Chapter 3: Rev
[Journal Entry 2]
While waiting for Leon to return, I have decided to write and remind myself of what I'm going through. Like Wesker to his creator Oswell, I have noticed a dramatic increase in my anxiety. These episodes come and go depending on what I am doing and how far Wesker is away. I know the current cause of what I am experiencing is because I am not where I should be. I only hope that Wesker does not figure out where I am, for I know I will not like the consequences.
[End Journal Entry 2]
The journal was tucked safely underneath clothes in my suitcase, and as soon as it was, my muscles twitched slightly before relaxing; I had to be on edge if I didn't want to get caught with the only thing that had kept me sane this long. The contents include random bits on emotion, fear, questions, assumptions, and dark secrets that trouble my mind. I once tried to re-read all that I had wrote, but found my writings immature, distasteful, dramatic, and, well, stupid. However, in my heart I knew that expressing my thoughts at the time that I needed to had brought myself relief and strength; the mind is a dark, dark place to overcome when you are alone and distraught. I could only sigh as I slid it between my shirts and jeans. I have made it this far and I knew there was no turning back. I had to get out of my cage, experience life on my own, but mostly, I had to figure out what is wrong with me and see what Wesker was up to.
After promptly setting my closed suitcase against the cream colored wall of the living room, I sat myself back down on what was to be my bed. I breathed in deeply and allowed the leather exterior to creek against my skin as I sunk into the center of the couch and stared blankly at the window in front of me. Headlights lit up the shades, followed by the sound of tires riding on gravel; it was as if I anticipated his arrival with every task I completed… or maybe Leon had perfect timing. When the door cracked open, I paid attention to the noises that Leon set off: the rustle of bags, steady footsteps, the eased release of the key from the lock—all of these informed me that Leon was untouched by the many change of plans I have caused him; he was calm with a slight spring in his step.
"Hey," Leon said casually and only then did I glance at him with my tired, sunken eyes while trying my best at a smile. "I got some food and supplies you might need."
"You didn't have to do that…" I pushed myself up into a stand despite how my bones ached beneath my tight muscles. "Can I help you?"
"Yes, actually," He said with a tone I found suspicious. "Start on this."
I glanced into an elongated paper bag to observe a bottle of grade A wine. My eyebrow unintentionally rose as I moved my confused stare to him.
"I thought I'd get a look like that… it will calm your nerves. If you're not a wine drinker, I bought some beer and some Vodka."
"Leon… I don't drink that often, and when I do, it is not much," I almost pleaded with him, but I already knew that I could not turn down such a pricey gift—he knew I couldn't either.
"What first?"
"I guess the wine," I sighed my words and removed the bottle from its bag.
"Here I have a wine opener." I caught the flying object swiftly, drove the screw into the top of the bottle, and eased the wings down until the cork was set free. "And I have some glasses somewh—"
It was too late—once the bottle was to my lips I began chugging with thirst I never knew I had. The wine was a bit crisp, but the bite didn't bother me as it poured down my open throat.
"Claire! That shit is not cheap." Apologizing with my eyes, I set it down on the coffee table before me and release a pleased sigh. "For someone who doesn't drink much you sure know how to chug."
"I can do anything if I set my mind to it," I gave in wit a little bit of sass.
"That you can." He agreed while collecting two wine classes between his fingers and moving himself to sit beside me. "You finished a third of the bottle…"
"Good thing it was for me then, right?"
He laughed and shook his head at me while he poured us a glass, responding with a 'right' as he did.
"You must really impress the women," I joked as I seized a more elegant sip of wine from an actual glass.
"Ack…" he waved his hand as if to not touch anymore on that subject. "Enough with that… I believe you have a story to tell me."
"What do you already know?"
"This and that… just tell me whatever you feel comfortable with."
I tipped back my head and finished the glass of wine.
"Okay, but only bits and pieces… then you will leave it at that?"
"Yup, I promise," He nodded and no more words were spoken on his end.
