
It was a pretty long walk to my apartment building. I had stayed at the party for a lot longer than I thought. I took a deep breath and let the Chicago smog fill my lungs, and sting my throat.

Yeesh, it's cold.

I walked on and quickened my pace as my house came in to view. I had to get home now or I would never hear the end of it from my foster mom.

"Nova!" I heard a familiar voice call from behind me. I narrowed my eyes and sped up even more. My best friend Kele continued to call my name, and I continued to ignore her.

Why should I talk to her now if she didn't have the time to talk to me at the party?

Kele's footsteps became louder and closer, and soon she was a half step behind me.

"Nova, didn't you hear me calling you?" she asked

I shook my head and shoved my hands into my jacket pockets. Kele's face lit up with understanding.

"You're mad at me?" she asked

As if it wasn't already obvious.

"Just forget about it" I sighed, as we both turned up the path to the apartment buildings.

"Well if Kae kicks you out again you can spend the night at my house" Kele mumbled

I rolled my eyes, but smiled at her a few seconds later.

We both turned our attention back to our boarding house and saw him. The vampyre. He was leaning casually against the fence outside our building, but straightened when we stepped closer…

Ohmigod! It's a tracker. The odds that both Kele and I were going to remain human for much longer became very slim, very fast.

Bloody, Hell.

He's walking closer…damn, damn, damn, damn, damn.

I never had anything against vampires, but that doesn't mean I want to become one. I don't want Kele to become one either!

But becoming a vampyre is only for the lucky ones! Some fledglings die. It's all over now.

"Nova Collins, Night has chosen thee; thy death shall be thy birth," Even outside the tracker's ceremonial words echoed through the streets, and even at night his sapphire blue mark glimmered in the moon light. He continued "Night calls to thee; Hearken to her sweet voice, your destiny awaits you at the House of Night!"

And with that, he lifted his pale finger towards me and an instantaneous explosion of pain burst into my head. I collapsed, and felt, more than heard, the sharp crack of my skull against the pavement.

When I woke up I was surprised to discover I wasn't in front of my apartment building. I was in a wheat field, the sun shined brightly against my face. When I opened my eyes though, it wasn't the sun, but the moon. I stood up as a warm breeze wafted the smell of wheat and salt water all around me. I began to wander, confused by the smell of salt- water, and as I spun to my right, I saw the source. A beautiful, sprawling ocean was a hundred yards away and a large, dangerous looking cliff, down. I took a step towards the cliff as a beautiful voice chimed all around me.

"Careful my child" A voice warned. I turned to see the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her long, raven black hair shimmered as it was swept up by another gust of wind. Her dark eyes were gentle, and her full lips parted to reveal a stunning smile.

"Who are you?" I asked, my words seemed to float around me…

She smiled as she answered my question.

I go by many names, but I believe you know me best as Nyx.

"You mean…the goddess of vampires?" I asked

She nodded

It is true; the descendants of my children are referred to as vampires. But as a vampyre, Nova, you will find your destiny.

My head began to throb

"How?" I demanded

Have faith my dear sparrow child

Nyx used the nickname my birthmother had given me as a child. How did she know that?

I have marked you as me own, Nova. You are one of my first daughters of night in this age.

"There will be others like me, then?"

Others marked as special by me, yes. But not like you. Every child of mine is unique

"Why me?" I whispered

You are special my child, you know yourself. You are resourceful, and wise beyond your years. You will make a magnificent leader one day.

She took a step towards me, brushed the hair from my face, and then rested her hands on my shoulders.

Nova. I name you my protector on earth, to protect your brothers and sisters when I cannot.

"But what if I can't?" I asked, bewildered

She smiled

Trust yourself, and follow your heart. I have faith in you.

She leaned forward and kissed my forehead. (I passed out again)

I woke up to a throbbing headache. I touched my fingertips to my temples wishing it would go away. I felt warmth go to my fingertips and spread to my forehead and then the pain was gone.

I let out a pleased sigh and sat up; when I opened my eyes I saw a streak of light blur towards me. Kele wrapped her arms around me. It was only now that I realized I wasn't anyplace I recognized.

