A/N: I own nothing but my ideas; please read and review! The more reviews I get the faster I update, I love constructive criticism and feel free to comment on anything.
A few days later Jake and I moved to my families home. Caly had gone into labor last night and gave birth to identical twin boys this morning. Kaden Michael and Tristan Jones Clearwater were born at ten o'clock this morning, December fifth, 2009.
They were beautiful, tan skin, black hair, and dark brown eyes that instantly shined with mischief. They would be trouble makers, that's for sure. I was feeding Cole who is just as attached to my breast as Jake is, Jake was sitting in front of me watching me. The fridge was stocked with my breast milk, Alice had given me these suction things that sucked it out and I put them in baby bottles. Caly had down the same thing releasing herself of the heavy liquid that made our boobs swell and hurt. It's kind of awkward with one of my boobs hanging out of my shirt and Cole sucking on my nipple while Jake sat there getting turned on.
My dad opened the door and I grabbed the towel in front of me covering myself. Jake groaned, and turned to Edward giving him a glare. I laughed, "It's not normal if you get turned on watching our son suck my tits for food." I said smirking at him, he blushed shaking his head and started playing with Kearra. My father sat beside me picking up a book and began reading. "Hello Daddy, where's Mom?"
"She's with Alice, I guess they decided to go down and talk to your Professor…McGonagall? About fashion." Jake cracked up, Minnie was definitely one of a kind, she was extremely smart but she always dressed the same, black, green, or blue robes was all she wore, and her hair was always in a tight bun.
Lily and Leah now had a small bumps to their stomachs, Leah's was a little bigger than Lily's but you could tell they were pregnant none the less. I would be returning to school next week, Rose and Emmet promised to take care of the children while we were in class which I immensely appreciated. Sirius and I were going for short jogs in the morning, no more than a mile but it felt really good to start exercising. I had a glass of fire whiskey last night as well, another thing I had to give up during pregnancy.
I thought the kids would stay up through the night like they show on movies and TV but they slept soundly through the night without any fuss. In fact they slept all the time only waking up when they needed to be changed or fed. Jake says that they will phase when they are older and Carlisle agrees however he believes that they will change into more than just the wolf form.
Emmet thinks I'm trying to get pregnant again, because my body magically healed and went back to the way it was designed I was like I was before I had birth. Emmet walked in on me and Jake this morning and decided to announce it the entire family and pack. My poor mother and father. Christmas was coming up in a few weeks and everyone was in the spirit. The other day I saw Hagrid dragging in the big Christmas trees that would decorate the Great Hall. Alice was helping decorate which she loved because the castle was so big and Dumbledore gave her full reign. The poor first years were terrified of her because she was getting a lot of visions and then running around the school at vampire speed. Stupid first years.
Patrols were going well, nothing out of the ordinary however Derik, Austin, Quil and Embry saw a unicorn the other day and flipped a bitch. I thought it was funny because we had learned about unicorns in Care of Magical Creatures so it was hilarious when they came running into the house screaming about a unicorn. It defiantly made my day.
Remus and Jasper walked through the door talking about war tactics and strategies. Remus plopped down beside me putting his legs up over mine. Jasper sat in the chair across from us. "Hey guys, what's up?" I said as Cole started to fall asleep. I held the towel with my chin and fixed myself before throwing the towel at Remus knowing he would freak out.
"EW! Was that on your tit? EW! I touched it! I'm going to have my burn my face off!" He said rubbing his hands over face like someone gave him cooties. "Don't worry, I think grandpa has got a cootie vaccination up in his office." I said sarcastically. "Hilarious." He said in retaliation. I got up and went up stairs to the nursery and tucked Cole in before racing quietly back downstairs and took back my seat.
"You know, nothing is fun anymore in potions without you blowing stuff up." I smiled at Remus and Jake laughed too. My father gave me a look.
"I'll be back next week. How is Sluggy, I bet he's just died and gone to heave since I'm not there."
"Oh no, Sirius has made sure to give him hell while you were gone."
"Well he wouldn't be Sluggy if he wasn't going through a mid-life crisis every day, all day for the rest of his life."
"Hell, I think McGonagall misses yelling at you for dancing on the tables every morning with Padfoot and sneaking out after curfew."
"You sneak out after curfew?" My father asked as my mother walked in with Alice.
"Woooowwww Remus."
"Wait how do your parents not know about that? They send letters home every time we get in trouble, and considering that you and Padfoot do have the record for the most detentions."
"WHAT!" My father yelled but Jake shushed him pointing towards the ceiling.
"Oh my god Moony, I'm going to hurt you."
