A/N Here we go!

Nyx's chosen one: Yeah, I'm not emo either. :) And my dad's dad died. We called him PawPaw. I didn't know him that well, but it was still sad. Actually he lived with us once, but he, like, went crazy so we had to kick him out. I was young then, though. Like seven or eight. It was freezing at the funeral, too! And I was wearing these four-inch heels and my feet were killing me, so to speak. ;)

clm08a: Mine are pink alot, also. But it usually changes every week! Oh, and here's the next chappie!

babykelly: Thanks! And the famous question will be at the bottom!! ;)

WiseGirl12: You don't wear fingernail polish! How can you live with yourself!! Lol.. JK! :D

Lightning Titan: I call my fingernail polish 'imaginary' when I run out, too! My friends are all, "Look at my nails! Aren't they pretty? The color is (insert color here)!" And I'm like, "Look at mine! They're awesome! The color is imaginary!" Well, great minds think alike, I suppose!

READ ON!!!!!!!


(Nico's POV)

I calmly walked inside the Gates of Elysium. Why, you ask? Because I felt like it. Believe me, if you ever visit Elysium you'll want to go back more often.

As I sat on my favorite fountain- one in the shape of an elephant- I focused on the murmurs around me.

Some said, "Nice day, eh? Perfect for swimming in the river!"

A few said, "This ice cream is so good, I would die for more. Oh, wait. I am dead! Let's get more ice cream!"

One guy said, "What does your shirt say?"

And the other guy replied, " 'I'm dead. And you're jealous!' "

But one stood out more than the others and that statement was, "Nico?"

I swiveled my head to see where the voice came from. I didn't see anyone. Weird. I focused on more thoughts. For some reason, this always entertained me.

Then, something tapped my shoulder. I jumped, and turned around angrily.

I was about to say, "What do you want?", but then I realized who was standing in front of me. "Percy?"

I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing correctly. Sometimes, I mistaked other ghosts as people I knew. Sure enough, the same spirit was standing there. He seemed a bit confused. He wasn't the only one.

"When did you die?" I asked him.

"Uhh.. I don't think it was that long ago, but time could be different down here." He sounded kind of annoyed. Why in Hades would he be annoyed?

My hand made a stop-everything gesture. I needed to concentrate. If it was Percy's time to die.I would've felt it, like I feel all death. Obviously, it's not his time to die. I've gotta bring him back somehow.

"I think I could probably bring you back to life, as long as your body hasn't been cremated." If his body had been cremated, there would be no way he could live. He would have no host body and his spirit would just linger in the mortal world. Without a body, he couldn't live again. Unless he possessed someone else, which I would not allow.

"Cremated?" he asked, unsure of this new word.

I sighed. "Burned." You learn something everyday.

Percy gulped. "Let's hope they haven't. How about you go talk to Annabeth and then tell me if they.. cremated my body." It took a few seconds to force the word out. Poor guy.

I nodded. "I'll ask. It's too bad our other friends can't come back with us. If-If you can come back. I'll have to do a pretty big favor for my dad. You know how he feels about death."

"I know, but I really don't think it was my time to die. And if it was, not-not like that." Oh, how dead-on he was. Pun not intended. (A/N Seriously, I didn't intend that. Sorry for interrupting the story with my author's note. I just felt like sharing that. :-) )

Percy swallowed, probably trying to keep his cool and I patted him on the back. "Don't worry. Beckondorf's waiting." He turned around and watched as Beckondorf looked out the window mouthing, What are you doing?

Yeah, I'm good at figuring out what people are mouthing.

Percy high-fived me and then drifted back to the restaurant. It's strange how you can high-five a spirit. Maybe it's a son of Hades thing.

I shrugged to myself.

Again, I focused on the words around me, so I could gain enough power to shadow-travel without getting tired. The reason I usually get a little drowsy is because I travel in a ghost-less place. Which means, I have no power to concentrate on, making me tired. Down here in the Underworld, full of ghosts, I can shadow-travel a lot easier and not get tired.

