Disclaimer: I do not, nor will I ever own Outlaw Star or Naruto or anything affiliated with said shows.
"Watch out Gene, they're on the port side!" Melfina called out quickly.
"I see them!" Gene shouted back. "Suzuka, Aisha, how about some help here! Those guns aren't just for show you know!"
"We're doing the best we can!" Aisha growled angrily. "But those Kei Pirate ships are way too maneuverable. They're dodging everything we throw at them."
"Aisha, one's coming at you." Suzuka said suddenly. "And two more just appeared!"
"Jim, please tell me you've fixed the ether drive so we can get the hell out of here." Gene asked as he turned the ship sharply to the left.
"Just a few more…there!" Jim announced proudly. "We're set to jump!"
"About time." Gene muttered as he punched in a random set of coordinates. "Let's get the hell out of here. Slamming his fist down on his console, he closed his eyes and hoped they'd land somewhere out of Kei Pirate territory.
"Gene, they're locking on to our signal!" Melfina shouted as the ether drive kicked in and the Outlaw Star disappeared.
Moments later they reappeared next to an unknown planet and Gene sighed in relief. Looking around at his crew, who all looked extremely exhausted, he came to a decision. "Since none of us are in the mood to fight, and the Kei Pirates could be here any minute, we're going to hide on that planet over there for awhile."
"Is it safe" Jim asked curiously.
Melfina closed her eyes while the ship scanned the planet. "It appears to have a breathable atmosphere, yes." She said after a minute of silence.
"Well that settles it." Aisha mumbled through a yawn. "Let's go take a break."
Rolling his eyes, Gene prepared his ship to land in a dense forest just outside of what appeared to be a small village.
Ten minutes later, once the ship had been powered down, Aisha began to pace around in boredom. "So, who wants to go explore?" She asked with a smile.
Without looking up from his console, Gene shook his head. "We're not here to explore, we're avoiding the Kei Pirates." He said slightly annoyed. "If you need something to do so badly, you can always help Mel and I scan for enemy ships."
"Nah, that's boring." Aisha said, shaking her head as she headed towards the door. Grabbing Jim's arm, she drug the boy along with her. "We'll be back in a little while, just going to stretch our legs." She said with a wave as they headed down the hallway.
"Who said I wanted to go with you?" Jim asked angrily as he disappeared out of sight.
Gene sighed before turning to glance at Suzuka.
"Let me guess, you want me to babysit the brats again." Suzuka stated, cutting off Gene before he could say a single word.
"Please." Gene practically begged. "Mel and I will continue monitoring the space nearby while you three are out. Just try to be back in an hour or so, I'd like to head out as soon as possible."
Suzuka rolled her eyes as she stood up. "Fine, but next time it's your turn." Seeing Gene smile, she turned on her heel and headed off after the two troublemakers.
"Ok Mel." Gene said once Suzuka had left. "Let's run through the pre-flight test to make sure she's running fine."
Nodding, Melfina began. "Engine's…check. Ether drive…check"
"So where exactly are we going?" Jim asked as Aisha continued to drag him off the ship. "And why do I have to come?"
"Stop whining." Aisha said, releasing his arm once they entered the forest. "Besides, you know you're just as curious as I am about that town we saw." When Jim kept his mouth shut, she smiled. "So while Gene and Mel run all their boring tests, we'll go and check it out."
"I do hope you're not planning on getting into any trouble." Suzuka said as she joined the pair in the woods. "I refuse to bail you out of anymore stupid situations."
Jim chuckled behind his hand while Aisha huffed. "I'm only going to look." She said with a small glare. "And don't make it sound like I always cause problems, cause I don't."
"Yeah, sure you don't." Jim said with a snort. "That's like saying rain isn't wet."
Growling, Aisha pounced on the young genius and the two began to roll around on the ground.
Suzuka just rolled her eyes and continued on into the forest. Since she was stuck with them, she might as well explore too. "Come on you two, let's go." She called back to the fighting pair.
"Hey, wait for us!" Aisha hollered, jumping to her feet and racing after the assassin, Jim following shortly behind.
The small group continued to walk for a few more minutes until they finally reached the edge of the forest. Glancing around the town, they each had different reactions. Jim pulled out his computer to take notes, Suzuka simply eyed everything in a bored manner and Aisha sighed.
"…how primitive." Aisha said in disappointment as she looked around the small village. "They're at least 100 years behind normal human technology. This is lame; I'm heading back to the ship." Turning around, she was about to walk off when she heard several voices.
"I told you I could make five with no problem!" A slightly high pitched male voice said excitedly. "Now you owe me some ramen."
