Author's Note: This is for the "Things I Will Not Do At Hogwarts" challenge. Each chapter will be centered around a "rule" and how it affects Sirius and Remus! This is slash, just so you know. And I really love this pairing, but I've never written it before, so let me know what you think!!

Growing marijuana or hallucinogenic mushrooms is not "an extra credit project for Herbology"

Sirius was sprawled on the over-stuffed couch in the Gryffindor common room, intensely absorbed in a book. This was such an unusual sight that Gryffindors were blatantly staring and pointing, unnoticed by Sirius.

As Remus entered the room, he almost tripped over his own feet when he saw the sight. "Padfoot, studying?" he asked sarcastically. "The world must be coming to an end."

Sirius glanced up from the book and shot Remus a grin that made his stomach painfully twist. "It's for an extra credit project for Herbology," he said vaguely, flipping a page.

Remus smirked and flopped down on the couch next to him. Sirius, without taking his eyes off from the page, threw his legs over Remus' lap, causing Remus' stomach to experience another painful twist. He winced, wishing he didn't eat those sausages for dinner.

James and Peter entered the room, bounding over to the couch where Remus and Sirius sat.

"You found the book?" James asked with a surprising amount of excitement, considering the question was school related.

"Sure did," Sirius said, smirking at James. "It's got exactly what we need!"

"To do what?" Peter asked blankly.

"Extra credit project," James answered easily. "For Herbology."

"I didn't hear about an extra credit project," Peter said sullenly.

Remus frowned. "Me neither!"

James and Sirius exchanged a gleeful look. "We're just on top of these things," Sirius said happily.

Remus rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

James spotted Lily in the distance and muttered something about this being a good opportunity as he quickly headed towards the red-head. Peter, attached to James' hip as always, quickly followed.

Remus shifted under the weight of Sirius' legs. "So what is this 'extra credit project' exactly?"

Sirius finally put the book down and sat up. "Meet me at midnight, by the Whomping Willow, and find out."

Remus shivered at the sudden absence of Sirius' warmth. "Okay."

Sirius glanced at him in surprise. "You're not freaking out about it? Excellent."

"I don't freak out," Remus muttered.

Sirius shot him another stomach-twisting grin and got to his feet. "See you tonight, then."

Remus watched him bound off to James. "See you," he muttered, after Sirius was already across the room, animatedly talking to James and Wormtail. He closed his eyes, trying to block out the confusing surge of emotions, and failing as he thought about the idea of Sirius and midnight and alone and his heart began to race.


Remus spotted a figure crouched over a spot on the ground and hissed, "It's me!" The figure stood up and turned around, looking for the source of the noise. As Remus' eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw Sirius' features emerge. Remus pulled off the Invisibility Cloak he had snitched from James' trunk, and saw Sirius' face light up.

"Moony!" he said happily. "You're here!"

Remus practically skipped over to where Sirius was standing. "Now, what is this extra credit project?"

Sirius smirked. "You really want to see?" He waved his arm proudly at the patch of mushrooms growing next to a bush. "Ta-da."

Remus frowned and examined the bush more closely. "Sirius."

"Yes, Moony?"

"Growing marijuana or hallucinogenic mushrooms is not an "extra credit project for Herbology!"

Sirius snorted. "Well, we applied some very important concepts to this project. It was very educational!"

Remus rolled his eyes but smiled. "I'm sure it was. Now, what do you plan on doing with this….project?"

Sirius gave him a patronizing look. "If you don't know, I suppose I'll have to show you."

"Er," Remus stuttered nervously. "Won't James be pissed?"

"We grew enough for him to have his share," Sirius said absently, pulling a pipe out of his pocket and fumbling with it in the darkness.

"But Pads, this is wrong. I shouldn't do this, I'm a prefect!"

"But this weed is perfect," Sirius said, laughing at his own joke.

Remus bit his lip. "I've never done this before."

"I'll show you," Sirius said happily. He passed Remus the pipe. "You can go first."

