7: Akane's Fairy Tale

Sesshomaru was a bit rougher than he should've been with Akane. She was already wounded, suffering from the viper-venom, and had lost a lot of blood. Still, he had to teach her. He would not allow her attacks on him to go unpunished. He used both the mark and his strength advantages over her and eventually brought her down.

He had gone out of his way to insure her survival against that damned viper. When Akane first attacked it, she was too blind to see that the snake was purposely luring her to the edge of the cliff, going to throw her over it, and she would not have survived such a fall. And she thanked to him was to attack him!

She was spirited, he'd give her that much. Even when she was too weak to fight him, she refused to submit to him. A trembling, weak mass of red fur under his weight, she still struggled to snarl and growl at him, though the sounds were becoming quite pitiful. She was panting heavily as her body struggled to heal itself and to get rid of the poison in her blood, and it could do none of that with the mark tainting her as he willed it to cause her pain.

He wasn't about to let her die, but he would see her submit. He held her tight by the scruff until he tasted her blood. She yelped in her pain and spun around, snapping her jaws at him and catching him under his chin, making him bleed. He growled heavily at her for this and it only earned him another swift kick from her lower-leg, something she had done repeatedly before, though it did little but make his bite tighten on her skin.

Every time she struggled, Sesshomaru became more aggressive towards her. They were both already heavily wounded from each other, and finally, whether it was from blood-loss or the poison, Akane stumbled and collapsed to the ground. Her true form melted away until she was once again her humanoid self, though the ground was stained with blood in roughly the shape of her dog-form.

Breathing heavily as he watched her lay still on the ground, he let out a low rumble. His head pounded with each beat of his heart with his demonic power still coursing in his veins, still very much awakened from the battles. He could hear, over his own pulse, the faint thumbing of Akane's heart. He watched her, her aura flickering like a dying flame. She was greatly suffering from Mamori's potent venom. He could also feel its effects as his vision became clouded.

He turned his attention to the half dissolved viper corpse and moved towards it. There were only two ways to make a demon anti-venom quick enough to save them before it took its course through their bodies, it was either to grind up the bones or to devour the raw flesh. Sesshomaru didn't know which was more repulsive, but with a feral snarl, he ripped into the flesh and tore away a mouth full, the scene not unlike a wolf with fresh kill. It tasted vile and reminded him of dirt or tree bark, but he forced it down.

Sesshomaru let out a heavy groan as he too changed back. The kimono he wore quickly became blood-soaked form his wounds, but it bothered him very little. Reaching deep into the corpse, he ripped out a handful of the viper's meat and walked over to where Akane lay. Her skin was pale from blood loss, and her chest rose and fell rapidly, her face beaded and sparkling with sweat. There was only faint light from the sun as in the Eastern sky the line of orange and pink began to grow.

Sesshomaru's brow furrowed as Akane let out a sound of distress in her unnatural slumber. She was waking, he had to do this now. Using his foot to nudge her onto her back from her side before kneeling down beside her. He pried open her mouth and then shoved the meat down her throat, quickly shoving her mouth close again as he eyes shot open at the taste. She struggled against him, but he didn't let her move until he was sure she had swallowed the meat, and he released her.

She coughed and turned herself over, grasping her throat. For a moment, she did nothing more than breathe, then turned around with lightening speed to smack him across the face. "Bastard! What the hell did you do to me!?"

Sesshomaru stared hard at her, but decided she had enough punishment from him for one day and simply rose to his feet. He turned and began to walk to the corpse again.

"Hey!" Akane snapped, "I was talking to you!" she got to her feet and he watched her sway before falling back to the ground with a small grunt.

"You took in more venom than you should have," he informed her, "I would suggest you remain still until your body has cleansed your blood stream."

Akane glared at him, "You're one to talk! What about you?"

Sesshomaru huffed, "Fool. A lowly viper demon's venom cannot affect this Sesshomaru as it does you."

Akane didn't seem to heed him at all as she rose again to her feet. Her kimono was tarnished and ruined, and her hair was dirty and crusted with blood. He didn't understand how she let herself go blindly into battles like she did. Like a human would.

"Where's Rin?" Akane barked at him.

"With your handmaid, I am sure," Sesshomaru said, "They probably fled when we battled. Wise, for their part," he continued to examine the viper's body and thought back to what Mamori had said.

'Plotted against me for decades, right under my nose,' he thought to himself, 'How did this go unnoticed?'

"Who the hell was she, anyway?" Akane asked, crossing her arms as she too looked at the corpse, nose wrinkling at the rotting smell, "An old girlfriend of yours?"

Sesshomaru ignored her final statement and said, "The white-viper Mamori. She was disguised as the chief-handmaid of Umeko. That is how she infiltrated my home."