Don't be aroused, by my confession
Unless you don't give a good Goddamn about redemption
I know Christ is comin', so am I
And you would too if the sexy devil caught your eye
(Pray) Til I go blind
(Pray) Cause nobody ever survives
Prayin' to stay in your arms just until I can die a little longer
Saviors and saints, devils and heathens alike
She'll eat you alive
I had spilled the beans.
I spoke about Wesker, my brother, myself, the people I met, the things I experienced, the struggle I went through, and every emotion that consumed my body. With a face that was unreadable, Leon's grey orbs endured the sight of me when I cried, laughed, yelled with anger, and wept more as I blamed myself. He never once laid a consoling hand on my shoulder, offered me a Kleenex, interrupted me with caring shushes, nor did he say anything at all, but I continued to tell my tale like he wasn't even present. It was like the more I drank, the less I cared, and the more secrets that slipped between my teeth. I had fallen all right, to the deepest of lows; I couldn't keep a secret, be strong, help myself, or even be the independent girl I once was. I cringed on the couch wallowing over everything I had ever stored within my mind that had grown and manifested.
"I-I didn't know what to-to do… Leon," I spoke as tears pushed themselves out by the tightening of my throat. "I fell hard… so very hard and not just for Wesker. I thought leaving Chris and staying at all times with Wesker to keep him in check would be an adequate responsibility to have… but it was just… selfish." As I inhaled the thick saliva forming in my mouth was made present to me and I wiped my tongue around before swallowing hard. After another attempt in the past two minutes to breathe through my nose ended up as another fail, I continued on, "If you love someone you shouldn't have to feel responsible for anything… but I can't kill Wesker off, you know? He gave me a new insight on life, but also made me apart of something I have hated. In a way, I was fortunate to see both sides of the spectrum, and learn that Wesker's intentions were well. Yet, the demented ideas behind it all still read wrong to me. I have never despised anything-"my fists clenched. "as much as I despised myself after he created me. The anger from my own hatred in myself sprouted carelessness not only towards me, but life and others as well."
Tears began to blur my vision at the bottom of my lids like water would bubble before oozing over the buckets edge with one more added drop. Then, my swollen lids closed slow enough that they twitched on decent. When ends finally met, warm tears poured down my face with a momentum large enough to break an onlooker's heart. My peach lips parted as though gradually receiving an internal blow, but before the pain burned in my chest new warmth grazed my cheek, sending tear-soaked hair back towards my temple. The fiery touch moved across one side of my cheek towards the back of my skull, shoveling a handful of hair that was soon to be used as a handle. My body was taken towards Leon by four fingers that tousled my locks behind my head, the fifth implanted firmly into my cheek to remind me of the good intentions behind this movement. My damp face buried into the slate sweater that Leon had pulled over his head and onto his body earlier that day; I could smell his skin and cologne mixing through the light fabric. Another arm slinked around my back, closing the gap between us slightly and allowing me to move more comfortably.
I sunk in his embrace until my head was resting on his chest and I sighed in relief at the fact that I was in friend's arms. After I could cry no more, I unleashed a wide yawn and nuzzled my cheek into the warm figure that nurtured me with silence, but also a wide range of generous actions.
"You're yawning—let's get you to bed," Leon whispered into my hair. I used all my strength to sit up straight and away from him, especially since I was highly intoxicated and the room was tipping side to side.
"I don't want to sleep alone!" I regretted it as soon as it left my lips. Yup, I am a total baby.
A bit taken back, Leon didn't seem to skip a beat, "Alright, come on."
I nodded with shame as he eased me off the couch and walked beside me to ensure I would not stumble. My feet seemed to glide alongside him with such an unworldly grace, but unfortunately I realized it was not much of my doing—but of Leon partially lifting me from the ground to accelerate our pace into his sleeping quarters.
As he pressed on through the doors, he set me on the edge of the bed and maneuvered around in the dark until his groping fingers connected to the cool metal of the lamp on the night stand. Instantly, the lamp lit up to the touch of his fingers and brought a surprised jolt through us both. I began to remove my thick layers of clothing, like my hooded zip-up, jeans, and socks. Left in a white wife beater and red bikini style underwear, I shamelessly helped myself underneath Leon's comforter.
