A/N: How to annoy ppl from the Akatsuki!!! Yaaay!=3 Warning: This is utterly and absolutely random....I was bored....

So you have been warned...

And now....enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don`t own Naruto.....I wish I would though....

How to annoy....Deidara!

1. Swap his clay with playdoh

2. Die his cloak pink

3. Ask if he makes out with his handmouthes

4. Ask if his handmouthes snore

5. Play the „barbie girl" song everytime he enters a room/village

6. Cut off that ponytail thing he has

7. Call him Dei-Dei-chan

8. Squeal Deeeeeeeeei-Deeeeeeeeeeeeei-chaaaaaaaaaaan everytime you see him and glomp him

9. Put his handmouthes and not him on the „Sexiest Singles" list

10. Play strip poker with him, and make the game dedicated to seeing whether he`s a guy or a girl

11. See if you can get one of his handmouths to bite it`s tongue

12. Ask if he had his first kiss with one of his handmouthes

13. Shake hands with him after dipping your hand in super-hot sauce, and hope that the hand mouth liked the hand afterwards...=3

14. Ask if his hand mouths ever needed braces

15. Handcuff him to Tobi

16. Start an argument between him and sasori on what type of art is better

17. Accidentally give away all his clay to Tobi for an Arts and Crafts class

18. Constantly watch him to see whether he enters the girl`s or guy`s bathroom

19. Ask if he got valentines from the guys as well as the girls

20. Ask if painting the fingernails was his idea...

21. Ask if his hands have ever eaten soap before when he takes a bath (and if he says that he doesn`t take baths, well, you know what to do...*evil laughter*

22. Make Deidara very, very late for meeting sasori or something

23. Ask if his handmouths puke

24. Ask if his handmouths eat his food

25. Hold some laxatives and shake hands and allow them to eat the laxatives

26. Show him ALL of the yaoi of him

27. Show him ALL of the YURI of him...;)

28. Handcuff him and throw him in a dark room with Tobi....leave him there for 3 days...then go and see what`s left of him/them

29. When he`s in a grumpy mood, give him a tampon and say: „Don`t worry, Dei-Dei-chan, we all know those days....

30. (Idea by Bloodangel92) Tell him his art isn`t worth anything and that it belongs in the garbage.....

So, what do you think?

Is it good/funny/bad/boring? Do you want to read more? next chapter would be Kisame.=3

So, please review and tell me what you think!!!!!