There was a brief silence as Akane joined him in looking over the corpse. She sniffed the air around it, gagging at the stench, and he watched her walk the length of it, pausing at the skull and looking thoughtful.

"Actually," Akane said, "Come to think of it, a lot of her men were some of your guards and soldiers," she informed him.

Sesshomaru scowled at her, "What did you say?"

"When I brought down a few of the ones back in the palace," she said, "I recognized them as the guards you stationed outside my cell. Also, now that I think of it," she put her fingers to her chin, "I think I overheard some of them talking just before I escaped about a coup."

He growled, "And you didn't tell me of this?"

Akane glared at him, "Gee, it kinda slipped my mind after you ran me threw and then cursed me," she held up her wrist that bore his mark.

Sesshomaru growled at her. Again, she was challenging him. He turned on his heals and began to storm away.

"Where do you think you're going!?" she snapped.

He didn't answer her, but she came up right in front of him, making him pause, "You do remember that this not only allows you to have your fun with my nerves," she held up the mark, "But it also means that if you get to far away, I suffer, right?"

"I remember everything about the curse I put on you," he growled at her, "So I suggest that if you do not wish to feel the true extent as to what it can do, then you will learn how to respect me properly."

Akane glared at him right in the eye. Again, like at their first meeting, it was a battle of wills. Akane clicked her tongue and looked away first, turning around and starting into the woods, "Forget this. I'm going to find Rin and Chou."

Sesshomaru allowed her to go a few steps before him, then moved to follow. He was growing rather irritated with her, and was regretting his decision to keep her around.


Akane winced with each step. She held a hand around her stomach, feeling the bruised ribs and the pounding of her heart. She couldn't remember the last time she hurt this much. Sesshomaru was two steps in front of her, walking with no limp, though he was covered in blood. This was also the first time she took notice of his missing arm.

She never really paid much attention to it before, or to him in general really. But with nothing better to do, she took in his appearance from behind. The sleeve for his left arm was ripped and tattered, missing up to where his elbow should've been and singed from what looked like fire a little further than that. The scratches she had seen on him were nearly gone, and the only thing that would've shown he was ever in a battle was his battle worn clothes.

"What happened to your arm, anyway?" she asked finally, mustering the courage to break the silence between them that had lingered since they left the final battle field.

He said nothing to her, choosing instead to ignore her.

"Fine," she huffed at him, turning her face away, "Stupid me for trying to strike up conversation…" more silence until Akane couldn't stand it anymore and she asked, "Why do you even have Rin around?"

Sesshomaru stopped and looked back at her, his face emotionless as he stared at her. He didn't seem angry or even confused, he was only watching her, as if he was awaiting her to say something more.

"Its clear you're not a people person," she said, "Humans are the probably your least favorite thing. So why Rin?"

Sesshomaru turned his face away from her and seem to ponder her question for a while, then turned his back to her and began to walk on, without a word. Either he didn't want to answer her or he was just being a jerk about it. Akane went with the later and pouted, following him anyway since she didn't want to deal with the pain of his mark again, not on top of all the other abuse her body was taking.

Dawn had come a while before. The sun was just eating away the night sky, half of it still dark with faint stars, the moon still glimmered dimly, and the other half of the sky was soft pinks and pale oranges as the sun crept over the mountains and hills. It was around this time, after Akane paused to marvel the morning sky and the first rays of sunshine awaking what remained of this battle-zone forest, that they came upon a small cave that sank into the ground.

Akane could smell Chou more than anything else, and as Sesshomaru approached it, she jerked when something leapt out from it. It jumped at Sesshomaru and would've attack him, but he easily swatted it to the side, making it fall and slide a few feet away.

"What the hell was that!?" Akane shouted as she came up beside him, looking at the fallen creature. It was still alive, and it moved. It rose to its paws and shook itself slowly, whimpering. Akane blinked a few time as the glossy black creature, about the size of a horse, stared at her. The left eye had four scratches going through it, the iris glazed over with white. Its face was a cross between a cat and a wolf, with a sleek body short fur, and long whiskers and claws. When it saw Akane, it let out a small, purr like hiss and bowed low on its front legs.

The scent that was caught on the wind from this creature, Akane realized what it was, or rather who. "Chou?!"

The moment she realized, the demon was wrapped in a dark purple light and when it faded, Chou stood there, "I am so glad you are safe, Akane-sama," she turned to Sesshomaru and fell to her knees, "Please forgive me, Sesshomaru-sama! Bandits tried to attack in the night! I was merely defending Rin!"

Sesshomaru paid Chou's plea no heed and simply stepped closer to the cave. Akane heard the grunts and scrambling of little feet just before Rin shot out of the dark cave and ran to Sesshomaru, "Sesshomaru-sama!" she cried.

