Ah! Young love!
They had robbed three banks and two museums.
He counted; and felt extremely guilty at the whole thing, that is, until Will was told about the donators to the museums, and the rich snobs who gave their money to the bank.
Almost all of them had ties to various drug-dealers and cartels. That was what made the quilt go away, the thought of stealing from the assholes worse than most villains. Which was where he was now, grappling with The Commander while his "Queen", as he had taken to calling her, was blasting his loving mother into a convenience store.
He had a lot of time to think about his current situation. He remembered his childhood, when his parents' were never there: Easter, thanksgiving, Halloween, even Christmas. They were never there.
And he remembers the pain he suffered at the loneliness, the loneliness that could have prevented if his parents said "no" to the calls they got once. Let some other hero handle it, god knows they would if the major asked them. But they always left him at the door, flying away from him.
But they were his parents, he could never hate them.
He knew they loved him, that's all that really mattered to him. He just wanted to paint the town red in style, so to speak. Something he could tell his grandchildren, when they were forty-something and he was in a wheelchair. He wanted to have a party right; with the wrong people, and the chance to do what he wanted, not what was needed for the greater good.
Which is why he felt a grain of pain himself when he punched the commander in the gut. He then threw his up about fifty feet so he could come back down; right on his knee. He heard a cracking sound as the Super-Hero's ribs' broke, rendering him out cold.
He quickly threw him into a car so he could help Royal Pain. He turned around to find the very same villain, dragging his mother by her cape over to him. He looked at her disapprovingly through his mask.
"Relax, she's just knocked out!" She exclaimed while throwing the parent hero beside her husband.
He nodded with an obvious grin breaking out on his face, his mask making it all the more sinister. He never forgets to tell her how sexy she looks in her Royal Pain outfit, he was glad his suit didn't let his upper legs be shown.
Her eyes skimmed over his menacing form with a lick of her lips, although no one could see it behind her golden mask. They both knew what each other wanted, and they were going to get it.
It was then that the now-conscience Commander snuck up behind the villain known as 'Nemesis' and aimed a punch with more power than a bullet-train. Nemesis quickly turned around and brought his forearm up to block the oncoming fist, with just enough time to make sure it barely grazed his mask.
He then grabbed the arm and using his other hand, broke the elbow.
He looked at the shocked faces of his parents, wondering why they were looking at him like he was a ghost. It was Gwen that motioned toward his face. Reaching up, he realized that punch that should have been a nick in his armor, blew his entire helmet off, exposing his face.
He looked at the large piece of mirror on the side of some debris on the battlefield. The demonic helmet had pushed against his hair it made it slink back, with a few spikes sticking out here and there. He had a trace of stubble on his chin that looked like it would be a full goatee before long, and was beginning to spread across his jaw. He grinned lightly.
"Well, guess the cats' out of the bag." He joked.
It was the Commander that spoke first. "Will! What are you doing?!"
He grinned wider. "Making a deposit from the bank." He looked back at Gwen.
"How about I have some private time with my folks?" She grinned, getting the message.
"I'll get the money." Off she went, with that nice ass looking back at... 'gotta concentrate.'
Jetstream spoke next. "William Stronghold! You're helping one of the most evil super-villains in the world to rob a bank! Have you lost your mind!" She yelled across the broken and battered town square.
"Maybe, but maybe I'm just in love." He flew at them.
"Dammit, why did they have to make money so heavy!" Gwen was tugging at a particularly large bag of cash when she felt it being lifted away from her. She looked over to find her 'King' hurling the sack effortlessly over his shoulder.
"Get it done?" She smiled wickedly.
He smiled back. "Done and done."
He wrapped his arm around her waist and levitated a few feet before zooming off at about 300 MPH. They laughed and laughed until they got to the hideout.
And for the first time in Will Stronghold's life, he felt truly free.