"We were so worried" Kele cried, " You should have heard the crack your skull made against the ground"

"Kele, where are we?" I asked

"The House of Night. My mom already got all of your stuff, she's talking to the high priestess right now" Kele answered

Kele sat down next to me on the bed.

"You look really cool by the way" She smirked " I've never seen a mark like yours, it's pretty"

"Whadda you mean?" I asked, confused

"Look" Kele said as she pushed me off the bed and towards a mirror by the door. I looked awesome. I had the same curly, golden brown hair; but that was the one recognizable thing about me. The crescent moon on my forehead was filled in with the sapphire blue. On either side of the crescent moon were two complex designs, they were colored a beautiful metallic gold. But, the most dominating part of my mark was the thick black band that stretched from each side of my face; it covered my eyes and eyebrows completely and thinned only slightly across my nose. The band was made by tightly knotted black marks done in intricate swirls and weaves. In the center of the black band were golden swirls that spread completely a crossed it. And to top it off tiny black, blue, and golden stars that started at my cheekbones traveled up to my forehead. I stared in awe at my face as Nyx's words echoed through my head.

I have marked you as my own. You are special. A protector.

Then the door opened and three women walked in. The first was Candice, Kele's mom. As soon as she saw me Candice rushed forward and hugged me tight.

"Hey kiddo, how you doin?" She asked

I hugged her back

"I'm good" I murmured

She released me, allowing a better look of the two other women who followed into the room.

No one was talking, but I could hear voices, and when I acknowledged that I could hear them, the voices got louder. What was once a small murmur in the back of my head was now loud talking from four different people. Kele was worrying about me. Candice was worrying about both Kele and me. And the two other women were trying to decipher my mark.

What the hell? Was I hearing their thoughts?

"Are you gonna be okay here?" Candice asked

One of the women stepped forward and a spasm of shock hit my spine. She looked like Nyx.

Her long black hair flowed gracefully behind her as she stood in front of Candice. I could see her mark more clearly up close; it was of the goddess. She was sitting cross-legged with her arms outstretched for the crescent moon on the woman's forehead.

"Do not fear for her, Nova will be my fledgling and under my supervision at all times. She will be safe" The woman assured Candice.

Candice nodded and turned to me.

"Good luck," She said with a forced smile, I could tell she was about to cry, "We'll come and visit whenever we can"

She wiped the beginnings of tears from her eyes and stepped aside, so I could see Kele.

This was goodbye.

We both hugged each other tightly.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" She sighed

"Don't forget about me," I whispered

I felt her nod against my shoulder.

We both gave one last squeeze before releasing each other. Candice kissed my forehead and pinched my cheek

"Your mom would be proud, Nova" She muttered

I smiled through my tears " Go on, it's late, I'll call you guys soon"

Candice nodded, touched my cheek one last time, and left the room with a sobbing Kele trailing close behind.

"What would you like to be called?" The raven-haired woman asked me. The other woman stepped forward as well, her orange curls bounced with every movement she made. She smiled kindly at me.

"Nova is fine" I replied

"Is it, now?" The redhead asked; Irish was clearly audible in her voice. My eyebrows came together and I pursed my lips.

What kind of a question is that?

"What she means, is that in beginning your new life here at the House of Night you can start over, make decisions you couldn't before. So, if you could choose you name what would it be?" Nyx lady asked

"Nova" I replied instantly

Both women nodded

"Well Nova, I am Shekinah, welcome to your new life" She smiled

"I'm on my way to a council meeting Nova, would you like to attend it with me?" Shekinah asked

I nodded and Shekinah smiled

I followed both women from the room and down a hall.

"It is nearly five a.m. so classes have been out for awhile now" Shekinah smiled down at me.