"Renesmee you better tell me everything right now!" I turned to my dad blushing, stupid blushing. "What did you guys do?"
"Well…there might have been some sneaking out, pranks, flooding the dungeons, dieing hair, bleaching a cat-"
"Oh shit, I remember that, out of all the dumb things you guys have done, bleaching Filches cat was my favorite." Jake said laughing, Kearra giggled in his arms. Remus laughed along with him obviously remembering as well.
"Disruption in class, the Great Hall, hallways, outside, during tests, during field trips, and dances, uniform regulations, fights, parties, drinking…tattoos…"
"What do you mean tattoos?" He said, uh oh Dad's getting pissed. "Um well during our fourth year Sirius and I went out and got a tattoo…and then we just kept adding, I only three and mom knows about them!"
"Who has been signing these forms that they send home?"
"Everyone…except you…mostly Carlisle and Emmet. They think its funny…as long as I don't get hurt." Remus had now fallen off of the couch and looked ready to pass out he was laughing so hard. I really don't see what is so damn funny about this!
"You knew about this?" My dad said turning to my mom, she sat on his lap, "Oh course honey, and stop yelling you're going to wake up Cole."
"You know it's kind of funny that your dad is yelling at you when Jake is holding your child."
"I know where you sleep at night Moony."
"Nessie, sweetheart, I'm not mad about you getting in trouble at school however please try not to get into any serious trouble, like getting suspended or expelled. No more tattoos either, we raised you as a lady not a tramp." My dad said frowning, thank you mom!
January 5, 2010:
"Well Nessie, looks like you won't be playing Quidditch in the spring. You're pregnant again, about two months pregnant." Jake whooped for joy, he loved the kids and wanted lots of them. I groaned, I hate being pregnant. "Are you serious! How is that possible? I mean I only had one period after giving birth, why would I get pregnant so soon? Is that healthy?"
"You are extremely fertile right now, and like Dumbledore said with the prophecy your children are going to be very powerful and will be a key point in the war against Voldemort. I'm not surprised you're pregnant again because it's fate speaking, not to mention the fact that you two go at it like hormone injected rabbits." My grandfather laughed, I blushed. "Taking the last pregnancy into consideration you will be due in late march. Congratulations." I nodded in acknowledgment. I turned to look at Jake, "What are you doing?" He grabbed me off the table hugging me tightly to his chest.
"Jake! I can't breathe!" He hugged me tightly to his chest and then let me go laughing. "I want lots of babies Nessie, you are so sexy pregnant." He kissed me hard and I instantly kissed him back, if its what Jake wanted I would put up with it, they are our children.
"Whatever you want Jake." He picked me up and ran out of the room. "Where are we going?" I asked. "To do what I want." He answered and my dad groaned obviously reading our thoughts as we ran to our room. Good thing Alice had the twins because we didn't leave our room until dinner time.
"We better being doing something fun today in DADA." I said while I buttered my toast. I've been having the weirdest cravings lately, like last night I made Jake get up and go to the kitchens to get me bowl of macaroni and cheese. Never have I liked macaroni and cheese but I ate the entire bowl he brought home last night.
"I doubt it, you know how Fletcher is, all we do is take notes. You would think he would be cool and all into the action and that shit but no he's gay! Half the time I fall asleep counting sheep! Ness if we're partners in auror training and we get in a battle and I start counting sheep we're suing Fletcher for all he's got!" Sirius complained while I laughed, Leah kissed his cheek making the girls watching him send death glares at her. She rolled her eyes before growling showing her longer teeth. I chuckled when they instantly backed off.
It was Thursday and we al had Defense Against the Dark Arts first hour. Our teacher, Professor Fletcher, was an ex-auror. He got in an accident leaving him with only one leg and the ministry decided to let him go. He was a really nice guy but couldn't teach if his life depended on it.
"Guess we'll just have to suck it up." James said and we all nodded.
"Good morning class, today we will be doing something different, today you will learn how to fight vampires." I snickered along with Jake and Remus. Lily shook her head looking up at the ceiling. Sirius bumped fists with James. My parents, Jasper, Emmet, Alice and Rose all walked out. This will be a piece of cake. "Miss Cullen why don't you tell us about your family." Fletcher said, the entire class stared at me. I stood up blushing, "My mother, Bella, is the chick with the long dark hair. She's a shield, nothing mentally can hurt her and she can move the shield to others. My father, Edward, is the guy beside her, he can read minds. Jasper is an empath, he's the blonde, and his mate, Alice can tell the future. Rose has the power of seduction and Emmet has the ultimate strength." I started to sit down but was stopped by Fletcher. "Tell us what you do Miss Cullen, and then come up here. You will help demonstrate." I looked at my father, was he serious? Is this okay with Dumbledore?
