Black Rose.

In a world where vampires hide its hard. Being a half vampire I'll only age til I'm my mothers age. When I hit 18 I will not age any further. I've become 16 within just a few months. Dad said it's normal for me to age so quickly. It's hard to be a half vampire in a family of vampires. To be the only one to live partly. I've been told I might share the same fate as every human, but I don't care. My parents tell me to live my life as normal as I can while I can. That is until i went in the woods.

I was still a half vampire so I was just like a human, except for the fact i still had to drink blood in order to live. My scent, my speed, even my strength was a humans. My father said never to go out in the woods just in case vampires were around. I always went in the woods anyways. I loved the trees, flowers, and energy from there. It was the one place where I felt better. I felt normal.

I was walking through and saw the time. I had better get home. I was walking back to the house when I heard somthing. I turned to see and girl with red hair and red eyes. A vampire. And from the look of her she seemed to know who I was.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Can you tell me who your father is? And your name?" She said to me. She hadn't moved from her spot at all.

"My name is Alex Cullen. Why do you want to know who my father is?" I asked. I regretted saying my name, "And if i may, who are you?"

"My name is Victoria. I've been looking for your father Edward for a very long time. I wanted to kill the girl. Now what was her name again?"

"Bella. Her name is Bella. The family won't let you even get close so, sorry." I said. I tried to walk away but her take a step. I didn't stop.

"Well if that's how it is, I'll just take the life of his daughter. How's that?" she said and walked towards me. I started to run. She never sped up after me.

I ran to an open Field. I saw a boy my age with short, black hair and wearing shorts. I heard her coming and kept running.

"Go! Run!" I yelled at him. He just stood there. I tripped and saw her coming. The boy came running out to me.

"No go run!" I yelled. He didn't stop, "Quick run now!" It was no use. He wouldn't listen. Then I saw others. There was four of them. Short dark hair, and wearing shorts. "Stop run!" I yelled at them but they came running out too. The first boy came to me and helped me up. Victoria stopped just about five feet away from us.

"How many time are you going to try and kill me? You know you can't catch me." Victoria said.

"I'll keep trying until your dead or never come back." The boy said pulling me behind him. The other boys came up and got in front of us.

"Jacob get her out of here, now." One of the boys said.

"Sam but..."

"No buts. Do it. Take her to your house." The same one said. The one named Jacob started to lead me back towards the forest. I turned to him. He looked angery.

"We can't leave them! They'll get killed!" I said turning around.

"So you know what she is?" He said. I nodded my head.

"Well do you know what kills them?" He asked. I just stood there. He looked at me.

"No I don't. I know that the vampire council can but that's it." I said.

"Well I'll tell you but you must not tell anybody. Promise?" he said. I looked at his eyes and fell in them. I nodded my head, "Alright you know about vampires, but the guys that are back there, are werewolves. I'm also a werewolf." He said. I froze. I knew there was something about him. I knew I should be scared but I wasn't. How could I? He was a nice and caring kind of guy.

"Can I ask you what your name is?" I asked.

"My name is Jacob. What's yours?" he asked as we started to keep walking. I looked at him. He started to laugh. His smile was so calming.

"My name is Alex." I said, "My family calls me Alexandra but I never liked being called by my full name." He laughed at me again, "What's so funny?" I said laughing. He kept laughing at me.

"You don't seem like the kind of person who would know vampires. Are you close with one in town?" He asked me.

"Kinda. My family knows some that passed through here." I didn't want to lie but I also didn't want him to hate me for being the daughter of vampires. I didn't really want him to know anything about me being a half vampire or anything about my family.

"So what school do you go to?" He asked. That was a good question. I didn't get registered for a school yet. My dad was goin to take me in a few days.

"I don't know yet. Why?" I asked him.

"Well cause maybe i would see to at school if you went to my school. You might end up going to Forks High School though." he said.

We walked and talked for a while. When we finally got to Jacob's house it was almost dark out. My mom called me.


"Alex, where have you been?" She asked.

"I've been talking with a new friend."

"Well can you go to your grandfather's? Stay the night there he know your coming alright?"

"Yeah I'll go there. See ya later." I turned to Jacob, "Sorry my parents aren't going to be home so I have to go to my mom's friends place for the night."

"I can take you there. Come on." He said and took me to Charlies.