I've always had a love of Max and her personality. I hope my take on her is accurate.

Disclaimer: James Patterson is the mastermind that thought up the one and only Maximum Ride.

Max was so strong. Even when she was kicked or punched. Even when Gazzy, Nudge, or Angel yelled at her. Max had to be the strongest of us all. There was no doubt in my mind. But while she was tough and strong, there was a gentler side of her that most days was not extravagantly paraded around. Her gentle side came out in subtle glances or soft touches. Like hugging Angel when she was scared.

But I felt like she kept many things to herself. She was never one to share. The only person she seemed to open up to was me. She had told me many times that I was her best friend, that she always counted on me to help out through the worst times. When Jeb disappeared, she readily took over, though I knew it killed her to even try. But I had to admit - she was a fantastic leader.

Yeah, she was sarcastic and bitter sometimes, but really, come on, we grew up in dog cages. Can you blame her? She was a kid - hell, we were all kids. But she was the one making a real effort to keep us fed, to make sure we were all healthy and safe. She sacrificed herself during the fights to keep the younger kids safe. She would take extra kicks and punches for all of us any day.

She was cautious and stubborn and her trust was harder to earn than anything in this world. But once you had her trust, she gave you all of herself. And if you lost that trust, there was a very good chance that you would not get it back. She would give you one chance. That was it, for the most part. She didn't believe in second chances. If you got a second chance from Maximum Ride, you were one lucky person, and you must have done something really good in the past. Other than that, if you betrayed Max, you were a goner.

Her smiles were rare, and her genuine laughs were even rarer. Though she never voiced it, I think her true happiness and relief came when the flock was together and safe. She hadn't had many things to be happy about in her lifetime. When she was happy and laughing, the weight that was on her shoulders seemed to lift for a little bit. She became more carefree and loosened up a little.

She was smart, no matter what adults told her. They hadn't had to escape from Erasers and whitecoats for years. We had. Max had gotten us out of every single situation in one way or another. And she can lie right through her teeth like you've never seen. True, we all can, but she taught us how to do it.

So yeah, Max is stubborn and strong, but she's also smart and gentle. She loves the flock, and she would do anything for any one of us.

Max stirred next to me. Her eyes snapped open and flickered to mine. She looked afraid. That was strange. Max almost never showed fear.

"You okay?" I asked.

She let out a deep breath. "Bad dream. But it's all good."

"If you say so." I wanted to hug her, to tell her everything would be okay. But I couldn't do that. That would be crossing the friendship line into something more serious and more dramatic. I didn't want to lose her trust. That was something priceless, and it could not be replaced. I had to let her figure things out for herself.

Oh, but there is one thing that Max cannot do. Maximum Ride cannot cook. But I love her anyway.

Yay! Happy fluff. Major happy fluff. But that's what happens to my brain at four in the morning. XD

Review? Or I'll get Max to kick your butt. Just kidding... Or am I?

- J.C.