Akane watched him slowly kneel and allow her to embrace him. He placed a hand on her hair and allowed her to sob into his chest for a few brief moments, looking over her with his golden eyes failed to mask his concern. Akane knew she was no worse for wear, and when Rin saw her out of the corner of her eye, she smiled, trying to put most of her bitterness about Sesshomaru behind her for the child's sake.

"Akane-neechan!" she ran to her, "You're okay too!" she opened her arms and Akane bent down to let her hug her neck, picking her up slowly, feeling the extend of her wounds now with the little girl's weight on her back. For a human, her grip was pretty tight, and she held fast to her as she buried her face in Akane's shoulder and red hair.

Akane wrapped her arms tightly around Rin and smiled, "I'm glad you're okay too, Rin-chan. Chou took good care of you, didn't she?"

"Yes," Rin answered, then slightly pulled back to look Akane in the face, "What about the snake lady?" she looked at Sesshomaru, "Did she hurt you?" she asked, looking back to Akane and then Sesshomaru again.

Before either could answer, a cry came from the woods. "Sesshomaru-sama!" Sesshomaru looked at the direction of the shrill cry, and watched as a green imp demon came running from the brush, followed by a two-headed green dragon. "Sesshomaru-sama! I am so glad I found you!" he cried as he came forward.

Akane remembered this little demon, Sesshomaru's vassal Jaken, who had also been charged with teaching Rin, if she remembered right. Rin began to squirm so Akane set her down, and realized with a tinge of guilt she was glad the girl didn't want to be held any longer as she ran to Jaken and embraced him.

"Jaken-sensei! You are okay too! I am so glad!" she cried.

The demon squawked in alarm and flung his arms around, "Of course I'm okay, you foolish child! Now release me at once!" Rin completely ignored the little demon and continued to hug him, nearly snuggling him as she did.

"Rin," Sesshomaru's tone was rather even as he spoke to her, "Release him."

Rin paused to give Sesshomaru a pouting face, but when his expression never changed, she let Jaken go with a sad "Aw".

The imp scrambled away from her to retrieve his fallen demon-staff that he always had on his person, and glared at Rin until Akane gave him a growl. He swallowed in fear as Akane went to Rin, who attached herself to her hand and stayed near her.

"Sesshomaru-sama," Jaken cleared his throat, "I-I am pleased to announce that all of the rebels in your home have been eliminated, but any hopes of taken hostages were dashed when the survivors took their lives before their captors, your men, could question them."

Sesshomaru didn't look at all surprised, though it ate at Akane. "What of my staff?" Sesshomaru asked Jaken.

"Most, regrettably, fell to the attacking army," Jaken answered with a somber tone, "What is left of them either fled or remained to fight. A good portion of your army also fell."

"What of Kaito?" Sesshomaru asked.

"He is being treated," Jaken said, "And is reacting well to the doctors' healings," Jaken hung his head, "But…the palace has been almost completely destroyed in this battle. It will take almost a year to rebuild, Sesshomaru-sama."

Sesshomaru seemed as if he expected as much. Akane looked at him for a moment, wondering what he would do next. His palace was destroyed, most of his men were gone, his servants were either dead or ran away, and he was clearly targeted by someone.

"Jaken," Sesshomaru addressed the imp, who quickly jumped to attention, "You will go back."

"Milord!?" Jaken seemed surprised.

"Go ahead of us, ready my armor and sword," he said, "We head to my brother's territory."

Jaken was staring in open mouth horror at his lord, but after a stern glare from the dog lord, scrambled to regain himself and bowed repeatedly, "Y-Y-Yes Sesshomaru-sama! I shall see to it right away!" he hurried away as the two-headed dragon came forward towards Akane.

Akane bristled at the demon, but it paid her no heed as its heads' bowed to nuzzle against Rin with a comforting hiss followed by a rumble. Rin patted it and giggled, "I am happy to see you again too, Ah-Un!" she chimed.

Akane, seeing that Rin knew the dragon-like creature, looked instead to Sesshomaru, who was starting off after Jaken. She followed him as Chou came up to Rin to talk to her about the strange creature, and caught up to him as he passed through a thin row of trees to look out over a cliff.

She gasped slightly, covering her mouth, at what she saw. Down below them was the palace, or the remains of it. Black smoke rose from it, and she could see the tiny dots of people that moved about in the gaps that were once parts of the building. The stone walls that encased it were broken in places and she could see that beams and parts were still tumbling over inside the ruins. It was a disturbing sight, and made all the more painful by the memories it stirred in her heart.

Akane clutched at her chest, her fingers wrapping around the cloth of her kimono, as she closed her eyes against the sight and the memories of so long ago…

"It is no longer safe here," Sesshomaru said.