"I'll pull in a chair and I will sleep over there and watch you, okay?" He assured me as he reached over his back and removed his shirt to ready himself as well. "You remember where the bathroom is if you feel sick, right?"
"You got me drunk on purpose… didn't you?" No response—just a simple touch on the wrist followed by a tense in muscles to turn and leave. "Wait…" I snatched his arm.
"Just get in…" He paused for a moment and thought about my words before escaping effortlessly from my grasp. Casually, he carried on his mission but with a new route; Leon sauntered over to the other side of the bed and just as I suggested—he got in.
Jesus is risen, it's no surprise
Even he would martyr his mama to ride to hell between those thighs
The pressure is building, at the base of my spine
If I gotta sin to see her again then I'm gonna lie and lie and lie
My pulse has been rising
My temples are pounding
The pressure is so overwhelming and building
So steady they're fretting I'm ready to blow
What is she what is she what is she waiting for?
Our feet touched momentarily, causing him to shrug unexpectedly; my feet were cold. Leon was really like a personal heater and our backs were keeping each other warm. I tried to focus on other things I noticed recently about Leon to keep my mind off of the drunken body spins. He was barely fazed tonight, or maybe he can hide it really well. Either way, Leon must drink a lot… is he lonely? I thought about poor Leon and how well he reacted to the drama I bestowed upon him. He must be emotionally drained, too, I thought as my lids closed.
A shift in the bed jerked my mind from its mid-slumber and brought it into a slight paranoia. Though, nothing seemed out of the ordinary and my eyes once more wearied. Then, a soft trickle of warmth fertilized my skin to form goose bumps across my hip. A slight prod at the bikini strap that lay in that area caused my eyes to dance behind my eyelids in question. My heart began to race as the gentle touch became a tug that brought air to a small, new patch of skin. Attempting to register reality, my mouth opened while air leaked through my throat, producing a quiet moan—I was being observed… adored even, and the want that surfaced through these actions made me tingle with a vibrant tenderness.
Fingertips brushed down the dip of my hip, to the start of my ribcage, and down across my abdominals. My body shivered whenever the light caress became a too much of a pleasurable sensation, making it almost unpleasant—like a tickle without wanting to violently react. A full palm was pressed into my toned fleshed as breath heaved through flared nostrils just behind my ear. I was directed back closer into the walking sun by a palm that was rough from the recoil of many handguns. I accepted the adjustment by bending my knees and welcoming his into the back of mine.
Another moan snuck out from between my drying lips—louder this time. Time seemed to stop for Leon briefly before he continued his decent down into the dip of my pelvis and the start of my panties' line. His thumb traced from the bottom of my belly button to crook underneath the fabric of my panties. He moved his hand from thigh to outer hip, letting in air while moving cloth against my swollen situation—my toes curled in response. He was moving slow—too slow to stimulate me like I wanted and needed to be. I arched my back in pace with his movements all while beginning to squirm and produce a series of low, pleading moans.
The controlled movement of my body brought friction between us, his erection thickening and in his attempts to conceal it—he edged away from me and remained completely still. Though, I had not lost yet. My actions caught enough attention to spark a no longer containable interest; he took the plunge. Leon's hand slid easily between my closed thighs and moved his fingertips along my slit from peak to entrance. In response, my head eased back to bring his face closer to my own, accentuating my neck and collarbone line. Breath stroked my jaw line as a deep rumble could be felt in my back; he had moaned back at me. As the heat rose to my face, I realized his fingers had slipped in between my cushioned lips and discovered something breathtaking: I was sloppy wet and I had no idea what had caused it.
Only when Leon dipped his fingertips into my entrance and carried my slippery liquids to my swollen knob did I realize just how aroused I was. In steady, circular motions he moved clockwise against my sensitive spot and already I desired to explode. I cried out as my body jolted back into Leon, verifying my suspicions on the enlargement underneath his sweatpants. Leon grunted at contact and upon discovery his erection throbbed against my back assets. Flames seemed to engulf my body at this moment, his massage was bringing me closer to orgasm far quicker than I expected and his hard-on was teasing me while waiting its turn. I suppressed a growl as I forced my features away from his own and stopping all contact. Twisting my body to face him I launched my leg upward just enough to move his body between my thighs.