And when do they start?" I asked

"8 p.m. It is extremely uncomfortable for a vampyre to be in sunlight, even for fledglings, so our days are reversed. Classes start at 8 p.m. and end at 3 a.m." Shekinah explained

I nodded and Shekinah continued

"Grown vampyres know the exact time of dawn, that is when the school gym closes. Nyx's temple is open all hours of the day and rituals are held there twice a week right after school"

She smiled patiently at me again as my eyes wandered the school grounds. Then, out of nowhere I see a fuzzy gray ball hurl itself at the redheaded woman. As I turned to look at the cat in her arms I noticed five male vampyres were following us. I saw their shocked expressions when they saw my face and I turned back around pouting at the ground.

"Cats?" I asked unable to come up with a comprehensible sentence. And since when did I start using words like comprehensible?! Ugh I was losing my mind. And the humming of people's thoughts was back! Great. I shut up my mind speaking because Shekinah was answering my question.

"Cats are close allies with vampyres. They roam the House of Night freely" Shekinah replied

I saw another large orange cat walking beside a student in the hall.

"Could I have a cat?" I asked

Shekinah laughed, it sounded like chiming bells.

" A cat chooses its master, so perhaps" She said

"What about you, do you have a cat?" I asked

"No." She smiled "I have guards; they are the sons of Erebus you see following us"

"Erebus?" I asked

Shekinah nodded

"A consort of Nyx, he's been depicted as her protector on many occasions. Most, recognize him by his golden wings"

I nodded again as we turned to our right down another hallway with thick wooden doors. One of the guards stepped forward and opened the door, he then turned to Shekinah and brought his fist over his heart and bowed low. Shekinah copied his movements. The guard turned to me and did the same gesture. I looked to Shekinah who inclined her head. I turned back to the warrior and copied what he had done. He gave me a small smile in return and turned to the redhead as Shekinah and I walked into a large courtyard.

I felt my jaw drop.

Teenagers, all wearing the same uniform, but not; walked around the courtyard or sat studying. I stared at the school, next. It looked like it belonged in a fairytale rather than the heart of Chicago, Illinois. Oak and birch trees were spread throughout the grounds, gas lights ran along the sidewalk and miraculously, the moon shone brightly through the famous Chicago smog and overcast. The sidewalk itself ran parallel to a huge red and black brick building that was around three stories high. The roof was unusually high and was flattened off on the top. Heavy drapes were in every window, some open letting a soft glow of light out to the yard that seemed almost welcoming. A round tower was attached to the main building, making the school look even more fairy-tale like. The sidewalk was also lined with thick azalea bushes. Across from the main building was a church looking one, in front was a statue of Nyx.

"Nyx's temple" I whispered

Shekinah nodded

As I looked at the kids more closely I noticed:

They were all very beautiful (the adults at least)

They all had very long hair

They had different designs on their jacket pockets or blouse pocket.

But mostly, all girls had long hair, guys had long hair, cats had long fur. I was glad that I at least fit in on that part. Since my wild, brown curls, bounced around my stomach. But I still didn't fit in at all.

Everyone gawked at me. I would even catch Shekinah's eyes lingering on my face and even worse I could hear the exclamation points in their thoughts. Which reminded me of a question I had earlier.

"Do you have gifts?" I blurted

Shekinah looked taken aback by my question, but nodded.

"All high priestesses are given affinities for something, why do you ask?" Shekinah raised a curious eyebrow as we walked out of the courtyard and through another pair of doors, then down a hall.

"I'm not sure" I admitted, "I'm pretty sure I can read minds. But I'm pretty sure I have more powers than just that"

We paused in front of two double doors, a warrior stepped forward to open them but Shekinah waved him off.

"Try to find them, listen deep within in, find them, and push them out" Shekinah commanded softly

I listened to her, and located one almost instantly. I pushed it out to Shekinah and could feel when she heard everything I was hearing (thoughts included).

I pulled back and located another one. I took a deep breath and pushed out towards the hallway in front of me. Sounds erupted from everywhere; I could see the power leaving my body as a giant sonic blast looking thing. It sounded like an explosion in the hallway. One by one the glass lamps shattered and burst, the walls crumpled and caved in the center. The windows broke, and the double doors at the end of the hall ripped from the hinges and flew into the darkness of the room with a loud thud.

Bloody Hell.