"Clearly…" Akane agreed, swallowing the feelings that were building, threatening to cause her tears.

He was quiet as he turned to her, looking at her for a long while. Akane wondered how she must have appeared to him at that moment, but pushed the thoughts from her head. She knew she couldn't look very pretty. She felt the dirt and grime on her skin, the blood and mud that soaked her clothes and legs, and her hair was as unruly as ever as it was caught in the breeze and got in the way of her sight. She tucked some behind her ear as she looked down at her bare feet.

"What are you going to do now?" she asked him.

Sesshomaru looked over her shoulder at Rin and Chou as they patted Ah-Un lovingly, feeding him wads of grass and weed-flowers. He turned away, "I will return Rin."

"Return her?" Akane scowled, "What is she, a gift? How can you return her?"

Sesshomaru glared at Akane, and she was quiet, though she glared right back at him until he said, "There is a place where she will be safe," he said, "I will take her there."

Akane didn't say anything as he walked past her back towards Rin. It wasn't something she could fight, she decided. Rin was in danger, that was clear after this past night events. She wouldn't survive if she stayed with Sesshomaru.

Akane turned slowly to face them as Rin hurried over to Sesshomaru, smiling up at him with her blind love of him. Her gaze moved slowly from the girl to her wrist as she held it out to inspect it. Sesshomaru's mark seemed brighter now against her pale skin. The blood loss she endured was great, it weakened her, but she could still feel the pulse of Sesshomaru's demonic power around that mark.

Sesshomaru told her that she was Rin's playmate. She hadn't been with the girl very long, and yet she didn't want to leave the child's side. She reminded her so much of the human friends that had long ago past as she lived on. She looked at Rin with sad eyes. She would have to let the girl go, she realized, or die from the separation from Sesshomaru.


It would take three days to reach this safe place for Rin. After they had been met by Jaken, who brought along two male servants, one carrying Sesshomaru's armor and a clean kimono, and the other his sword, Sesshomaru had sent Jaken back to fetch supplies they would need, including clothing changes for Rin, Chou, and Akane.

Akane wasn't pleased to again be wearing an expensive kimono, but at the very least this one was simpler. It was a single color, an indigo blue, and more suited for travel. The obi was a pale sky blue and white, and she wore simple sandals and used a shred from her old kimono to tie up her hair, washing her skin and face in a small river and doing the same for Rin.

When all three women were properly dressed, Sesshomaru turned to Chou, "You will go with Jaken," he told the handmaid. She bowed to Sesshomaru without even trying to object, and then walked over to join the two male servants and Jaken.

Sesshomaru now wore his armor, a chest plate with a half-ring of spikes over his left shoulder, and had his large white pelt over his right shoulder. If Akane didn't have the memories of it, she wouldn't have been able to tell he had battled only hours ago. He addressed Jaken, giving him orders, while Rin tugged on Akane's sleeve until her attention was drawn to her.

"Akane-neechan, you'll love it in miko Kaede's village!" she said, "And you'll get to meet Kagome-neechan too! And Shippo-kun!"

All these names meant nothing to Akane, but she smiled and nodded at Rin anyway. She didn't know if the girl realized that when they reached wherever they were going, the two would part. If she did, she was either looking on the bright side of things, or not caring at all. She didn't believe Rin to be uncaring, and saw her as more of the "half-full" kind of person.

Jaken bowed along with the two male servants as they bid farewell to Sesshomaru, and Chou stepped over to Akane and Rin and bowed to her, "Until we meet again, Akane-sama. Be well in your travels," she gave Akane a smile, and Akane smiled back.

"You too, Chou," Akane said.

"Chou-chan," Rin said, "Will you come visit Rin someday?" she asked with a sad expression in her eyes.

Chou looked at her with a somber look and forced out, "If I can, Rin-chan."

Rin seemed satisfied with this answer and Chou bowed again before departing as Jaken snapped at her to hurry up. After they had disappeared into the wood, Sesshomaru turned to them. "Jaken will return after he had given my orders to Kaito," he said, "Then we will start off."

"Jaken-sensei is coming along too?" Rin smiled, and she jumped at Akane's side, still holding tight to her hand, "It will be just like before, won't it, Sesshomaru-sama? Only Akane-neechan will be with us!" she looked at Akane, "It will be fun, Akane-neechan! Rin will show you! It will be really, really fun!"

Akane made her best attempt at a smile at the girl's optimistic attitude. "It's…going to be interesting, Rin, I'm sure of that."

Rin giggled and tugged at Akane's arm until she followed her over to where Ah-Un was, and introduced them.

Akane was very aware of Sesshomaru watching her, and often glanced over to look at him too. She was to happy with this arrangement, but if it was truly in Rin's best interest, she would have to deal with it. She had little choice in the matter, as it seemed.


