DISCLAIMER: I do not own Charmed or any of its characters.

AN: And, I really, really love season 6. Hope they make a movie of Charmed with Chris of course!! Hope you like my fic.

Summary: What if Chris found out that he was the reason why Wyatt turned evil? How will he cope with the pain of knowing the truth? Who can help him? Chris-revelation fic….


Phoebe and Paige were both in the living room playing with Wyatt while Piper was in the kitchen busy preparing their lunch.

"Hey Chris, out vanquishing demons again?" Phoebe turned her head as she felt the familiar blue orbs from behind them.

"As if you're gonna move your ass and do it for me!" He huffed.

"Hey, hey! Don't be like that, she was just asking!" Paige angrily yelled.

"And you already knew the answer to that!!!"

Paige angrily stared at him. "You're such a brat!!!"

"Chris, are you alright?" Phoebe asked as she noticed the pained expression on Chris's face and how he was having trouble breathing. She approached him and held her hand to his forehead.

Chris tried to shrug it off as Piper entered from the kitchen. "Hey, guys, time to eat!"

"Oh, hey Chris, didn't notice you there. Feel free to join us for lunch." She was about to turn around but she noticed that Phoebe was holding her hand to his forehead and wincing in pain. "What are you doing to Phoebe?"

Paige and Piper approached them as Chris mouthed I don't know. "Phoebe, Phoebe, what's wrong honey?" Piper asked very concerned for her sister. "Leo! Leo! Get down here!"

Leo orbed to them. "What's wrong Piper?" Piper pointed to Phoebe and Chris.

"It must be a premonition." Leo pointed out as the sisters tried to pry Phoebe's hand from Chris. "But she never got anything off him before." Paige argued.

"Yeah, but I think she's getting one now."

"Can you just get her off me please?"

"We're doing the best we can!" Paige snapped. "Phoebe, Phoebe!! Let go! It's like she's stuck to him."

Little Wyatt noticed the distress in their words. From his playpen, he lifted his hand and telekinetically gently pulled Phoebe from Chris.

"Phoebe!!!" cried Piper as she and Paige helped Phoebe up.

"I'm Ok. No need to worry." Phoebe was finally able to stand with her sisters' help and brushed off the dust from her skirt. She walked over to Wyatt and picked him up. She cuddled him and told him Thank you and put him back to his playpen. As she turned back to her sisters, she noticed the anxious faces of the other adult occupants of the room. "So what did you see?" Paige was the first to ask, no longer able to hold it in.

"I…I saw Wyatt. An older version of him around 16" She hesitated for a while and finally added. "And a younger boy who seems to be Chris." She looked at him with sadness in her eyes. "They seemed to be very close. Wyatt would do anything for Chris even sacrifice himself."

"W-what?" Piper was shocked. She turned to Chris. "Is this true? Did you really know him? Were you his friend?"

"H-he was my best friend." He choked with tears in his eyes. "He was my best friend." He restated as he collapsed on the floor.

"Chris!" They all rushed to him and Leo lifted him on to the couch. He proceeded to heal him as more questions flooded Piper's mind. "Why, why didn't he just tell us?!" She was frustrated but more with herself than with Chris. As memories of how she treated and mistrusted him came back to her. "It would have been a lot easier if he told us."

"Piper, calm down! This will definitely not be good for you." Paige reasoned.

Piper calmed herself and asked, "So, what else did you see?"

She turned to Phoebe. "T-the event that led him to become evil."

"Are you sure? You saw it? You have to tell us!" Chris leapt from the couch as Leo finished healing him.

"Y-yes, but I'm not sure you're gonna like it."

AN: I know it's kinda short but please R and R. Thanks. First time writing for Charmed and first time writing again after around 5 yrs.