"Shut up dobe, you're pissing me off." An annoyed voice replied.
Suddenly two young teens, one dressed in a scarily bright orange jumpsuit with spiky blonde hair and the other dressed in dark colors with black hair, appeared from around the side of one of the houses and everyone froze.
"Who are you?" The blonde haired one asked as he eyed the unknown people curiously.
"Tell me your name and I'll tell you mine." Aisha said, crossing her arms and facing the two boys directly.
"I'm Naruto the number one shinobi in Konoha, and that's Sasuke!" Naruto chirped with a smile. "It's nice to me-."
Sasuke shut Naruto up by elbowing him in the stomach. "You idiot!" He hissed. "Don't go giving out our names to complete strangers. Especially not ones that look as weird as them."
While Sasuke tried to explain common sense to Naruto, Aisha began to growl. "Who the hell are you calling weird!?" She shouted, clenching her fists in anger. "We're not the ones who have hair that looks like a duck's butt."
Eyes narrowing, Sasuke turned on the woman with cat like ears. "What did you just say?" He bit out.
"Oh, you heard me." Aisha said with a smirk.
With a glare, Sasuke leapt at Aisha and once again Suzuka found herself watching two morons roll around on the ground. Rolling her eyes, she pulled out her bokken and hit the two on the head before they could really get serious. There was no need to destroy the town over a stupid argument. "Enough, I'm not in the mood to watch a cat fight." When Sasuke opened his mouth to tell her off, Suzuka narrowed her eyes and calmly split a tree in half with her sword. "Do you have something to say?" She asked sweetly.
Sasuke shook his head as he backed away from the frightening woman. Her dangerous aura was really freaking him out.
"Good." Suzuka said. "Now, since you have given us your names, it's only polite to give you ours. I'm Suzuka, an elite assassin."
"My name's Aisha and I'm a mighty Ctarl-Ctarl." Aisha announced proudly.
"And I'm Jim." Jim said with a small wave.
Smiling brightly, Naruto nodded his head. "Well it's nice to meet you guys." He said cheerfully. "What village are you from?"
"We're not from a village." Aisha replied. "We're from the Outlaw Star."
When Naruto and Sasuke glanced at each other in confusion, Suzuka spoke up. "The Outlaw Star is a spaceship." She said slowly. "We landed here for a little while to avoid a fight with some space pirates."
"…yeah right." Sasuke said as Naruto made a crazy gesture with his hand. "There are no such things as spaceships."
"And this is why I hate dealing with primitive life forms." Suzuka muttered.
Time passed slowly as both groups eyed each other intently. The young shinobi unsure of how they should deal with the obviously insane newcomers, and the crew of the Outlaw Star wondering how they always managed to find themselves in that kind of a situation.
"I think maybe we should take you guys to see baa-chan. I'm sure she'll know what to do." Naruto said suddenly. "Besides, I'm getting kinda hungry and I don't want to stand out here forever."
"Well what do you know, a smart idea for once." Sasuke muttered under his breath. Looking at the group of travelers, he nodded his head towards a main street. "Come on you guys, this way."
When Aisha began to follow, Jim shook his head and grabbed her arm to stop her. "Why should we follow you?" He asked. "We have no idea who this 'baa-chan' is or why you want to take us to see her. We're not going anywhere until we get some answers."
"Who cares about all that." Aisha said, shrugging off Jim's hand and continuing towards the teens. "I want to see more of this place so I'm going."
Suzuka shook her head when both Jim and Aisha turned to face her for the final decision. "I don't care what you two do. You can stay and head back to the ship, or you can go with them. Figure it out yourselves."
Turning to face each other, Aisha and Jim each raised a fist. "Ok, on three." Aisha said. "1…2…3!"
"Dammit, you always win." Jim grumbled, dropping his hand to his side.
Aisha stuck her tongue out before smirking. "Well since I won, let's go see this 'boo' person." She said happily.
"I believe it was 'baa-chan'." Suzuka said as she went to stand next to Jim.
"Eh, whatever, let's just get going already." Aisha said with a shrug.
By now, Sasuke and Naruto were certain that the newcomers had some kind of mental issues. So when the three turned to stare at them impatiently, the two young shinobi decided to get them to Tsunade as quickly as possible. That much craziness was bound to be contagious.
"Well, follow us!" Naruto chirped as he turned around and headed into town.
Rolling his eyes, Sasuke waited for the others to follow before falling in step behind them. There was no way he was going to walk in front of those lunatics; they'd probably stab him in the back or something.