"8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1!" Akane counted down before uncovering her eyes, "Here I come!" she called out and then began to sniff at the air for Rin's scent. Sesshomaru had gone ahead to scout out the path, or so she figured, and since he could be gone awhile, Rin suggested a game.

Jaken was completely against the idea and remained where Sesshomaru had left them with Ah-Un, and the two began to play "Hide-and-Seek". Rin ordered her not to use demon speed against her, and Akane only laughed in agreement. She said nothing about her nose though.

Akane followed the scent, smelling the trees that Rin touched, the air that she had cut through, and the bushes she dashed through. She had stopped to smell a rock that Rin must've stood atop when she heard something from behind. She grinned, bracing herself, as she was pounced on from behind.

"Arg!" she grunted as she fell forward on the ground with a laugh, "You got me!"

Rin laughed as she sat on Akane's back, "I win!" she cheered, throwing her hands up in the air in triumph, "I win! I win!"

Akane laughed and reached around to grab Rin's legs, holding the girl as she pulled her feet under herself. Rin rushed to latch onto Akane's neck, laughing as Akane began to run around at a rather fast pace for the girl, but mild for herself. Rin laughed and spread her arms out as if she was flying, enjoying the feel of it. Akane played along and jumped high up in the air to glide about, giving Rin more things to laugh and cheer for.

It was a beautiful day, only the day after they departed from Sesshomaru's palace, and close to mid-noon when Rin's grumbling tummy alerted Akane to her needs. She returned to the camp, walking with Rin still on her back, to find Jaken sitting under a tree in the small grove with Ah-Un resting a little away from him.

"What's for lunch, toad?" Akane asked the demon, grinning at her insult.

"If you're hungry, wench," grumbled Jaken, "Feed yourself. I do not answer to you."

Akane glared at him, and would've struck out if Rin hadn't chimed out, "I can make lunch, Akane-neechan!" and jumped from her back to rush into the wood.

"Wait, Rin!" Akane called, following the girl, "Wait for me! Don't run off like that!" she hurried to catch up with her. She followed Rin around as she collected various roots, edible mushrooms, and a few other wild-foods. When they came to a slow moving river teaming with fish, Rin was nearly frothing at the mouth.

"Oooh, fish!" she chimed, and put down her collection to go over, rolling up her kimono and tying it at her knees. Akane, intrigued, took a seat on a small boulder and watched Rin wade into the water. Up to her ankles, she shivered, "It's cold!" she squealed.

Akane laughed, "It is autumn. The water's going to be cooling down now."

Rin went out a little farther, to her knees, and began to hover over the water until she struck, trying to catch a fish in her hands. She caught the first three, but after that, her hands were to numb to catch anymore. Becoming very distraught at that, she started out of the water with her meager catch, and feeling bad, Akane tried her hand and caught more fish for them to share.

They gathered them up and wrapped them in a small white cloth that Akane carried as padding for her obi, and carried them back to camp. They made roasted and seasoned fish, and enjoyed enough food to fill them and then some. Even Jaken loved the food, though he didn't say it aloud. Ah-Un got some of the roasted mushrooms and roots that Rin found, and didn't turn away the fish when it was cooked either.

When they had finished their meal, Rin put out the fire and Akane used some salt from Ah-Un's pack to rub the fish-meat to make them last a little longer so they would have something for dinner and maybe breakfast in the morning. Akane was laying on her back with Rin lying parallel to her as they looked up at the sky and pointed out clouds that looked like various shapes and animals.

Akane didn't notice until the wind shifted that Sesshomaru was nearby. She pulled herself up on her elbows and glared in the direction of the scent as the wind hissed through the leaves. Sesshomaru stepped into the open slowly and looked at the pair. Rin jumped up with a big smile and nearly danced over to him, "Welcome back, Sesshomaru-sama!"

Sesshomaru paid the girl no heed, except for a glance down at her, which made her beam as she went back to Akane and grabbed her arm, "Can we play more games now, Akane-neechan?" she asked.

Akane raised an eyebrow, "We've played all day. Aren't you tired yet?"

"No," smiled Rin, "Come on! Let's play a game!"

Akane wasn't sure what game the girl had in mind, but when she looked over and saw Sesshomaru watching her, his eyes cold as if in a threat that she better do what Rin wanted, she groaned as she rose up, letting Rin drag her away.

They played tag and then Akane taught Rin more rhymes and a few clapping games she knew. When Akane was out of ideas of what to tell Rin as they sat in a small open meadow only a little while from the grove where they had set up came, Rin asked a question.

"Will you tell me a story, Akane-neechan?" she said as she sat, picking flowers to braid into Akane's hair.

