My embarrassment was through the roof as I attempted to roll down my window now wishing I had power windows as my hand throbbed with each circle I made allowing the window to crawl down inch my inch.

"Ms. Swan are you alright" his voice was smooth as silk and full of concern.

"I am fine Dr. Cullen I just sliced my hand and didn't realize it was bleeding so badly until I got in my car" I said trying to keep my voice steady and praying to God he hadn't seen me arguing with Edward before making a break for my truck.

"It appears to be bleeding quite profusely why don't we take a walk back into the hospital and I can stitch you right up before you head home" he said.

"Oh thank you, but I am sure it will be fine" I said as my stomach started to turn thinking about walking back into that hospital where not only my two timing married ex was working but where the recently yelled at by me Edward was.

"Well how about you let a doctor decide that and what do you know I am a doctor and I say it needs to be looked at" he said pulling my driver side door open letting me know that the discussion was over.

I reluctantly climbed out not bothering with rolling the window back up nobody in their right mind would waste their time attempting to steal my truck and if they did the would probably return it if it didn't break down on them first. Sliding my keys back into my purse I fell in step behind Dr. Cullen aka Edward's extremely hot dad.

"So Ms. Swan if you don't mind me asking what happened to your hand" Dr. Cullen said as he pulled the door open allowing me to pass through.

"Dr. Cullen please call me Bella" I said walking past him trying not to stare as I went. I saw where Edward got his eyes from and wondered if they were all blessed with such perfect teeth or if there were embarrassing middle school pictures where a young Edward Cullen was sporting braces and a wild untamed mess of hair on his head.

"I can do that Bella if you promise to call me Carlisle" he said walking next to me now.

"Ok" I said hoping he would now be distracted by our conversation that he wouldn't ask about what happened to my hand again. I wasn't sure how I would explain that I had been sleeping with one of his doctors that happened to be in charge of the nurse I had worked under my last semester of school and just so happened to be married. Just thinking about it made my stomach roll only adding to my discomfort.

We walked in silence until we came to a hall and turned left toward Jacob's office. My body seemed to sway side to side, my brain trying to figure out a way to escape.

"Are you ok Bella?" Carlisle asked turning around when he realized he was a good ten feet ahead of me.

"I am fine, I just need" I started to say as my world flashed black before returning to clear vision. My feet seemed unbalanced and I reached a hand up to the wall to steady myself. I glanced up at the source of pain when my hand hit the wall. Blood had soaked through the napkins and was running down my forearm. That site did me in.

"Edward grab her" I heard Carlisle call out. I wanted to laugh and tell him that Edward was not here and if he were I doubt he would try and save me from falling after I yelled at him earlier.

My head was throbbing as I prepared myself to open my eyes. I was praying that it had all been a dream a really bad dream. But the noises that I had gotten so familiar with started to filter in.

"Bella wake up, come on open your eyes" I heard a voice call to me. It must belong to an angel because as he spoke I felt my brain begin to relax again from the sweet melody of his voice.

"Bella it is Carlisle we need you to open your eyes for us sugar" he said his voice had a small portion of sweetness to it but also a bit of authority demanding I wake up.

Slowly I peeled one eye open being assaulted by the florescent lights.

"That a girl, Bella how are you feeling?" Carlisle asked standing above me staring down.

"Ok, my hand feels numb and I have a headache" I said attempting to sit myself up.

"Calm down and take it easy, just lay back down and let me check you over" he said slightly pushing my shoulder back. "I numbed your hand when I did your stitches, you had to get eight of them by the way. If you come by the office in two weeks I will remove them. As for the headache that is most likely from the impact" he said using a pen light to flash into each eye.

I couldn't help but be slightly disappointed that I heard wrong and Edward hadn't been there to catch me or be the one attempting to wake me up.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" he asked

My eyes attempted to focus I was pretty sure there was only two but possibly four.

"Umm two" I said.

"Ok Bella how many fingers do you see?" he asked his eyes scrunching up in the middle something I had seen Edward do when he was really paying attention to detail.

"Four" I said sheepishly.

"Alright well I think it would be best if you weren't alone and in good conscious I can't let you drive. Is there anyone at home that can come pick you up and hang out for a few hours?" he asked giving me his hand to pull myself into a seated position.

"No my roommate is at work but I am sure I will be fine and I can take a cab home" I said focusing on the doctor watching his face form into a look of disapproval.

"Edward do you have a shift today or where you just coming in for our meeting" Carlisle asked looking past me.

My body tensed up realizing that my mind wasn't playing tricks on me earlier and he was really here.