I extended my palm towards the wreckage and pushed forward more power. This time everything was put back into its normal place. The doors re-attached to the hinges and closed, the glass shards floated up from the ground and restored the light bulbs and windows completely. Not a chip of glass was out of place. And the walls righted themselves back to normal.

I smiled proudly.

"Amazing" Shekinah whispered "Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Healing"

The redhead stepped forward

"She's extraordinary" She remarked with a bright smile and a thick Irish accent.

I smiled back at them both. Shekinah turned to the double doors and hoisted them open. I followed closely behind her. Once again gasps erupted through the room.

"Council members, this is my fledgling Nova" Shekinah announced

"Your Fledgling?" A big, burly man, with an odd mark scoffed "Are you mentoring her, then?"

On his forehead was a black, filled in, full moon with filled in sapphire crescents on either side of it, each facing away from the black circle. His mark was black black_knots twisting down his cheekbones, behind the knotting was an intricately done, sapphire wolf howling towards the black moon on the man's forehead.

Two other men stood beside his chair, both appeared to be around 22 and both had their marks completely filled in.

My attention was on one in particular though, probably because he looked younger than he probably was.

He was very muscular, and he wore a black shirt that hugged tightly to each of his defined muscles

His arms were crossed over his chest and he leaned casually against the big wolf man's chair. His dark, shaggy, hair hid his eyes. Basically, everything about him screamed hot and he had that bad boy appeal that I was super attracted to. Something even more mysterious than his appearance troubled me however; I couldn't hear thoughts coming from him or the other two wolf people.


Shekinah's voice broke through my mental babble

"Huh, what was that?" I asked

"Would you like a few guards of your own?" She repeated

I could feel my face flush red. As if I didn't have enough attention already? Why not add warriors into the mix? Yeesh

"Is that really necessary?" I asked, "I'm pretty conspicuous already"

I said as I scratched my head self-consciously.

I turned back to the boy to see his hair had been flipped from his face and his dark eyes were staring at me. When our eyes met he flashed a flirty/cocky smile. I bit my lip and turned away, already feeling the blush creep onto my cheeks.

"I'll do it," a calm, deep voice said. My face shot up to the boy, everyone else was staring at him too, but his eyes were on Shekinah.

"That is a very generous offer Tyson" Shekinah smiled kindly at him. Shekinah turned to the wolf man with raised eyebrows. He pursed his lips but nodded. Tyson was now smiling widely

Ohmigod, Ohmigod, Ohmigod!

Would that be more suitable, Nova?" Shekinah asked

I shrugged

"I guess" I sighed

"Excellent" Shekinah drawled "Tyson you will accompany Nova everywhere, until she releases you from doing so. Do you agree with those conditions?"

"I agree" He replied in his husky voice.

He stepped towards me and I saw the full view of his marks. The black and blue intertwined to give the appearance of a battle mask.

"Well, I'm afraid we have to leave now" Shekinah said with an apologetic smile "I've been informed of a possible problem that needs my attention"

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked

"Well, there are rumors spreading around about a possible rogue high priestess at the House of Night in Tulsa, Oklahoma…" Shekinah replied

"Tyson, would you go and gather your things please?" She continued

Tyson bowed low to both Shekinah and I before stepping from the room in one graceful turn.

"I hope you don't mind plane food," Shekinah muttered

I smiled "No, that's fine"

"Well, I have a few more things to discuss, would you mind waiting in the courtyard for Tyson and I?" Shekinah asked

I shook my head and silently left the room. Great, they were probably talking about me, and what a freak show I am.

When I reached the courtyard, the moon was already beginning to set in the west.

The sun is almost up.

I sat on a bench near the council building and stared out at Nyx's temple, as I absorbed today's events.

It started like any other Friday. I had school, a football game, and then there was the after party. And then I was marked. Yeesh.

A tiny meow interrupted my inner chatter and I looked down as a tiny birman cat hopped onto my lap. It meowed its cute little meow that sounded more like the high-pitched squeaking of a baby bird as it looked up at me again. My breath caught as the cat and I made eye contact. She was cute.