At this moment, I noticed that my head still spun, but used it to aide me in making a visual performance. I sensed eyes wandering my curves as hands sluggishly moved my white beater tank top up and off. If I did not know better, I would say Leon was hypothesizing before unveiling what was really underneath. I knew he was pleased when the fabric was removed. As soon as he threw it to the side, he cupped my ass within his strong hands, kissed between my bosoms, and placed me in his lap the way I needed to be. Rolling on my knees, Leon shoved down all that concealed him and kicked all the clothes off somewhere beneath the sheets. He raised me above his pelvic length and released me to allow my knees to give—and they did give, inviting his member into silk folds coated with slippery nectar. Inch among inch, he entered me until my lips met base, and relaxed into his lap like a warm, connecting, … and wet blanket.
That was it—the first taste of blood… I nearly erupted with pleasure as his first, simple stroke left no nerve untouched. In anticipation for his next thrust, I flexed my internal walls and witnessed him moan yet again as he adjusted my legs closer to the sides of his body. He had given me the needed leverage, as well as a hunger for more. As my body ruptured into ravenous tendencies, I leaned back into an arch with my chin erected to the ceiling. Strong hands moved up my lengthened body and grasped my rather large ribs; my ribs had always been pushing a size thirty-eight and generously complimented my just as wide hips.
"Your body reminds me of something from a Japanese cartoon," Leon murmured under his panting breath as he used his new found grip to raise me up his shaft. I blushed at his words, but with only moonlight streaming through blue shades flailing in the late night breeze, I appeared into rich black and white shadings.
"Shh…" I dug my fingertips into his chest and raked down to his well sculpted abs. His body was youthful, unlike the wise textured skin of Wesker. The sensation against my hands was foreign, for I had only slept with one man in my entire life—and having only slept with one man was not by choice—I was far too busy for a relationship since the viral outbreaks stole my time at nineteen.
Leon's pumps were eased against my own movements. I attempted to speed him up, but his grip on me kept me in place; he was warming things up a bit before he went all out. I do not think he understood what fire was burning in the pits of my stomach, swelling my folds below and producing more lubrication between us. An extended moan escaped my pursed lips as soon as I recognized what was happening. My face molded into a sneer, followed by an uncanny snicker as I removed Leon's hands and pinned them to the pillow.
I could not see Leon's surprised stare, but I could sense the uneasiness in his stirring beneath me. Leaning in, my hardened nipples touched his chest and received friction as I rocked back in forth. I used my knees as pivot points, my hips as my operators, and the muscles of my stomach for speed as well as withdrawal. Lifting my hips, my taut back end was aimed upwards, crinkling the skin at my sides before my stomach contracted to shove Leon's member deep within me. I worked passionately, our bodies connecting only a second before I lifted again, and repeated each thrust with as much precision as the first. However, one thing did not stay the same: my velocity. I continued to increase in my riding, and when I reached my maximum, I switched up the positions so I could go faster.
Leaning back, my hands grasped the top of his thighs and I used my arms to keep my force going. Once Leon's hands were free, he outstretched his arms to my lower front, close enough to extend a thumb and begin rubbing what he started. I groaned considerably and instantly began swaying my hips until my stomach did 'the wave.' – this rubbed my wet sustenance all over his waist whenever he was buried deep within. I was please to have grinded him to his liking, for he was groaning and squirming as his member was tossed from front to back inside my soft, ridged warmth.
"Claire…" He whispered with heated words, his thumb driving me closer to climax until—
I hunched over and slammed my hands into his collar bone to embrace my orgasm with every muscle. I pulsated, I panted, I yelped in pleasure, and I squeezed my walls while I pumped wildly in hopes to obtain a more intense orgasm. While I finished, Leon sat up and placed his face between my breasts, kissing around my perked nipples and cupping beneath them with his hands. His chest heaved with my own as he bought time for himself; he was holding back his own climax for quite some time and I know it was not easy.
