A/N: Hi!! i didn't like my first fic so this is my replacement!! i did this for fun but i hope you enjoy!! ^___^

It's not really a romance though, but it has some spots!!!

Summary: Ichigo, Rukia, Uryu (Ishida), and Orihime are stuck(trapped) in Kisuke/Urahara's "Private" vacation house! OH THE TORTURE!

Warning: Rukia is a "little" obsessed with manga, Orihime's cooking......lets not talk about that, Uryu is paranoid freak!

PS: I'm currently working on another fic, so yeah. But i will update once and a while, right now i am fixing and adding things to these chapters. Oh, and check out my other stories!

Disclaimer: Blah....I don't own Bleach, Fruits Basket, Peach girl, or any manga of any sort.


Ichi's POV

Rukia and I have been stuck in my frickin house since summer vacation started!!

IT SUCKED! The air conditioner broke and Karin and Yuzu are using the fans, so I'm stuck to opening the damn window. Here I am lying in my bed all I'm sticky and sweaty, Rukia's on the floor reading one of her shojo/shoujo manga and eating cookies. She looked a lot cooler than me though, but who gives a shit anymore.

Then out of no where Rukia's cell phone rang (the chappy theme song XD) but it wasn't a hollow this time. I heard Rukia talking, well i wasn't really paying attention until the last part "Okay, we'll be over in a few minutes....I bet Off (Ichigo) over there wouldn't care even if his life was on the line, I bet he has nothing better to do anyways!"

Rukia's POV

OH MY GOD! It's so hot!!

Well I'm on the hot sticky floor reading one my favorite shojo manga and eating some of Yuzu's delicious cookies, I've been thinking lately about the manga I've been reading.....I'm almost done with Fruits basket and I asked Hinamori (Momo) what I should read next....than it popped in my head, I should read Peach girl. I basically humiliated Momo about it!

Out of no where my phone rang and I answered, it was Kisuke Urahara, the famous perverted shopkeeper I wonder what he wanted.

"Hello Kuchiki-san, long time no see!" greeted the perverted shopkeeper from the other line.

"What do you want, Urahara." Rukia sighed and tried to lift her sweaty arm, but it was so sweaty that it stuck to the floor.

"Is that any way to treat your superiors?!"

"Just tell me what you want, I'm at a really good part of my manga!" yelled Rukia into the phone.

"Calm down, I want you and Ichigo-san to pack your cases and head down to the Urahara shoten!" cheered the (retarted) shopkeeper.

"Why?" Rukia bit into her cookie.

"No questions asked and no questions will be answered! I do need a favor though, can Ichigo-san drive a car?!"

"Uh....Yeah....sure." Rukia wasn't really paying attention anymore.

"Kuchiki-san, would you mind putting the manga down and paying attention."

"Um.....what? Oh, yeah sure."

"Great, I hope Ichigo-san won't mind and be over in a bit, I invited Inoue and Ishida too!" cheered the perverted shopkeeper with a mischievous grin.

"Okay, we'll be over in a few minutes (after i finish my manga that is).........I bet off (Ichigo) over there wouldn't care even if his life was on the line, I bet he has nothing better to do anyways!" said the Rukia with a bored expression.

Then Rukia hung up the phone.

"What was that about?" asked the Confused Ichigo on the bed.

Rukia sat up and yawned, "Urahara called me and to tell me we have to pack a suitcase and be over at the Urahara shoten, he also told me he invited Orihime-chan and Ishida along too."said Rukia as she stretched and exhaled a long breath.

Ichigo yawned, "Well I have nothing better to do any ways, but if this is some kind of joke I kill that bastard!"

The two got up and started to pack their cases, of course Ichigo just put stuff in his case that he thought he would need, while Rukia on the other hand packed probably all her Chappy related items.

Soon after.....

Ichigo and Rukia FINALLY arrive at Urahara shoten, after instead of a few minutes like Rukia said but a damn hour!

