Hermione Granger waited at Kings Cross station at 10am. She had with her a suitcase of memories from her days at Hogwarts. Sad in a lot of ways, but happy in many more, she waited.

Until all of a sudden there was her one, Oliver Wood. He made his way through the busy crowd and then they saw each other. Their eyes locked and he ran as fast as his two legs could take him until CRASH!!! His body collided with full force into Hermione's and they wrapped their arms around each other with smiles and kisses a many.

"I've waited so long for this!" Hermione exclaimed when they slightly broke apart, although they held hands.

"Me too!" replied Oliver, as he gave her a small kiss on the nose.

Carrying their luggage with one hand but still using the other to hold each other, Oliver and Hermione boarded the train at Kings Cross Station. Finally, everything was good again and they had a whole life together to look forward to.

Author's Note: It's over! *sniffle* I can't believe it. This story has been my pride for so long and it's finally all over. At least everyone is happy.
Please check out my other fics. They're all Harry Potter ones- some fluff, some drama, some humour etc. I also have a bunch of poems I'd love to have feedback on. Good luck with your writing people! E-mail me if you want me to read it!

Now to my thank-yous. I know the regulations for fanfiction.net say you're not meant to thank people but I have included it in my fic haven't I? That's not breaking the rules.

Maxamus: Thanks, you know I love your writing too (even if you dislike Harry Potter). Everyone check out his story- it's mad!

Rosie Sinistra: I really appreciate all of your kind reviews! I am a huge fan of your work!

Imaginative Me: Wow, you reviewed a lot too. Thanks for following the story from start to finish!

Moony: What would I do without my 'bestfriend' LoL. The bestfriend I've never actually met! Anyway, you gave me heaps and heaps of great reviews and I really appreciate it. You kept me motivated!

Tamelywild: I'm glad there are more Hr/O supporters out there! They're a wonderful couple and I'm glad you liked the way I wrote about them.

luna: I'm happy you liked my story. I hope everyone else did too.

silverdragon: I am soooooooooooooo grateful for your beautiful and kind reviews! You really helped me keep writing stuff because you never ever put me down. I really owe you for that. I'm also very glad your school play thing went well- I told you it would! Must chat to you on MSN soon, I'll try and wake-up early enough!

Clavel: Yes, you're reviews meant a lot to me too! Mwah! Tunks!

AllyMcLean: I'm really glad you love love love my story! LoL. I still can't believe people love love loved it so much. Really. It wasn't THAT great! But thanks anyway!

Ped: Hope you liked the ending and stuff. Thanks for the review!

Juvenus: That was a really sweet review thank you! God bless you too.

oceansun: I did keep writing and this is the ending! Thanks for the review, I'm so happy you like it.

Kat097: Awww that was lovely of you to put it in your favourites. I hope it keeps getting reviews after I've finished posting it. Ta!

zombie-miho: What would I do without your lovely reviews? Thank you!

Melissa: I am very glad that you did decide to keep reading and I'm ever happier that you liked it in the end. Thanks!

Phoenix Silverwind: Thank you! Thank you! I am running out of ways to say 'thank you' in a different way! LoL

Jillybean: I try to keep it exciting and I'm glad you think it is. Thanks for your review, I hope the ending doesn't disappoint you.

"Sean Biggerstaff": I hate posers. I KNOW you're not the real Sean Biggerstaff because as pointed out in a review (thanks), he doesn't own a computer, Oliver is 4 years older than Hermione and Sean doesn't have an e-mail address (if he did, I doubt he'd go round telling people it). Also, why would Sean bother reading fanfics... you're very sad. I pity you.

Everyone: I'm practically always on MSN messenger so if you have it, feel free to add me. I love chatting!

SEQUEL- 'Wanna Be Where You Are', Check it out now!