I was caught in a flash of lust and the beauty of our love making was much different than anything I experienced with Wesker—it was like I was human again, but with strength that made me in control for the first time in a long time. I adored it, soaked it in, and I breathed in Leon's passion only to feed off it like airborne energy. The sexual episode did not cease— the peak of pleasure only contributed to my untiring actions.
"Claire…" There it is again… but it came off more as a question. What was he unsure of? I ignored as my wild riding and grinding overtook him. "Claire…!" Leon's hips left the bed, raising my weight with him as he entered deep for the final time to release his seed; the thick liquid coated my inside, mixing within my own, and cries emerged from the two of us—announcing that we had succeeded in dousing the flaming desire.
A moment of silence partook; well, the sounds of our panting could still be heard… I swear I even blacked out for a moment… but when I opened my eyes to see masculine, grey orbs blinking up at me I knew I was in the clear.
"What's wrong?" Leon asked and began to scoot away in panic from under me.
"What are you talking about?" I cocked my head and an uneasy quake like the brewing of vomit appeared in my stomach. I began to convulse and frantically blinked away the burning within my eyes.
"Whoa," Leon leaned in for a closer look. "Whoa!" His flesh grew pale as my body suddenly grew limp.
"Claire?" My name sparked my attention and my head sprung up to give Leon one of my darkest stares. His blood was pulsating so hard I could almost taste it through our skin contact.
"What's the matter Leon?" I smirked as I loomed over him like a lioness to her pray. "I just want you to experience what my own heart does…"
His eyes lit up with fear—the deer-in-headlights look… and before he could react to what he knew what was coming… I dove in. These human emotions were pitiful… Leon was aware of my intentions by the tenseness in my muscles, but refused to believe I would commit it. The man cared more about me than himself because his faith in me was unchanged even after knowing what I had become.
"Being broken," the last word rolled off my tongue as my fist drove into Leon's chest—piercing through his sternum and coating my arm with splatters of crimson. I laughed, chuckled even, as Leon's life faded beneath me. That laugh echoed within my mind and within my soul until it disturbed me mentally.
That mental stir was enough to send my body flying into a sit; I had been dreaming.
(Pray) Pray til I go blind
(Pray) Pray cause no one ever survives
Prayin' to stay in her arms just to die longer
Saviors and saints, devils and heathens alike
She'll eat you alive.
"It was only a dream," I repeated several times quietly as I checked my sweat drenched body for anything out of the unusual. Unfortunately, my night with Leon was not a dream, but it sure felt like one.
"Oh my god…" I covered my face in shame and nearly wept. I never took lightly to my dreams, especially this one. "What is happening to me?" I sobbed out into my hands—maybe it wasn't just a dream… maybe somewhere within my mind I was aware of what was going to happen to me. I, perhaps, was really here to seek comfort because I was afraid of going through it alone. Though, it was unfair of me… I was obviously a ticking time bomb. These demonic dreams and strange happenings to my body were becoming more and more frequent.
"Mmm…" I heard Leon mumble and I gasped while beginning to wipe my tears away. How was I going to tell Wesker? Why did I even sleep with Leon? This is going to complicate things… what the fuck am I to do? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! "Everything alright?" A sleepy voice asked me.
"Y-yeah… Just a bad dream," I responded softly and I felt his hand on my bare thigh to which I became immediately nervous at. Thankfully, he didn't say anything about it, probably because he figured it was the after effect of my nightmare.
"Oh, I see… just lay down I'll rub your back."
"No, Leon, I don't want you to do anything," I snapped, mostly because I was mad at myself.
"Look I—"He stuttered, a bit taken back, "I'm sorry I…" Before he could say any more we were interrupted by the sound of shattering glass. Our mouths dropped open as our wide eyes shared a glance that reassured both of us that the crash was real.
"Where is your gun?" I demanded.
"Nightstand drawer." I nodded once and rolled off the bed as fast as I could. As I did, my left hand whipped open the stand drawer while my right grasped what laid within it.