With the most beautiful bright blue eyes I had ever seen.

"Did you choose me?" I asked the cat

As if to answer my question she rubbed her head against my chest and purred like crazy. I scratched her ears.

"Well what should I name you?" I asked

She blinked at me.

"Well how about KoKo?" I suggested, "It means night in Blackfoot and your coloring looks a lot like a night sky, I guess"

She meowed and began to purr again, so I took that as a yes.

"KoKo it is" I whispered

"Who's KoKo?" Tyson's husky voice asked from behind me. I pointedly pet KoKo's head.

"She's my new cat" I replied

"Oh" He said as he sat down beside me on the bench. I tried to ignore his hulking presence and stared at the moon before a small yawn escaped my lips.

"Tired?" Tyson asked flashing me a grin "Don't worry, you should have about three hours of sleep on the plane"

I nodded and yawned again.

"…So how you doin?" He asked

I stared at him

"What do you mean?"

"It's a lot to handle in one day, but I think you'll catch on quick," He said

"I hope so," I murmured. I stared at the moon again while absent-mindedly petting KoKo's head

"Geez, you're seriously starting to remind me of doctor evil the way you keep petting that cat," Tyson chided

I laughed but didn't cease petting KoKo.

"So is it hard for you, having to travel all over the place, I mean?" I asked

Tyson shrugged

"Not really. Warriors travel a lot. It's pretty much instilled in us at school, not to become too attached to any one place"

"What kind of warrior are you?" I asked

"What?" His voice hinted that he was about to laugh

"Your marks?" I pressed

He did laugh

"And yours?" He countered

I pursed my lips.

Then Shekinah was there (with her guards of course)

"Are you two ready?"

Tyson and I both stood. KoKo hopped from my lap and onto the ground. Shekinah turned in a very graceful movement and walked towards the school's front gates. I followed with KoKo padding along a step behind me, and Tyson behind her.

The cars were already waiting outside. Two big, black, escalades with illegally dark tinted windows.

I pulled out my phone to check the time 6:04. Yikes!

Tyson stepped forward to the second car, opened the back door and gestured to the interior.

"My lady?"

I stepped forward and eyed the large gap between pavement and car. Well, shit! I'm sure I would be really embarrassed if I had to climb like a four year old into the damn car. And why was it so high off the ground anyway?

Aargh. Aargh happens to be one of my favorite frustration words. I was obsessed with pirates from a young age.

I bit down on my lip. How long had I been standing here just staring at the inside of the car?

Tyson sighed and in one swift movement, took my hand and waist into his hands (eek!) [And I did actually make that sound]

And hoisted me into the beastly car like I was a feather pillow instead of a 116 pound girl.

I sat in darkness for a second before KoKo hopped onto my lap again. The back door closed and the front door opened as Tyson jumped lightly into the drivers seat and started the car.

"You all buckled up back there?" He asked, grinning at me from the rearview mirror.

"I'm not a child, Tyson" I spat "And yes I'm buckled in"

His grin widened

"Why don't you keep your eyes on the road!" I shouted, folding my arms over my chest and staring out my window.

Tyson's booming laughter filled the entire car and made both KoKo and I jump.

"THAT'S not childlike at ALL" He said between chuckles, he reached down and put the car in drive.

Tyson spent the remainder of the ride chuckling, after glances at me from the rearview mirror. I spent the remainder of the ride giving death glares to his big, shaggy, head.

"You look so cute when you're mad" Tyson said smugly as he helped me from the car and then handed KoKo to me.

I continued to glare, Tyson rolled his eyes but the amused grin was still on his face.

He stepped forward and brought my jacket hood over my head before handing me my favorite pair of Coach sunglasses. I put them on (of course)

"You're going to need those. The sun's coming up in thirty-six seconds" He informed me

"The plane is over there, and that's exactly where the sun will be rising, so keep your head down and I'll lead you there, Kay?" He continued

I nodded


The flight was short. I fell asleep listening to Three Days Grace on my ipod. When we pulled up to the Tulsa House of Night I was surprised by its close resemblance to Chicago's.

