Everyone, we meet again. I've said this many times, but thank you for your generous patience and compassion for staying tuned to this story. I hope you'll always enjoy reading this story as much as I do when writing it! I'm truly sorry for the lag this time. This chapter should've been finished in the first week of September, buuut. Guess what... my laziness strikes again- AND University really drains my time, ouch. After those great delays, this chapter finally reached completion. I apologize once again for the wait, and I hope the content of this new chapter still won't fail to satisfy your hunger for good stories.

Before I begin, I shall answer a question from a review:


Mental Vampire8
2011-07-11 . chapter 5

This was really good I cant wait for the next also wondering where did you come up with all that stuff about Pamela?


I would love to reply this by myself, but... This guy disabled the PM feature, so I can't do anything about it. Thus, I decided to answer it here.

The answer:

[I simply observe and pay deep attention to every character in the game. Sooner or later, I'll understand them more and begin to found things left unexplained. That's what happened when I watch Pamela. She is cheerful, but... Something is odd. How did she die? Why she never talk about it? Does her interest on cute stuff and scaring people have anything to do with it? She is very picky about guys...? Not strange, but... Hmm. She can't leave the academy... What the hell?

So I collect all the facts within the game and start to analyze those things. From the games, websites, even videos. And if do that, I'll find the break point. In this Pamela's case, it's in her Finishing Burst. Yep, she is a ghost, she is dead, but she has a contract with a Mana. What the hell? Why in her teddy bear, anyway? Is there a special reason? And what is that ruby the Mana took out? There's no way Gust would put it that way just for the heck of it. Something is definitely fishy here...]

I think I shall stop there. That's my method of creating each character's truth. Observe, gather info, analyze, and find the truth. That's all. Easy, huh? Well, no. Since this consumes quite good amount of time and concentration. But the result is worth it. For the rest of the answer on Pamela's truth, you'll find it in this chapter. Thank you very much for your building question! :D

Let's start to read, shall we? This chapter is 39 pages... But please keep up with it, as it won't dissapoint you. Hope you enjoyed it!


Disclaimer: All characters of Mana Khemia are belongs to Gust and NIS America, not me. So don't attack me with a fire skill! My Fire RES is quite good, but still... Oh, the characters' new skills, new items, new etc. and this story are mine.


Note: BGM means the background music which is playing during the story; it's taken from the game (replayable in the Extras-Music), and it changes every time a new one is written. Hear (or imagine) them while read this fanfic, and you'll enjoy it more!


New Resolve

By superecho


Chapter 6: Reason or Alchemy


BGM: Sunset Skies

Meanwhile, somewhere around the greeneries on the planet...

/Planet Wonderchak – Eerie Escapade

Despite the weird name (blame the founder of this planet), this place was in fact a woods. A bright, greatly sunbathed woods if not only for its purple leaves. There are some blue grasses as well like the ones at the castle, but they didn't achive 2/10 plant population in this area. Suppose you ask an alchemist, these purple leaves means a ton of YES in medicine development. But if you ask a certain Rosenkrantz, shield your eyes as he-

BGM: Legends of Sillyhead

"R-O-X-I-S! Keep that frown for another minute and I'll pound your face!"

For poor Roxis Rosenkrantz, purple- especially velvet-ish purple, gave him the horror. Since that particular color reminds him of-

"What is the matter with you, Roxis? You've been a jerk since we part from Pamela!"

Yup, Pamela: one ghost girl who gave the poor glasses-addict alchemist a bunch of creeps. Roxis had enough of being a lousy ladies' man in front of her, so he desperately need a time of healing to survive the chaotic days to come.

"...Listen, I'm just tired okay? We better finish this as fast as we could so both of us can rest properly."

Roxis panted after that statement. The poor young man needs a vacation.

Suddenly Nikki stopped her paws, "...Roxis, what's wrong with you? You're acting SO differently from before!"

"How come?" Roxis is playing dumb.

"Earlier you were kind and modest, but now you're selfish and rude!" Nikki ranted.

Roxis put down his basket of herbs and grasses on the ground. Instantly he took off his glasses, cleans it with his special personal handkerchief (made via alchemy, of course), thus wipe the sweats all over his face. Nikki only watches in awe without feeling any weight to the similar basket she is carrying (but it is filled with firewood instead) on her shoulders.

"About time you know the truth. I only acted as a kind, serving man to ladies because Pamela forced me to act that way. Did that answer your question?"

Roxis put back on his glasses. Nikki had this bemusing look on her furry face.

"...," Nikki is growing an innocent smile on her face.

"If you want to laugh, have your fill," Roxis saw this coming, except-

BGM: Phweeeen Biography

"I KNEW IT! WHAT A RELIEF!" Nikki shouts out so loud that the grasses around them are twitching.

"...What did you know? And, what's so relief-able in this?" Roxis is bewildered.

Nikki forges her right pointer below her nose, "You know; it is such a strange thing that Roxis acted in the way of gentlemen. Even I could notice that!"

Roxis grows a wrinkle, "Was that a compliment?"

"D-Don't get mad okay? My point is..."

Nikki inhales a deep breath, and smiles brightly.

"I'm happy that you were acting so gently and heart-warming to me before, but... No matter how good it feels, that's not the Roxis I know! So I began to worry that you were possessed by an evil spirit or drunk..."


"-But it turned out to be no big deal; with your return to your old grumpy self now, I'm totally relieved!"

Somewhat, Roxis' urge to get angry has dissipated.

"W-What do you mean by that?" Roxis asked; he is feeling nervous for unknown reason.

Nikki broadens her smile, "It's tiring and stressful to play a role in dramas for too long right? My point is, it is best when you stay as yourself!"

A small wind flows by, as if praising the wisdom of this female Beastman.

"I wasn't expecting such wisdom from you," Roxis expressed his amazement in twisted way, as usual.

"...H-Hey! I said something cool for once and that's how you react?" Nikki's furs are rising, as usual.