Eventually, I surged with strength and headed for Annabeth. I was at camp in about three seconds. Not even a tiny bit sleepy.

As I turned towards the cabins, I literally ran into Annabeth.


Who else?

I feigned surprise. "Annabeth?"

She glared at me. The girl is as smart as Percy says. Or said. Okay, I'm confused.

"I was looking for you," we said at the same time. Now that was odd.

She said, "I need you to bring Percy back," at the same time as I said, "I think I can bring Percy back."

Yet again, we both said in unison, "What?"

She pointed at me. "I think I can bring Percy back."

Annabeth huffed. "Well, that's good. I was gonna ask you to do just that."

I smirked. "As long as his body hasn't been burned yet."

She shook her head. "No. that's in-"

"What?" I interrogated.

"Holy Zeus! It's in five minutes! We've got to tell Chiron not to burn the shroud!"

I blinked. "Don't panic! Just-"

"Don't panic!" She shrieked. "I can't not panic! We're talking about his life here!"

"Relax, Annabeth. I'll talk to Chiron."

Finally, she seemed to ease off. And in that same moment, Chiron pounded his hoof on the ground where Percy's body lay covered in the shroud. He said, mournfully, "It is time to burn the shroud and let Percy rest in peace. Before we do this, Annabeth would you like to say anything?" Chiron looked pointedly at Annabeth who seemed to have stopped breathing. She looked at me. Her eyes pleading.

"Go," I muttered.

She shakily walked to where Chiron was standing and started, "Umm.. I-I don't think we should burn Percy, yet. I mean, Percy's body."

"And why not, child?"

She moistened her lips. "Be-Because.. Because..."

This was my cue. "Because we can still bring him back!"

Everyone twisted around to look at me.

"I mean, I can bring him back. But you can't y'know.. get rid of his body right now." I hoped I was making a little sense.

Chris Rodriguez coughed. "So, you can bring him back.. but you can't bring Clarisse back."

"Well, no."

A guy from the Hephaestus cabin piped in, "What about Beckondorf?"

"No," I said feeling self-concious.

An Aphrodite girl shrieked, "Or Silena!"

I looked at my feet, guiltily. Though, why I felt guilty, I have no idea.

Andrew, the best healer in the Apollo Cabin, stated, "He died. He should stay dead. If you brought Water Boy back to life, you'd have to bring everyone back to life. But you can't do that, and that's not fair for the others."

I glanced at Annabeth who was staring, dumbfounded.

Then, Grover ran in. "Wait!"

He met Annabeth's eyes and she nodded.

The satyr threw Annabeth a spray bottle and she started squirting it. I handed Grover a drachma once I caught on and he called out, "Oh Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, show me Penthos on Mount Olympus."

Everyone gasped as the minor god came into view.

"What is this?" The god muttered to himself. "Demigods?"

Annabeth asked him, "Why did you kill Percy?"

He chuckled, "Why else? To feed off of everyone's grief. Unfortunately, only a few mourned him. Who would've guessed?"

"Was it his time to die?"

Penthos sighed. "No, when a god intervenes it disrupts Fate."

"So, Percy should still be alive right now?"

I could tell Penthos was becoming uncomfortable. "Well, if you insist on being logical, yes."

Annabeth grinned, "And it wouldn't go against any rules for him to live again?"

Penthos sighed. "You half-bloods are no fun. That's why I never had any of my own. Hades knows the Ancient Laws. If you must bring the boy back, I have no reason to stop you."

I grabbed my sword and slashed through the image as he murmured, "Zeus is gonna be peeved at me."

Annabeth ran down and hugged Grover. I walked up to them, suddenly wondering where another annoying god was. "Where's Dionysus?"

Annabeth frowned, "I haven't even noticed he wasn't here. Oh, well. That's a worry for a different time. Like an hour from now."

I popped my knuckles in a joking way and told them, "I guess it's time Percy came back." But I guess the whole camp heard me because everyone cheered. Except the few who were against the idea in the first place.

