Note: Now this is really the ending. It feels weird. But I feel accomplished XD
I never thought I'd take that long to write this fic, at the time I started it, I thought it was only a matter of a few weeks. I will try not to delay so much in the future, first because I can't keep you waiting like this, and because it's a pain to get back in the mood for a story after so long.
I haven't changed anything to what was planned for this fic so I'm pretty happy that I didn't change my mind and made it totally different, it's true to what was originally planned.

"MATT!" Mello was crying, running to Matt, "Matt, oh my God!"

Matt was frozen in place, unable to decide if he should laugh or cry at that point. Mello was here... Mello was back here. And he was holding him in his arms... so everything was all good now?
The emotions were too much to take at once and Matt broke down in sobs, hugging Mello back hard, unable to utter a word.
"Oh my God Matt..." Mello whispered, pressing the redhead against him, his hand instinctively running in his hair to soothe his boyfriend, "The things you've done Matt... I... I'm sorry..."

They stayed like this for a long moment, until the initial shock died down and Mello was able to speak coherently.
He grabbed Matt's face in his palms and smiled softly, brushing strands out of his eyes.
The redhead was still unable to talk though, staring at Mello without even blinking.
"I'm not going anywhere, not anymore, not without you..." Mello said, understanding everything that was contained in that insistent look.

The blond entwined his fingers with Matt's, making his boyfriend whimper because of the pain.
"Damn, what happened to your hand?" Mello opened wide eyes at the sight of the swollen and blueish fingers. He also took in the blood dried over the ripped jeans on Matt's side and pulled him to the bathroom, opening the tap to run a bath before starting to undress Matt, who let him do without protesting. He was obviously still in shock.

Mello explained everything, Matt not even interrupting him once, only listening carefully, keeping his eyes on him like if he was afraid that Mello would disappear again, following his demands obediently as the blond took care of him.

It hadn't been easy to run away from Matt. When Mello had spotted the familiar car in the parking lot, he had just had time to hide, the reflection of the sun on the hospital's glass door saving him from being seen by the redhead in the distance. He hadn't made a decision. Or at least, he knew that the right decision was in total contradiction with what he wanted to do. He had to get away from his psychotic boyfriend, but he loved him and couldn't even begin to imagine leaving him. He just needed more time to choose between the safe thing to do, and jumping right back into psycholand, knowing he may not come alive out if it... so he escaped by the backdoor.

It hadn't been possible at first, he wasn't allowed to pass that exit, but he had finally made it, progressing slowly each time no one was watching. He had reached for the closest hotel and had simply stayed there.

Carefully, Mello bathed Matt, then he cleaned all visible wounds and wrapped them the best he could. He could do nothing for the bruises on Matt's chest, they were painful but they would get better pretty fast. He was more worried with his fingers, but he couldn't bring him to the hospital considering what the redhead just had done. They would simply stay here, hiding away until the news would forget about the recent explosions and the discovery of a ruined Mafia hideout. No one should find out about Matt being the mysterious wiper, Mello would make sure of that.

He used all his knowledge from Wammy's to tie Matt's fingers in the right position so they could heal correctly, although he knew that Matt would probably have some difficulties with them once they got better, their position may not be exactly perfect.

The blond had kept an eye on the Mafia, knowing all too well that him gone, mess would ensue, and he wanted to make sure that Matt or him weren't in danger because Matt had called the doc days earlier. He wasn't long to discover that Jim had been killed, then Seth, until he had known that Matt was at the origin of those murders. That's when he had realised that Matt would stop at nothing to get him back. And instead of being scared, he had known

right at that moment that he was unable to live away from Matt.

He had learnt quite at the same time as Matt that Ross had located him in that bunker, except that it wasn't him. Someone had taken advantage of the mess to make believe that he was Mello, thinking that the ex boss was dead indeed. Mello was still hiring men to get rid of Ross and the fake him when Matt made his move.
Mello was astonished when he saw the news, the report about the massacre in the bunker, the images of the ruins of Ross' burning hideout... he didn't doubt Matt being the one to do that, not a single second.

When he had thought that Matt would stop at nothing, he was still very far from the truth, seeing that his boyfriend had risked everything to blow the Mafia. He was unable to fight back when someone stole his PSP, and now that...

Mello got rid of the men he had hired straight away, since they were useless, and were also the last ones to know about him now, probably, and had come back to the apartment immediately, hoping that Matt would be back there soon.

Wrapping Matt in a bathrobe, Mello held him close, kissing his temple before exiting the bathroom with him.

"So you're not mad at me anymore?" Matt finally murmured, looking at Mello with his big blue eyes.
Mello couldn't help but think that Matt looked like a child right at that moment. A child relieved that he wasn't scolded for the big mischief he had just done. It was so far from the pyromaniac burning threats away, and still, it was a familiar side of his boyfriend. It was probably the first side he had known from Matt.
Mello shook his head. Of course he wasn't mad at Matt. He smiled, seeing how the redhead suddenly beamed.

"I am sorry for..." Matt began, "I don't know... I've done so much to you and I'm not even sure that I regret it, I know it seemed wrong to you but I know I'd do it again if I had to... I just... love you, Mello..."
"I know." Mello smiled. Was that so weird that himself didn't think it had been all wrong, now?
Matt smiled back. A smile that Mello had never seen. It was free of guilt, sorrow or craziness, and maybe, behind the damage done in their childhood, the person that Matt would have really been, had he been raised normally, was still there...