Akane lay on her side in the tall grass, resting her head on her hand as she held a flower between her fingers, twirling it this way and that. "What story do you want to hear?" she asked.

"A story that you know," Rin said with a giggle.

"Well that's pretty obscure," chuckled Akane, "I know lots of stories."

"Just tell me one," Rin said, "Any story. Please, Akane-neechan?"

Akane tried to think. She wasn't very good at telling stories, she had never been very inventive when it came to making them up either. The human village she spent most of her childhood in had a special day when the elders of the village would take turns telling stories, and she remembered most of them, but not many would appeal to little Rin.

She finally remembered one that she thought she could tell very well, though it wasn't one a human told her. "Okay Rin," Akane pulled herself up, taking her hair from Rin's hand and pulling her over to sit in front of her, so that they both sat in the meadow as Rin became very attentive to Akane, "I have a story for you. It's about a princess."

Rin seemed to like that idea, and Akane had to remember how it started.

"There once was a girl called Kazue, a princess from a far away land that was very well off. She strayed from her home and got lost in a terrible and cursed wood, and couldn't find any way out of it. So frightened was she that she ran, and twigs and branches were caught in her hair, her nice royal kimono robes were ruined, and she fell into a very dirty lake. She sobbed and cried in her despair, for she feared she would never escape.

"As she cried, her tears attracted many evil demons and spirits who began to attack her. She tried to fight, to defend herself, but she wasn't very good and had to run again. She tripped many times and was cut and bled, but she kept getting up to run away."

It was clear, so far, that Rin was finding this story very unappealing, so Akane quickly had to rethink some parts and decided to skip ahead. For the next part, she started to use her hands and arms to express some of the things she spoke.

"Finally, just as it seemed Kazue was going to be killed, a flaming arrow cut through the air and exploded in flame that ate away all the evil demons and saved Kazue. Kazue was very grateful, and looked for the arrow's archer, only to find that the wood was once again empty. She called out for her rescuer, and saw that a cloaked figure stood in the distance. She rose up to her feet and struggled to follow him, but he stayed just out of her reach. She followed him until she was outside of the forest, and found her parents looking frantically for her. Kazue went to them, sobbing in her fear and relief, but she kept wondering about the figure. She said nothing about it to her parents as she was led home."

"Three days passed, and Kazue couldn't forget the figure. She resolved to go back to the cursed wood and look for him to thank him for saving her life. But before she could escape again, her mother found her with great news. She told Kazue that her father had arranged for her to marry a wealthy lord that Kazue new to be crude, ugly, and mean. She was very upset, and her mother wouldn't allow her to leave until the meeting between her and her betrothed was carried out. Kazue waited until after she met her big, ugly, fat husband to be," Akane deepened her voice and stretched out her arms to make herself seem like fat man, making Rin laugh, "And then, at night, she climbed over the wall and ran into the cursed woods."

"This time, she was careful and prepared as she went through the woods with a lantern, calling out of her rescuer. When he showed himself, he asked in a haunting, deep voice why she had come back here. She told him that she wanted to thank him for rescuing her, and offered him a basket she had brought filled with food and nice things like blankets and lush pillows. He didn't come to take them from her, but she left them for him and headed back home. Every three days after that, Kazue went back to the cursed wood to bring more food to the stranger. The more she brought him, the closer he would dare to come to her. Kazue learned that he was called "Yoshiro", and she came back often to see him."

"But, as time does, it moved all to fast. Soon, Kazue would be married off to the fat lord, and she would have to leave the new friend she had made in Yoshiro. She was very sad the last time she saw her cloaked rescuer, and he asked, from the tree branch were he sat eating an apple she had brought him, what troubled her. Kazue told him that she didn't like this new husband of her's at all, and didn't want to marry him. She hated him, if anything, him and his gluttony and ugly, wart covered face," Akane poked Rin's face and said, "He had a wart here, here, here, and here," poking Rin gently with her claws, making the girl giggle.

"Yoshiro asked why she was marrying him if she didn't love him, and she told him that her father and mother wished her to so that they would have tight bonds with his territory. Kazue didn't know why she bothered explaining it and told Yoshiro he was lucky. He lived in this forest and didn't have to deal with the real world. She left him with a sad, final goodbye, for the next day she would be gone from this place."

"Kazue woke up reluctantly that morning and went to find her mother, only find that that her husband to be was there, and her mother and father were bound by evil spells and unable to move. She screamed as she realized this lord was really an evil spirit come to steal her soul, and tried to fight him. She used her father's sword, but only managed to put a scratch on the evil-lord. He grabbed her harshly and prepared to kill her."

