as Inuyasha hadn't aged when he'd been bound to the tree. Her eyes were closed and she looked as if she were in a peaceful slumber.
Lord Sesshomaru followed behind the old woman, alongside him was the wolf prince Kouga. Neither had aged thanks to their demon blood that could prolong their lives for years, centuries, and eons. Long had Sesshomaru regretted never truly making friends with the kind miko who had fought with him. "I can't believe my stupid brother. Choosing a corpse over her."
"Dog turd will be pissed when he finds out what we're about to do," snickered Kouga taking joy in the fact though his heart still pained him when he glanced at Kagome against the tree. Kouga had finally taken a wife, not Ayame but surprisingly Rin for she reminded Kouga much of Kagome's nature, a union which had been blessed by Sesshomaru. Rin was currently back at the wolf cave tending to four of their cubs.
The wolf prince despite his marriage still felt his younger self, the one that clung to its first love, burning with hatred every time he saw the miko lying on the tree. At first the wolf prince had wanted Inuyasha dead but Sesshomaru had quickly gathered the prince to the side and explained things to him. Their ruse had worked out well keeping Inuyasha hiding his sorry face from the world. After they were done though with their long awaited plans Kouga planned on killing Inuyasha himself.
In a matter of moments Sango and Miroku had followed after the gathering with their troop of children peeping from behind their legs, Kohaku, and Shippo following close behind. The young kitsune had sprouted up so that he appeared ten years old when in reality he was much closer to 20. Demons aged so slowly.
"Kaede she hasn't moved for ten years," Sango sighed. She rarely visited the tree for her heart broke so much every time she came. It was wretched what had happened but it couldn't be undone. Miroku rested a hand on his wife's shoulder.
"There is still a chance," breathed Kaede closing her eyes, and suddenly her eyes widened as she sensed a presence that had been missing for ten years, two presences to be exact. "But we must be fast. Kikyou and Inuyasha are coming." Sesshomaru immediately nodded and walked forward placing his hand over Kagome's sleeping face. Kouga bounced from foot to foot anxiously. He also had a gift to give Kagome and like hell he'd let dog turn ruin it after ten years of searching for records, spell books, everything they needed. Ten years or preparation and plans for this miko though it seemed like mere weeks for Kouga and Sesshomaru with their demon age.
"The gift I give to thee little miko," voiced Sesshomaru quietly.
"A treasure among humans hard to see," he said as light began to shine in his fingertips.
"The gift that is lacked by the cruel Kikyou," he voiced as the light quickly flowed through Kagome's body, light settled around her ears making them sharp and pointy like Sesshomaru and Kouga's own ears. Kagome took a deep breath, her first movement since becoming attached to the tree as the light flowed into her mouth, her body glowed, the light settled in Kagome's chest, and then it was gone. Sango's heart thudded in her chest to see her friend breathe one breath. Miroku's eyes widened as the two looked at each other for a moment before looking back to their long lost friend.
"I give you the gift of immortality," finished Sesshomaru quickly as Inuyasha came roaring into view.
"What is happening? What did you give her?" Inuyasha sniffed quickly and shouted angrily, "Immortality! You had that gift but never thought to give it to Kikyou," growled out the hanyou as he made his way towards his brother. "Kagome's dead! That is a waste of a gift!"
"No thanks to you," sneered Sesshomaru. He merely glared at his brother rather than fight for he knew the peril his brother felt at the moment; Inuyasha's anger was just a front for his fear. Just behind Inuyasha came Kikyou… It was noticeable. Where Inuyasha hadn't aged she had, Kikyou was now a woman in her early 30s, Sango was merely in her late 20s. Inuyasha still retained the face of a teen for he wouldn't age for another 100 or more years.
"Sesshomaru distract him," cried out Kaede as Sesshomaru nodded and swooped up Kikyou in his arms whose mate cried out in fury.
"Put her down," thundered Inuyasha pulling out his sword that had long not worked.
"If you insist," breathed Sesshomaru tossing Kikyou far off in the distance sending her screaming through the air as her mate chased after her praying that he would catch her. Miroku had to cover his laughter. Kouga snickered and flashed his well-known grin at his father-in-law; Rin was Sesshomaru's adopted daughter.
"My turn," breathed the wolf prince laying a hand on Kagome's cheek tenderly feeling his younger wolf rise in his heart a bit at what he was giving her. At that moment Kouga felt young and still in love with Kagome, though his first love was nothing to his love for his wife and mate Rin. Kouga let his hand stray to her heart as he opened his eyes staring at Kagome ready to give her happiness in one blessing.
"A magic that can only be done by one that loved you," Kouga murmured quietly.
"One that truly loved thee true," he admitted as his voice got stronger with passion. A pink light glowed from his fingertips with the words. Kagome's heart was heard beating by Kouga and Sesshomaru with this magic.
"As you were one once loved by me,
"I shall bless you with a love far deeper for thee,
"The gift of finding another,
"The half of you that didn't exist here, your companion, your lover," he finished as the pink glow settled in Kagome's heart and disappeared. Kouga pulled his hand away and wiped away one lone tear that hadn't been shed for Kagome. Sesshomaru nodded at Kouga and clamped him on the back. Kouga finally felt at peace with that blessing to his first love. He knew Rin would hold him lovingly tonight and whisper that what him and her father did was something that would make Kagome cry from happiness at how much she was cared for by her friends.
"All listen and take heed," Kaede quickly ushered. "Shippo if you promise to watch after her I shall send you with her-"
"With her?" Sango asked taking a step forward as Shippo immediately rushed in front of Sango hopping up and down on one foot. The kitsune would do anything to see his mother, his Kagome alive and smiling again.
