"Hi Cliff!" Ann said sweetly in that cute adorable tone she uses. She bounced up and down and asked kindly while biting her lip making an adorable pout, "Would you like me to get you something to eat?" Her cute and adorable eyes flickered back and forth waiting for someone. I shook my head not wanting to be a bother. I felt my face heat up as her eyes suddenly lit up without warning, she hopped over the bar, and our arms touched for a second she ran to the door and started twisting her long red braid. Man, I think I used adorable or its meaning at least what five times in thirty seconds wow. I'm head over heels for this girl. I turned my head and saw what she ran to the door for. Jack. Crap, I hate him. He seems like such a player he gives every single girl gifts, except for Claire, but that's only because she's his cousin or something similar. Claire is a very good friend of mine; she's much more useful than that idiot cousin of hers is. I felt my eye twitch as I saw him pull Ann into a hug and gave her an Eskimo kiss. I turned around to focus on my glass of wine as I heard Ann scream; I immediately stood up only to find that Jack had thrown her over his shoulder and carried her away to some unknown place.

I was standing and I didn't want to look like an idiot so I walked out of the Diner. I was on my path to the church to talk to Carter when I saw Claire I started to talk to her. I waved and said,

"Hey Claire, what's up?" She turned and made a polite little smile and said,

"Nothing much," then walked away. I thought well that was weird she usually laughs and comes over to talk. Although lately she has been stuttering a lot more and she blushes and twirls her hair. Ah whatever, it's none of my business either way. I quickly ascended the stairs up the church and I entered. I walked over to where Carter was I spoke first,

"It makes me sick, Carter." He looked taken aback at this random comment. Of course, he knew I liked Ann as he put it everyone did…except Ann. I don't mind it though her obliviousness is part of what I like about her. Carter spoke after regaining his priestly-cool-yet-caring-attitude that it seems is required for the job.

"What makes you sick Cliff?" I sighed heavily and sat down on the front pew my long legs stretching out as I put my hands behind my head. I replied coolly, "Jack. He thinks he can just grab any girl and take off." Carter hid a little smirk, he calmly stated, "But Cliff he only does that to Ann." I, becoming irritated, retorted at the earthly priest, "I saw him do the same thing to Mary!" Carter shook his head while stating, "Cliff that was four years ago…" My face paled, I mumbled a soft, "Oh…" Either way I still hated Jack.

Ok that was possibly the SHORTEST CHAPTER EVER! However, I do need to go to a new chapter so I can introduce CLAIRE!~