"You're at the bottom of my intellectual person list. What did you expect?" Roxis tilted his glasses, grinning slightly.

"...BOO!" Nikki puffed her cheeks with air, imitating Pamela.

"Please," Roxis sweated a bit for that lousy imitation.

Nikki goes on to blabber on how Roxis is a jerk and stuff. Roxis casually not listening to it and continue the gathering. Besides his eternal duel with Vayne, Roxis has never feel so relaxed before... But no, he's no masochist. Then again, would he admit it should he really is one?

"Watch your words."

I-I'm sorry!

"Roxis, who are you talking to?"

"Not myself, that's for certain."


About ten minutes later.

BGM: Silent Dizziness

"Let's take a rest here," Roxis said, pointing to a tree with shadow big enough to cover five people.

"Sure... *pant, pant*," Nikki is exhausted more from ranting at Roxis than the gathering itself.

The pair lean their luggage on the tree's trunk, stretching their sore muscles, and then prepare to camp. Roxis took out a small device from one of his portable alchemy bag attached to his belt; it is shaped like a silver globe, but surrounded by three floating golden rings.

"Activate," Roxis commanded as he press a tiny button on it.

Holographic circle barrier flows out of the item; it extends to a radius of 150 meters around the big tree and wrapped it with invisible protection.

"Whoa... That was amazing!" Nikki exclaimed.

"...I've used this a few times before during 'our' travels, right? Why are you still surprised?" Roxis sighed.

"I just... To think that such thin hologram keeps monsters away from us, protect us from harm, and how it spreads out magically like that... I love it!" Nikki is overjoyed.


"See, see, could you do that again?"

"And wasting away the remaining energy? No."

"Hehe, your usual snotty bastard attitude is the best!"

"Be quiet and prepare to cook."

"Yes, sir~"

Roxis took a deep breath; he needs a lot of oxygen to neutralize Nikki's wordy-time lessons every now and then. It's so tiring and troublesome yet he didn't shut her up already. Although it's a little bit strange, he feels more 'alive' than being serene and quiet like his usual private time. On the other hand, Nikki is humming happily as she took out a table napkin, pairs of spoon-fork-knife, a large pot, and... Some weird-looking bowls.

"Hmm? Those are...," Roxis' eyes are locked to the bowls.

"Hehehehe... Behold! Mimi's Motherhood Product 001: [Mimixis Bowl]!" Nikki announced happily. Her voice echoes as if it from a speaker...


"...Aren't those bowls made of Dried Yubana? They're not popular anymore in stores these days... I'm surprised you were able to find them," Roxis tilted his glasses as usual, not really impressed.

"Wha-!" Nikki is shocked, "R-Roxisss, you jerk!"

BGM: Stupid Hair Saga

Nikki threw one of the bowls at Roxis' face. Her throw was so fast that Roxis could only lower his head a little. The bowl passed- or preferably grinds its way atop Roxis' hair. A weak scent of smoke could be sniffed...

"Ouch! Be careful with those! My glasses is durable enough, but I would advise not bring any harm on it!"

"That's because you're an idiot, Roxis! Hurt a girl's feelings like that!"

"Was it something I said? I only shared the truth."

"You're wrong, dummy! Didn't you notice the 'Mimi's Motherhood' brand on it? It's made by ME!"

Nikki panted after all that rant. Roxis is trying to process the facts, as he picked the bowl that was just thrown at him.

"...You made this?" Roxis analyzed the bowl.

"You're such a slowpoke!" Nikki is angered.

"...Via alchemy?" Roxis is making a face of disbelief.

"Duh! What else?" Nikki is furious.

"...Vayne or the others helped you?" Roxis is interrogating.

"No! I synthesized them all by myself!" Nikki is loud.

Roxis took out his personal handkerchief; wipe his glasses again, and... Nothing changes in his vision. He poured a green soup from one of his vials into the bowl, stirs it with a spoon, took a sip, and poured back into the pot.

"...What are you doing, Roxis?" Nikki couldn't grasp the situation before her.

"I was conducting a test... These bowls... Did you TRULY make them BY YOURSELF?" Roxis asked with his eyes behind the glasses simmering.

"I made them by myself with alchemy and nobody else involved!" Nikki pressed her own sentence, "What's so wrong about them?"

"These bowls... It dried out so quickly even just poured by a hot soup just a little while ago. When the soup is poured, the entire bowl matched its temperature with the soup, but as soon as the soup is gone, it instantly returns to normal. On further note, the taste remains the same!"

Nikki is making a foolish face, "...What?"

"The texture as well...," Roxis scanned the bowl with his fingers, "There is no scent or 'scars' from food left at all here; dusts or other bacteria is repelled by this bowl's strange 'energy', and despite its size, it's as light as feather when empty. This bowl doesn't need to be washed for years, reusable almost immediately as the last food is eaten, and can be carried everywhere without burden. This is truly revolutionary!"

White liquid slowly stretches its way from Nikki's nose, "...Uh-huh?"

"Tell me! How do you make these bowls?" Roxis pleaded, almost yelling.

"...H-Hold on, Roxis! I need to process what you just said..."

Three minutes later...

"So, Roxis... You're impressed by my bowls which are cannot get dirty and pretty handy?" Nikki sums it up in a meditate position taught by Lorr.

"That's all you could process with that?" Roxis seems 'amused' while remain seated.

"S-Stop mocks me of my intellect! Anyway...," Nikki calmed herself, "I made these bowls with children in mind."

Roxis feel a strange sensation on his head, "Children?"

Nikki stares at Roxis, slightly blushing, "Well, you know that one day I want to get married and have lots of children..."

"I know that TOO WELL," Roxis tilted his glasses with fury, as he recalled one day back at the campus- when he was attacked by boys of Nikki's Fan Club...

"I-I'm still feel truly sorry about that," Nikki scratches her blonde hair in a similar way to the nervous Vayne.

Roxis feel agitated for that contextual mimicking, "Never mind that. Please continue your story."