Remus took a drag from the pipe and immediately started coughing, the sweet smoke filling his lungs.

Sirius laughed and took the pipe back, expertly inhaling. They passed the pipe back and forth for several minutes, until Remus was bent over from laughing so hard, and Sirius was grinning wildly.

"Remus Lupin is high," Sirius said in wonderment, his voice husky from the smoke. "I'm amazed."

"I'm not high," protested Remus. "Sirius-ly, Sirius," he cracked, before dissolving into peals of laughter.

Sirius snorted. "You're kind of cute, Moony."

Remus looked at him for a second, the still-coherent part of his brain swimming with questions. "I think you're cute too, Pads," he said slowly.

Sirius bit his lip, then leaned over and kissed him. Remus froze, before kissing him back, sloppily and passionately and like he never thought he was capable of. Sirius gave out a little moan of pleasure and grabbed a handful of Remus' hair, twisting the strands around his fingers. Remus ran his fingers across Sirius' chest, feeling his heart pound against his palm, and suddenly they're a tangle of sweaty limbs and racing hearts and hot breath against skin.

It was ecstasy, it was Sirius Black, it was everything Remus had ever wanted and so much more, and it was over all too soon as they heard twigs breaking and a shocked, "What the bloody hell are you two doing?"

Sirius jumped apart from Remus. "James," he panted, his face burning.

"We were smoking…" Remus offered as an explanation, unwilling to make eye contact with either James or Sirius.

"I've smoked plenty of times with Sirius, and I've never had the urge to snog him," James said, a smirk replacing his shocked expression. "And Padfoot, that was my weed, you prat."

Sirius sat up, having appeared to regain his composure. "Relax, Prongs, there's plenty left for you. And this was Moony's first time. He got a little carried away."

Remus blushed and James laughed. "What's your excuse, Pads?"

"I wasn't in my right frame of mind either," Sirius protested. "Don't get too excited, James."

"Oh, I'm not the one who was excited," James said pointedly. "Shall I leave you two alone now?"

"No," Sirius snapped, at the same time Remus shook his head.

James rolled his eyes. "Methinks you are protesting a little too much."

"Methinks you are an idiot," Sirius said, jumping to his feet. "So let's go back inside."

James shoved him affectionately and then turned to Remus. "And I think I'll have my Cloak back now, thanks."

"Sorry," Remus muttered, handing James the Cloak without protest.

James looked at him with surprise. "Sirius, you had quite the effect on Moony."

Sirius blushed. "I think he's still high."

Remus rubbed his eyes, trying to clear his mind. "I'm fine," he mumbled. "Let's just pretend that never happened."

"But it did," James said slyly, as they crept through the grounds. "I saw it."

"You're not going to tell anyone, are you?" Remus asked, alarmed.

James stopped and gave Remus a mortally offended look. "Are you really asking that? Am I or am I not your best mate? If you really think I would betray your greatest secret- after your furry secret, which, incidentally, I have not told anyone about- then I don't even know what to say to you, Moony." He shook his head sadly.

Remus blushed again. "I'm sorry. I just- I don't know what's wrong with me."

"You're just recovering from your first high," James said fondly, ruffling Remus' hair. "How cute! Itty bitty Moony getting high for the very first time! Good thing Sirius was there to help you along."

Sirius shoved James. "Anybody else, Prongs…" he warned, laughing.

James smiled cheekily. "Oh, shove it, Sirius, you know you wouldn't stand a chance against me."

Before Sirius could retort, they arrived at the building and Remus angrily shushed them. "If we get caught, we could get expelled!" he hissed.

Sirius and James fell silent at Remus' threatening glare, and the three made it to their dormitory without incident.

"G'night," James said sleepily, climbing into the bed next to a snoring Peter.

"Night," Sirius said, giving Remus a quick smile as he crawled into bed.

Remus got under his covers, his heart still racing at the thought of Sirius and their kiss and did that really happen? He closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind, but one thought kept coming back: Sirius.