To Win a Losing Battle

This is my first SVS, oneshot and I hope you guys will enjoy it. I would like to thank LadyMidnight81 for her talent, for checking through and making sure my story doesn't turn out crap!

All the characters belongs to Charlaine Harris, except for Selena.

"Fangtasia, a bar with a bite! How may I direct your call?" an enthusiastic voice answered the phone at the bar she was calling. Sookie concluded that this must be the new waitress. She spoke lightly to the girl, but prepared to get ugly if she needed to.

"I need to speak to Eric please," Sookie told the girl in as friendly tone as she could manage while speaking of the blonde vamp.

"He is not to be disturbed," the girl rudely answered immediately, an obviously automatic answer given to weed out the groupies from the people that meant real business. Sookie breathed deeply, for even though it was understandable she was getting impatient now,

"I'm Sookie Stackhouse," she told the girl on the other end, "Eric knows me," Sookie clarified then.

"Listen sweetie," the girl said in a condescending tone, "You need to get over him, our master never have a second helping," she thought that Sookie was some fang-banger who got lucky when Eric picked her for his meal and was desperate to offered herself to him again. A sudden change of mood erupts within her and Sookie was now decidedly angry and annoyed. It wasn't funny anymore.

"Look, I work for Eric, so just give him the damn phone!" Sookie said with a passionate anger vibrating down the phone. The girl was going to hang up on Sookie, but thought wisely if it was true that she works for the master than it would be foolish of her to do so. Sookie could sense that the phone was being passed along, as a swoosh of noises from the activities in the bar could be heard.

"Sookie my bullet sucker," Eric said huskily as a form of greeting when the phone finally got to his hand. She found this highly inappropriate, but this did not stop her from blushing with...embarrassment...excitement, who knows? She chose to adopt a formal way of greeting,

"Eric," was all she said, simply refusing to give in to him in any way, even over the phone like this.

"What can I do for you?" he asked but he was already aware what it was about. That was why he wrote out the fifteen thousand dollar check instead of the original deal of ten thousand dollars so that she would phone him and demand to give him the extra back.

"I don't want the extra five thousand dollars, Eric. We made an agreement and I want to keep it that way. I won't owe you anything," she emphasized.

"Consider it as a treat," he flirtatiously added then, "...from me."

"Thanks but no thanks," she told him vehemently, her accent thickening as her anger grew.

"I do not want the money back," he said with some authority, but it didn't matter to her. She was determined not to let him win,

"Look Eric, one way or another, I'll make you accept the money," she told him. It was an empty threat, but one she wasn't going to back down on just the same.

"Make me." he bites back, thinking it would be quite a pleasure to find out exactly how she planned on going through with this little bought of spirit.

"Why are you so difficult?" she asked him, her tone turning more to show her frustration.

"Why are you so sexy?" He asked back, smirking into the phone.

"Screw you," she shot back before she could stop herself from giving into those words because she knew that responses like this was exactly what he was hoping for from her.

"O believe me, you would enjoy it...immensely," he told her silkily, the laughter in his voice as well made her curse herself for letting him hear her frustration. Without meaning to, she snorted loudly before hanging up. If Gran were here, she would've suggested that I be polite to Eric and have some phone manners, she thought, fat chance.


Eric was getting under her skin, in every shape and form. At Godric's death, Sookie was feeling compassionate towards him, he was almost human, she thought. But now she was just plain annoyed and frustrated at the Viking vampire. She was resolved to return his money, this was not just about the money, but principle. He can't boss me around! She told herself bravely. Before Sookie knew what she was doing, she was walking up to the line outside the door of Fangtasia. Pam was on duty at the door, checking ID and immediately recognized Sookie.

"Eric is in his office," Pam said and ushered her along ahead of all the fang-bangers, who were waiting in the line and giving Sookie disgusted and envious looks at the 'privilege' she was now being bestowed. Sookie could hear Pam's thoughts as they walked back to Eric's office.

Master had insisted that he wants Sookie to walk in on him feeding. Just typical alpha male Eric and if I'm correct in thinking then I could only assume that he wants her to feel possessive and jealous, this will be entertaining to watch.

"He is feeding but you could go in," Pam says out loud as she opens the door and walks in ahead of Sookie. Even though she got the head's up from Pam's thoughts, the image before her when she walked into the office made Sookie turn red from head to toe. Eric was sinking his fangs into some long-haired brunette's chest who was seated at the edge of his desk. Her head thrown back, legs wrap around his waist and her hands...they were...Sookie looked away but however hard she tried not to look in that direction, the sight before her was all too consuming and interesting.

