DISCLAIMER: I do not own Charmed or any of its characters.

AN: Thank you for all those who reviewed this fic so far, sorry if the updates are taking a bit long.

The Non-memory people's thoughts/statements will be in BOLD.

Summary: What if Chris found out that he was the reason why Wyatt turned evil? How will he cope with the pain of knowing the truth? Who can help him? This fic is set after Chris-crossed and Prince Charmed. Chris-revelation fic.

Haunted Memories

(Broken Future)

"Wyatt, please look at me." Wyatt was balled up in the corner, his hands covering his tear-strained face.

"You died." He murmured not even looking up to face his mother.

"Yes, honey, we saw." She wasn't crying. She wanted to curse the heavens for her fate, for leaving her son so vulnerable. But she won't openly cry, she didn't want to burden her son any further.

"But it hasn't happened yet." Phoebe piped up. Her eyes were puffy from the wailing she just did.

"We can still change it." Piper reassured him. She didn't know if they could go against fate but then there is Chris, he risked everything to come back to the past to change Wyatt's destiny. She was sure she could do it, not just for Wyatt, but also for the baby in her womb. Yes, she was pregnant, she was three weeks along. Her sisters knew but Leo didn't.

"B-but you died." He reiterated.

"You left us. I c-couldn't take care of him. I just couldn't. I'm so sorry." His face was still hidden as he shook his head.

"Everything's gonna be ok." She repeatedly said hugging her son closer to her. She couldn't understand what he was saying. The only thing she knew was that her son needed her.

"I'm so sorry." He repeated. "I'm so sorry." The future source of all evil just wept. His hardened mask all gone, in place was a child desperately wanting his mother's touch. A child who only wanted someone to tell him that everything was going to be alright.

The last scene left them all heartbroken but now determination lined their faces. They'll prevent it from happening.

Leo just stood on the sidelines, his eyes were puffy and he had dry tears on his face. He wanted to comfort his son and his wife but at the same time confusion marred his face. Who was Chris really? The hatred he felt for him was immense but his love for Piper was also great.

They all turned from Wyatt as a new scene was then projected on the floor. It was dark, like a cave, and they recognized the place as the underworld. The demons snickered as they surrounded three little kids.

They could immediately recognize the two boys as Wyatt and Chris, but the little girl was different. She wasn't in any of the future scenes but somehow she looked familiar.

Piper intensely looked at her and gasped, "She's the little girl we met when we went to the future." Wyatt's head snapped up at that. "You met her in the future?"

"Yes, when Phoebe had a premonition that she was going to be burned at the stake."

"You've already met her?" Wyatt repeated.

Piper turned back to her son. "Yes, her name was Melinda. I've assumed she was going to be my oldest. And when you came along, we all thought that the future changed. I'm glad she will not be gone forever."

"W-we thought it was just a dream."

"W-what honey?" she asked. "What was just a dream?"

"When we were small, we dreamt that aunt Phoebe was going to be burned at the stake." He hesitated and his mother coaxed him to go on. "You and Dad were getting a divorce. Melinda was staying with you and we-, I mean I was staying with Dad. When w-I got home from school that day, Dad told me to keep out of sight. We always thought it was just a dream."

"Your dream and Melinda's?" Leo asked looking strangely at Wyatt. He didn't miss the WEs that he hurriedly changed to Is. Wyatt just nodded at that thinking, 'Yes, mine and Melinda's as well as Chris's'

"That future must have disappeared and just merged with yours." Leo explained. "The memories may manifest as dreams or glimpses."

"That means she'll still be born, right?" Piper inquired looking hopefully at her son as Wyatt sadly nodded and looked away from the scene. She patted her belly and a smile adorned her lips as she whispered, "My baby."

"What do you want with us?" 9 year old Wyatt asked as he tucked his younger siblings behind him. He tried to orb them out of there but he couldn't. There was something blocking his orbing powers.

The demon sneered, "Blame your future."

"What do you mean?"

"You're going to be the future charmed ones."

"W-what? That's impossible, we're not even sisters." Leo's head spun to Wyatt. He knew the power of three doesn't need to be sisters, they just need to be the most powerful siblings of a family. It only means one thing, Chris was his son. He somehow guessed and yet to be told of it, he was in shock. He stumbled backwards and knocked over a lamp. "Didn't your daddy tell you? You just need to be the most powerful witches of your generation."

