
It's Xemnas's birthday, and Saïx gets him a diary. Everyone else in Organization XIII finds out about it, finds the diary, and reads it. However, Xemnas's most inner thoughts begin to disturb everyone. Not much of a plot, but you get to find out what Xemnas thinks, and that could be fun. Heh heh...

Chapter 1: The Little Black Book

It was another "normal" day in the Castle That Never Was. Axel, Roxas, and Demyx were sitting on the sofa minding their own business when—


Normal? Well… that's why it's "normal" instead of just plain normal…

Axel sighed as Vexen marched into the room with Marluxia chasing after him. Upon seeing Vexen half dressed and Marluxia completely naked, Axel and Demyx grimaced while Roxas, totally oblivious, just sat there.

"You touched me!" Vexen accused, jabbing Marluxia's chest.

In response, Marluxia, of course, laughed nervously.

"That is the last time you will ever come into my room while I am getting dressed!" Vexen continued. "Why, I should report this to the Superior. Let's see what he says when I tell him about your strange activity as of late."

"Hey, dudes," Xigbar said, walking in the room. "So, uh, anybody care to explain why you guys are having a stripping party without me?"

"Xigbar," Demyx said, "Would you really wanna see Marluxia stripping and/or naked?"

"As if," was the simple reply. "Anyway," he said again "what did you guys get for the Superior's birthday? I have no clue as to what I'm getting for him."

"Xemnas's birthday, you say?" Vexen asked. "I had no clue it was his birthday… I guess I'll have to conjure something special for him."

"Uh…I don't wanna know what that's supposed to mean," Roxas said, shivering.

"Saïx claims that Xemnas has been telling us all what he wants for his birthday for two months now, but I don't remember anything like that. I asked doggy boy what Xemnas said, but he wouldn't tell me. As if…"

"You know how Saïx is about Xemnas…" Marluxia said, surprising everyone.

"What do you mean by that?" Vexen asked, stroking his chin in his customary way.

"Why don't you ask Xigbar that?"


"As if," he replied. "I'm not telling you suckers anything." He turned to Marluxia. "And how would you know?"

"I've had my fair share of spying—you should know that much already. Anyway, it's getting quite breezy down here. I'll be leaving now."

"Good," Axel mumbled under his breath.

"I heard that…"

"Marluxia has a nice butt," Vexen said, sighing as his eyes followed Marluxia all the way down the hallway. His remark was followed by an awkward silence. He cleared his throat in response. "Well, then… I guess I'll be leaving, as well."

"Hmm… I'd never seen Vexen's bare chest before," commented Axel. "Not that impressive, though."


The thirteen members of Organization XIII sat around in their prospective "thrones" as Xemnas opened his birthday presents.

"To make sure I know that I get gift from everyone this year, I shall open them in order of rank. So, Xigbar, let's see what I get from you this year." The Superior opened the gift which was inside a shiny, red box.

As he began to open the present, Xemnas thought back to his birthday last year. He had opened Xigbar's gift, and fake snakes had popped right out of it. Leaving the past behind, Xemnas sighed as he noticed the smug smirk on Xigbar's face. He wouldn't be tricked by Number Two again. How embarrassing it had been.

Xemnas looked around for one of the more useless members of the organization. "Luxord!" he finally exclaimed. "This year, I want you to open my gift from Xigbar."

Xemnas then looked over to Xigbar whose sly smile stayed put. Xemnas frowned slightly.

"It would be my honor, old chap!" Luxord said proudly.

'Yeah, yeah,' thought Xemnas. 'Just get on with it, "old chap."'

Xemnas transported the present over to Luxord and waited patiently for the snakes. However, they didn't come. A deep frown sunk in on the Superior's face as Luxord pulled out a Star Wars light saber. Xemnas was glad that there were no snakes, angry that he had made such a big deal with prevention, and curious as to why Xigbar gave him…a light saber—a Star Wars light saber.

Xigbar sensed the inquiring look on Number One's face. "I know you're not a Star Wars fan, dude, but I thought it would make a nice gift considering your choice of weapon."


After going through the first six gifts—which were absolutely thoughtless and horrid, mind you—Xemnas picked up the eighth present which was from Axel. Xemnas opened the box and jumped as four fake snakes shot out at his face. Xemnas, his cheeks turning slightly red, glared at Axel. Axel smirked while Xigbar flat out laughed.

Saïx was in Xemnas's office, standing over the Superior with a gray box in his hands.

"I know how you didn't like the gifts that everyone else gave you, so I got you something I know you'd enjoy. So, um, Happy Birthday, Superior," Saïx said. He handed Xemnas the box.

"Ah, gray," Xemnas replied. "It's my favorite color. How thoughtful of you."

Xemnas saw a smile appear on Saïx's face, no thicker than the thinnest crescent moon. "There's no need to be hesitant, Xemnas. Snakes won't pop out at you." Saïx just couldn't resist saying it. His remark was returned with a friendly scowl.

Xemnas opened the present and pulled out a little black book.

"Um, it's a diary, sir," XII said, getting a little red in the face. "Y-you've always said how you wanted one…"

"Thank you so much, Saïx! I—" Xemnas just barely caught himself from saying "I love you" to Saïx, but he couldn't stop himself from shooting up from his seat and hugging Saïx with a passion. After hugging him, Xemnas sat back down just as quickly as he got up and acted like nothing had happened. "Well, thank you for your gift Saïx. Carry on."

Too shocked to say anything, Saïx hobbled away out of the room, his arms still stuck to the sides of his torso where Xemnas had squished them in with his hug.

Xemnas took a deep breath. He really had always wanted a diary, almost more than he wanted a heart. He supposed that writing down his feelings was as close as he was going to get to having a heart as just a simple Nobody. That Saïx… Always looking out for him… Thinking about Saïx always gave Xemnas a warm feeling in chest.

That's it for chapter one! There will most likely be a chapter two. I don't know about anything after that...

P.S. Please Review! Thanks =D