Pam smirked with a tint of amusement and walked off, leaving Sookie with a one very engaged human and a thirsty vampire. She could distinctly smell the rusty metallic aroma of blood and Sookie shivered subconsciously as the electric impulses spread along her spine. During his fang-sinking activity, Eric's eyes immediately searched for Sookie's, and upon finding them their eyes locked with an intense fervour. She stood there for what felt like hours but in reality it was a mini-second. When he was done feeding he wiped his mouth, which was pinker than normal, and grinned at Sookie, an eyebrow raised,

"Care to join?" Eric asked; his voice huskier than normal.

"I'd rather slit my own throat," she told him boldly, trying to will the extra blood out of her cheeks.

"Mind if I took a sip?" he asked seriously, his eyes twinkling at her show of attitude.

"I hope you choke on it," she retorted with a snort.

"With pleasure," he smirked as Sookie took the check out of her jeans pocket.

"Leave us," he ordered the girl that was still sitting behind them on his desk. The girl automatically pulls up her strapless dress then and while on her way out, she gave Sookie one hell of a leer before it turned into a deadly look for the interruption. Snippets of the girls' thoughts made their way to Sookie's mind whether she wanted them to or not.

She was called Selena, and thought that she was damn special because Eric had chosen her. She recently started working here and heard that it took other girls ages before Eric finally pays them any attention.

Stupid girl, Sookie thought, still looking at the door where the girl had disappeared. With his vampire lightning speed, Eric was right behind her, she could feel coldness radiating from his smooth skin.

"I would've never guessed you were the jealous type," he told her as he stroked her hair. Sookie trembled a little, but made herself instantly move away.

"In your dreams asshole," she said heatedly. She didn't know why Eric's actions affected her so much. Was it because of our blood bond? She wondered. He smirked and cocked his eyebrow.

"Does Bill know you're here?" he asked curiously. Sookie glared at him,

"I don't need his permission; I can go anywhere I damn well like!" she told him angrily. She hated the way he mentioned Bill just to provoke her, and the fact she couldn't stop from being provoked.

"I love an angry Sookie," Eric murmured thickly near her ear.

If looks could kill, Eric Northman, the sheriff of Area 5, would have died...again.

"I'm here for business, nothing else", Sookie answered, making sure her voice was as emotionless as she could manage at the moment.

"Is that just an excuse to come and see me?" he asked, that big ego of his showing once more.

"No," She cursed inwardly. "This is yours," she waved the check in front of him, "And I'm leaving now." Eric stretches up to his full height and look down at Sookie,

"I told you, I have no need for it. It is yours," he told her simply, refusing to acknowledge the small piece of paper in her hand.

"Intimidation won't work with me," she told him, not giving up trying to place the check in his hand.

"I don't take well to disobedience", Eric sneers, his face just bare inches from hers. Sookie steps back, in honesty she was slightly afraid of this blonde Viking vamp. What a jerk! With Eric's every attempt to scare her, her courage always rises. She clutches the check and fiercely ripped it into small pieces, imaging that it was Eric who she was ripping apart. Eric seized her arm before she could walk away.

"I am your master, yield to me!" he commanded fervently. There was no time for Sookie to reply as Eric pulls her tightly to him, their bodies pressed against one another in a perfect fit. Without delay his mouth closes over hers for a hard kiss.


Sookie's instinct urges her to slap Eric and tell him how dare he take advantage of her but her physical response to him runs in the opposite direction altogether. Any rational thoughts in her head quickly evaporate. His cold mouth ravages hers, his hands running all over her back before cupping her ass, while her fingers curve around his neck, holding him captive as well. Her nails dig into his skin, sharp enough to start drawing blood. Eric throatily groans; his razor-sharp fangs were out showing her the extent of his excitement. Every nerve in her fibre screams for his touch. Only the image of Bill finally gave her the willpower to pull away. Sookie takes a sudden step back, breathless and panting for air. Eric stares at her with his darkened blue eyes, fangs protruding from his mouth.

"I knew you would eventually yield, Sookie," he murmurs, his voice thick with arousal, and tucks his finger under her chin.

She slaps him hard, leaving a hand print on his pale face. Eric's smirk grows wider. Refusing to humiliate herself any further, Sookie walk out of his office and slams the door behind her.

Angry, aroused and filled with guilt, Sookie drove back home with the knowledge that she had successfully return him the money. She won.

But, unbeknownst to her, during their heated exchange, Eric had taken the liberty to slip a new cheque into her jeans pocket.

Tell make what you think! I might even write some more!!! =)