Hello… this little story came up during some course I took a while ago. It was either write a story (which I wanted to do since ages anyway) or annoy the hell out of the other ones at the course. It's a high school story though I hope I can make it different from many others. I just need something nice as a change, cause the situation in the manga is hard to bear at the moment.

Anyway: DISCLAIMERS: I don't own D. Gray-man But… noooooo, I claim Allen!!! *cuddles Allen and runs away from license holders*

Warning: Boys love! (Yaoi or whatever) and Yullen-pairing! Rating will go up in later chapters!

Edit: Sorry for the format before.... I didn't realise I had pressed the wrong button

Boring. That was the only word cruising through the red head's brain as he sat in his class and glanced around the room. Half of his classmates seemed to be asleep, he couldn't blame them for it. A few girls in the back whispered furiously and giggled – no doubt the topic was his best friend, Yuu Kanda. Said boy was currently sitting at the window to his right and switched between glaring at their history teacher and his math homework, which he was doing at the moment.

Lavi glared enviously at him for a moment. He wished he would have left his homework for the boring lesson as well, but unfortunately his granddad, a certain Panda, would never allow him to not do his homework in just time. Never mind that all the teachers claimed that homework and projects were so that they would remember things easier and that he would get straight A's even if he never open a book. After all, he was a bloody genius.

Yuu was similar in that aspect: anything else than an A just didn't sit well with him. So his grades kicked ass, even if he skipped classes often and
used the time he had to spend in the useless classes to do his homework. "Why would I waste my fucking time with this shit at home?" was the answer he got when he questioned the other's habits. Yuu would rather spend hours training with Mugen, his beloved katana.

Sighing for the twentieth time now, Lavi thought about what he could do to get a rise of the other boy. Maybe he should go get something to drink and accidentally pour it over his best friend's homework. An evil grin settled on his face as he thought about it. Indeed, a bored Lavi usually equaled a very annoyed Kanda.

He just was about to get up and act on his idea when the bell finally rang and Kanda threw a glare at him. Lavi didn't know whether to be annoyed or relieved that the lesson was finally over, though the next one was probably no better anyway.

The redhead quickly followed Kanda out of classroom. "Yuu-chan, wai-" he swiftly dodged the blow that was aimed at his face.

"Don't fucking call me that! And stop following me!" The annoyed black haired boy yelled at him.

"But Yuu-chan, we do have the same class again now."

Kanda ignored him and went to the stairs that eventually led to the roof, trying to get away from all the annoying people, especially the stupid rabbit. Of course Lavi still came along and Kanda wondered briefly why he was being called a genius, when he couldn't even go to his lessons alone.

Just when they finally reached the top stairs they were stopped by a teary-eyed Komui, the vice principal, who was wearing a white coat... in the beginning of the hottest June since over twenty years. What kind of an idiot wears a coat in this heat?

'Oh for fuck's sake, what the hell is this idiot doing here now?' he rolled his eyes.

"Lavi, Kanda! Help me find Lenaleeeeee!" Komui whined and Kanda had to surpress the urge to smash the other head first against the wall.

"Why the fuck should I?" he yelled.

"Cause if you don't I'll drag you back to your chemistry class right now and maybe call Tiedoll."

Kanda cursed the man before him. "Language Kanda!" Komui glared.

"Anyway, I came to look for you because the two of you are in the student council and-" Kanda growled, remembering just why he was in the student council and kicked Lavi's shin. He smirked when he heard the redhead swear.

Komui ignored their usual (and very mature) display of affection. "And I need you to go look for not only my beloved Lenalee but also our new transfer student, whom she was supposed to show around. She was called in by Mr. Reever and after that the new student was nowhere to be found anymore. Lenalee is still searching at the moment." He sniffed. "Such a sweet girl she is!"

Kanda rewarded him with another glare.

"Wait a second, since when do we allow transferstudents? And why now? This term only lasts a few more weeks!"

"And why should I care for some stupid brat and your sister? It's your damn job to look after her and new students!"

"We made an exception because of the person who recommended him." Was Komui shivering just now? "And you should care cause Lenalee can't do it on her own! What if some perverted seniors or college students kidnap her?"

"Usagi can take care well enough of the problem. I have better things to do!"

"Nee, Yuu-chan! Let's look for them together. Means we get to spend more time with each other." Lavi snickered, dodged another blow and put an arm around his best friend.