"Y-Yes, so I've been thinking... Many children means many food, many food means many plates and bowls. If there are so many of them, I think no matter how fast I washed them with or without alchemy, washing dishes still drains too much of my time as a mother..."

Roxis is somewhat piqued an unusual interest to this story, as now he's focusing intently to listen.

"So I think and think... What about bowls and plates that doesn't need washing? If I could create that with alchemy, I would be able to spent precious time with my children later...," Nikki's voice trailed off a bit.

Roxis is silent, staying to listen intently.

"I failed miserably many times at first though, but every time I think of how much I'll be having when I get to play with my children full-time with the housework already done... I just keep trying and trying... And I hardly know why I was able to synthesize these in the end!" Nikki is looked happier than ever; also... beautiful, as her fans club sees her.

"Hmm...," Roxis tilted his glasses yet again, "You're saying your wish pushes through beyond the limit of your intellect into success?"

"True- What, hey!"

"So irritating...," Roxis shakes his head in annoyance.

"Roxis! How could you be so mean?" Nikki is a little bit shocked.

"Because that's the way every time Vayne earn his victory over me."

The atmosphere suddenly turned upside-down from stern to... hilarious.

BGM: My Glasses are Addicted

"When we battled it out with Gold Bullion Synthesis, his is 24 carats and spectacularly shiny, beaten my lousy 18 carats and dull one. When I asked how he did it, his methods are 90% similar to me. He said the remaining 10% is to 'pray that the ingredients mixed each other in the cauldron' and 'polish it with passion'. How precarious."

Nikki is surprised to see Roxis all blunt and bold at sharing his... frustrations.

"During one of our battles, he dodged my impossible-to-dodge move and made me eat dirt. When I asked how he dodged it, he foolishly answered 'I keep thinking of not losing to you in my mind'... Unbelievably illogical and not answering my question! Is he truly an alchemist?"

Nikki slowly approaches Roxis with her furs shaking, "There, there Roxis. Stop it right there or I have to pound you to prevent you bawling all day."

Roxis quickly regain his usual annoying calm self, "...My apologies."

"Still, I never saw you all-out like this except with Vayne," Nikki pointed out.

"...And?" Roxis cooled down, unaware-

"You finally TRULY open yourself to ME!" –that Nikki will pound his head, either physically or mentally.

"Humph," Roxis ignored her giggles, "Anyway, despite that ridiculous method, you made a great discovery for daily life products. You should go to a publisher and publicize your recipe."

Nikki's tail is dancing rapidly, as Roxis acknowledges her.

"R-Really? You're really thinking that way?"

"I won't make joke on something like this. ...Heck, when I ever make one?"

"T-Thank you, Roxis! You're so sweet!" Nikki leapt like a cat to Roxis' lap.

"Wha- I told you many times already... Don't do that, even not in public!" Roxis is furious, but couldn't knock her away anyway.

Realizing the Rosenkrantz didn't like this stunt (it's been many years, after all), Nikki made her strategic retreat, "Thanks a lot, Roxis. I think every mother in the world will be happy to have these bowls at home, so I will publish it!"

"That's good to hear," Roxis feel a little jealous.

"Still, I made them mostly by gut feeling, so the recipe is... A little bit sketchy, hehe."

"That happens; quite a lot too, and not only on alchemists. May I see the recipe? I might be able to put corrections to it."

"Sure!" Nikki took out a little worn-out notebook and hand it over to Roxis.

Roxis obtained [Mimi's Motherhood Manual 1] Recipe Book!

"Okay, let me take a quick look...," Roxis gently flipping the page...

After a little while of quick reading, Roxis closed the book and look at Nikki.

"Nikki... You really need to learn the principles of proper writing," Roxis said bluntly, but he didn't laugh for all the seemingly random scribbles he just read.

"Hehehehe... Sorry," Nikki is blushing deeply; either embarrassed or happy.

"Here, you can have one copy of this," Roxis gave an expensive-looking Recipe Book to Nikki.

Nikki obtained [Rosenkrantz Alchemy, Edition R1] Recipe Book!

"Whoa! This is your family's recipe book- This time, you're the author?" Nikki exclaimed.

"It's no big deal," Roxis stays cool, but actually he feel slightly embarrassed.

"Isn't this quite expensive?" Nikki is rather overjoyed just by holding the book.

"That's an extra copy I don't need. Besides, I'm the author so I only need that for reminder," Roxis is looking cool.

"Is that so? Thank you very much then!" Nikki smiled.

"Read that, so you could learn how a recipe book is made," Roxis want to smile back, but keep his poker face.

"Okay! Here goes a peek..."

After two minutes, Nikki stares at the ground.

"Err... This is rather hard!" Nikki complained after reading three pages.

"Take it easy. Read the rest on your free time, as we should have lunch now."

"Oh, right! How forgetful of me! I'll cook you the best of my dishes!"


Nikki is off to use the various ingredients to cook lunch, while Roxis prepare the plates and bowls arrangement. After stirring the pot for a while, Nikki turned her eyes at Roxis.


"What is it?"

"You're so kind."

"...I don't want to hear that, even from you."

"Say, could you help me to create the second edition of my recipe? You know, for the plates, and other cooking utensils..."

"Alright, I accept. This is might be a good opportunity to learn from you as well."

"To defeat Vayne?"

"And achieve a new step in alchemy history, of course. What else?"

"Hehehe, never mind," thus Nikki continues to cook with a smile.


Meanwhile, in Pamela's consciousness depths...

~Memoir of the Sweet Delinquent~

BGM: Homeroom

"Hey, Pamela. Are you alright there? Your face is as white as a sheet...," the female friend of the sweet lady asked, concerned.

"No... At this rate, I will flunk in this second year...," the sweet lady known as Pamela Ibis buried her beautiful face within piles of books on her table.

"I'm sorry, Pamela... We were only able to help you passed the first year and nothing more...," the male student apologized.

"No guys; you helped me so much already," the sweet lady lifted her head slightly, forcing a smile.