My father nodded, not many people knew of my power, there was rumor that I came from a family of vampires but it wasn't official. I walked to the front of the classroom. Everyone was staring at me… "Um, well I am half-vampire and I can project my thoughts to a person through touch."
"Do you guys drink blood?" Someone asked my father pinched the bridge of his noise. "Yes, but not human blood, we drink animal blood only, that's why my families eyes are gold, not red."
"What if someone is trained in occlemens can Edward still read their mind?" Someone else asked.
"Yes I can, I can read every single persons mind in this entire school except for my wife." Edward answered.
"What's an empath?"
"I can feel and project emotions." Jasper answered.
"Is Alice a seer?"
"Kind of, I have visions of the future instead of making prophesies. However they change based on which path the person takes." Alice explained.
They nodded and the class relaxed. With a swish of Fletchers wand the room became much larger and the students were sitting in rows of bleachers that lined the right wall. I took my cloak off handing it to Jake who placed it over my bag. "Be careful sweetheart." Jake whispered knowing I would hear him. "My family won't hurt me." I kissed his cheek before skipping over to my parents. "Miss Cullen, who would you like to demonstrate first with?"
"NESSIE!! PICK ME!" I laughed at Emmet, he really liked this magic stuff. My family sat with Jake and the rest of the gang. Fletcher explained everything to Emmet while I took my place and prepared. I love dueling and I'm really good at it. I rolled up my sleeves and pulled my hair into a mess bun so it would stay out of my face. Emmet took his place and crouched. Fletcher went to the bleachers and blew his whistle.
"Stupefy!" I yelled with fast swish of my wand, the red light blasting out of my wand but Emmet moved just in time and charged towards me. At the last second I moved out of the way letting him run past me. He stopped and turned around charging again. "Reducto!" The spell hit him straight in the chest sending him flying backwards into the wall. I had won.
"Come on Aunt Rose." She grinned and ran towards at full speed. "Petrify Totalitus!" She stopped, completely frozen mid step. My father looked intently nodding in approval. I unfroze Rose and she stood up brushing off the imaginary dust. She smiled at me, "Glad to know we now have an effective muzzle for the dog." She shot Jake a look which he laughed at, "Touché!"
He replied. "Ready mom?" She darted towards me and stopped looking at me intently. Her eyes darkened to a black shadowing the underside of her eyes, her fangs got longer and she crouched low. She was going full vampire, she wouldn't hurt me, but she wanted to see how good I was. I grinned flexing my fingers that held my wand.
This would be interesting. She darted in front of me moving up and down the room in a zigzag way trying to confuse me, I sent spell after spell in her direction but she always managed to escape just at the last second. I need to close her in, but how? Fire. I sent the spell surrounding me in a ring of fire that she couldn't cross, and another larger circle that made the area she was in smaller. "PROTEGO!" I sent the blocking spell in a dome like mannerism which expanded outwards, extinguishing the flames and knocking my mother to the ground. I rushed to her side helping her up.
"I'm sorry mom."
"It's alright, I wanted to see how good you were. Great job honey."
"Thanks mom."
I went up against Alice, then my father and finally Jasper. Jasper was the hardest, he is very fast, not to mention quick minded and trained for war and battle in all circumstances. He was right in his element and it was very interesting watching him.
When I finally did beat him the class whooped and cheered, even the Slytherins clapped which I was surprised but appreciated none the less. Fletcher dismissed the class and we were off to charms.
These last couple of months have been really easy going. It was late march and Carlisle expects me to go into labor any day now. Jake was spooning against me as I tried to fall asleep. I was so restless without exercise and having no way to release all the pent up energy but I eventually did fall asleep…
"Jake! Wake up, I think my water broke! Jake get up!" A sharp pain hit my lower stomach clenching and unclenching tightly leaving me panting and leaning over. I felt like I was going to throw up, the pain was much worse this time. Jake was still snoring, I understood he ran patrol the other night and then had class but I was in fucking labor! That's a pretty damn good excuse!
"Jake get up! The babies are coming! Wake up!" I yelled in a whisper so as to not wake the sleeping children in the cribs next to us. "Jake, get up!" He finally opened his eyes blinking away the sleep. "Jake, they're coming, my water broke."
He was up now and on the phone. "Rose, Ness is in labor will you come and get Cole and Kearra while I take her down to the hospital wing…Thanks so much. Tell Carlisle we're on our way." He hung up the phone after talking to my Aunt Rose and threw on a pair of athletic shorts. He picked me up wedding style and dashed through the door passing Rose and Alice on the way.