"No fucking way!"

"I'll give you a pass for the next two lessons if you do." Komui offered, smiling at Kanda.

"Fine." the raven haired man answered. "So how does the idiot look like?"

Komui handed him a picture, which was quickly snatched away by Lavi. "Weird scar. Is this a boy or a girl?"

"A boy. His name is Allen Walker."

"Che... weakling!"


Meanwhile a certain white haired boy walked towards the west building. The campus was huge. He had already searched the elementary school, and apparently he now seemed to be entering the university area. The whole place was so damn confusing! Why did everything have to be so damn big here–and worse–look all the same?

He also stood out quite a bit, however no one bothered to talk to him. Instead he could see them whispering to one another and staring at his scar. The yellow bird-like creature, that was following him, didn't help with distracting them either.

If at least they would help him! But when he came up to two girls, to ask for directions they just giggled in a silly way and ran.

"Where in god's name is that office Timcanpy?" the white haired boy whined. The girl that was first supposed to show him around had been called back and all he wanted to do was quickly find a toilet. In the process he got completely lost in all those buildings, never finding the place he had entered through again.

His stomach chose to make itself known that moment and grumbled rather loudly, making him even more frustrated than he had been. "Damn Cross! He could at least have brought me here today! Stupid master!" he silently fumed at the thought of his master. They had been traveling around for the last five years, since his master was a much wanted scientist and programmer. Allen had assisted him and learned a lot from him, even though his master was a horrible person, drinking lots, spending many a night with some women and making him pay for most of their expenses. Then one month ago he rented an apartment here and asked Allen to fill out some papers. It took Allen the whole month to answer all the questions given and make everything that his master required.

When he finally was done with it, Cross had glanced at the papers, and told him that this would do and that from the next day on he was to go to the school here, since he would need some degrees to continue on.

Of course Allen wanted to go to school and get a degree, but why couldn't his master for once just do things the normal way and ask or at least inform him about things in a timely manner? It also irked him that he was just thrown out the door and not given any directions or, god save, brought here by Cross.

Sometimes he really wished he could just beat his master up! Right now was one of these times.


Lenalee was running through the buildings, asking people if they had seen a white haired boy, but until now she only got negative answers. She was really worried about the newest member of the school, even though she didn't understand how it was so impossible to just wait here, or come back to the entrance if something was off.

Finally she met two girls that were able to tell her that they had seen the white haired boy near the university grounds. How he ended at that place was beyond her. Did he meet someone he knew?

She quickly thanked the girls and wanted to go on, when she heard someone shout. "Lenalee, wait!" Lavi and Kanda were coming towards her.

"Sorry guys, I don't have time right now. I am looking for a new-"

"Che... we know that already." Kanda glared at the two girls who had the nerv to start blushing and giggling when they saw him. They quickly ran away.

"Komui sent us to help you look for him. Though he was more worried about his precious little sister than the new guy." Lavi informed her.

"He should be near the university, let's go."

"How the hell can the idiot end up there? The office building is the first one from the gate even!"

"Actually I was wondering the same. Anyway, let's go and find him, so we can get back to class."


As they finally arrived at the university building Allen just came walking out of it.

"Allen!" Lenalee was relieved to finally see the boy again. "What were you doing? We have been looking all over the place for you!"

"I'm sorry" the boy blushed "I needed to go to the toilet and didn't find the way back."

"Che... idiot!"

"What? You don't have to be that rude!" They glared at each other until Lenalee, who was shocked that the boy didn't cower like most others would have, stepped in. "Come on you guys, we really don't have time for this now."

Allen sighed, this clearly was not his day.

"Anyway, I am Allen Walker. Nice to meet you." He said with a polite smile.

"I'm Lavi and this is Yuu Kanda, though he hates it when people call him by his first name, I'm an exception of course." Lavi shook his hand and was hit on his head!

"Say that again, baka Usagi!" Kanda gave him one of his death glares.

"Nice to meet you too, Kanda" Allen smiled at Kanda, wanting to shake his hand.

"As if I would shake hands with a brat! Now follow idiot, else you might get lost here and die." he smirked. "Actually do that, please."

Allen's smile faltered. He had a feeling his day was just getting worse and worse.

Please READ and REVIEW! I really need some input.

Also if anyone is good in English and over 18 and would like to beta-read and poke me on: Please let me know, I would really like to have someone read before I post the story.