"If only we could get you a good workshop...," the female student covers her face in stress.

"Our workshop is full, and every other workshop left flunked with the worst grade...," the male student checked his notebook filled with X's on every workshop number.

"Stop talking about those idiots. They only recruit female members for flirting!" the female student seems annoyed.

"Ahahaha...," both the sweet lady and male student snickered with sweat drop.

The trio silenced themselves for several fleeting minutes. Last time, the sweet lady survived the graduation tests with various intense studies and training. Those still haven't included the many supports her friends have given on more than three of her compulsory assignments. Although she managed to climb above, the result itself wasn't something plausible. Should she lack even very few points; the ticket for the next level will flew away. The sweet lady could never imagine what will happen should she flunk... Not only it will take her more time, but extra living costs as well. Being the oblivious or even an idiot, there's no more possibility remains to gain what she expected- not with the detentions consuming her free time to do the money-earning jobs. However, as the three was thinking this...

BGM: off

"A Damsel in Distress you are currently now, eh?"

It is the bald teacher who had the sweet lady depressed in the middle of the first year; who also infamously known all around the school for his sarcasm style of speech and gruesome detention. The young lady had suffered his detention period several times, and it's obviously not the sweetest moment of her life.

"...," the female friend stares the teacher furiously, without the smallest portion of fear.

The bald teacher laughs with annoying tone, "Hahaha. Don't say I didn't warn you."

The sweet lady prefers to scoffs with her head still buried to the side, not expecting anything good out from that bald-bandit. The male friend slowly back away, leaves the classroom.

"Shouldn't you do something else rather than abusing your face everywhere you go?" the bald teacher taunted, completely ignoring the code of a teacher.


BGM: Ah, Disciplinarian of Youth

"Are you done with your foolish babble?" the female friend raised her voice. Yes, she's the one who slammed the table a few seconds ago.

"...!" the bald teacher is rather surprised.

The female friend shoves in deep, deep blades of mind straights at that bald teacher's eyes, "If you're done, return to the Teacher's Lounge immediately!"

The bald teacher gasped, he never sees that coming.

"W-Why you... Karnap! You wanted to rebel against your own teacher?" the bald teacher threatened blindly.

The female friend simply increases her eyes' sharpness, pushes back the mean professor even farther. The male friend, who has been away since a few minutes ago, suddenly returns.

"Well teacher, shouldn't we make a poll concerning this argument? I believe everyone here would love to vote," he smiles abruptly, while pointing the crowd of enraged students behind him.

Seeing the one-sided battle, the bald teacher wisely- or perhaps cowardly, flees the scene without a word. A loud victory cry was heard echoing in the entire classroom after two to three minutes.

"That bald-baddie truly get on my nerves!" a male student casted his opinion.

"He's acting all bossy around us! I would love it should he get fired," a female student joins the new forum.

"How nice of you to inform us with the perfect timing, Salopok! Ever considering being a journalist instead of alchemist?" another female student cheered the male of friend of the sweet lady.

"The credit goes to her, I believe!" the male friend known as Salopok pointed at his female friend.

"It was nothing. Defending a friend is common sense. That professor is at the wrong side, after all. Isn't that right, Pamela?" the female friend smiles, both vigorously and soothing.

Touched to her heart's content, the sweet lady lifts up her beautiful face, while unknowingly dripping a small tear during her warm smile sequence:

"Thank you, everyone."



BGM: Nostalgia of Studies

Slightly overjoyed thanks to her friends' support, the sweet lady walked back to her dorm to continue her studies. Before long, her mind is occupied with her current crisis as a student. In this second year every student is piled up with many [Workshop Assignments]: assignments that require the entire workshop member to do the task. This kind of assignment takes up almost the whole second year of school, which renders the workshop members unable to assist outsiders. Students without a workshop or often called as Solo Student, takes up a different kind of assignments. These Solo-only tasks prove to be shorter than the Workshop assignments, but much harder if viewed from the party member perspective. The sweet lady had to endure these difficult (and often judged unfair) tasks, thus she is still wondering if there's a way to make this works.

"...I still couldn't find a way out of this," the sweet lady mumbled sadly to herself.

As she is carrying pile of books in front of her stomach and her violet eyes casted downwards, her surveillance of nearby threat is nearly zero. Right at the L shaped corner of the hallway she's in, it stumbles upon her without warning.


"Kyaa!" the sweet lady shrieked as her books are knocked over and she is falling over her heels.

BGM: Grasshopper

In speeding flash, a male student with crimson greasy hair catches every single of the sweet lady's book in his both hands with tremendous strength.

"Whoa! That was close," he said that while holding two towers of books in both hands without losing breath.

The sweet lady is amazed. But she is even more amazed that she is floating right now to look at that red haired guy- Before she realized that another guy with silver neatly-combed hair is holding her tightly, preventing her to suffer the fall.

"Are you alright? Sorry, we were in a hurry," the silver guy spoke to the sweet lady with gentle voice.

"I-I'm fine...," the sweet lady is a bit flustered, don't know what to speak.

"These are your books, right? Don't worry, I got them unscathed," the crimson guy spoke this time. His voice and body are muscular in many ways.

Almost no delay, a teacher ran towards the three with furious expression, "You two won't get away this time!"

"Damn it!" the crimson guy swore.

The silver guy hesitates; switching his view from the sweet lady to the teacher a couple of times, "We have no choice. Evacuation Epsilon, Execute!"

"Understood!" the crimson guy replied with high spirit.

Again, in speeding flash, both the silver and red guy throws up each one unit of mini tubes. The tubes hit the ceiling and cover the scene in diffusing colors. The sweet lady couldn't see a thing and closed her eyes in fear. Somehow the two guys have worn complex square-shaped masks, thus performing a cross-run by dropping small bombs in every step. Within milliseconds, the hallway has been turned to a scene of blue crimson cross-fire.



/Al-Revis Academy – School Dumpster

BGM: off

When the sweet lady opened her eyes, she is currently laying down in front of the school's dumpster.

