Title: My sister
Rating: K+
Summary: Puck learns something dark about Rachels shaky past when he overhears his sister and her Jewish mentor Rachel having a deep conversation, how does this change pucks view of Rachel? Eventually puckleberry goodness
Disclaimer: I own nothing or else mark salling would love lea. And never wear a shirt!
Chapter one: The conversation that changed everything
One hot autumn day in Lima, Ohio at the Puckermans house, a young Sarah puckerman was sitting in the kitchen adoring her idol; Rachel Berry.
Puck POV
I know I know youre probably thinking why the hell is berry the gleek freak in my house right? Well, turns out underneath those ridiculously short catholic schoolgirl skirts, Berry was actually very sweet, and my sister Sarah wanted to be just like her when she grew up. Two weeks ago I wouldve begged my sister to pick someone, no ANYONE other than Berry to look up to, but then having her around here all the time these past few weeks, Ive seen a new side to Berry, and even though Ill never admit to saying this, I actually admire her and maybe even love her? I mean what? No. puck does not Love girls, he screws them but with her, its just different. Anyway, look I got off subject, so its Tuesday night and my sister and Rachel are having their weekly Chinese food dinner when I overheard their conversation I had to stop in and listen
General POV
"So Rachel I know this might be kind of weird for me to say, because I love puck and all, hes a great big brother, but Ive always wished he were a girl. I mean no. that came out wrong, I am trying to say I love you Rachel, and Im glad that you have been here lately, bebecause I uh consider you the best big sister a girl could ever ask for Rachel"
Rachel burst into tears.
"I'm sorry Rach, I didnt mean to hurt your feelings, and I just wanted to tell you"
"No no sweetheart, I appreciate that very much. I love being here for you, youre a great kid. I just uh, that really hit home for me. Did I ever tell you about my little sister grace?"
"No, I never even knew you have a sister."
"I had a sister, once. You see, I was eight. My mom and my daddy decided to have a new baby, and I was so excited! I decided right there that I was going to be the best big sister ever, and I went to the library and got all these books and I made a list, and and I was so determined so when the day came for my baby sister to be born, my daddy brought me to the hospital, and after she was born I was so excited to go in and see her, but I stopped when I heard mommy and daddy fighting, mommy was saying she didnt want the baby, and that daddy made her have it, and it would be unfair to the world if they brought another Rachel into it, because she already regretted bringing one crazy girl into this world, she couldnt bring in a second. Anyways so the baby was born, and I heard it crying, and then my mom. She she suffocated it! She killed my baby sister! Because she thought I was so horrible. So when I heard you say that, I sort of lost control and for that I am sorry. I am very grateful that you think of me as your sister, and from here on out my sweet girl I will do everything I can do to be the best big sister out there. Okay? I love you Sarah."
"Oh my gosh Rachel I am so sorry! I had no idea! I for one think youre amazing."
"As do I." came a familiar voice from around the corner.
"Puck?? I Uh. Did you hear how much did you hear? I uh"
"I heard everything. Lets take a walk Berry."
That has got to be the most jacked up story Ive ever heard, and to hear that it happened to my sweet little Rachel, wait my sweet Rachel? There is something seriously wrong with me. Right back to the story I knew I shouldnt have eavesdropped, but honestly what could I do? So I asked berry to go on a walk with me, to see if maybe there was something else she wasnt telling me.
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