Warm sunshine beamed through her bedroom window and caused Katie to stir from her slumber. As she stretched her arms over her head, she heard a hammering sound coming from outside.

"I wonder what that man is up to now," she mumbled as she moved to open the blinds. Sure enough, there was Tim Riggins (shirtless again) building some sort of box. After throwing her hair up in a bun, she went to the kitchen and poured two glasses of orange juice. Going out the front door, she couldn't help but smile when the hammering stopped and his voice reached her ears.

"Good morning, Ms. Jennings," that sexy Southern voice drawled.

"Back at ya, Coach Riggins," she replied as she walked towards him and handed him the second glass of orange juice. "What are you building?"

"A doghouse," he replied.

"You have a dog?" Katie asked befuddled. She had been to his house several times and had never seen a dog.

"Not yet," Tim said with a smile. "I'd like to get a dog and I thought why not get everything ready for one first."

"Good thinking," Katie said with a smile. "Let me know when you decide to go shopping for a dog. I'd love to come with you."

"You're definitely coming with me, Katie," Tim said with a smile.

Before Katie could respond, a voice called to them from across the street.

"Are you two coming to the July 4th celebration at the park on Saturday?" Mrs. White asked as she checked her mailbox.

Tim and Katie looked at each other before they both turned and replied, "Yes, ma'am."

"Good! I know there are a lot of folks who can't wait to see Coach Riggins and his new girlfriend," Mrs. White responded before walking back into her house. Tim and Katie both started laughing.

"Well, girlfriend, what's on your agenda for today?" Tim asked after they sobered up.

"I'm going to the elementary school to meet with my new principal and then work in my classroom for a while," she said.

"Work in your classroom?" Tim asked.

"I have some boxes of things for my classroom in the back of my car that I need to drop off. I also want to start planning how to decorate my room," Katie said as she watched him place another nail in the wood.

"Let me help you with those boxes," Tim replied before he hammered the last nail into the wood. He turned to face her with a smile on his gorgeous face.

"Are you sure?" Katie asked as she moved back towards her front door.

"Absolutely," Tim replied. "What time do you need me there?"

"10:00?" Katie said as she opened her front door.

"I'll meet you there," he said with a wink as he watched her walk into her house. He couldn't stop the smile that streamed across his face. He couldn't figure out why he was so drawn to this woman, but he literally wanted to spend every minute he could with her. "Tread easy, Riggins," he thought to himself.