"Wha...? How did I get here?" she questioned to the air.

"Are you alright? Sorry to drag you into this trouble," the silver-haired guy pops out behind her, lending a hand.

The sweet lady took the silver guy's hand. A firm grasp; warm hand of porcelain-clean skin, "T-Thank you. Umm, who are you two? And what just happened?"

As the sweet lady regain her stand, the crimson guy pops suddenly in front of her, took her by surprise.

"That was an accident, so none of us should worry about it. Isn't that right, miss?" the crimson guy spoke, matter-of-factly.

"Sia, you shouldn't force your 'heroic ideals' to her! Besides, she's a sophomore just like us," the silver guy reprimanded.

"Ha, Lucre! It's important for every men and women alike to become 'gutsy'! One of the many aspects is treating a stranger properly. I shall teach these impressive ideals to the whole world through alchemy!" the crimson guy speaks aloud, maybe half-screaming to the sky.

The silver guy sweat-dropped, "...That's wrong on a lot of levels."

Feeling ignored, the sweet lady puffed air into her cheeks and releases it at once, "You two! I'm asking questions! Couldn't you leave your small world for a second and look at me?"

The two guys are shocked, mouths opened wide. The sweet lady panted; without realizing it, she has lost control. Then again, a sweet lady like her never screams her mind so openly and loud before... Yes, never- ever since the first group of children in the orphanage left.

BGM: A Friend's Hand

The two guys are giggling softly, before laughing in shallow volume.

"W-What's so funny?" the sweet lady felt annoyed.

The crimson guy stopped laughing, "I've been worried that you might suffer from traumatic shock, since you just stood there like a statue."

The silver guy smiles, "Don't you feel better after releasing it all off your chest like that?"

Still panting, the sweet lady replies, "...I think... Yeah, it's like my weight has dropped immensely..."

"You should never let anything like rules or a teacher distracts you from the path you believe; that's my motto of life," the crimson guy said proudly, he looked slightly cool...

"At the first glance, I could see that you were depressed. Do remember that many felt the same way in their hearts; many people share the same feeling, you are not alone," the silver guy looked even COOLER...

The sweet lady's mood is oscillating between touched and confused, "...Who are you guys, really?"

"I am Lucre," the silver guy introduced himself.

"Call me Sia," the crimson guy also introduced himself.

Lucre speaks with a tone of pride, "Teachers called us delinquents, for invoking unusual methods in learning and often declining their orders, but..."

"-We were just trying to become the bests of the bests, through our own revolutionary methods!" Sia finished it, gallantly folding his arms.

The sweet lady mumbles lowly, "Revolutionary methods... in learning...?"

"Yes, they are revolutionary! There's no need for a workshop or bunch of people, even rogues like Solo-Students will do just fine with these!" Sia summarized the benefits with fiery spirit.

"But thanks to that very revolutionary, we finished the first year with a horrible zero number of new members... Nobody wanted, dared, or interested enough to join our Rogue way of studying...," Lucre frantically scratches his head with embarrassment.

"But we will never give up! You'll support us, won't you?" Sia said, expecting a feedback.

"Well, we will be very thankful if you just forgive us and don't tell the teachers about this incident...," Lucre begged with his hands folded.

Flashbacks of the sweet lady's difficulties up to this moment are flashing in her mind- But this time; instead of a dark depression, she sees a glint light of hope.

"...I won't tell anyone, and will keep quiet at the teachers," the sweet lady answered with a slightly dark mood...

"Thank you for your understanding," Lucre feels relieved.

"-But I won't do just that," the sweet lady continues without a sign.

"What?" Sia is getting restless for a minute...

"Can I join your team?" the sweet lady proposed a straight-forward request.

"...Huh?" Lucre feels dumbfounded.

"...Did you mean that?" Sia kept his cool.

Pamela inhales a small amount of air before speaking again, "I came from an orphanage in the faraway town below. I have no parents and always lonely. I came to this academy not only to achieve an academic record, but ultimately make a lot of friends. However, the strict rules and a mean teacher don't care about my feelings! I wanted to show them, even a girl without special talent like me still able to get the desired future!"




After three are silent for a briefly one minute, the sweet lady speaks again, "...After watching you guys, I believe I need an unusual way to overcome these obstacles. Will you two teach me?"

Smiling vigorously, Sia look at the sweet lady in the eye, "...I like your courage. You may do so."

"Really?" the sweet lady feels overjoyed.

"Is it alright, Sia? All of a sudden like this...," Lucre feels slightly doubtful.

"This might be destiny. I can feel it!" Sia stares at Pamela with determination.

"Not that again...," Lucre taps his face.

Lucre also stares at Pamela for a few seconds, before raising his voice, "But... You might be right this time."

"So, you'll allow me to join?" the sweet lady asked with pleading eyes.

"Of course we are," Lucre confirmed.

"T-Thank you!" the sweet lady is overjoyed.

"Procedures first, alright? What is your name?" Sia asked.

The sweet lady never had been so excited before to introduce herself, "Pamela. Pamela Ibis."

Stretching out his right hand, Sia welcomes the sweet lady, "Welcome to the Rogue team, Pamela!"


From that time on, the sweet lady's daily life at the campus would never be the same. Complete opposite of her previous scared-stiff self; she open-handedly challenges the teachers with gruesome methods of Rogues.

/Al-Revis Academy – Faculty Hallway

BGM: On the Wind Past the Hills


"It's Ibis to you, mister."

"Why you, Ibis...! GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE!" the most-hated bald teacher- or snow mountain teacher as seeing his head covered with white sticky Puni gelatines, shouted.

"Oh no, mister! That was a sexual harassment!" the sweet lady tip-toeing her escape with provocative skirt movement.

Salopok innocently notes everything in his book, "It goes permanent in your record, sir."

"WHAT...! You were the one who tossed that Puni Liquid at my head...!" the bald- snowy headed teacher objected.

