Authors Note: Okay, I completely apologize for the looooooong ass fuckin' delay. But I've been busy. I was in America for three weeks back in February/March.. where I met my amazing boyfriend. And then from March to early May.. I suffered from depression and missing him and such. Bella/NM style. Waiting on a new passport is a bitch, JS. And I've been here since May.. but I'll be back from August 7th. And I'm gonna be home for a month or two. So, I guess I'll see you then! I took the time to write while boyfriend dearest is resting. (: Idk if I'll have time to update my other fanfic, but we'll see. ^_^

Unknown POV:

"I know. But things happened.. Jasper. Rosalie and Emmett. Bella! It's so awful!" Alice grabbed Bella and cried into her shoulder.

"There, there," Bella tried to comfort her. She was obviously uncomfortable.

"Alice, why don't you go inside? I found some cake and we can watch some movies."

"Okay," Alice said and walked inside.

She sighed and ran her hands through her hair. She didn't notice me until that minute and smiled at me. That made me ecstatic. She was happy to see me.

"Hey, Edward."


"Come on, Alice.. It's going to be okay, don't worry," I comforted her while walking her over to the couch.

"But, Bella, you didn't see what I saw! It was.." and she started crying all over again.

"Shh.. It's going to be okay," I said as I rocked her back and forth. Then I noticed something. "Edward, what's that on your hand?"

There was some sort of red liquid dripping on his wrist. Almost like.. blood. But no, she couldn't allow herself to think that. Not that thought. It couldn't be Edward.

"Oh," he frowned at his wrist, then smiled at me, "just some corn syrup that got on my hand as I was making food."

I squinted my eyes at his wrist.. it certainly didn't look like corn syrup. I'd seen blood many times before from the many times Renee had cut herself in the kitchen at home. And since when does corn syrup make me faint? I thought to myself. Barely ever. That was blood.

"Edward.. would you mind leaving me and Alice alone for a minute?"

"What for?" he cocked a brow.

"Just to talk to her.. please, Edward?"

He sighed, but nodded his head and left the room anyway.

"Alice," I sat down on the couch beside her, looking her dead in the eye, "what did you see back there? Where exactly did you bump into Edward?"

Alice rubbed her eyes and cleared her throat before telling her story to me; he found her running and screaming from the 'scary killer', as Alice put it. He helped her run to Rose and Emmett's house. She explained all the bodies that she saw. In graphic detail, unfortunately for me.

"Alice.. you don't think that Edward.. you know.." I bit my lip, worrying myself into a frenzy.. not even knowing if what I was thinking was for certain.

"What?" she sniffled.

"Well.. you said yourself that he bumped into you on the street.. you don't know if he had anything to do with.."

"Bella! I can't believe you're even thinking that! He's your boyfriend.. you really think that he's capable of that?"

"You saw that red stuff on his wrist.. you've known me for how long now? It was making me nauseated, Alice."

Alice scrunched her eyes, thought for a second, then they widened as wide as saucers. She knows. Then all the power suddenly went out.

"We have to get out of here, Alice," I told her, pulling her up with me.

"Get out of where?" came that velvet voice that I knew oh too well.

I turned around, ignoring the shivers down my spine. "Edward? What are you doing?"

"Seems like somebody didn't pay the electric bill.. what shall we do?" he whispered, his voice creeping up on me.

I grasped Alice's hand tight and tiptoed back from where his voice was coming from.

"It's you," I whispered into the dark.

"It's me," he laughed, "who else?"

"What are you waiting for? Run!" Alice whispered hurriedly in my ear.

"Bella.." he was coming toward us faster.

"Run, Alice!" I screamed, then started running up the stairs like a dumb ass blonde.

I felt him running after us, much much faster than we could run. I heard a stumble and heard Alice scream. I hesitated, but kept running anyway.

"Bella, help me!" I heard her scream, but I was already far gone. Maybe I could distract him.

"Edward, don't!" I screamed.

There was silence for a second, but then I felt him creeping toward me.

"Bella.. I just want you.. I did all this for you, baby.." he whispered against my neck as he kissed it.

"I know.. I know.." I whispered back as he continued kissing my neck.

"Now let me kill her.." he growled as he lit up a lighter in front of his face.. "everybody's been taking you for granted, not appreciating you as much as they should be. We can move away, start a new life together.. just the two of us. No shitty friends telling you what to do, no parents in our way.. run away with me, Bella."

I thought about all that he was saying and realizing how right he really was. Fuck all these shitty people around me, fuck everyone taking me for granted. They deserved to die. Edward really was right. He's the only one who ever really loved me.

"Allow me.." I said as I took the gun from him and made my way towards Alice with the help of Edward's light.

"Bella.. what are you doing? Don't.. don't listen to him," she sniffled.

"Goodbye, friend.. It's time to do things for me and only me." I said as I shot my old best friend in the heart six times and twice in the head.

Edward's head leaned on my shoulder and his arms wrapped around my waist as I dropped the gun.

It was all done.

But then the next sound I heard prepared me for my new life. The sound of a police siren.

To be continued…

Authors Note: Yep, you read that right! Put this fanfic on alert.. because there will be a sequel come August! ;D