Hello all! Well, here it is! The sequel to For Good!! If you haven't read For Good, you really really ought to before reading this. Obviously I'll give a little background in the beginning but there's a lot of things you won't understand unless you've read For Good.

Title: No Good Deed

Pairing: GW/OC, BZ/CC, DM/??

NOTE: This fic is most definitely AU.

Timeframe: HP&co's 7th year. Doesn't follow anything after OotP though.

Summary: Lexi Conrad's life has changed a lot. She's no longer got her parent's name to protect her, and her influence with her fellow Slytherins is gone, as is Draco's. Some people are a fan of those changes (George Weasley, for instance), but other more sinister forces will do anything to have their prodigal Slytherins back.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognize from the HP books. Sorry!

Chapter 1: Empire Overthrown

Once, when I was a little girl, my mother took me to the ministry for the day to visit my father. While we were there, we ran into someone I would later be told was Arthur Weasley. At the time, my mother just sneered at him, muttering to me under her breath that he was a 'blood traitor'.

"What does that mean?" I asked, my innocent mind not knowing the animosity or hatred that consumed most of my parents time and energy at that point.

"Someone who sympathizes with those filthy Mudbloods." My mother spat. Of course I knew what Mudbloods were. According to my parents, they were awful. I'd never met one, naturally, but I wasn't too sure that I wanted to.

My mother then explained to me that as bad as Muggles and Mudbloods were, blood traitors were even worse. This was because Muggles and Mudbloods didn't know any better, or couldn't help being born what they were. Blood traitors, on the other hand, had every advantage in the world and chose to live in squalor, turning their backs on their own kind.

That's why for as much as any Death Eater hated Muggles or Muggle-borns, they hated 'blood traitors' almost ten times as much.

Unfortunately enough for me, that's exactly what I'd been categorized as recently.

I sighed and looked up at my best friend, Draco Malfoy. He too was about to walk into the unknown. Both of us coming from immensely influential families within the pureblood community, we were used to being waited on by practically everyone around us.

However, not only had Draco been tortured by his father only months ago, but I had, in turn, run away from home and the life that had been planned for me from the moment I was born. Lucius had died---at my hands---and Narcissa was in no state to even think about dealing with any of this. Last I'd heard she had locked herself up in Malfoy Manor, refusing to see anyone, even Voldemort.

Now that we were both essentially orphaned, Draco and I no longer had the prestige of our last names to rely on.

And while we both had a sinking suspicion that this would disrupt the political atmosphere of the Slytherin house greatly, we weren't sure what the damage would be.

And that's where my other best friend, Blaise Zabini, factored in. Blaise hadn't been forcefully thrust from the Slytherin aristocracy, and in an effort to keep both Draco and I safe from any real harm, had made an agreement with Dumbledore wherein Blaise would seemingly end his friendship with us and join whoever deemed themselves the new head of our peers.

"You ready, Lex?" Draco grabbed my hand and squeezed it, trying to reassure me.

"Of course. Can't wait to start another year at Hogwarts!" I rolled my eyes as we walked through the barrier.

It looked the same. It sounded the same. Everything seemed to be the same.

But I knew better.

"There are the Weasleys." I nudged Draco. We'd been staying with them---albeit unwillingly---for most of the summer, but had agreed to come to the station separately so that attention wouldn't be drawn to us unnecessarily.

I fought to keep a grin off my face as George Weasley caught my eye. George was probably a big factor in everything that had happened to me in the past year. Although I'd never really wanted to be a Death Eater, I'd never seriously considered an alternative until George made his way into my life. George made me happy and was there for me when no one else was. George and I had had an on-and-off relationship over the past year that seemed to be back in the on stage, hopefully for some time to come.

"And there's Blaise." Draco responded. It took everything in me not to run up to him as I normally would, but if he was insisting upon doing this, I certainly wouldn't blow his cover.

"It's going to be weird." I commented. Draco nodded.

"We'd better get a compartment." And with that, my 7th and final year at Hogwarts began.

It was as though we didn't exist.

Draco and I had luckily found our own compartment. But unlike every other year, we weren't joined by our various housemates. Quite the contrary, anyone that had yet passed by our compartment looked in and walked away without comment.

Which, all in all, I suppose could've been worse. I'd seen and heard the things Slytherins has said or done to other houses, and even participated in the torment a few times myself, so if there was one thing I knew well, it was how brutal my housemates could be.

Draco and I passed the time in a comfortable fashion, and all too soon it was time to change into our school robes.

"I'll be right back." I told Draco as I grabbed my bag and headed to the bathroom.

I had almost reached the bathrooms when I heard a voice. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Miss Alexis C--oh, wait, she's not a Conrad anymore, is she?" I turned to see Damien Somers leaning casually against a compartment door, follow by Theodore Nott, Crabbe, Goyle, and---my stomach clenched unpleasantly--Blaise. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen."

"Clever Somers, how long have you been staking out my compartment, waiting to use that one?" I asked scathingly.

"Careful, Lexi. Things aren't quite the same as they were last year. Or don't you remember?" Somers pushed himself off the wall he was leaning against and walked towards me.

I didn't try to hide my smirk as I remembered my last run-in with Damien. Let's just say it ended with him getting a face full of my cat's claws.