"I didn't 'toss' anything!" the sweet lady hides what seems to be a small launcher under her thick uniform.

"Objection overruled," Salopok pasted a big paper with 'REJECTED' writing on the snowy teacher's forehead.

In the best timing ever possible, Lucre comes over from the opposite direction of the sweet lady's escape. He brings dozens of female students behind him.

"And ladies, here is the unluckiest man in our campus, who get rejected in every single way possible ever since he was born!" Lucre said while pointing at the snowy man.

The female students STARE at the 'REJECTED' paper with unknown intentions.

"Oh, he just got rejected yet again! So severe his wounds this time, he expressed it on a piece of paper!" Lucre announced, hyper-dramatic opera edition.


"L-Lucre... You planned this with Sia, weren't you?" the snowy teacher muttered as he cover his ears from the females' gossips.

"No, no, no. You don't need to thank me for 'healing' your soul, sire," Lucre shakes his head vibrantly, before giving off 'melancholic' smile and leaves the teacher within the carnage.


A bit further from there, the sweet lady silently shoves off the small launcher to Sia.

"He meant 'shoot', right?" the sweet lady smiles triumphantly.

"What an idiot," Sia grinned.

"He deserves it," Lucre slyly makes a cringe on his face.

"That was fast," Sia praised.

"And amazingly stunning act!" the sweet lady mention her impression.

"Thank you, thank you. No encore please," Lucre abruptly bows as if there are thousands of clapping around.

Meanwhile, in the teacher's lounge...

"They... will... pay!" the snowy- now-bald-again teacher ranted as he finished removing the white liquid from his head (with extreme difficulty).

"With their near-perfect scores on all subjects?" a male teacher teased.

"Their method is inexplicable!"

"Says the teacher who subjectively put students in detention."




"So, my new days have begun. Together with Lucre and Sia, we tackle every problem that comes with ease. Their strange yet magnificent ways of developing a life cycle erased all of my sorrow. The best part, I was able to give them my full support. I didn't drag them down; I helped them to progress as they did me. I was needed. Nothing special about me, but... I realized that being 'common' doesn't stop someone to grow and carve a path into the desired future. Everything thanks to these two best friends I hold dear."


"Let's head back to our dorms, Pamela."

Lucre took the sweet lady's waist as he finished speaking.


The sweet lady is frozen in track.

"What is the matter? Let's go."

Reluctantly, the sweet lady started to synchronize her steps with Lucre as they walk away.

"I should have thought."

It is Sia's turn to freeze in the spot.

"Not you too, Sia! Book it, pal."

"...Oh, yeah. Let's race!"

The trio went to a race of ridiculousness.

"What my attitude would bring."




Back to the real world, where Anna and Jess are...

/Muppy's Kingdom – Ancient Prison Building

BGM: off

In the gloomy abandoned building, two girls are having a rather 'stiff' conversation.

"I'm truly sorry, but I'm not in mood to talk about anything," Anna rejected without forgetting her etiquette.

"Don't say that, Anna! It's been a long time since we chat together!" Jess abruptly fixes her long pink hair with a finger wave.

"We can do it some other time," Anna rejected as calm as possible, hiding her feelings.

"There, there! Please stop being sulky, Anna! Vayne won't like you that way!"

BGM: Overwhelmer

A lethal stab.

"W-W-W-W-W-W," Anna mumbled, much like a broken wireless.

"Say, we should talk it out to relieve stress! Smoothes over skin while at it, too!"

Directly to the heart.

"S-S-Skin... smooth...," Anna's head waver from towering imagination within.

Jess quickly shoved her 'special potion' into Anna's gaping mouth (yes, she's imagining hard-boiled scenes), which should stop her brain function for a while... If not for eternity.

*cough, cough* Anna coughed both from her embarrassment and the potion's strange taste (the best part of it, that her brain is still running albeit in low speed).

"Are you feeling better now?" Jess asked- her tone is totally guilt-free.

Now Anna regained her usual breathing rate (and her brain's inability to convert information into imagination at the moment), she feels calmer than a few minutes ago.

"...Yes. Thank you," Anna reluctantly shows her gratitude.

"Thank goodness," Jess smiled like an angel yet again. Anna can't help but to gaze.


Anna lowered her head; her eyes are darkened because her hat blocks the sunlight from the leaks on the ceiling. She doesn't know what to do, not even what to feel. Angry? Sad? Both? Her emotions are clashing without a destination point, as if trapped in an illusion. That's ironic since she's supposedly mastered the art of illusion through her Mana.

"...What do you want to talk about?" Anna tries to escape her own dark thoughts.

A large basket appeared in front of Anna- Or shoved by Jess, if she takes a better look.

"What is this?"

Jess pans the side of brown basket; before taking another basket for herself.

"We will gather mushrooms!"

"...Excuse me?"

BGM: Whistling Girl

Somehow, Anna has gotten herself into the mushroom gathering. This abandoned building may look unimpressive both from outside and inside; but despite the non-slippery mould (revolutionary, but useless for the most part) all over the inside's surface (not even old tiles of floors present), this place is a mushroom heaven.

"That's the tenth one! Big luck, big luck!" Jess hummed to herself in joy as she picked the mushroom.

"...," Anna wondered how Jess could be so happy. ...And why she only got two mushrooms so far.

"Do you know, Anna? This is no ordinary mushroom! It's the Planet Wonderchak's unique mushroom, the Wondershroom!" jess chirped happily.

"Wonder... shroom?" Anna wonders the simple naming.

"It contains ten times the nutrients than the Earth's regular mushroom!"

"Wow, really?"

"Yes! Living up to its name, doesn't it?"

Anna started to pick up her lateness by quickly shoves three nearby mushrooms into her basket.

"How many do we need?" Anna asked while continue to increase her speed.

"Hmm... About 200 would be enough," Jess said casually.

Anna stares at her with surprised look, "200?"

"Now, now. Don't worry! These baskets are actually 'Chasket' Muppy and I made. Each one for them could carry thousands of things without the weight!"