"Leo! Are you alright?" Piper was thinking of running to his side but she couldn't leave her son. She saw Paige and Phoebe help him up.

"I was just a little shock. I-" He wanted to tell her what he found out about Chris but as he gazed at Wyatt, he saw the boy strongly shake his head. "I was just shock of finding out I'm going to be a father again.

"Oh." The sisters exchanged meaningful glances.

"We kill one of you and bye-bye future power of three."

"You won't get away with this! Our family will save us." Little Wyatt put up a brave front but inside he was scared not for himself, but for the safety of his younger siblings. He needed to distract them long enough for their parents to come get them. He just needed to protect Chris and Melinda long enough for his parents to rescue them.

The demon smirked, "Bold words for someone who is about to die. Attack!"

The demons threw fireballs and Wyatt deflected each one with his shield.

"You can't keep this up forever, little boy!"

"My God, those are just kids. How can demons play so low?"

"That's why they're called demons, Paige."

A few moments passed, and they saw Wyatt's shield flickering. The head demon raised his right arm and the demons stopped. "This is your end!" He cackled as he brought his arm down. The demons attacked at once, enough for the shield to be broken and Wyatt stumbled back.

"Wyatt!" Chris and Melinda cried. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Wyatt looked exhausted and Chris helped him up. They didn't notice that the head demon neared them. He picked up Little Wyatt. "Let me go!"

"Wyatt!" Chris and Melinda screamed. The sisters gasped as the demon threw Wyatt over to the other side. "Finish him!"

There was something bothering Leo and he couldn't concentrate on the scene before him, his focus was on his newfound daughter. There was a new question that occupies his mind now that he knows who Chris was. 'What will happen to Melinda?'

"Wyatt!" Chris cried and he telekinetically threw any demon nearing Wyatt.

Piper didn't know why but she felt proud of what Chris was doing.

The head demon got upset he can't let it end like this, with these little brats winning. He noticed movement behind the little boy and remembered about the girl. He shimmered behind them. She was clinging to his shirt. He conjured an athame and plunged it directly to her heart. He didn't care who it was who dies, what's important is someone does.

"Melinda!" Piper howled. Her daughter was going to die.

"No!" Leo vigorously shook his head. This was the reason why she was never in any of the future scenes. She was going to die. They were going to lose her.

Chris noticed the hand that tightly clutch his shirt let go. He turned around and observed his little sister slowly collapsing to the floor blood on her clothes. "Mellie!"

A smirk graced the head demon's face, victory was theirs. They've destroyed a great threat in their coming future. He motioned for the other demons to already leave. "I leave you adieu little brats!" and with that he shimmered out as well.

Wyatt looked up from his position. He failed them he knew. He promised to protect them but he couldn't. He wasn't strong enough. He failed them and it caused them her sister's life. 'I'm so sorry Mellie.'

"Mellie! Mellie!" Chris was wailing. His hands grasped the hands of his sister. "Please talk to me!"

"Please, please talk to me. Don't leave us!"

"Please Mellie Please." He was crying hard. He was supposed to protect her but he couldn't.

The sisters were crying for the little girl they barely knew. She was going to die even before her life barely began.

Piper was crying the hardest, grief clawed at her heart. Leo, too, was heavily weeping for his little girl, for his newfound son seeing the frustration and desperation on his face. Was this a life Chris was supposed to live: a life full of hatred, grief and hardship? This isn't what he wants for his kids, his daughter was going to die at a very early age, his son always a witness to every death in his family, and his oldest, turning to evil to protect the only immediate family he has left. 'This is all my fault.'

"Chris!" someone yelled, they saw Wyatt groggily get up and was running towards his brother and sister.

"Wyatt, it's Mellie. She's not waking up."

"Heal her, please heal her." Chris desperately pleaded to his brother.

Wyatt tried to heal her but couldn't. "I'm sorry, I can't." Wyatt knew he needed to be strong. His sister was gone, but his little brother needs him. "Let's go home." With that said, he orbed all of them out and this time he was able to.

AN: Sorry it took very long. Please R and R.