Cool metal struck my clammy hand as it molded around the gun in pure instinct; my pointer finger placing itself across the trigger. The gun didn't stay in my possession for long—I swiftly passed it to Leon who was in his boxers and half ways to the bedroom door. While he pointed the gun at the door, I dressed myself in underwear and my beater frantically. Joining him at his side, I proceeded forward with him only inches behind. We sauntered in unison as I grasped the back of his shirt and sped up to check corners. It was a matter of time before we reached the living room with the large windows; one window, however, was shattered.
"What the?" Leon grumbled as he rushed to the glass sprawled out on the floor; I re-checked the area for intruders behind him before I closed the distance between us.
"What could have done this?" I asked while scanning the area for any object that might have flown through.
"I don't know but, it could have been…" Leon began to go off in theories as my attention span faded in and out… I had an odd feeling in my chest, and rustling was syncing in to beat out Leon's muffled voice. Suddenly, the hum of our breathing came through above all other noises. Next, the beating of our hearts caused me to shake my head in attempt to rid the mixture of ruckus. Then, I caught a noise that could not be given to any familiar noise to any object in this room. I gasped and alerted my attention to outside.
"Leon…" He kept talking against me. "Leon!" He double took towards me before staring at me in question. "Move away from the windows!" He pointed his gun towards outside and fired at first glimpse of a metallic object launched our way.
His bullet ricocheted and sent the metal tube off its course and away from us. A moment was taken to register the Tricell symbol imprinted on the canteen-shaped item. My lips parted in disbelief, my heart dropped in panic, and I was suddenly beside myself.
"Cover your mouth!" Leon shouted and I did just that. Seconds after, the can was spitting out a white gas that rapidly started to fill the room.
The world literally began to crash around us. Men in black army suits crashed through windows all around us and began swarming into a circle. I retreated to being back-to-back with Leon in a defensive stance. He fired off rounds, two shattering into the plastic shield of the helmet that concealed the faces of our attackers. That's one, I thought to myself, as I launched forward and rammed my shoulder into the padded stomach of the first remaining attacker I deemed too close.
Our attackers wasted no time filling in the gap between Leon and me, so I bucked a leg and managed to clip someone trying to cheap shot me in the throat. The man in front of me darted forward but my hasty maneuvers allowed me to ninja out of the way. It was a sloppy backhand spring because I backed into one of the kitchen chairs on landing. It was convenient that Leon's living room and kitchen were only separated by a line between linoleum and carpet, but there was not much room given to me at the time. I was however able to recuperated quickly and roll onto and off the island to place a fixed piece of furniture between the intruders and me.
"Reloading!" Leon informed me and I shifted my weight to make a swift turn. I noticed a knife set resting beside the stove and removed the many blades from their wooden sheath.
I let out a distressed grunt as I chucked each knife with force. Memories of Chris and my training drifted into my mind. You didn't teach me everything, Wesker. I still hold some of myself. I remembered Chris's voice as soon as his words replayed in my mind and I almost relaxed in relief to hear it again. With adequate direction in throwing a blade, the damage can be catastrophic, and can get you out of serious situations- watch. And as I watched men drop, his words became all the more wise to me.
Yet, there was one person among this group of intruders who was more nimble then the rest. They pulled moves I thought only I knew, and evaded both Leon's and my efforts. My remaining knives layered the wall and Leon's berretta clicked empty. I rushed to his side and nearly snarled at the last one standing.
"Who are you!" I demanded and the helmet was removed.
Feminine features unveiled themselves along with a fresh scare that extended from the corner of her mouth towards her ear. The mark was unmistakable and this dark-haired woman's identity was revealed.
"Ada! I thought you were done with this!"
"Hmmph…" She inhaled disappointedly. "My business here is far from over, but enough about me. I'm here for you, Claire."
"Ada," Leon stepped in. "What do you want with her?" I could already sense softness in Leon's voice. Good for him.
"Do you want to know what Wesker thinks about you being here?" She ignored Leon and stared frigidly into my eyes.
"Do you think I'm stupid, Ada? Oh… let me guess: still bitter about your face?"
