Part 3 of 3 - Just say yes -
Yay! New ep tomorrow.
Thanks to sarahelizabeth1993 for reviewing, yep you guessed it.
I don't own Merlin or stripy socks.
Now on with the show...
The lyrics in the is chapter are more about how Arthur's feeling for the most part, since it's Gwen's POV so that kind of balances it out nicely.
She lifts her head as far as she can with Merlin on top of her, using her hands to brace herself and finds that she's looking into amused blue eyes. Oh, of course it would be him. Prince Arthur, lurker of hallways. She doesn't know what Arthur's finding so amusing; he's on the bottom after all and being in the middle she has some insight into just how much weight is pressing down on him. But he's smiling. For goodness sake she's practically suffocating…
I can feel your heart beat through my shirt
"Arthur," she groans, pushing hard at his chest. She tries to wiggle free without thinking and then freezes and buries her face in Arthur's tunic, muffling her embarrassed giggles. "Merlin-" she begins to plead and it just turns into another helpless giggle. She should have known, with Merlin the least likely things happen regularly. Especially when she lets her guard down.
Merlin had tried to turn when he'd seen Gwen stop suddenly, so when he'd hit them he'd down a weird flip thing and ended up lying on his back, staring at the ceiling. He tries to sit up when he hears Gwen and groans with the effort. He is going to have bruises on his bruises.
Arthur impatiently shoves at Merlin rolling him off Gwen and himself, thinking that perhaps it would be best if he were not discovered under a pile of servants. He can only imagine what his father would say, and that thought's enough to start him chuckling. It's even better because Gwen's scowling menacingly. It's very endearing.
Just say yes, coz I'm aching and I know you are too
She climbs to her feet with as much grace as she can manage and brushes down her skirts. She glances over at Merlin who's lying prone against the wall; she looks over at Arthur who's laughing to himself, making no effort to get up. She frowns and rubs tiredly at her eyes. They can't possibly be this useless. She pokes Merlin with the toe of her shoe.
"Merlin, can you get up please?"
He looks up at her pitifully and holds out both hands. Gwen rolls her eyes and helps him to his feet.
Arthur decides to get to his feet. Gwen decides to ignore him, which is a bit difficult when he starts speaking.
I'm running out of ways to make you see
"Is there a reason Merlin is chasing you through the halls, Guinevere?"
I want you to stay here beside me
Gwen looks at Merlin, "I'm as anxious to hear it as you are, Sire," she says, primly.
Arthur grins and turns to his manservant with barely contained glee.
Merlin gives Gwen a dirty look and she looks down to hide a smile.
"My lord," he says, looking surprised and displeased that he's speaking, "She started it."
Gwen giggles, stubbornness keeping her eyes down. She can feel Arthur watching her; hell, she can feel both of them watching her for her response. Well, she's not going to plead innocence, they have no authority here. She glances up, not looking at either of them and realises that they're somewhere between Morgana's chambers and Arthur's. Well, that at least explains his presence.
"I should be getting back to my lady," she says, wondering how long they expect her to play her part in this conversation. It's not like she has plenty of free time to bestow on being the entertainment. She bites her lip. There are probably a good dozen things she should be doing right now. "I'll see you later Merlin, Sire," she smiles politely and begins walking towards her mistress's quarters.
What do I have to say to you
Oh, apparently she's needed a little longer. Gwen turns on the spot. It's unfair; she only managed to get a few steps past them. "Yes?"
"You didn't answer the question," Arthur says, edging closer to her, step by smug step.
We can't be to and fro like this
Gwen glowers at him from under her lashes, "I wasn't asked any questions, Sire. What Merlin said was a statement. An accusation."
All our lives
Arthur pokes a finger at her haughtily as he comes to stop in front of her, "And you need to answer to it."
For Gods sake, dear
He is pushing it. He knows as well as she does that the flimsy lines between what she can say to him and what she wants to say gets weaker under pressure. And he knows just where to apply it. The smug prat.
"Or am I to believe Merlin, that it is your fault I was almost flattened a moment ago?"
Is he calling her heavy?
This was all I wanted, all I want
She doesn't know what she needs to say to end this confusing and awkward conversation. Does he want an apology? She's gotten better at reading him and that is not a serious expression…he's pretending. He wants to play. She gets the sudden and almost overwhelming impulse to hit him upside the head, the way the stablehand does to the boys that work for him when they misbehave. Or flick his nose the way people do with dogs.
"I have a lot of work to do-"
"And you are free to do it…after you answer the question."
I won't be ok and I won't pretend I am
She glances over his shoulder at Merlin, who's wisely pretending to be off with the fairies. Or maybe he's not pretending…God knows he has a lot of secrets to keep track of and a lot of lies to spin – that must take time. A quick scan of the rest of the corridor finds them alone for the moment. But there's never much privacy in the castle for long. So she'll have to make this quick. She steps closer, right into his personal space. Any normal person would take a step back. But not Arthur. He smirks.
I can feel your heart beat through my shirt
She allows herself to roll her eyes before meeting his gaze, "Arthur, I don't have time for games. Just tell me what you want me to say," she orders, though she has no right to.
Arthur gets a thoughtful look on his face and tilts his head from side to side in consideration.
You're the only way to me
Gwen looks up at him with a frown, "You look like Merlin," she says and that stops him. His mouth puckers sourly.
"I'm going to walk away now and don't you dare call me back," she warns. He opens his mouth to say something and she covers it. "I'm busy, unlike you." She adds, permitting herself to at least tell him that. She spins on her heels and strides quickly away before he can come up with a witty enough response. She chances a glance back as she rounds the corner and he's gone. She breathes a sigh of relief. That was probably the hardest part of the day over. But she's pretty sure she'll pay for it tomorrow. Arthur's the kind of man who likes to collect.
Only love
So how was that? Really OOC? Are you, like me wishing that Snow Patrol could have brought out an album of entirely new songs?
I kind of like Gwen not analyzing whatever her relationship with Arthur is too closely, unless she HAS to (and hopefully will in the next ep, where it looks like Arwen confrontation time).
Just randomly: is it JUST me wondering HOW or WHY Merlin would free the bloody dragon in just a few he honestly trying to top his list of worst decisions ever - because yes, that DOES beat random cloud pony. Is it a cry for help? Or is he screwing up subconsciously because he's sick of the secrets? Coz there's a solution for that!