I looked at my watch to see the time. It was almost eleven in the evening. I sighed. It's been two hours since Spencer picked me up from the dance. What I did bothered me so much that I couldn't even erase the damn thing on my mind.

I sat down on one of the beanbags, looking at my phone. Sam sent me a text message immediately after I left the party. She said Freddie was bugging her and 'the dork', as she usually called him, was worried about me. Thinking about it, I though it was really nice for him to be concerned about my so-called 'headache' rather than irritating Sam with his queries.

My mind was pre-occupied with things I knew I had to deal with sooner or later. What would I tell Freddie? I wasn't a hundred percent ready to face him and the thought of seeing him now made my stomach flip. That was it! I couldn't take it anymore!

I grabbed the purple pillow beside the beanbag which I usually kept inside the studio and buried my face in it.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh!" I screamed as loud as I could and it almost hurt my own ears. Spencer taught me that exercise when I was ten. He said it could help me release every tension I felt.


I heard a familiar voice call my name. It was the voice I wouldn't want to hear. No, at least not that moment. I pulled the pillow down a little just so I could peek with my eyes.

And I was right! The reason of this torture was standing right in front of me. He was still wearing his dance attire and I couldn't help but stare at him. His hands were inside his pockets and he was looking at me with concerned look in his eyes.

"Are you alright?" he whispered, kneeling in front of me.

I pulled the pillow back up again, enough to cover my entire face. I knew I was acting so childish but I really didn't want to see him. At least that's what my mind was telling me.

He laughed a little before closing his hands around mine, pulling the pillow down. His touch was gentle enough to send shivers down my spine. His hands were warm and it was perfect for my unusually cold hands.

My eyes met his gaze and for a moment, I was lost. We just stared at each other in that awkward moment, as if looking into each other's soul.

"Carly…" he breathed.

"I…" I tried to speak, but his gaze was distracting me. I had nothing in my mind and I was sure it was because of him staring at me. For the second time that night, I felt like I was melting in front of him.

Before anything could happen, i let go of the pillow and jumped out of the beanbag to get away from him. When I knew my distance was good enough, I stood still and examined him. He seemed startled with my reaction but he stood up calmly to face me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, not bothering to look in his eyes.

"I just wanted to see if you're okay. Are you feeling better now?" he asked.

I really thought he was going to ask me about my behavior during the dance but instead, he came here to ask me if I was feeling better. Had I met a more thoughtful person than Freddie? No, absolutely not.

"I'm okay, I guess."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Thank You."

Freddie nodded and then there was silence. He averted his gaze from me and looked around the room. I could tell he wanted to say something and I prayed it would not be about the topic I feared most to talk about.


"Yes?" he looked at me and smiled weakly.

"Is there something else you need?" I asked. I tried not to sound like I was shoving him away. In fact, I wanted to talk to him, to be with him tonight.

"I was just wondering…" he paused before he looked at me directly. "Tonight's still dance night and…"

"You're here for your dance, are you?" I smiled at him.

"Let's just say the girl every boy wants to dance with owes me one." He grinned before closing the distance between us.

I became true to myself after hearing what he had to say. I gave him a smile as I walked closer to him. He walked past me and started pushing some random buttons in his techie-cart. When the music finally started, he walked towards me again.

Freddie grabbed both my hands. His touch never failed to electrify me and that was one of the signs I really was falling in love with him. Maybe, I wasn't even falling. Maybe, I was already in love with him. I was just an idiot for not realizing it by myself.

He gently put my hands on his broad shoulders before sliding his on my waist. He gave me the sweetest smile he could and I returned the favor. It surprised me that I could look directly into his eyes now and I liked what I was seeing.

"It's not fair." I grimaced.

"What's not fair?" he replied.

"We're dancing and you still look good in your outfit while I'm in my jammies." I pouted.

Freddie giggled and smiled at me. "You still look perfect no matter what you're wearing."

"You're just saying that because you love me." I teased, grinning at him. I was beginning to be myself again in front of him. And that was good, right?

Freddie paused for a moment, thinking of what to say. "True." He affirmed. "But you look perfect, really."

I rested my head on his shoulders and my hands worked themselves up around his neck. I had never been this close to him before but I liked it.

"Carls…" he whispered.


"I'm sorry I can't let it go." He apologized. I knew exactly where this was going and that was the very conversation I was trying to avoid.

"Shoot!" I cried against his shoulders.

"Sorry but I need some answers so I could sleep peacefully tonight."

"Freddie…" I begged. I removed my head from his shoulders but not my arms around his neck. I couldn't find the strength to let go of him even if it meant facing my fear.

"Let's do it this way. I'll ask questions and you just answer them with yes or no. Is that okay?" he proposed.

I sighed. I was already trapped in the conversation and I thought there was no way out so I gave in.

"Alright. Just yes or no." I rested my head on his shoulders again this time and I could feel his hands tighten around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Do you still like Shane?" he asked first.

"No." I answered immediately.

"Okay…" he paused, "What you did earlier… Was that a prank?"


"Sam had nothing to do with it?"


"So it was just you?"


Freddie paused again. "Am I a good dancer?"

I giggled. "That was so random! And yes, you're a good dancer."

"Good." He laughed.

"No more questions?"

"Not yet halfway done."

I groaned.

"We can do this all night you know."

"Let's just get this over with. Next question please."

"Were you jealous?"

"No!" I almost yelled at him.

"Why are you so defensive?" he smirked.

"Sorry. I Can only answer questions with yes or no." I replied, getting back at him.

"Alright. Do you like me then?"

"I told you I'm not jealous!"

"We're on the next question Carls."


"No what?"

"I don't like you!" that was the biggest lie I have ever told. I prayed immediately after I said it that he wouldn't believe me. I didn't mean every word of it.

Freddie released me in an instant and l found my self cold without his touch. He stood in front of me, looking at me strangely.

"You don't like me then?" he asked smugly.

"Freddie…" I tried to beg.

"I don't believe you Carly. You're such a baby!" he said seriously.

I knew it! He was now mad at me. I was cursing myself for saying such thing. What was so hard about saying yes? Maybe he was right. I was a baby, a coward, a chicken.

"I'm not a baby Freddie." I answered.

"Yes you are. You can't even admit your true feelings."

"What true feelings?"

"You know it very well than I do. Where's the Carly Shay I know? The one who isn't afraid to tell people how she truly feels!" he exclaimed, crossing his hands in front of his chest.

I was getting irritated. This talk was going nowhere. I didn't want to fight with him but this was getting out of hand.

"You know what?" I walked towards him. I was angry.

"What? What are you gonna do? Cry?" he taunted.

I pulled his collar hard to pull him closer to me and without any hesitation, I crushed my lips against his. I closed my eyes and tried not to feel anything but his lips touching mine. Freddie stayed still at first but he started to kiss me back passionately. I let go of his collar and twirled my arms around his neck.

"So…" I whispered after we pulled apart. My hands were still around his neck and his were still on my waist. "Am I still a baby?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes." He grinned.

I pulled him in again for another kiss and he did the same. The kiss went deeper and longer than the first one. This time, he started nibbling on my lower lip.

"What about now?" I asked again.

"Baby!" he teased.

"Mama's boy!" I replied before he captured my lips again for another kiss.


I really don't know how to end this story so that explains the suckish ending. Haha. This last chapter's kinda long.

Anyway, thanks for everyone who read this story and reviewed. You're all really great!!

Advanced Happy Holidays everyone! ^_^