"I... I see. ...B-But! That's not all...," Anna looked troubled.

Anna stopped her gathering, and Jess followed.

"Hmm?" Jess smiles at Anna innocently.

"Why would we need 200 mushrooms?"

"That's a secret."

"Are they for the soldiers?"

"I can't tell you."

"The eight of us can't finish them all..."

"Complete mystery until further notice!"

Anna is dumbfounded as her foot pressed the mould harder. Jess stares at how cute Anna is now, but refrain from showing any sign of excitement.

"D-Don't laugh! If you don't want to tell me, it is fine," Anna's tone is mixture of embarrassment and slight anger.

"But Anna, you're so cute that way. Vayne would agree with me," Jess teased her lower classmate.

"S-Stop stalling time! We need to gather 200 mushrooms before it gets dark!"

"Yes, ma'am~"

And so, Anna temporarily forgot of all things troubling her mind. Jess smiles in relief with a sign of maturity on her face. Did she plan all this? She has really matured... Or just aloof. So, the mushroom gathering continues. After a while, Anna starts to realize that she forgot her troubles. Although she feels grateful to Jess for it, she can't help by repeating the nightmarish thoughts. Only this time, she decides to jump into what she tried to avoid before.

BGM: By the Illusion


"Yes, Anna?"

"Why are you... doing this?"

"...Doing... what?"

"Cheering me up like this... From my trouble with Vayne..."

Anna looked up at Jess' face; she has prepared her mind and soul for any sort of shame she might suffer- except for that dreamy expression of this planet's future Queen.

BGM: Overhwelmer

"Oh, my! So Anna has reached that level with Vayne? Oh, how you have grown!"

"T-That level?" Anna's imagination jumps to the forbidden plane before she could even react. ...Yes, Jess' 'special potion' effect has subsided.

"So, how is it going? Have you two succeeded on doing it? Which way do you use? Who go first? If me and Muppy, it was me. Ooh, I said it!"

Anna's face looked like it was about to bursts out a lot of lava...

"Doing it... Way to use... G-G-Go first...?"

Jess' holds her mouth. Anna's reaction was so cute that Jess barely able to hold her laughter any longer.

"Anna, please calm down. What I meant is that the two of us confessed our feelings to each other, and I did go first," Jess stopped her amusement.

The lava eruption has been halted.

"C-Confession of...," Anna's face turns pinkish, "Each other's fe- fe- feelings..."

But an acid rain might start.

"Anna, please take it easy. There's nothing wrong with falling in love," Jess said something deep for once.

Anna shakes her violently, nearly to cause her hat to fall (but she fix it right away) and finally snaps back to reality.

BGM: By the Illusion

"There won't be anything wrong... If it is true!" Anna yelled.

Jess gave a confused look, "What do you mean, Anna?"

"I... I found Vayne to be... reliable. He is so kind, skilled, and cares about others...," Anna started her story.

"And very shy, too," Jess added in-between.

"He has a strong heart as well, he always stands up for others and supports them as much as he could...," Anna's story continues.

"He's not half-bad in looks and posture, either!" Jess added yet again.

"At first I only see him as my upper classmate...," Anna's tone begins to fade.

"Muppy did the same to me," Jess' tone is still bright.

"But when we go together- in training, duelling, or simply talking to each other, I'm starting to feel..."

"Hungry?" Jess' stomach is growling.


"I was just kidding, sorry." Guilt-free as always... Wait, since when?

"I-I'm starting to feel...," ignoring Jess' joke, Anna carry on, "...Affection for him."

Jess smiled a little on that. Her mischievous face has fled.

Anna continues; her face goes red, "Not just a normal, friendly affection, but... it is-"

"-A special kind of affection, unlike any other. ...Am I right?" Jess suddenly cut.

"Wha-," Anna gave a shocked look, "H-How did you know?"

"Because that's exactly what I feel towards Muppy," Jess answered with a smile.

Anna went silent. The same sour, silent mode she showed last night.

"How could you be so sure, Jess?" Anna asked.

"And why you're not sure about Vayne?" Jess repelled the question.

"-I...!" Anna wasn't expecting this, "I..."

Jess patiently waits for Anna's response.

"I... read this book and...," Anna's face turns pinkish red, "My imagination... Predicts the worst outcome for us; over, over, and all over again..."

Jess smirked without a sound. Anna doesn't feel happy about that.

"I-If you want to laugh, go ahead!"

Jess shook her head a few times, before smiling, "No, Anna. I'm jealous of you."

"J... Jealous? Jealous of... me?" Anna couldn't grasp any of it.

"You're already thinking about the far future beyond, while I'm only thinking about the present. Gee, age gap does differentiate, doesn't it?"

"What is that supposed to mean!" Anna snapped, "I don't understand what you are saying!"

"You don't?" Jess feel confused.

"What are you planning, gathering 200 mushrooms? What are you doing, doing it yourself instead of ordering someone! What are you thinking, you are the future Queen! I UNDERSTAND NONE OF THEM!"

Anna's heavy breathing echoes throughout the prison building. Jess seemingly doesn't feel intimidated at all, as she keeps standing straight while Anna is flinching.

"An eye for an eye, a story for a story," the pink head stated.

Anna is confused enough already; her cheeks are soaked with faint tears, yet she didn't shut her ears nor cover her eyes.

"Shall I tell you a tale, then?" jess' tone is filled with grandeur.

Anna struggles to aim her now poor vision towards Jess mysterious expression, "A... tale?"

"A tale of the brave little king," Jess finished her sentence.




How was your life?


What did you think when it ended?


What do you feel, now it has?


Are you happy? Are you sad? Or are you angry?


Tell me.

...I feel...

~Final Memoir: the Sweet Gift of a Lifetime~


It was early morning.

/Al-Revis Academy – Girls' Dorm

BGM: Welcome to the *Fluffy* Workshop

"Pamela~ Are you awake yet?" said a gentle voice.

