So I'm finally back. This will be the last chapter in the story. Thanks so much for reviewing guys!

Vickie and Mark were driving back to the hotel.

'' Mark, you don't know how terrified I was. I thought that were never going to wake up.'' Vickie said.

'' Thanks, Vickie, but I'm fine. No need to worry.'' Mark reassured her.

'' Are you sure?'' She asked.

'' Yes, Vickie.'' Mark said.

''Okay.'' She said slowly.

Mark and Vickie continued back to the hotel when out of nowhere Mark heard his front tire pop.

'' What the hell?'' He said.

'' What's going on?'' Vickie asked.

Mark drove to the side of the street and parked his motorcycle. He hopped off and looked at the front tire.

'' Damn!'' Mark said in anger.

'' Is it a flat tire?'' Vickie asked.

'' Yeah.'' Mark said frustrated. Could this night get any worse? He thought to himself.

'' Don't worry, Mark. We can call a tow truck.'' Vickie said pulling out her cell phone.

A few seconds later she discovered her phone was dead.

'' Do you have your phone with you?'' She asked.

'' No. I left it at the hotel. I sure wish I brought it.'' Mark said and sighed. He then walked over to the side walk and sat down.

'' All I wanted was to enjoy a nice night out on the town and the total opposite has happened.'' Mark said.

'' Oh come on, Mark, don't say that. We had a great night despite the fact that you fainted and your motorcycle's on a flat.'' Vickie said.

'' Thanks, Vickie. I feel so much better.'' Mark said sarcasticly.

'' I was just trying to make you feel better.'' Vickie said sensing the sarcasm.

'' Well you're not. You never did. This night has been hell for me and you wanna know why?''

'' Why?''

'' Because of you!'' Mark shouted as he pointed at Vickie.

'' Well...I didn't know that.'' Vickie said teary eyed.

'' Vickie, I-

'' Its ok, Mark.'' Vickie said quietly with her head hanging down.

'' I didn't mean what I said, I was frustrated that's all. I'm sorry.''

Vickie looked up and sniffled. '' You mean it?''

'' Yeah. I do.'' Mark said coming towards her.

Vickie looked in Mark's green eyes as a smile formed. Mark just looked at her with a nervous and uncomfortable smile.

I hope she's not about to do what I think she's about to do. Mark thought. Oh shit! She is! He thought again.

Vickie slowly moved her face towards Mark's and slowly kissed Mark's lips. She then pulled away. Mark just looked at Vickie in shock as his mouth was wide open.

''Damnit, girl!'' He said out loud with fists clenched and his eyes closed. '' Uh.'' He said dizzily and fainted onto the ground.

'' Mark? Mark!'' Vickie said shaking him.

Kelly and Show were drving back to the hotel.

'' I had such a great time with you, Show.'' Kelly said.

'' Me too, Kelly. Even though you're nothing but a dumb blonde. Oops did I just say that?'' Show said.

'' Yeah ya did and I am not a dumb blonde. I know what music genre Lady Gaga is.''

'' Kelly, how many times are we going to go through this. Lady Gaga is not jazz!''

'' Yes she is. I'm surprised she wasn't on stage. Papa-papa-razzi!'' She said singing the lyrics to Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi".

Show just shook his head and continued driving.

The Hotel

Kelly and Show finally arrived back at the hotel. They went inside and said their goodbyes in the lobby.

''Well I guess this is goodbye.'' Kelly said with her normal smile.

''Yeah.'' Show said.

Kelly stood on her tippy-toes to try to kiss Show. There was no use since he was 7ft and she was only 5'5. Show figured out what she was trying to do and bent over so she could kiss cheek.

'' See you later, Kelly.'' He said with a smile and went upstairs to his room.

Show stepped out of the elevator and walked to his room. He pulled out his key, opened the door, and walked inside. He threw his bags onto the floor and collapsed onto the bed. A few minutes into his sleep he was awaken by the door.

''Yeah? Who's there?'' He asked still in the bed.

''Its me, Kelly.''

'' What do you want now?'' He said as he got out of bed and went to the door.

Show opened the door.

'' What can I do for you, Kelly?''

'' I left my key in my room and my roomate has the other key. I don't know where she is, can I room with you for the night?''

Show sighed. '' Fine.''

'' Great!'' She exclaimed and walked inside.

Show just rolled his eyes and closed the door.

'' Thanks for letting me sleep here, Show. You don't know how grateful I am.'' Kelly said throwing her bag onto the spare bed.

'' Oh I know, Kelly.'' Show said annoyed.

Kelly just smiled and went inside the bathroom to change into her pajamas. When she came out Show was already in bed sleep. Kelly dug inside her bag and got her i-Pod out. She crawled inside of bed, put on her ear phones, and turned on the music.

'' Papa-papa-razzi!'' She sung out loud.

'' Oh no!'' Show said and put his pillow over his head.

Cody came back to the table with the two beers at hand.

'' What took you so long?'' Beth growled as she snatched her beer from Cody.

'' The bartender didn't believe my ID was real. He thought I was an underage drinker.'' Cody explained.

'' Maybe if you worked out more he wouldn't have thought that.''

'' Hey. I can't help the fact that I'm not ripped. And why do you care anyway?'' Cody asked.

'' You know what I am so tired of you running your little mouth.''

'' And? What are you gonna do about it?''

Out of nowhere Beth grabbed Cody's arm and began to painfully twist it as she pulled him to her face.

'' You say one more thing out of line and I promise you will regret it. Got it?''

Cody gulped. '' Got it.'' He said.

''Good.'' Beth said and forcefully pushed him away.

Cody shot back in his seat as he let out a whimper.

'' It really is fun pushing you around, you know that?'' Beth said with a smile on her face. '' Now come on and dance with me.''

Cody groaned.

'' Did I just hear a groan?''

'' No.''

'' I didn't think so.'' Beth said and put her hand out for Cody to grab.

'' What?''

Beth became angry and pulled him over by the jukebox. The two began to dance. As the two danced Beth put her head on Cody's shoulder as Cody strained to stay on his feet. Beth was not a light woman.

'' Come on let's get out of here.'' Beth said.

'' Where are we going?'' Cody asked.

'' Back to the hotel.''

'' To do what?''

'' You'll see.'' Beth said and pulled Cody along with her.

The Hotel

Beth and Cody got to Beth's room.

'' So why did you want me to come here?'' Cody asked.

'' Aaah!'' Beth screamed and threw Cody against the wall.

Cody screamed like a little girl as Beth began kissing his lips.

'' Aah!'' She said again and threw Cody on the bed. She kissed him once again and began ripping off his clothes.

'' Daddy!'' Cody screamed to the top of his lungs.

The End.

Please review for this final time.