A stern elegance

The castle in the distance

Seems so far away.


I reach out for you,

Looking for that forgiveness.

Take your hand in mine.


Silently we dream

If only there was a way

To escape what is.


Eternally chained,

By the pulling of a sword,

I cannot be here.


I fear I love you,

Dame Percival the bravest,

But how do I flee?


Queen Guinevere stands

Between us and our true love.

I hate betraying.


I hate the lying,

The great pain we must go through,

Just to see each other.


It started that day

Your amber eyes met my green.

I instantly fell.


We tried to ignore

All the feelings inside us.

But of course we failed.


I would run to you,

My head spinning in circles,

Love drunk and reckless.


Fear was swept away

Every time our lips met.

Nothing more perfect.


Sure, there was still guilt,

As we threw it all away,

Filling it with this.


At first it was lust,

But now it is so much more.

I fall to my knees.


They call me a King.

The leader of Camelot.

But I have failed them.


Still…it is worth it

Just to know that you love me

Despite what I've done.

Author's note:

I wrote this a month or two ago, but never ended up publishing it. I was looking through old stuff tonight, and stumbled upon this, so I decided I may as well put it up here. Hope you enjoyed!

Why does all of my good inspiration have to come at 1:00 in the morning?!