A/N: I'm going rewrite this, 'cause personally, I'm not happy about with the story's flow. I feel like there's a lot to be tightened up, and my readers deserve to know what happens with all the other characters besides Paul and Dawn-but no worries, I'm not going to make major changes to the plotline. I'm going to edit it and the chapters should be republished by the end of September at most, so look forward to that! By the way, would everyone prefer shorter chapters, or did you prefer how it was broken up so that each chapter was about one boy?

IMPORTANT! I already have an idea for my next story...but I need to decide which characters I'm going to use. So please, tell me which ships are your favorite in a review or PM, and the one with the most votes is going to be the main feature. I'll need two couples, so give me your all time favorite shipping, and then give me your second. If one of your favorites is Ikarishipping, please give me a backup in case I decide against it, which I might since I already wrote an Ikarishipping story and I want to try something new =)

Onto the acknowledgements!

Please read this, even though it's not a chapter! If you reviewed, look for your screen name; it's alphabetically ordered! Even if you didn't, all names are alphabetical =)

Thanks to all 29 people who alerted me: Almiaranger, Ashton Nauran, azngurl113219, Blazie, Bluestorm1990, Bradley5455, Chelra, D3sstorjo, Empoleon4eva, Fire Drastar, foxsadist712, GeeGee-Chan, Ikarishipping4ever, JLCLover, Melisa Mistick, nhojekimsabig, Orlo10, PlatinaBirds, Pokeshipper-Reborn, Poliwhirl42, pontiger27, RealisRose, redneck16, ShadetheEchidna666, ShadowYashi, shortnsweet615, SquirrelGirl8, The biggest ikarishipping Fan, and xPikachu-Princessx! You guys made me smile when you clicked the "add to alerts" button. Really, it was awesome knowing that people actually about what went on in my story!

Thanks to all 36 people who favorited Don't Ever Bet on Love: Aiko HanaKai, Almiaranger, AugustSummerXxX, AuthorOfHope, D3sstorjo, DaRkMiDnIgHtSnEaKyCaT, Empoleon4eva, foxsadist712, HolyOnigri, Ice Blue Moon, Ikarishipping4ever, IntoTheBlaze, Jellyfur, Kei's-Girl, KuraiDawn, laucristi, Lightning the Fencer, Loliverse, , Orlo10, PokemonRules14, Pokeshipper-Reborn, Poliwhirl42, Poppystream, RealisRose, redneck16, rose-the-magicat, RoseMasterD87, ShadowYashi, shortnsweet615, sugar and limes, TaichiWind, The biggest ikarishipping Fan, XX-ThEwOrLdNeEdSaChAnGe-XX, youfarted, and YuuYuu-chan! Favoriting my story really means a lot...it's touching and heartwarming to see people "favorite" what I consider pretty crappy XD

Wow you guys have the coolest pen names. Seriously.

LOTS AND LOTS of thanks to my reviewers:

-Aiko HanaKai: SO glad you liked the ending! Thanks for taking time to review =)

-A La DarkAngel: Awesome name! Thanks for reviewing...I remember worrying about the chapter you reviewed but I'm glad you didn't hate it.

-Almiaranger: My very first reviewer-ever! Thanks so much for reviewing so often-I love dedicated reviewers like you.

-Anon: Thanks for reviewing, and thanks for enduring the Ikari-ness!

-AuthorOfHope: Thanks for being with the story since its early days! And thanks for all the idea exchanges, and especially thanks for putting up with my insanity!

-Arysd: I've always wondered what your name meant...anyway thanks for the reviews!

-Ashton Nauran: One of those people who guessed right with the ending...kudos! Thanks for all the (extremely, extremely) supportive reviews. They honestly did make me smile!

-azngurl113219: Are you Asian? I am too ^-^ Your reviews came at a completely random time for me, but I remember how your review reminded me to keep writing ^-^

-bianca: Thanks for being one of the few Cavaliershippers who reviewed! Wanna know a secret? It'll probably be in my next story...