"Vaguely. But obviously things have changed. I remember a time when the people who now look like your cronies looked down on you." I glanced disdainfully at the four boys behind Damien. "And here I thought they had standards."

Damien backed me against the wall, "Let's cut the shit, Conrad. Here's the deal. Without your families to back you, you and Malfoy aren't worth a damn anymore. The days of you and Draco throwing your weight around are over. You don't rule anymore."

I scoffed, "Fair enough. But you think that you're going to replace us? Damien, when it comes to Slytherin qualities, we both know that you've got less wit and ambition and more barbaric cruelty."

"No ambition, eh?" Damien smirked, "I've been ambitious enough to make you and Malfoy socially toxic." He paused and leaned in, "Just remember, I'm the only thing standing between you and the rest of the house. They'll be ready to tear you down the moment I give them the word."

I sneered back, "Then you'd better invest in a dictionary, Somers, because I know your vocabulary isn't that large." I tried not to let my nerves get to me as my back hit the wall.

Damien put an hand against the wall on either side of me. I hadn't realized until that moment how much taller than me he was. "Go ahead and make your little remarks, Lexi. The fact is, no one's going to be listening anymore. You're done." With that, he walked away, the others following. Blaise risked a small smile at me while the others had their backs turned.

I sighed and closed my eyes. Hopefully the ostracizing Damien promised wouldn't be as bad as he claimed.

I couldn't imagine my house following a dolt like Damien Somers.

At least, I hoped they wouldn't.

Unfortunately, they did.

I told Draco about what had happened. There wasn't much to say besides the fact that what we already knew was confirmed. What we didn't know though, was why Damien Somers had assumed control of the House. In all honestly, Damien was the worst choice for us. Had it been Blaise things would've been easy, Nott would've been bearable, but with our past with Damien, we figured this was anything but coincidental.

"He did it on purpose. The one Slytherin we've both had a problem with now assumes the proverbial reigns of the house? Fat chance." I said as we got off the train.

"It does seem to have worked out too well. And Merlin knows Somers couldn't have staged a hostile takeover himself."

As we got off the train and headed towards the carriages, we got our first taste of just how willing our housemate were to go along with Somer's plan. As we approached the carriages that Slytherins typically took up to the castle, door after door snapped shut.

"Mature." I drawled. They were literally shutting us out.

"We need a carriage, at any rate." Draco murmured, looking around for any empty carriages.

I sighed and looked around, finally spying one that didn't have it's door closed to the likes of us.

"Oh, Merlin." I took a peek in the carriage. "I'd rather walk."

"Lexi, we can't. Honestly, it can't be that…" Draco trailed off as he climbed into the carriage. "Bloody hell…"

"Hello Lexi, Draco." Luna Lovegood's dazed voice filled the carriage as I snapped the door shut.

It was hard to believe that Draco and I had gone from having our choice of any Slytherin carriage to sharing a ride with Lovegood and Longbottom in less than a year. I wasn't completely surprised, though.

Although Draco and I seemed to be social lepers, I knew that most of my housemates didn't like Somers anymore than they had liked us; in fact, I was willing to bet they liked him a lot less. But simply liking or disliking someone wasn't enough in my house. Connections were the most important---Draco and I had lost ours, and somehow Damien had gained some influence.

As far as the Slytherins were concerned, it was simple politics. Malfoy and Conrad were out; Somers was in.

The Sorting Feast was no less delicious this year than it had been in previous years, but the atmosphere was undoubtedly different.

Voldemort had been moving more openly now, and had been steadily gaining strength and momentum. Nobody talked about it outright, of course. We were at school, quite possibly the safest place at the moment from the darkness that had been spreading across the continent. However, the tension and nervous anxiety was present throughout the Great Hall.

Our table had shifted dramatically in dynamics, as well. Draco and I had become accustomed to our regular seats in the center of the table. However, those spaces were now occupied by Somers and his new quasi-regime. Draco and I had been shunned to the end of the table, where the first years sat.

"Ridiculous." I muttered again, "No one is even questioning it. When did Slytherins become so mindless?"

"Don't be daft, Lex. Of course they know something's up, but no one is going to stick up for us. Not when Somers is more powerful of an ally than we are." I opened my mouth to protest, but Draco continued, "Obviously either of us could outsmart him on his own, but he's got things on his side we can't compete with."

"The things we used to have on our side." I smiled bitterly.

"Exactly." Draco laughed mirthlessly. I'd never felt the sting of irony quite as sharply as I did at that moment. When I looked down the table, I didn't just see Somers sitting there, commanding respect, but I saw him doing it in much the same way that Draco and I had for the past six years.

The coup of Slytherin house had been silent and swift.

And, oh yes, it had been effective.

Okay! So that's the first chapter! Sorry it's so short, it's really more introduction than anything, just showing how different Hogwarts is going to be this year for Lexi and Draco.

George will obviously come into play later on, but since he isn't teaching at Hogwarts this year I'll have different ways. It'll mostly be through communication with Lexi, like the mirror or owls, unfortunately. Most of the first part of this fic will deal with Draco/Lexi vs. the other Slytherins, and also them coming to grips with the side they've chosen in the war and all of the unforeseen consequences.

As always, if you have any questions/comments, feel free to send me a review or PM about it. Please, please review and let me know what you think of this first chapter!! Thank you guys so much!!!