Rin gasped and covered her mouth, and Akane grinned, "But, as fate would have it, the cloaked figure came in at that moment and struck the arms off the lord!" Rin cheered as Akane jumped to her feet and began to reenact the part of the figure while Rin was Kazue, and she pretended to swing a sword to fight the evil-fat-lord, "He fought against the lord with such grace it was hard to believe he was human! They battled fiercely, but Yoshiro was wounded in the arm, and could barely lift his sword!" she clutched her arm and tried not to laugh when Rin cried out, "Oh no, Yoshiro!"

"But," Akane came over and pulled Rin forward, "Before the evil-lord could strike him down, Kazue grabbed Yoshiro's sword right from his hand, and using all her strength, she struck the final blow, ending the life of the evil-lord who plagued her family. The battle was won!"

Rin and Akane cheered and fell back into the grass laughing at their little play. "What happened next?" Rin asked.

"Well," Akane pushed herself up on her elbows, "Kazue's father, the Lord, told Yoshiro that he was in his dept, and would do anything to repay him. Yoshiro, for the first time, revealed his face to Kazue, and she saw that he was very handsome and noble looking. Yoshiro told Kazue's father that he would like to take Kazue for his wife. Kazue's father at first refused him, though."

"Why?" Rin asked, honestly confused.

Akane smiled at her innocence, "Well, Yoshiro wasn't of noble birth, despite his good intentions. He did live in a cursed forest, after all. And Kazue was her parent's pride and joy, they wanted to see her well looked after and for her to have many children."

"So what did they do?" Rin asked.

"Nothing," Akane saw that Rin looked disappointed and smiled, "Because Kazue's father was actually wrong. Yoshiro was really a prince from a land farther North, he had run away because he didn't want to take his father's place, fearing he would only mess it up. But now, with Kazue with him, he would go back and rule with her help, as long as she stayed with him. Kazue told Yoshiro she would, and with her parents full blessing, they were married and went back to Yoshiro's real home, where they had many children, and lived happily ever after."

Rin smiled at Akane, "I like your stories, Akane-neechan."

Akane huffed, "Don't get to use to it," she said, "I'm not very good at story telling. I knew that one front to back, so you got it easy this time."

"How did you know that one so well?" Rin tilted her head a bit, and Akane was quick to think that his girl was smarter than she looked. She was getting Akane to reveal more and more about her past, and it was beginning to annoy her.

Still, Akane sighed, "It was a story my mother use to tell me."

"You're human mother?"

"No, my real mother," she said, bowing her head sadly, "It's one of the few things I do remember about her…"

Rin was quiet for a while. Akane noticed the silence, and quickly tried to liven the mood, "How about we try out a new game, Rin?" she said, smiling, "How would you like that?"

Rin beamed, "Yes! Very much, Akane-neechan!"

Akane got to her feet and helped Rin up as well, "Right, well it's got some running in it, so get ready, because I'm the hound, and you're the fox!" Rin seemed to recognize this game, because she let out a squeal and ran away as fast as she could from Akane, who quickly went to chase her at only a fraction of her speed.

Downwind, in the forest around which the meadow lay, Sesshomaru had been watching and listening to the Akane's strange story. He hadn't heard it before, and wondered if she just made it up to please Rin's appetite for fairy tales. He huffed and turned away, "Ridiculous…"


Akane wrung out her hair again and muttered a curse to it. She hated having so much, but she couldn't bring herself to cut it either. She sighed as she went back to drying her skin so she could replace her clothes. She hated wearing a kimono while traveling. It was just too much of a hassle to take on and off to wash. She fumbled with the over-robe and then the obi until she was satisfied and then began to gather up her things.

Rin had fallen asleep not long after they had set off before sundown. Sesshomaru wanted to find a different camp, since it seemed that this one didn't suit his tastes. Akane huffed, wondering if the outdoors were really his style at all. 'He's such a spoiled bra—'

Akane dropped her things when she felt a hand wrap around her mouth and silence her scream. He was pulled back behind a tree into the shadows and pressed against a hard chest. She struggled until claws bit into her cheek and she recognized a low, warning growl. Sesshomaru didn't even look at her as she glared up at him, he was watching the water.

Akane's gaze fell that way too as they watched a strange creature slowly emerge from the other side of the creak where Akane had washed herself. It came over and sniffed Akane's fallen things, and then let out a low growl. It was a demon, frothing at the mouth with glowing white eyes. It resembled a scale-covered bat that walked on all fours, it front legs bony wings with no membrane between the long finger-like appendages for flight.

Two more of its kind joined it to sniff Akane's things, and Sesshomaru growled when Akane tried to break free to save her bathing supplies. Chou had packed soap and wash-clothes for her, and she had foolishly brought them all with her. If she lost it, Rin and she would have nothing to bathe with.

