It's nearly Christmas time and everyone is celebrating! Even Aizen is getting into the spirit of the season. But when Ichigo is dragged into a "Soul Society Christmas delivery service" with none other than Ukitake, the quiet holiday he had been planing with his family and friends isn't going to be so…

Charliechick Note: Heyy everyone! Here is the first chapter of the Christmas Saga I have been planing! I would like to dedicate this story to anyone who has read, faved, reviewed or subscribed to myself or my stories over this year. I would also like to dedicate it to anyone who is new to my writing and has just clicked on this story out of curiosity. This story will not disappoint, so enjoy it ;)

Chapter One: This was NOT in the job description

November 27th

Name: Ichigo Kurosaki

Age: 16

Occupation: Student/Shinigami

Ichigo sighed contentedly as he lazily flopped back on his bed. The semester was over. Finally. No more all-important-end-of year exams. No more heavy revision and late night cramming. No more aching hands from extensive in-class essays. No more brain strain. He checked his cell phone and gave a small smile. No orders of hollows either. For the first time in he didn't know how long, he could simply relax and do nothing. It was just under a month until Christmas, and he couldn't possibly think of a better way to spend it. He could peacefully laze and quietly celebrate with his friends and family, without any bothersome commitments.

Or so he thought.


Completely jerking out of his stressless stupor and taken by surprise, Ichigo practically tumbled out of bed, covers and all. Movement came from downstairs and he leapt up off the floor, out of his room and fell down the stairs, the ultimate picture of idiotic calamity. Quickly picking himself up off the floor, Ichigo drew in a deep breath and quietly scurried into the general direction of which the sound had come, almost slamming into the wall, before tripping over one of Yuzu's plushies in his haste.

It was most likely a robber breaking in. Karin was out playing soccer, Isshin was at a conference, Yuzu was at a friends place, and none of them would be back until much later. After much clumsiness and prolonged stumbling, Ichigo carefully and quietly approached the lounge room, from which the source of the noise had come. He grabbed a nearby stool of his father's as a potential weapon if need be—it was only a crook, so there was no need for Zangetsu—and switched on the light, weapon of mass chaos prepared.

What he wasn't prepared for however, was the Santa suit-clad, white haired entity of whom was standing in the middle of his lounge room. A torrent of soot, dust and debris formed a messy trail between the fireplace and the Santa-man.

"What in the world?" Ichigo simply dropped his weapon.

'Santa' smiled and walked over to Ichigo.

"Hi there Ichigo!" he said.

"Uhh…Hi Jyushiro…" said Ichigo with a blank look on his scowling face. What in the world is he doing here and dressed like that?!

There was a pause, before 'Santa' laughed nervously. "Who is this 'Jyushiro' you speak of?"

"Well Santa, aren't you supposed to know everything? And I could have sworn you would have looked much older and weren't so damn thin…"

There was a pause.

"Ooh, nice socks," said 'Santa', cheerfully looking down at the toe socks on Ichigo's feet.

"I know that's you, Jyushiro," Ichigo stated.

There was another pause before the fake Santa gave in.

"Blast!" he said. "And it works on Zaraki every year!"

"You know, I don't mind you coming over and all…but why the Santa costume? And you really didn't need to go as far as coming down the chimney either…that's just creepy. Heck, I didn't even know we had a chimney…" said Ichigo, as he eyed the fireplace. "And it's probably not good for you either…" he added, as Ukitake gave a small cough.

"Well," said Ukitake smiling. "It's nearly Christmas you see, and I wanted to surprise you!"

"Well…you've done your job…I'm surprised," said Ichigo honestly.

There was a long pause.

"Uhh…is that all?" asked Ichigo. "Do you always go around dropping in on people and surprising them like this around Christmas?"

Ukitake laughed. "Not usually until the day is closer. There's a lot of work that goes into it, actually. I enjoy it though. Except the beard, the beards annoying…" he then proceeded to remove the fake beard and discard it onto the couch. "But the real reason I am here is to ask a favour of you, Ichigo."

"Hmmm…" said Ichigo. "And what is that?"

"You see," began Ukitake. "Every year it is a tradition for me to wear this Santa suit and travel throughout the Soul Society delivering gifts, cards, and other greetings in the month leading up to Christmas. But I can't do all of it on my own. Each year I have a helper who accompanies me and does some delivering of their own."

Ichigo wasn't sure he liked where this was going. "Go on…"

Ukitake continued. "This year however, no one has volunteered…"

"Why don't you ask one of those third seats of yours?" suggested Ichigo. "I'm sure they'd jump at the chance to help you out."

Ukitake smiled once again. "You're right, Ichigo. But they are already busy. Kiyone is cooking and Sentarou is decorating, and they can't be in two places at once, now can they?"

"Are you sure no one else has volunteered?" asked Ichigo.

"No, I'm afraid they haven't," said Ukitake, frowning.

There's probably a reason, thought Ichigo.

"Would you please volunteer Ichigo? Since its your first Christmas as a Shinigami and all." asked Ukitake, almost pleadingly.

I KNEW this was coming. Ichigo tried to think of any way to avoid the unwanted turmoil that was sure to press him if he accepted. Hadn't he only just gotten through the tedious work for the year? More work was the last thing Ichigo was in the mood for. He decided upon going about the nicest way of refusing.


"Aw, Please…?"

"Sorry, but no. There's other ways I want to spend Christmas."

"You'll get a cool present at the end."

"When I became a Shinigami, 'Santa's little helper' wasn't in the deal."

"Please, Ichigo…You're my last hope!"


"Come on, would you do it for me?…Please…"

Ichigo glared and tried not to look at Ukitake; he was doing the dreaded puppy-dog eyes.

How does he expect me to say no to that face? Oh right, he doesn't…Ichigo sighed. "Fine, I'll help you out with this little 'delivery service' of yours…but don't expect me to be as enthusiastic as you are."

The largest grin Ichigo had ever seen instantly split on Ukitake's face.

"Thankyou Ichigo! You're the best!" said Ukitake, grabbing Ichigo by the hands and spinning him around.

"Uhh…don't mention it…" said Ichigo, prying himself away from the older male.

"Work starts on the 1st of December," said Ukitake excitedly. "So in three mornings from now, I'll come and get you!"

"Yeah," said Ichigo, frowning. "Can't wait…"

"See you then!" Ukitake waved enthusiastically, and with a flash he was gone, leaving Ichigo simply standing blank-faced in the middle of the chimney-debris littered lounge room.

"What have I just gotten myself into?" he asked no one in particular.

Name: Ichigo Kurosaki

Age: 16

Occupation: Student/Shinigami/'Santa's little helper

I have already planed out the entire story. It will be about 18 chapters long, and focus on many different loved and unloved pairings. Did you know that as I am typing this now, it is the 27th of October? I don't plan on posting this up for another month or so xD By then the entire story will probably be typed up and all I'll need to do is post one every day or two.
We have a lot to look forward to in this story. Like my other Bleach stories, yes it will contain some insane crack, but I'll try to tone it down a little, as I have planned this as a structured story. But still be prepared for some crack here and there. And fluff. Yup, that's right, there will be attempts at fluff every so often.

Having said that, there will be quite a serious portion of the story as well, so something for everyone really.

So sit back, relax, review, fave, alert or whatever you do, and enjoy the story ;)