Chapter 2 – Tear-stained Paper

Friday 3rd January

Jack, I don't know how I am going to

Jack, I want you to know that I

I don't know how to

I love you.

Jack's hands trembled as his body began to shake, he had been on the verge of tears since he had stepped onto the plane, and now, sat on his bed, across the Ocean from his love, he finally cried. He had begun to unpack his belongings, so started with his suitcase, and once everything was in his chest of drawers he had gone to close it. It felt like closing the doors to a chapter of his life, the one he really never wanted to end. He desperately wanted to keep it open, so that he wouldn't forget Ronnie, her beautiful face, the way she looked when she woke up in the morning, the way it felt when she kissed him, the way it felt when he was with her. As he had reluctantly pushed it under his bed a flash of white caught his eyes. Curiously, he reached over and pulled his suitcase back out, and took out what he now saw was a small piece of paper. Turning it over, he read it.

And re-read it.

And re-read it.

And read it once more.

He would write a letter to her, telling her he loved her, he wanted her to know that no matter how big the ocean between them was, he would get to her should she need him.

His small haven of peace and love was interrupted by a knock at the door, on opening it; his eyes lay upon a woman. Her name, though he did not yet know it, was Elizabeth Renton. She shook her hair out behind her, just like in those shampoo adverts, and the fiery red hair shone in the light from Jack's window. She walked in, and Jack noticed his mouth was hanging open. Turning around, Elizabeth looked up at him and smiled, dazzling him with her flawless white teeth.

'I'm Elizabeth, your Jury supervisor' she said, taking a step towards him. Jack noticed her voice was strangely seductive, and he had only just met her.

'I'm Jack…Branning, Jack Branning.' He replied, a confused expression flashing across his face, before he straightened up and put his business-like look on.

'Well now, that is just perfect.' Elizabeth replied, walking past Jack and out of the door. Jack stood wondering what that was all about. He knew he couldn't let himself get tempted, just because Ronnie wasn't there, didn't mean he could do anything to hurt her, even if she didn't ever find out, he would be guilty for eternity. Before he could start his brain going again and close the door Elizabeth was back, with another woman.

This woman was a brunette, her long hair waving gracefully past her shoulders.

'Brianna.' She said, in a disinterested tone, not even bothering to make eye contact with Jack, who was now completely baffled as to the situation.

'Brianna is my right-hand woman.' Elizabeth piped up.

'Right, hello.' Jack said.

'That'll be all for now, but I want you up bright and early for the Jury meeting at 9, sharp.'

'Right, uh, where?'

'Akalade Building, it's just across the road.'

'Okay. Goodbye' Jack said smiling, but wanting nothing more than to be alone now. He had no idea what all that was about, but he knew it couldn't be good.

He closed the door behind them hastily, returning to the small haven with the paper that was all that was holding him up right now, and sank back onto the bed.

I love her. She is the most beautiful women in all of creation, yet why now, God? Why us?!? Everything that has already happened we have barely scraped through, and now this? Is this what life will be like? I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know that I can take a year away from her.

I love her!

Another knock at the door forced Jack to get up again, and he reluctantly made his way through the kitchen to open it.

'Are you Mr J. Branning?'


'Ah good.' The short, stout postman replied. His uniform now worried Jack; ever since he'd got that letter he couldn't see the positive side of post, as far as he was concerned, it was a waste of time! The postman handed over an envelope before turning on his heel and walking quickly back down the corridor.

Jack looked at the envelope in his hands. He opened it hastily with curiosity, and sat down at the table to read it. He felt like he would need to be sitting down to read this. He was correct.


Hey. I don't really know what to say. I thought maybe you would, well, forget about me with all those women in America, so I thought I'd write you a letter. Oh, no wait – please Jack, listen, don't be offended by what I said, I didn't mean that I don't trust you. Or think about you every day because I do! Not a moment passes when I don't love you, or think of you. Everywhere I go something reminds me of you. I want you to know, I will always love you, no matter what you do. All those times I've hated you, you've been there when I've needed you. Words cannot describe the way I feel about you, and I know I say it all the time, but I really do love you, and it's more than that. I love the way you make me feel, I love the way you act, the way you think, I know it sounds corny but we were meant to be together, and nothing, no one can ever take that away from us.

I'm okay. Well, not really, but you know how I am. I am okay to everyone else, but I won't lie to you, not even about this, the thing I have lied to you about so many times. I am not okay. I will deal with this but I just don't like it without you. Don't come home or anything, don't jeopardise the experience you have out there. Just know that I am coping, but on the inside all I want is you. It's going to be hard, but together we can make it. And it's going to be all the more special when I meet you again.

Amy's great, I know it's hard for you, missing a whole year of your daughter's life, but I have pictures and I will send them to you and, well it's not much of a consolation, but I know how you feel, sort of.

I have to go, I would sit here all day writing to you, it feels like talking to you, but I don't know the phone number of your new flat! Send it to me, I won't go a whole year without hearing your voice.

I will always love you.

I will always need you.

Ronnie x

Jack folded up the piece of paper, that you could see was stained in parts with tears. It made him sad, in his heart, to know that she had cried. He only wanted to be there to comfort her, to hold her in his arms, to take the pain away. Then he lay there, thinking, remembering about her. About Ronnie. He thought about her, the way she looked, how much he loved her. He relived in his mind the events they had been through together. Because together, you are stronger, together you can be everything, but apart the bonds that made you strong are tested. And only time can tell if you are truly together, not as people, but as souls.


A/N - Dedicated to all my reviewers and my readers (wink wink Racklover ). And Kirsty! The eagle-eyed of you might have noticed a teeny tiny reference to a song in there, but don't worry if you didn't, I wouldn't have. Anyway the song will feature in chapter 3, it's SO perfect!! No wait! It is insanely perfect for Ronnie and Danielle. Woah TOO perfect! Aw I am all emotional now . Now I either have to write a Ronnie and Danielle fic, which I don't think I could do justice to, to be honest, or get someone to write one with the song in, which is weird. Waa. Help people!

This chapter wasn't as good as my others I feel, maybe it's because I'm ill but I couldn't quite reflect the emotion or feeling today. Sorry about that. I couldn't fix it, and I don't like to go back and change it too much. Sort of thing. You get it, Chloe xxx