Rating; K

Disclaimer; I do not own anything. ~

Paring; Hei & Yin, lovers or friends, you decide.

Softly; Slowly; Surely

She thinks she loves to say his name. It softly tickles her throat when she says it and she feels something even if she doesn't understand. Saying his name feels a bit like the moonlight on her skin, like before and more and more like now. Saying his name remembers her of that song her teacher played once and then again when he was asked to, when he taught her.

She thinks she loves to say his name because it's making her change inside. Each times she says it, something change inside. Each times she says it something in her chest become painful, a strange pain that she find herself to like, and perhaps it's her heart that is hurting. She thinks she loves to say it because when she does, he allows her to reach to him, just a little bit and more and more.

The more she thinks about it, the more she thinks she does love to say his name. She tests it silently, only moving her lips and she does it again, breathing it out this time. It's not real enough, her fingers grips on her pillow as she tries to understand more, to know more.

She whispers it, her voice taking that tone she just can't name, like that song where the ivory keys had to be press softly, quickly and slowly at the same time, a feeling she can't name anymore. Her fingers start moving as she remembers the song, playing it on her imaginary keyboard in front of her.

She thinks about it and her fingers are moving, the song playing in her head. He moves in his sleep, turning on his back and she wishes she could see his face. Playing piano without piano is just like mouthing his name. It would be different if she wasn't blind because then she would see and not only hear. Her fingers stop moving as she understands. Saying Hei's name is like playing someone's favourite song. Because then, he listens and she belong somewhere, by his side.

She turns in her bed to face him and try to imagine the look his face is wearing now. She can't form it clearly enough so her hand reach out for his face. She founds it quickly and slowly traces his lips and they move.


She thinks she loves when he says her name.


A/N: It's like, I love how Yin is saying 'Hei' like so, so, so, so much that I melt inside and when the OVA trailer came out… I just-- Yeah, needed to write about it. ~ And then, I've let it die under my bed for a few days before getting it out. Yay~!