-D3sstorjo: Another Ikarishipper. Now does everyone see why I decided to end with it? I have so many sweet and persuasive Ikarishipping reviewers like you!

-DaRkMiDnIgHtSnEaKyCaT: That was hell to spell out, so eventually I just copy and pasted. Your review was really sweet, thanks for that =)

-DarkMidnightVelvet: Another Ikarishipper who I hope liked the ending I wrote ^-^

-dewdrop06: Another multiple reviewer! Thanks for giving your honest opinions (they're helpful!) and thanks for all the reviews=)

-Empoleon4eva: Your review was really helpful in convincing me to write faster, so thanks for reviewing!

-Kissy Fishy: Another name I love, and another Ikarishipper. And I can't believe you wrote four reviews in a row-most people read the story and just write a review for the last chapter! I hope you enjoyed your Ikari ending ^-^

-mednin: One o the Ikarishippers who convinced me to write so. Thanks for the review!

-Miss Moo-moo Pettle Pot: I'm glad you liked the awkwardness ^-^ Thanks for reviewing!

-NightCore: I'm glad you didn't hate the awkwardness ^-^ But anyway, thanks so much for reviewing ever since the beginning. That was incredibly sweet of you and I'm impressed with your dedication to this story =)

-Pearlshipping677: Thanks for spotting that mistake, and oodles of thanks for reviewing!

-PlatinaBirds: Your short and sweet reviews made me happy just as much as long reviews did =)

-Poliwhirl42: Thanks for the helpful reviews! I loved how they were both helpful AND supportive! And YES! You're a Cavaliershipper too! YOU ROCK.

-RealisRose: I alwasy loved your name. Thanks for reviewing so much! You like cavaliershipping, right? I'm considering using it next... 0.o

-Rosie: Thanks for reviewing! I'm a Lucas lover too. I'll make sure when I rewrite it that he gets a happy ending.

-ShadowYashi: Ha, I was caught between Gary and Paul too...hope you weren't too disappointed with the outcome. Thanks for the reviews!

-shortnsweet615: Ever since you started reviewing, every review made me smile cause they were so encouraging. They were short but sweet, just like you name! Thanks for sticking with my story =)

-SleepySheep: Cute name! Thanks a lot for pointing out so many things from the entire story in your review...so helpful! I hope you like my rewrite, and the epilogue I'm going to add =)

-SquirrelGirl8: A dedicated Twinleafshipper-so sorry to disappoint! Still, your reviews were really encouraging =) so thanks a bajillion!

-sugar and limes: I'm so glad you liked the ending and thanks for reviewing!

-The biggest ikarishipping Fan: The person who inspired me with her writing. Her awesome stories made me want to write awesome stories. When you reviewed, I felt a little bit like I was talking to a celebrity, so thanks so much for reviewing x)

-TaichiWind: Thanks a lot for reading all 67,000+ words...that was really nice of you! ^-^

-Virgo Writer: my harshest critic, and my most helpful one. You have no idea how much your reviews opened my eyes, but thanks a lot for your help.

-zetroC Girl™: I loved all your reviews! They made me laugh XD

And thanks to anyone else who reviews/alerts/favorites after I publish this. I won't be able to add you name to the list, but I honestly and genuinely appreciate everything my readers do. Thanks you for putting up with the insanity of Don't Ever Bet on Love, and I'm glad you all enjoyed it. I wish all readers could be as awesome as mine have been =)

And here's something I decided to do with the help of GoogleTranslate, so if I'm incorrect, I'm really, really, sorry-but it's not my fault!

Thank you! Terima kasih! ¡Gracias! Salamat! Σας ευχαριστώ! Grazie! Vielen Dank! Ďakujem vám! Ačiū! Благодаря ви! 谢谢!Go raibh maith agat! Tak! شكرا لك!

Honestly, it was so cool seeing how many people from so many different countries clicked on this story. It's an honor, so thank you all foreigners!

Hope everyone enjoyed, and I'll see you soon! Parting is such bitter sweet sorrow...