"I can take her I get off in a hour, but I can ask Dr. Farrell to cover my patients it shouldn't be a problem" came a third voice that I never wanted to hear again. My hands that were holding me upright on the table curled around the edges until my knuckles were white and painful. I was about to tell him the only place he was going was hell and nowhere near my apartment when Edward's voice broke into my thoughts.

"That is quite alright Dr. Black I don't have any shifts until tomorrow and father I am sure we can discuss whatever you wanted to speak about tomorrow over lunch" Edward said his voice sending a pleasant chill through my body. That was until I remembered the kiss and the conversation that followed and the text and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't forget the one that occurred this morning.

"I am sure I will be fine" I said attempting to stand up and get out of this room of nightmares. My feet hit the ground but my brain apparently didn't send the message that it was now time for my legs to support me. My knees bucked for ward and my hands flailed around attempting to catch myself. My body crashed into a warm chest that smelled like heaven. Strong warms wrapped around my body pulling me forward until I was nestled into a warm neck.

"Are you ok?" a velvety voice asked. He didn't have to speak for me to know who's arms were securing me to their chest. My heart fluttered and then began to beat one hundred miles a minute, I was hoping that although we were close he wouldn't be able to tell just how fast my heart was racing from being in his arms. I couldn't bare another conversation about how we need to keep things professional.

"Bella, sweetheart are you alright" another voice interrupted my moment of euphoria.

I wanted to kick him in the balls and ask him why he thought he had the right to talk to me let alone know how I am and the nerve he had calling me sweetheart like I didn't just meet his perfect wife.

"I want to go home" I muttered into Edward's chest.

"Can you walk or do you want me to grab a wheelchair. I would offer to carry you but some patients may think you are getting special treatment and demand to be carried out as well and that would not be good for anyone" Edward said causing me to laugh thinking of the little old ladies that would be lining up to have Dr. Edward Cullen carry them out of the hospital.

"I think I can walk" I said allowing him to slide his arm around my side to disentangle us.

"Dr. Black thank you for your help, but I think I have it from here" Edward said appearing to be very curt in dismissing him. I smiled internally watching Jacob push himself from the wall. I could tell he wanted to say something and was thankful that we were standing in a room with his boss and a fellow physician.

"I hope you feel better soon Bella" he said his eyes lingering on me. He briefly glanced at my wrapped up hand and then his eyes held steady on my hip were Edward's hand rested. I saw him flinch back like he was appalled that another man had his hand on me.

"Lets go" I said taking a step forward past Jacob without replying. I was hoping Carlisle and Edward just thought it had something to do with my recent medical issues and not because they realized that I hated Jacob with a passion.

When I glanced up father and son were holding eye contact like they were having a conversation without words. Carlisle broke eye contact first glancing down telling me to feel better and to come back and see him so he could check the cut and would remove the stitches in two weeks.

The walk to the car was silent, I thought about having him drive past my truck so I could roll the windows up now that I wouldn't be driving it home tonight but once again it was a secure parking deck and I didn't think anyone would bother wasting their time.

Edward walked slowly keeping my pace and when we reached his car he slowly guided me into the passenger seat reaching over to buckle the seatbelt. His body was so close as he struggled to get the belt to lock I was tempted to lean forward to breathe him in but thankfully I didn't hurt myself enough to actually do it.

"Piece of shit" he muttered pulling me back into the real world to realize he still hadn't been able to get the seatbelt buckled.

"I can do it" I said annoyed that he was getting angry from being so close to me.

"Actually now that your dad is not around to stop me I can drive" I said attempting to swing my legs out of the Volvo wanting to get away and hide.

"Bella please put your legs back into the car, you are not going anywhere" he said signing with relief when he heard the seatbelt snap singling it was securely fastened.

"Bella" he said his voice stern and unwavering.

"Fine" I said swinging my legs back in. I rested my head staring straight ahead I closed my eyes and wished that I would wake up from this nightmare of a day and get to start over. Preferably a while back when I first meet Jacob and then again when I made a fool of myself and kissed Edward.

I didn't open my eyes again until I felt the car go into park. I didn't think he could get to my house that quickly and when I opened my eyes I realized it was because we weren't at my apartment building. We were sitting in front of one of the nicest if not the nicest apartment building in the downtown area. I had to lean forward just to see the top of the building that had to be at least fifty floors in not more.

"Where are we? I don't live here" I said realizing I hadn't told him my address when he started driving in the first place.

"I know this is my place, I hope you don't mind but I wanted to grab a few things to work on at your place until your roommate got home"