The demons started off with her things, and Sesshomaru whispered harshly, "Move from this spot, and I will kill you," before he let her go and silently faded into the trees' shadows. She watched the three demons as they started again across the water. They all froze to smell a fresh breeze, and one let out a startled barking noise. The other two turned to look as the third froze dead still, before it fell in a spray of blood. The other two howled with screeching sounds at the fall of their fellow, and one lashed out. Sesshomaru had appeared, and grabbed the offender by its large neck and poisoned it, making it wither before dying. The last one was decapitated with a flick of Sesshomaru's wrist, and then all three lay dead in the creak, blood tainting the water.

Akane walked out of her hiding place and quickly gathered her things. "What are they?" she asked.

"Spies," he answered, his voice filled with disgust. "It is more important than ever that we take Rin to the village."

"This village," Akane glared at him as he walked past her, "What makes you think it will be safe for her? Why would she be safer with humans than with us?" she asked.

"There are not only humans in that village," he said.

"Who else, then?" Akane glared, "Rin has told me all about them. There is miko there, and some boy called Shippo. What makes them special?"

Sesshomaru didn't say anything, he simply turned to her. There was a long silence, and then he spoke. "That story you told Rin. Where did you hear it?"

Akane's eyes grew wide, then she felt her cheeks grow hot, "Where you listening to us!?"

"Rin is my charge," he told her, "I will follow her if I please, and listen to what I please. Now answer my question."

"I don't have to!" she snapped, "That was between me and Rin! You had no right to invade on that!" she began to push past him, but he grabbed her by the throat and shoved her back into a tree so hard that the wide, strong trunk shook with the effort.

Akane struggled to breathe, her feet inches off the ground, as she glared right into Sesshomaru's cold eyes. The mark on her wrist began to burn, making her use what little air she could get to let out a coughing cry of pain. She tried to dig her claws deep into his wrist, but it didn't seem to faze him.

"You are trying my patients, little bitch," he growled at her, "You have challenged me at every turn. I thought by now you would've begun to learn your lesson."

Akane couldn't help but grin at the very idea. He was still trying to make her submit to him, and clearly, it was getting under his skin that she wasn't. They both knew there was only one reason she had been so cooperative to this point, and that was Rin. As soon as she was gone, Akane would have no more reason to hold back. She would try to escape, whether by killing him or making him release her, it didn't matter.

Sesshomaru became more irritated with her for her smirk, and tightened his grip on her throat, making her windpipe constrict. No air got into her lungs, and her vision began to go black. "This Sesshomaru will not tolerate it," he said harshly, "You will learn to submit, or you will die for your arrogance. Which will it be?"

Akane couldn't answer, though she wanted so bad to spit in his face. She couldn't even find the strength to scratch at him with her claws any more as she gasped for breath. Sesshomaru glared at her for a long while, and finally, just before she could black out, he released his grip on her throat. He remained there, holding his hand up as he watched her fall and crumple at his feet.

She clutched her throat and coughed, taking in deep breathes and spitting onto the ground until she looked up at him with a cold glare. Sesshomaru met her violet eyes and said again, "Where did you learn that story?"

Akane didn't want to submit, but she didn't think she could take anymore of the burning mark on her wrist which still tingled with its use. "M-My…my mother told it to me…"

"You're mother?"

"My real mother," she coughed and sat back against the tree, "Before I lived in the human village as a child…that story is actually the way my mother and father really met."

"That is a child's tale," Sesshomaru huffed, thinking he caught her lie.

"It's been doctored into one," she glared at him, "My mother loved stories and music above all things. She would tell them to us, but that one was always her favorite. It's the only one I remember from her."

Sesshomaru saw her face, as it gazed up at the sky, go from hate and anger to a somber expression, a lost one. She pulled her legs up to prop her chin on her knees, glaring down at her feet, "Happy now?" she glanced up at him, "That's the truth."

He believed her, and because of that, walked away. Akane stayed there for an half hour, looking very alone and lost as those bad memories came back. She was able to stop the tears from coming, but it didn't mean she didn't feel the hurt in her heart.

To get her mind off things, she got to her feet and went over to inspect the dead bodies of the three strange creatures. 'He said they were spies…' she remembered, 'But for who? And why would they come after us?'


A/N: Oooh…spies!? Someone's really after Sesshy!! *hides my camera*

Okay, I am so, so, so, sooo sorry it's taken me so long to update! I have been cramming for exams, and then Christmas got in the way. I have been working on this story non-stop, and you should see a few more updates this week (hopefully).

This chapter didn't turn out like I wanted it to…and I'm still not too satisfied with it. But, please review anyway! ^-^ Thanks again for reading and I hope you continue (and a major thanks for your patients when it comes to my slow updating…^-^;)