Things didn't go as smoothly as planned.


Rukia's POV

I'm having a difficult time trying to find what to pack, not like clothes but like manga. Lately I've been reading manga like a robot I'm totally addicted, I wanted to bring Fruits Basket but then I would have to bring 3 books of the same series so i could finish it.....then I also want to bring peach girl with me..... man what a hard decision....that's when Ichigo just had to ruin my line of thought.

"Rukia are you ready yet!!" yelled the angry strawberry from downstairs.

"Hold on, I'm trying to pick out some manga!" I was honestly trying to rush, Ichigo gets mad when i take too long.

"Just throw something in your bag, and let's go!"

I crossed my arms and pouted for second, deep in thought. "But I need to pick a good manga to bring!" I replied, That's when I heard footsteps moving up the stairs.

I turned around and saw Ichigo bare-chested with him scowl on, I basically bumped into his sweaty chest. He suddenly picked up a manga from my manga shelf but it was one I already read!

"Wait, Ichigo I already read that one!!" I yelled and grabbed it.

"Then just friggin pick one out!!" said the furious Strawberry, he then walked out the room.

"Wait for me!!" I hurriedly skimmed through the manga names.

That's when I decided, 2 Fruits basket and 2 peach girl.

End of flashback

"Ohayo, Orihime-chan, Ishida!" greeted Rukia to Orihime and Ishida.

"Ohayo, Rukia-chan I'm glad you made it!!" replied the bubbly Orihime.

Uryu nodded and lifted his glasses off his nose, "Ohayo to you too, Kuchiki-san."

Rukia smiled. "Ohayo, Kurosaki-Kun!" greeted Orihime.

Ichigo nodded, "Hey Inoue." said Ichigo completely ignoring Uryu's presense.

"It seems you still don't know your manners, Kurosaki." snickered Uryu

Ichigo swiftly turned his face to Uryu, "Ishida." snapped Ichigo.

The atmosphere was tense... everyone was quiet until,"Ohayo, Ichigo-san, Kuchiki-san, Inoue-san, Ishida-san...I'm glad everyone could make it!" said Urahara with a creepy grin behind his fan.

"I have asked you to come here to the Urahara Shoten today because I would like to invite you all to my new vacation house for the summer!!" said the Perverted shopkeeper, while taking a sideways glance toward Yoruichi who gave him a thumbs up and a creepy seductive smirk as if she was a director for some porn movie.

"VACATION HOUSE!!" yelled everybody in a surprised voice.

"Yup, I won it in some contest, I wasn't going to use so why put it to waste. I thought I could be nice and ask my dear friends if they wanted to stay there for two weeks if they had no plans!" said the Perverted shopkeeper, then he made a weird pose.......Nobody wanted to know what the pose represented.

"I even provided you a nice car to drive in and a map and a GPS!!" beamed Urahara. "Aren't I a such a great generous person, and I even set up every thing and where you guys will be sleeping.....so go along now kids!! Have fun!" cheered the Perverted shopkeeper.

Ichigo eyed Urahara suspiciously, "I bet there's something behind this, but I'll find out later. So who's driving?!" asked Ichigo.

"Uh.....I'm too short." said Rukia as an excuse, and a good one too.

"I have a.....st-stomach ache." stuttered the nervous laughing Orihime as she looked around.

"My glasses make things blurry so I can't drive until I get a new prescription." said Ishida smartly.

Ichigo sighed, "Fine, I'll drive." said Ichigo while sighing again.

Half an Hour later 1:30 pm

The gang's now on the road.

Rukia's in the passenger seat listening to her ipod and reading (you should already know what) manga.....Orihime was in the back seat with Uryu passed out with an open bag of potato chips on her lap and a closed wasabi paste container on her other lap her head was laying on Uryu's lap. Uryu was knitting a blanket oblivious to the fact that Orihime was on his lap taking a nap and drooling.