So I focused on the gates of Elysium and brought myself back to where the idea first began.

I rang the doorbell on Percy and Beckondorf's mansion and chimes sounded throughout it's walls.

Percy swung open the door, eager.

I smiled. "Good news! You're alive!" I cocked my head to the side. "Almost."

Percy pumped his fist. "Yes!"

After a few long minutes, Percy managed to say goodbye to everyone and I shadow-traveled us both back to the pavilion. Percy walked over to his body, under the fabric.

"What do I do?"

I thought for a second. I'd never done this before but I had seen a few movies. "Try laying down on.. you."

He nodded and settled into his human body. In a couple seconds he blinked, and a few muscles twitched.

"Stand up," I ordered.

Percy tensed up. "I can't." He was still getting used to being in his body again and having control over everything. This part wasn't like in the movies. It would take a while before he could start moving again. He'd have to rest in the Sick Room. I'm sure Annabeth will keep him company, though. Zeus knows she missed him.

I helped him up, and we both staggered towards the Big House where Chiron, Annabeth, Grover, and, unfortunately, Dionysus was waiting.

"Percy, my boy!" Chiron wheeled up to him.

Smiling weakly, Percy said, "Hey."

Dionysus sighed, "Even when the brat dies, he still doesn't die."

Grover bleated, "Perrrrrrcy!" and clapped him on the back. "We missed you. Especially-" We all turned to Annabeth who just stood there. She bit her lip.

Percy grinned lopsidedly. "Well?"

Annabeth blinked back tears and hugged him fiercely.

Percy gasped. "Can't breathe. I would know."

And she kissed him. In front of me. Ughhh.

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back, paying no attention whatsoever to the rest of us.

I glanced at Grover, who glanced at Chiron, who glanced at Dionysus who gagged.

Dionysus was the first one out of there, soon followed by me. Eventually we all left the lovebirds alone.


(Percy's POV)

Nico helped me up, and I limped awkwardly with him to the Big House where Chiron, Mr. D, Annabeth, and Grover were standing. Well, Chiron in wheelchair form.

"Percy, my boy!"

Weakly, I replied, "Hey."

Chiron patted my hand, smiled warmly, and backed off a little.

Mr. D made some irritable comment, and Grover bleated my name. And then we all turned to Annabeth who bit her lip.

I tried to grin, might not have worked. "Well?"

She blinked, ran up, and squeezed the life out of me. Well, not literally. "Can't breathe. I would know," I somehow managed.

And she kissed me. In front of everyone.

I concentrated on wrapping my arms around her, and succeeded. I kissed her back, excitedly. I think I heard Dionysus gag.

Eventually, everyone left, leaving me and my Wise Girl alone. Yes, my Wise Girl. She's my One Heart. No matter who or what we come across.

But, just you wait. Tomorrow something else will happen. And if not tomorrow, maybe next week, or next month. But something will happen.

Wouldn't be Camp-Half-Blood if it were peaceful.


A/N The End!!!! I soo sad that it's over!!! *Sniffle*

Don't worry, there will be a sequel! It's called Percy's Recovery! So keep an eye out for it. For those of you that haven't put me on author alert, now would be a good time..

And for our favorite part-

Question: Girls- Who would you rather kiss: Percy Jackson or Nico di Angelo?

Boys- Annabeth Chase or Silena Beauregard?

My answer: Since I am a girl, I have to choose Nico. I am madly in love with him. And I would never want to be the girl standing in the way of Percabeth!

So, Percy's Recovery might be up in the next month or so. Maybe sooner. Sooner's just fine. I hope you guys read that, too! And still review on this even though it's over! Reviews make me feel good!

Oh, and BTW: Percy's Recovery will be about, as the title says, Percy's recovery. According to Nico, it's gonna be a while before Percy can do anything again. The story is going to tell what's happening while Percy is being miserable. ;)

Review and I will love you forever!


P.S. After you review, you can PM me. *hint, hint* I still like talking to you guys!!

Mallory out!