"Your roommate is waiting in this room," Shekinah said as she handed me a small piece of paper.

"Tyson, you will be staying with the Sons of Erebus" Shekinah handed him a piece of paper.

Tyson looked down at the paper and nodded

"There's a council meeting at 8 a.m. I would like the both of you to be there." She added with a smile before walking off.

I sighed and turned to the map of the girl's dorm, that Shekinah had given me.

The sun wasn't up yet. Weird. In fact, it was actually kind of cold and dark.

"C'mon I'll walk you to your room" Tyson said

I followed behind him without a word.

We walked in silence for a while; it was a long walk to the girl's dorm, which was on the other side of the school.

"So were your parents freaked when they found out?" Tyson asked with a chuckle

My eyebrows came together.

"I'll take that as a yes" He laughed

"No" I retorted, "Both my parents were killed when I was five"


"Do you miss them?" he asked

"What's there to miss, they were crappy parents when they were alive. They'd be crappy parents now" I muttered

"Well you turned out okay, didn't you?" He asked "They must have done something right"

If he only knew…

We walked up the steps to the girl's dorm, and I opened the doors to my temporary home. I laughed internally at what I saw; it looked like one of the dorms at Hogwarts. There was a large open room with a couch and two chairs around a TV, to the left was a small kitchen with a tiny fridge and a bunch of cupboards, at the far end of the room were wide marble stairs that curved to the right. Tyson was the first to walk towards them, followed by KoKo, then me.

"I believe your stuff is already in your room" Tyson said over his shoulder

"And if it's not?" I asked

Tyson stopped and a cocky grin flashed across his face

"I guess you could sleep with me," He said, grinning wider.

My face flushed red

"No thanks" I said in a tiny voice, as I looked away.

Tyson laughed, before herding me forward.

We walked up the staircase and stopped at the first door.

"Here we are," He said with a wild gesture to the door. He turned to me with a wide smile

"You want me to knock?" He asked, raising his eyebrows maniacally.

I tried to stifle a laugh, and failed.

"No!" I whispered, " I want you to get out of here!"

I began pushing him back down the stairs.

He just laughed.

"Fine, I'm leaving… You should get some rest, you look like the walking dead"

I stuck my tongue out at him.

Tyson scoffed "Your such a child"

He said in a mocking voice.

"Get the hell out of here you freaking ape!" I yelled at him

His booming laughter filled the hallway as he disappeared around the corner.

I laughed a little myself, before knocking on the door.

"Oh, it's open!" A voice called from inside the room.

I opened to see a dark-haired girl whirling around the room, picking clothes off the ground.

"Sorry about the mess" She said

"That's okay," I replied "I'm Nova by the way. And this is KoKo" I held up the cat.

The girl turned around to look and we both gasped. There was no way this girl could be a fledgling, her mark was already filled in and expanded!

"Wow" She said

"I'm Zoey Redbird," She said, looking into my eyes for the first time, she held out her hand and I shook it.

"Nice to meet you" I replied

"That's some mark," Zoey said, making an effort not to stare.

"Yeah, Nyx doesn't do things halfway" I laughed

Zoey laughed along

"That's for sure," She muttered

Zoey turned back to the room.

"Well, this is your bed," She said pointing to a bed against the wall, "And, we share the closet. Help yourself to any of my clothes-that's your uniform on the right, you can mix it up, but it's required that you were the uniform at all times when you're on school grounds"

She turned back to me with a smile.

"You're probably really tired. We can talk after you sleep, I'll run down to the admin building and get your schedule" Zoey said before leaving the room.

I walked to the bed and collapsed onto my pillow. I was asleep before I could even tuck myself in.

I was dreaming. I knew it. But I didn't want to be, not this dream. I needed to wake up. I needed to get out.

I was staring at my bedroom door on my old penthouse apartment. The one I lived in with my parents in New Jersey.

I was waiting for my mom to tuck me in. But all I heard was shouting. It was coming from my dad's office. There was a storm so there was no power. I heard a loud bang downstairs and then there was silence.