Matt dragged him to the bedroom suddenly. There, he turned around to face Mello and, grabbing his face, began to kiss him all over his mouth, his nose, his scar, hungrily.
Mello stopped Matt, only for a few seconds, just to look into his eyes, before he kissed him back, satisfied by what he saw. But soon he was like a puppet in Matt's arms, being undressed, laid on the bed. He wasn't afraid, and he didn't wonder, this time, what meant that predatory look in Matt's eyes. He knew what it was, but it didn't matter so much. The orphan in Matt was scared to lose again what he loved and made him feel secure, the orphan in Mello was scared to be abandoned again. It was only a fucked up evenness, Matt would smother him with his insecurity, but he would also give him everything, doanything for him.

This time, in Matt's arms, under his almost violent kisses and sucking and holding, Mello didn't feel controlled, or helpless, or lost. He only felt loved.

Matt deepened their kisses, Mello melting in his touch instead of tensing this time. Matt stopped for a second, looking at Mello, surprised by the sudden change, and smiled of that beautiful smile again, before diving down to Mello's crotch. He licked the underside of the already fully erected member, Mello moaning wantonly.
Palming the blond's balls, Matt massaged them while depositing small pecks on the inner side of his thighs, spreading them further.

Mello sighed of pleasure when he felt Matt's tongue begin to lick at his anus, and lifted his legs to give the redhead a better access. Matt's tongue went up to Mello's testicles, licking them with the flat of it, leaving a wet track up to the tip of his cock, before swallowing it whole, as he probed Mello's hole with a finger.

Mello's breath caught in his throat, and he pushed on the intruder, asking for more. Matt complied with a second finger, then a third, Mello eagerly and impatiently moving to meet Matt's knuckles.
"Matt..." Mello panted, pulling Matt up for the redhead to understand that he couldn't wait anymore. Matt was as eager as him, but although he was topping him, the violence was gone, he wasn't taking him harshly, dominating him, they were, for the first time, on the same level.

Matt slid inside of Mello, who didn't refrain the sounds he made to the least, urging Matt to go faster, deeper. Matt slid an arm under Mello's neck, bringing him closer so he could kiss him, resting on his other elbow.
When he broke the kiss, Matt simply stared at Mello, going faster, or slowing down, pulling Mello with him on a rollercoaster of sensations as he rammed into his sweet spot at different rhythms.

Sometimes the insanity was back, when Matt would be taking Mello so hard that the blond was afraid that the bedpost would leave marks against the wall of the bedroom, sometimes it was just that soft smile he had just discovered, when things slowed down to a sweet lovemaking, sometimes Matt was almost in tears, insecurity showing in his pupils, as he would hold Mello, almost stopping moving.
Mello couldn't help but smile, as Matt grabbed his erection, pumping him to get him to come, himself finally exploding in Mello before collapsing on his shoulder, crying and laughing at the same time, kissing the skin on Mello's neck that he could reach. He smiled because maybe it wasn't sad or depressing, it was pretty funny to have a gangbang with all of Matt's personalities...

It was like the lion and the lamb, except that this time, Mello didn't feel like the lion fighting to save the lamb, of like the lamb being eaten by Matt's psychotic lion instincts. They were both inside of the same body and mind...
Despite the fact that the love of his life may kill him someday, although the love of his life didn't seem to be able to tell right from wrong, the only important thing in Mello's mind was that it was, above everything, reason or sanity, right or wrong, truth or lie, the love of his life.

Mello stood up suddenly, coming back from the living room with a dark green box.
"Matt, I found that on the coffee table." Mello said, smirking. Matt gave him an alarmed look.
"No, no worries love." Mello pecked his lips, sitting on the border of the bed, "I know what it is, I looked inside... sorry... but... I'm ok with it."
The redhead stared at Mello, then the box, then Mello again, incredulously, "Really?"
"God Matt, we're a couple, we're living together, and I intend to spend the rest of my life with you, so it would be about time that you propose to me!" the blond laughed, handing out the box to his boyfriend who took it like if it was about to explode in his hands. He just couldn't believe that Mello said that.

Matt opened the box, took the content, slid off the bed to kneel in front of Mello, still seating on the border, and grabbed his hand solemnly.
"Mello... wow... I can't believe it!" Matt's cheeks were reddening but he was grinning as much as his lips allowed him to, "Mello, will you... marry me?" The words that left his mouth seemed so foreign to him, and yet so normal. He had never imagined his life without Mello, he had dreamt to spend his whole life with him, and now, Mello was ok with a proposal, and with what was in the box even! So nothing of what he did was vain, after all? It didn't matter so much to him to fight to save his own ass, but Mello... he'd blow the earth if he had to, for him.
"Hell yeah!" Mello chuckled, sliding his hand behind Matt's head to pull him in a kiss.

They broke the kiss, both smiling blissfully, as Matt finally placed the pneumatic gun against Mello's arm and injected the GPS microchip. Mello hissed, but the pain faded fast. He went to the bathroom to dab the small bleeding hole with a tissue.
"That's a painful ring." Mello joked as Matt applied a band-aid on his arm.

Mello didn't want to think anymore in terms of what was fucked up or not. All he wanted to do was what seemed right and suitable for themselves, according to their own needs. Matt was only dangerous when he was worried about him...

A lionheart beating only for him, hidden in a lamb skin.