
A.N: Hello everyone, this is my second attempt at writing and my second attempt at SLASH. So here is what I propose. If you like it and want this story to continue then please review and tell me so. If you think it sucks and I should stop please say so but it does not mean that I will listen to you . It is my opinion that Remus/Severus pairings should always have some sort of sex in it so be for warned that there will be some variations of sex within each chapter, if I continue this story. There will be some extreme content in the future so again you are WARNED! Enjoy the story I think that it turned out pretty good. No Beta so sorry for any mistakes.

I do not own anything and make no money from this writing. If I did own it Remus and Severus would be alive and having hot sex on the potions desk.

Conspiracy Theory #1: Severus and Remus die in the Harry Potter series only because they secretly didn't die and are living together in a small castle in Scotland madly in love with each other.

Chapter One – I want your Everything

It was cold as Severus Snape draped a blanket over his shoulders, his potions text lying on the ground beside him. Moving to the window Severus sat down and watched as the wind carried leaves across the sky.

"I wish I could be free like that." Severus closed his eyes and tried to think of a time when he had ever been free. None came, and a deep sadness settled in his chest. As he turned away from the window a shadow caught his eye and the all too familiar shape of Remus Lupin outlined the night sky. "What is he doing out in the cold? Doesn't he know he could catch his death on a night like this?" Not that I care what if he lives or dies…. How do I even know it's him?

But Severus was never good at lying to himself even though he had perfected lying to others. Many years of catching secret glances at Remmy had permanently etched himself in Severus' mind. Only in his most secret musings had Severus had the courage to call Remus by his nickname. Remmy, Remmy, Remmy.

Shaking himself out of his thoughts Severus looked out across the field and again spotted Remus, standing close to the Whomping Willow disappearing within the trees trunk. What is he doing, and how did he do it? Pushing the blanket off his shoulders Severus when to his trunk and took out his black winter cloak. Casting a disillusionment charm Severus made his way down the Slytherin stair case and out of the castle. Being past curfew and not wanting to get caught by anyone Severus took the longer way around the castle to finally stand in front of the Whomping Willow. Casting a petrifying charm Severus walked towards the tree.

Now what did Remmy do? It can't be all that hard to figure out.

Placing his hand on the twisted bark Severus searched for hidden levers or bumps. Finally his hand came across a particular bump that was in the shape of a heart. Well if this isn't it then I don't know what is.

Applying slight pressure a small tunnel opened up revealing a pathway. How corny that the heart of the tree would open a passageway. Rolling his eyes Severus went down the path until he reached a door.

What the hell am I doing following Remus! What will he say if he finds me? 'What are you doing here Snivillus' that's what! Yet in his heart Severus could not convince himself that Remus could be so cruel to him. He could not be like Potter and Black. Gathering all his courage as much as a Slytherin has and plunged down the stairs.

At the base of the steps a rickety door faced Severus. What in the world would Remmy want in a room like this? Taking a deep breath Severus opened the door. The room was empty except for a couple of chairs and a table. Taking a step inside a wave of dread washed over Severus as the door behind him suddenly closed behind him.

"What?" Turning around Severus found himself face to face with a pair of amber eyes.

"Hello Severus" A shiver ran across Severus' skin as Remus' voice took on a husky quality, oozing of sex and dominance. Giving himself a mental shake Severus placed an angry glare on his face.

"Hello is the last thing you should be saying Lupin, what the hell do you think you are doing this late at night and who gave you the right to use my given name?" Determined to keep up his glaring anger when all he wanted to do was submit to those hungry eyes, Severus busied himself with looking upon the room around him.

"Why Severus…" Remus emphasising every syllable "why such anger, hmm? Cannot we be friends when we are alone? On such rare occasions as these why waste the moment with useless pretences." Reaching out a hand to caress the side of Severus' face, Remus leaned in and whispered " and please call me Moony" Hot breath cascaded over Severus' ear causing another, more visible shiver to pass through the taller boys body.

"YESSSS… that's it Severus, just feel it no need for barriers, open yourself to me" A wet tongue trailed the outer lobe of Severus' ear. Emitting a silent whimper Severus' body was frozen in what could only be called a lust induced overdrive. Unable to wake up his still lagging brain Severus just stood there as Mooney took the opportunity and pulled Severus flush against his body.

In that moment Severus' brain caught up to the situation. Oh God he's hard. How is that possible, this has to be a dream that I will soon wake up from.

"You're hard." Swallowing hard, too far gone to chastise himself on his bluntly obvious statement Severus saw a deep dark ember flashed across Mooney's eyes as a sultry smirk graced his face.

"As always, the observant student. I AM hard Severus and you are the sole reason. You and only you. Now you must take responsibility." Mooney slowly pulled away just enough so that the two boys were face to face.

He is going to kiss me senseless, and I'm going to let it happen, Severus thought. As if reading directly into Severus' thoughts

"Yes I am, and you will" With out any further ado Mooney's lips crushed with Severus'. Tongue, teeth and lips were fully utilized as Mooney's fully dominated the kiss. Saliva ran down Severus' mouth as Mooney's tongue ran back and forth against his own. Wrapping his arms around Moony, more for support than anything, Severus kissed back letting himself be tongue fucked as the kiss slowed to an excruciatingly slow pace.

Pulling back, Mooney seemed to search Severus' eyes for something.

For the first time in his 17 year old life, Severus did something he promised he would never do. "Please… more… "

A slow smile crept along Mooney's face. "Please what, Severus? Tell me clearly and we many go farther."

Completely frustrated by the calm in Remus' face, yet not wanting the moment to end…

"Please kiss me again. I want your tongue in my mouth." Panting now Severus got what he asked for.

"That was very good Severus but is that all you want? Be honest now, is my tongue all you desire?" Mooney moved forward grinding his hips with Severus'.

"Everything, I want everything."

Severus did not know where his words were coming from. The person he knew he was would never have begged for anything let alone for something as embarrassing as Remus' tongue. And what did he mean by "everything". Although these though were going through his head, Severus could not regret his words or even take them back if he could. He had always wanted Remus, ever since there first encounter during his First Year at Hogwarts. He had been plagued with constant fantasies of them together for years and now that they were becoming physical Severus wanted nothing more then "jump his bones" as a muggle would say.

Reaching out his hand, Severus placed a hand on Mooney's groin. "Give me your cock."

"Your wish is my command."

"GET AWAY FROM HIM MOONEY!" came a shout to their right. Turning around, Severus, to his horror, was confronted with James Potter and Sirius Black.

"Let him go and step away before you do anything rash Remus."

"Fuck off boys, this delicious morsel is mine." To emphasize that fact Mooney placed both of his hands on Severus' ass and squeezed.

Reaching out a hand to pull Severus away, James found himself on the floor with Mooney sitting on top of him. "Don't you DARE touch what is mine!"

With the sudden intrusion of Potter and Black, the spell that had captured Severus had broken and with a blushing face and pursed lip Severus ran from the room up the stairs and out into the cold night air. Severus didn't stop running until he reached the comfort of his bed where he covered himself with the sheets and tried to stop the tears that were threatening to fall from his eyes. "Everything" turned out to be a lie.