"Mommy?" I called

I was getting out of my bed when my mother came running in through my door. She turned and locked it behind her and turned back to me. I could tell something was wrong the moment I saw her beautiful face. My mother was usually reserved and cold. I never saw any emotion in her eyes, or heard it in her words. But right now her eyes were filled with fear, tears were leaking over and she looked truly shaken.

She walked towards me and put shaking hands on my shoulder.

"Sweetheart, you need to listen to me. You need to hide, and you can't come out. Do you understand?"

I nodded

"Okay, sparrow (her nickname for me). Take Mr. Hopper (my stuffed animal-bunny)- and get under the bed"

She handed my hopper to me and I climbed under my bed.

"Go all the way to the wall okay, baby?" She directed as she watched me.

"Okay mommy" I said as I squeezed tightly against the wall.

Someone began shaking the doorknob, when it didn't open they began to bang on the door.

"Open this door Mary!" A man's voice yelled

Wake up! Wake up!

I shot up in the bed, panting and covered in sweat. My hand went to my cheek. Yep. Tears.

I sat up, clutching my head (which hurt like hell) with one hand and using my other hand to search for the light. Soon, my eyes adjusted to the dark and I found the light. On my desk, next to the lamp was a small piece of paper and a note. It was from Zoey:

Here's your schedule,

You can choose any elective

For second hour, we have

1st, 4th and 6th together

Get some rest -Zoey

My eyes ventured down to my schedule and a feeling of dread washed through me. I reached for the paper with my name Nova scrawled on it. ?!?!. How did they know I was going to choose that name? And the date was three days before I was marked! Aagh. This place is so freaking weird.

1st Hour- Vampyre Sociology 101. Rm. 215. Prof. Neferet

2nd Hour- Drama 101. Performing Arts Center. Prof. Nolan


Sketching 101. Rm. 312. Prof Donner


Tae Kwan Do. Gymnasium. Prof. Kaplan

3rd Hour- French 101. Rm. 217. Prof. Maryse

4th Hour- Fencing. Gymnasium. Prof.

Lunch Break

5th Hour- Lit 101. Rm. 214 Prof. Penthesilea

6th Hour- Intro to Equestrian Studies. Field House. Prof. Lenobia

I sighed and bit my lip, completely overwhelmed.

There were two quick knocks at the door and Tyson's voice came from outside.

"Nova, you awake?" He asked

I struggled for a few seconds to find my voice. And when I did it was coarse and rough. Between the dream and my new life as a vampyre, I was stressing out major.

"Yeah c'mon in" I called, as I sat back down on the bed. The door opened and Tyson came into the room, he stopped right it front of me.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

His eyebrows came together and his lip kind of puckered like he was upset about something. He looked really cute.

"Nothing" I said quickly "Just a bad dream, that's all"

Tyson just grumbled.

"Well, it's almost seven. I figured if you were awake we would go get something to eat before going to the council meeting," He said

"Okay…can I shower first?" I pleaded

"Yup. I'll be in the dorm" He said, then stood and left the room.

I hurried through my shower and went to the closet.

Damn. What do I wear to a council meeting?

I found my tight-fitting, deep purple shirt, slipped on my black woven lace tights underneath the plaid deep purple, blue, and green short skirt. I found a black sweater with my third former emblem sew over the breast and then threw on my black, medium length uggs- that I absolutely adore- I have uggs in every size and color its like a freaky obsession or something.

I brought the brush through my hair a few quick times. I didn't even bother putting on makeup now that my eyes were permanently covered with beautiful scrawl tattoos. I looked at myself in the mirror and I really did look cool. Like a warrior or something (hehe)

Then I opened the door and rushed down the stairs to the dorm, I was starving.

Tyson was sitting on the couch between several girls. I rolled my eyes and stepped in his view of the television. Tyson, like all the other girls in the room, gawked at me. I rolled my eyes again and grabbed his arm, pulling him off the couch and out of the room.

"You can stop trying to yank my arm out, now," Tyson complained

I released his arm and turned around

"Well, are we going to get something to eat or not?" I asked, "I'm starving"