"Kagome's future relies on protection until the day she can awake though it will be long after you have matured into a strong young man."
"Can we go with him?"
"Aye, but should you go your family shall become kings and queens but your descendants will lack the bravery of you and Miroku. Do you take the task given?"
Sango looked to Miroku and they both nodded. "Yes." Kaede nodded appreciative for Sango and Miroku. It was too bad that they would never see Kagome moving and alive once more. Only Shippo would someday have that opportunity.
"Well quick, gather your children to your side along with your brother and stand with Shippo by the tree," ushered Kaede. Sesshomaru pulled out his sword hearing his brother running back with Kikyou in his arms. Kouga raised his already sharp claws ready to attack.
"Its about time for dog turd to feel some real pain," breathed Kouga quietly.
"Child it is a cruel thing that fate has done to you," said Kaede reaching up to stroke the unmoving face of Kagome gently before placing her hand over Kagome's heart, "I am not long for this world but this I give you as a gift…
"I shall send you and your tree away,
"To another place where you'll await a long stay,
"One day the world of demons will all but fade in darkness,
"And an old adversary shall arise,
"And with it your heart shall beat with finesse,
"For someone shall release you among the many tries,
"You shall begin a new future along with a new quest,
"A ring and jewel bound together in a task that once done you can live and rest,
"A gift of knowledge shall be your key,
"Of a world not known, this I give to thee,
"Farewell companions of old whom I loved so great,
"Now you must go for your future awaits."
Inuyasha had appeared, placing Kikyou to the side, and lunged from behind the trees with his sword out meaning to swipe it through Kagome and the tree. The sword went right through her. As if Kagome had been a ghost. Inuyasha was sent to the ground grumbling as if Kagome had opened her mouth and uttered a 'sit' command. Kouga smirked and Sesshomaru chuckled, "It is done half-brother." Inuyasha swiped at Sango and the others under the tree but received the same reaction as his sword went right through them. Miroku raised a brow and waved goodbye to the hanyou. Kohaku's eyes looked at the hanyou pityingly. And then they disappeared.
"NO!" He rounded on the three left behind. Kikyou glared at her sister. "Where have you sent them?" Inuyasha growled out at Sesshomaru, Kouga, and Kaede. The demon lord merely laughed before getting on his cloud answering, "Far from you."
"As we both shall soon be," cheered Kouga taking that moment to issue just one punch to Inuyasha's gut before walking over to stand in the place where the tree had once been. Inuyasha breathed heavily, it had knocked out his air that one punch but then again it had been one hell of a punch full of anger and hatred. "That was for Kagome." Maybe Sesshomaru was right, rather than killing Inuyasha it was better to torment him for he wouldn't live to see Kagome like they would. "We mean to follow after her. Too bad hanyous can't come without magic," he chuckled before forming a miniature tornado and disappearing. The hanyou was left behind with Kaede and Kikyou.
"Kaede where did you send them," hissed Inuyasha pulling out his sword and placing it at the old woman's neck. She merely laughed out loud, a laugh that soon turned into a cough that shook her brittle bones. Kaede lifted a piece of cloth from her pocket to cover her cough.
"When I said I wasn't long for this world I meant it," she coughed pulling the cloth away from her mouth to reveal a large stain of blood.
"Tell me sister," muttered Kikyou pulling out her bow and arrow and aiming it at Kaede.
"You can't kill those already dead," murmured Kaede, "it is something I shall take to my grave." Kaede leaned back against a rock smiling back at the two, her eyes lost their shine, and with one last laugh Kaede's last mortal breath was gone. Her soul floated away watching after the ones she had once loved and then contemplating of the journey of the ones she still loved before disappearing completely. Kaede's task was finished; her soul was free of no burdens now.
About 70 years later…
And so it was that when Sango and Miroku arrived they were welcomed with open arms by the people of that time. Miroku's talents for ridding places of evil quickly gained him prominence. Miroku and Sango wouldn't live to see it but their children would later become kings and queens. They established a home far from the tree after they'd gotten used to the people and lands. Despite the distance Sango would ride on Kirara once a week to visit Kagome, speaking to the miko woman often now that she knew Kagome was alive and would some day rejoin the living. Sango often spoke to the miko openly and alone like she had when they had bathed often together. Miroku sometimes made the journey as well. They would lovingly kiss and bring the children sometimes to see their sleeping aunt. And their children would know the stories of the miko and their children and their children as well until she was known as nothing more than a myth.
"It is strange this world we've been brought to and just when I get the hang of it I must go," sighed a wrinkled old woman well into her age with bright eyes that shone, Sango. She reached out and brushed back a strand of Kagome's hair. "My hentai went to the great beyond a day ago Kagome, the last thing he did was tell me he loved me and feel my rear as I cried…" Sango brushed back a tear but then beamed brightly. "I know I am not too far behind. I shall die before the hour passes, this I know for his soul beckons to me like a hentai to a spring of two naked women..." Sango smiled once more at the old memories that flitted in her mind. "I don't want to keep him waiting otherwise he might grope every spirit he comes across," chuckled Sango. "I'm sorry Kagome… I won't be here when you wake up." Shippo watched as the elderly Sango kissed Kagome on the cheek. And then all too soon Sango clutched onto the tree for support feeling her last breaths come, "Know friend I shall watch after you with my hentai… Miroku I'm coming," whispered Sango dying by the tree with her head nestled in the shoulder of her closest friend, her sister.
Shippo was left to watch after his mother. And he still does. But his wait will come to an end. Soon.