Again, all my apologies for the late update!! My god have I had a busy few months!
But enough with excuses, and thanks for all your feedback! I have taken it on board and suggestions have been noted and are already set for future chapters :)

Hope you're all still enjoying it! Please review and tell me what you think, what you like and hate and I'll do my best :)

Cuddy walked quickly towards him and slapped him hard round the face.

"How dare you!"

Rachel erupted into a fit of giggles.

Cuddy suddenly left the room, leaving House in even more pain and completely bemused. Before he could think of what to do, Cuddy was back with a drip and stand.

"It's not narcotics. But it'll take the edge of." Cuddy guessed what he was about to say as she put the drip in his arm.
"Thanks." He mumbled.

Suddenly Cuddy hit him hard again this time on the back of the head. Rachel fell onto her side as she laughed louder.

"Stop it woman! That's cripple abuse!"
"That was for the accusation."
"I thought the slap around the face was for that reason."
"It was. But you deserved more."
"Hence the reason you got me pain relief. Hmmm, doesn't make a lot of sense."
"You deserved a slap. Not the pain you're going through because of your injuries."
"Two slaps. You hit me twice."
"Like I said, you deserved it."

Cuddy smirked and sat back down on her daughter's bed and lifted her up onto her lap.

"And Rachel seems to enjoy it."
"I know. The kid takes after you."
"You say that like it's a bad thing."
"Well it is if it means I'm going to be subject to daily slaps."

House sighed as he thought.

"Do you have any idea why Wilson has been calling him so much?" House asked her. "You ever notice him taking calls outside or anything suspicious?"

Cuddy also sighed and looked down at Rachel who was beginning to fall asleep.

"He always does, he's a PI. He never tells me anything about his work. I just don't want to believe any if this. Wilson's your best friend, and Lucas..."
"Is your boyfriend." House finished the sentence. He didn't really know why. He guessed he was probably confirming what he already knew to try and get rid of the fact that he couldn't stop thinking how gorgeous she looked; comfortable with her child in her arms.

Cuddy didn't know what to say. She wasn't going to say that. She now knew she had a huge look of guilt on her face and could see House reading her with intent making her cheeks flush. She saw him smile.

"What's funny?" She asked curiously.
"Rachel." He simply replied.

Cuddy looked down and saw Rachel now fast asleep with her mouth wide open and drooling. Cuddy let out a small chuckle. She stood up carefully and tucked her in. She gave a small kiss on her forehead and sat back down at the foot of the bed.

"What are we going to do?" Cuddy asked.

House smirked again. The whole situation confused him and he hated the thought his best friend may have been conspiring against him, but being like this with Cuddy, even though he had received several hits, was like how it used to be before Mayfield and before Lucas. He will never forgive himself for bringing that man into all of their lives. Cuddy had asked what are we, instead of what are you. She included herself.

"I don't know." He really didn't.
"Do you want me to try and talk to Wilson again?"
"No. I will. You go and talk to Lucas."

She nodded and began to leave the room. She suddenly felt his hand grab her wrist.

"Thanks." He mumbled.

She nodded again and left the room. When she had, she breathed out a sigh. My god, she thought to herself. How hard had it been just then not to kiss that man who looked at her with guilt ridden eyes. She then carried on to speak to Lucas.

Wilson stood staring at his reflection in the bathroom of the hospital. He splashed his face with cold water and looked back up at his face. "What the hell have you got yourself into?" He mumbled to himself.

Three months ago...

"So what's this, an intervention?" Lucas asked. "One man army, unless House is hiding somewhere, pretty sure he's not a great threat though, cane kind of slows him down." He continued as he sat opposite Wilson at the table.
"Actually I was going to ask you for your help." Wilson said with a layer of disgust in his voice. He couldn't believe he was here, in New York, in a diner miles away from home with Lucas.
"Yes really. I know at the moment you and House kind of..."
"Hate each other?"
"I was going to say more along the lines of not seeing eye to eye. Anyway, I think he's using."
"You mean he's back on vicodin?"
"I think he is." Wilson stressed.
"You meeting me here means you're pretty sure and don't trust him."
"I do trust him."
"Why not meet me in a small cafe in Princeton then? Why meet me at all?"

Wilson sighed.

"Can you just follow him? Just for a bit? I just... I just want to be sure. He's my best friend."
"Fine. It'll cost you."

"I want to know what the hell has happened to him! I hope the son of a bitch is dead!" Sarah screamed.

She had left her room on a venture to see if her soon to be ex-husband was out or surgery. If he was she had planned to finish him. She hated him for what he did to her. For years he abused her both physically and mentally. But now he had almost killed another man through his selfishness and could have killed a child. That was the final straw in her mind.

"Please calm down." A nurse said. "He's still in surgery."

Cuddy had seen the commotion and went over.

"Sarah, you should go back to your room. You need to rest."
"I just needed to know what had happened to him. I can't believe he did this. He was driving too fast, I told him to slow down but the other guy..."
"The other guy?" Cuddy asked.
"I don't know, just this guy who was in the car as well. I don't know who he was but...

Suddenly Cuddy heard her name being called.

"Lisa!" Lucas called. He was still in the ER and had just spotted Cuddy talking to a woman whose back was turned to him.

Both Cuddy and Sarah looked into the direction. Suddenly Lucas' face fell when he saw the woman.

"Oh my god, that's him, the other guy who was in the car." Sarah said. "You know him? She asked.