Most of the ride was boring until Orihime had to go pee. Ichigo would have to go to the nearest gas station.

Another half an hour later 2:00 pm

Ichigo found and stopped at a gas station for a pit stop.

Rukia went in to the gas station to get a soda and some pretzels, when she found there was a book store in the back she couldn't resist the urge to buy manga! She found the manga isle in the store and raced toward it, she was browsing through and found Vampire Knight vol. 11. She hasn't read Vampire Knight in while....nope!

That's when she came across some Hentai manga.....she didn't know what it was but she took a peek and.........saw things she didn't want to see, it would probably scar her for life! So instead of something major she just got 1 tokyo mew mew vol.(for some strange reason....i know to tease Ichigo about it), 2 Inuyasha vol. And 1 Jigoku Shoujo vol.! THEN she went back to the car after minutes of skimming through manga.

Orihime went in and did her business then she went to get a coffee with powdered wasabi, mustard and black pepper. She thought it sounded like heaven, when Orihime asked the cashier about it he changed color all of a sudden, something Orihime found funny and asked how he did that as if it was a second nature (it might be, lol)!

Uryu didn't want to go in but Orihime pestered him to, so he ended getting a water bottle and some instant tea bags and maybe a magazine or two.

After everyone came back to the car Uryu volunteered to drive, Ichigo asked him about his glasses, he said he had an extra pair.

So now Ichigo and Rukia were in the backseat and Uryu and Orihime were in the front for the rest of the ride.

Two hours later 4:00 pm

Uryu has gotten lost and every body had to stop and look at the maps, so when they gave up they asked for directions to their destination. Then Rukia noticed something, "Didn't Urahara say he has a GPS?" Everyone turned to her.

They checked the car and found no GPS.

When they had to go ask for directions, that's also when they switched drivers, Orihime is now driving.

An hour later 5:00 pm

Orihime had to go to the bathroom again and every one was hungry anyway so they stopped by the nearest town for some food.

Rukia wanted to go to a Diner and everyone was too hungry to give a shit where they eat, well maybe not Mcdonald's or anything like that. Even if they did eat at a fast food place Rukia's brother would slaughter Ichigo (and only him) for making her eat vile fat foods when she's suppose to have nutritional hand-made food everyday.

The group arrived at a famous diner that had well made food.

Rukia ordered BIG PLATE of CHICKEN CURRY and RICE. (A/N:YUM)

Orihime ordered 2 CHICKEN SUBS with mustard, ketchup, red/black bean paste, wasabi paste, barbecue sauce, and some honey to top it off!

Ichigo ordered A BIG BOWL of RAMEN and a small side dish of curry.

Uryu ordered an AVERAGE bowl of UDON and a side dish of sashimi!

The group was recommended some takoyaki, nabe, and sukiyaki (A/N: They taste soo good!) by the waitresses but they denied it.

An hour later 6:00 pm

They were back on the road, and offered Orihime to drive again.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, Rukia was...reading manga, Ichigo was playing on his PSP, Uryu was knitting the almost finished blanket and Orihime was humming a song while sucking on her favorite flavored jolly rancher.

It wasn't dark outside yet so it was easy to see outside, which was a good thing because of Orihime's short attention span.

They're FINALLY there!! 7:15pm

Rukia didn't get to drive because she passed out and no one wanted to wake her up......for certain reasons Ichigo warned Ishida and Orihime about.

When everybody went inside they were looking for the bedrooms and saw that there were only 2 bedrooms and there were names on silver plaques that were stuck to the doors, on one door it said 'Ichigo & Rukia's room' and on the other it said 'Uryu & Orihime's room!' The group blushed but never said anything.

In Ichigo's mind he was thinking, 'I knew there was something behind this, that bastard Urahara!'

A/N: This is the revised and fixed version of this chapter! Like in the Authors note in the beginning, check out my other stories! XD