It's a good thing Jake is big, I was wearing one of his undershirts, cotton boy shorts and no bra. Thank god it's two in the morning and Jake is running wolf speed.
In a matter of minuets I was being lowered on to a hospital bed. The pain was increasing now, they were defiantly coming, and the wanted out. I felt my fathers cool hands pushing my sweaty hair out of my face and rubbed my knee with the other. Jake was on the other side holding my hand, "Nessie, you're ready to go, on the count of three I want you to start pushing. One…two…three."
I pushed hard but it was to painful, something was wrong, I could feel it. I stopped instantly shaking my head, "Come on sweetheart you can do it." Jake said trying to reassure me. I shook my head, "Something is wrong." My dad looked at me feeling my pain, "The babies are stuck, you need to turn the head." He said to Carlisle, my father had gone into doctor mode as well. Carlisle nodded and went to reposition the babies head of the first child. I felt him remove his hand and another contraction hit me.
"Try again Ness." I pushed and felt them move.
Two hours of pushing later Mason Edward and Hunter Jacob were born at four in the morning. Mason was older and came out crying soon followed by Hunter. I smiled at Jake who was beaming before I passed out from exhaustion, waking up in the middle of the night when you had trouble falling asleep in the first place and then giving birth takes a lot out of a person.
My eyelids fluttered open as the light in the room partially blinded me from being asleep. I sat up and found Jake holding Mason. He was feeding him and Hunter was sleeping peacefully in a small cradle next to Kearra and Cole who were sleeping as well. "You're going to grow up big and strong just like me and your uncles. You'll go to Hogwarts, become a wolf, and we can bother your mother all the time." Jake said talking to our son. I smiled, "Plotting against me already?
You should know that you wont stand a chance against me, I am a Marauder." He chuckled grinning, well smirking, at me. I rolled my eyes, the curtain slid open and my family walked inside grinning like the crazy people we are. "Hey Nessie how are you feeling?"
Jasper asked, I gave him a look and he grinned. Creeper. "I'm good, I really needed that sleep. I'm so glad they're healthy and they're beautiful. Thank you Daddy and Grandpa we would have a bit of a problem if you weren't here." Grandpa kissed my forehead smiling, "Anytime honey." My father patted my knee in a loving manner. Carlisle was checking my vitals before moving onto the children.
Leah walked in sitting on the edge of my bed. "Ten bucks your teachers think you're a whore. Four kids, two deliveries all in the last eight months. That's not a good thing Nessie, people talk." Leah said laughing, I rolled my eyes.
"Coming from the girl who married Sirius Black I'm surprised you don't have an STD, people talk Leah." She grinned, "At least my man has experience."
I laughed out loud at that. "That is true, you can just go into girls bathroom, hell I bet you could go into the guys bathroom, and read all sorts stuff about Sirius that those chicks with no lives write on the walls.
I don't even want to know what they put in the guys." Leah laughed harder, "I'd believe it." She wiped a tear from her eye, "It wasn't that funny." Jasper said from his corner. "Yes it was Prozac boy , I'm almost six months pregnant and my best friend just gave birth to twins. You're lucky I didn't shit my pants." She said and I laughed again, Jaspers face was priceless.
He grabbed Alice by the hand and walked out of the room. I looked over to the sleeping children and saw Rose holding Kearra gently rocking her as she slept.
My father handed me Hunter and he instantly curled into me, he smelled just like his father but had an innocence presence around him that lessened the fact. His skin was the same color as Kearra and Cole's, the medium tan that was a mixture of Jake and mine's skin. He had chocolate brown hair that was curly and was already really long and fell around his head in tight coils like mine. He opened his eyes and I saw my eyes looking back up at me, including the laughter and mischief. "Hi, sweet boy. You're a cutie aren't you." He grinned looking up at me. "They are very intelligent, they understand what you are saying Ness. I don't think they will grow as fast you did but their minds are defiantly developing quicker."
My father said obviously reading their minds. I smoothed the curls out of Hunters face as he fell back asleep holding onto my finger. Cole was sleeping as usual but my mother was holding him and talking to Rose. Kearra and Cole were much bigger that Hunter and Mason. They were a few months old now and obviously more advanced than newborn babies.
I could tell that Hunter and Mason would be exactly like Sirius and me, sneaky, obnoxious, and didn't care if they got in trouble. They were defiantly my children and I would teach them everything I know about how to be a true marauder.
Please review! I really want to hear what you guys think about the story, the more reviews I get the faster I update.