I dug the ball of my foot into the floor and sprinted towards her. She expected it, removed herself from my path, but her instinct misinformed her of my capabilities to be accurate and plan ahead. I kept sprinting despite her removal from the situation. I lept, landed on the arch of my foot on the ledge of one of the windows, and flipped backward to the side to catch her in retreat. As soon as I completed this task, Ada dropped and tried to swipe me off my balance. I backed off, but we continued to dance around each other.
"As a matter of fact I do think you're an imbecile for thinking Wesker wouldn't find out the second you stepped out that door. You're in a whole new group of people now, Claire." I swiped at her out of anger but she easily dodged."So are you two a couple now?" Her voice was so irritating—it was laced with razorblades but sly, sassy, and slightly sexy; every bit about it drove me to new heights of pissed off. I grabbed at her again, only this time tightly enclosing my hands around her throat.
I bashed the back of her head into the wall, pleased with the hard thud that came of it, and then tossed her on the floor. The woman moved painlessly, slightly staggering to her feet. She couldn't fight, however—Leon had stepped in and placed the barrel of his gun to her head. The reaction on her end was smart: she raised her hands in defeat while half of her face cracked into a smile.
"Alright… alright…" She turned her back to me to face Leon. "Let's not do something we'd regret."
"I'd feel no remorse," I fired back. "You've been nothing but problems for me, Ada." She was deceitful and manipulating. Mostly, she left a terrible taste in my mouth.
"I suggest you return home or return to Wesker immediately. We won't go easy on you next time," Ada cooed before sending a wink my way. "Here." She threw me a mobile touch screen. "Everything you need is in there… so please, please… let's not do something we regret, okay?" Her 'okay' lingered tauntingly.
She grabbed Leon's gun cautiously and lowered it from her forehead. Ada then jogged towards one of the windows and I placed myself once again beside Leon; we were both watching her leave.
"And, Claire?" She placed one leg out the window. "If you do happen to try to defy orders… we will find you." And she was gone.
I immediately glanced at Leon, "Why didn't you just shoot her?" I shook my head and avoided glass on my way to sit down on the couch. I began to tend to my foot that I recently noticed hurt—I must have cut it on some glass.
"I'm sorry—I didn't—"
"You didn't what? You didn't want to? I could have guessed that. That's probably why they sent her when I was with you because they know that alone I would have killed her."
"No." He stared at me. "It's not like that." He thought that I cared what his feelings were on her when really I didn't. I had no jealousy in my voice, but Leon at times was full of himself.
"Don't flatter yourself I wasn't crying over whatever you have with her," I spat coldly as I glanced at the damage to my foot. I heard Leon swallow hard.
"Claire, last night—"
"Save it…" I forced a smile and flashed it at him before drawing my attention back to my foot. My smile faded instantly.
"Is it bad?"
"Not at all," I assured as I plucked a tiny shard from the bottom of my foot.
"What are you going to do now?"
"Nothing," I answered truthfully before promptly getting up, going to the kitchen sink, and dropping the phone in the garbage disposal. I then proceeded to turn it on and listen to the choppy rumble of the phone being beat up. When I heard that the blades could take no more, I removed the phone, threw it on the ground, and stomped it to death.
"I hope you didn't ruin my disposal."
"Me too."
We are back to the long chapters, ladies and gents! I hope you enjoyed this hornified chapter.
I would like to thank cjmixers for currently creating a doujinshi of my story and Sparkle Valentine for some kind words. I also thank FrostyDream, for being another artist that placed my words into art. I love you guys! Thanks for all your heartwarming reviews – they were all read and swooned over.
Rev 22:20 - Puscifer
Another thing, is I found out another lovely writer of Wesker/Claire fics also has the name "Temptation" for a story. I feel incred-i-bad because she's had her story out longer, and I was wondering if any of you have suggestions. Should I change it out of respect? What should I change it to? I was thinking Temptation's Affliction... or something along those lines. This story is suppose to be about struggle, losses, finding the truth, but mostly Claire finding herself, as well as trying not to become what she was created to be :)