"This is the girls' dorm, for Iris' sake! Get outta here!" the guard of female's dorm yelled at him.

The sweet lady hurried down the stairs and faced with the quarrel.

"Lucre, I told you not to wake me up like this!" the sweet lady scolded.

"I'm sorry, Sia's wireless is broken...," Lucre apologized.

The dorm's guard shakes her head in disbelief; soon after, she moves out of the sweet lady's way.

"What do you wake me up for, anyway?" the sweet lady asked with a frown.

"Well, there is this news about a summer event...," Lucre nervously explained.

"...Can't it wait until later?"

"I'm sorry, I just want to tell you ASAP...," Lucre said with a blush.

"...," the sweet lady doesn't understand.

"Um, Pamela... You're really cute in your pajamas like that..."

"...AHHH!" the sweet lady retreated to her room upstairs with embarrassment.


It was morning.

/Al-Revis Academy – Classroom

"Pamela, there you are."

Sia approached Pamela as she sits quietly alone in the class.

"Sia, what's the matter?" the sweet lady asked her best friend.

BGM: Hurry Up!

"Pamela, we got to move!"

"What? Hey!"

Sia pulled the sweet lady with a great force to outside; they keep running until 100 meters away and eventually stopped.

"What... What was that for, Sia?" the sweet lady rambled in her exhaustion.


"What?" the sweet lady is shocked both by the sound of explosion, and the fact that thick smoke came from the class she just been in.

"It was that bald-head again. He wanted to hurt you in the blast, and blame us for the incident!" Sia explained with rage.

"W-What? He... did that?" the sweet lady is confused.

"He even set a trap to stop us! Lucre took the trap for himself, so I'm the only one who can go to you," Sia explained with annoyance.

"How could that teacher? Did he hate me that much? Why?" the sweet lady is bewildered.

Sia embraces the sweet lady with a worried expression. The sweet lady is taken by surprise and unable to move.

BGM: A Friend's Hand

"Calm down, Pamela. I don't know why he hates you or what, but please calm down."

"...," the sweet lady is no longer feeling afraid or lost. She has calmed down and feels more relaxed than ever.

"We will always be with you, Pamela. Always," Sia spoke in humbleness.

"...Thank you, you two," the sweet lady expressed her gratitude with a smile.

"Don't mention it."

"...Sia, your body is warm and fuzzy-"

THUD. Sia dropped the sweet lady on the ground.

"...Enough talk. Let's free Lucre and plan a counter-measure!" Sia yelled out with a blush.

"That hurts! ...But Sia, you look cute when blushing!" the sweet lady teased.

"S-Stop that! Let's move!" Sia tried to hide his blush.

"Yes, sir!"


It was afternoon.

/Al-Revis Academy – Classroom

"Good afternoon, Pamela!" Lucre greeted the sweet lady as she walks out of the class alone.

"Good afternoon, Lucre."

Suddenly, the lights are out, and the every window is closed, turning the classroom to pitch-black state.

BGM: Rueful Mana Khemialchemy

"Eeeep! What's going on?" the sweet lady freaked out, "Lucre? Lucre?"

There is no answer. The sweet lady is trembling in fear.

"(Relax, relax... This is just an ordinary blackout! ...But yet why I'm shaking?)"

Just like that... Everything on the lady's mind turns black.




"(Who said that?)"


"(What is he talking about?)"

Suffer as the darkness swallows you.

"(W-Who are you!)"

And then...

A thick darkness is engulfing the sweet lady's territory, spawning a vicious creature...



*flash* the lights are back. But the classroom has been replaced with a luxurious Birthday Party Room. Balloons, decorations, and a birthday cake.

BGM: Welcome to the Magical Workshop

"W-W-W...," the sweet lady almost pissed her long skirt- until she notices that all of her friends are surrounding her.

"Happy Birthday, Pamela!" everyone shouted, while blowing their party poppers.

"Happy sweet 18th, Pamela," Karnap smiles femininely as she offers a handshake; which the sweet lady reluctantly accepts.

"Uh... That's for 17, Karnap... Sweet 17th," a female student corrected.

"...Alma?" the sweet lady remembered her; she was her assignment friend during the first year.

"Ha, thought I've forgotten about you, right? Sorry, that bald jerk keeps shoving me with extra homework so I couldn't contact you...," Alma snickered.

"We're not like Karnap or Salopok who are geniuses in study, so... But we think we could patch things up if we make it to this surprise birthday party," a guy stands close to Alma spoke- he's that big guy from the first year assignment.

"Bumm? Y-Yeah, I'm glad I could see you guys again, but... Surprise birthday party?" the sweet lady is still in quite a shock.

Everyone stares at Lucre.

"This was Sia's idea!" Lucre hurriedly point at him.

Sia doesn't look at the sweet lady in the eye, "Well, we examined that you didn't had any birthday party for last two years, so I think it would be a good idea to set this up."

The sweet lady is touched, albeit still grinding her teeth softly, "Sia... That was very sweet of you. But you don't have to surprise me like this. I'm so scared!"

"I was planning for a regular party, but Lucre suggest for a surprise...," Sia looked down.

The sweet lady gives Lucre a pair of evil eyes.

"Whoops, Pamela. It was a friendly joke, heheh...," Lucre is panicking.

"Why YOU...!" the sweet lady's face turned dark and scary of that a ghost.

"Eek! Please forgive me!" Lucre quickly duck and shove the sweet lady a-

"-what... A teddy bear?" the sweet lady's face turned back to normal as she saw the lovely pink teddy bear. The teddy bear got cute pink color covering its fluffy body; along with round, white belly as big as a melon.

"It is my present to you, Pamela. I hope you like it," Lucre gently gives it to her.

Warmth and affection flows into the sweet lady's body and soul as she embraces the teddy bear in her arms.

"L-Lucre... This is a very precious gift. I-I... I'll treasure it forever!" the sweet lady expresses a mixture of happiness, affection, and embarrassment.

"Woo, woo! Go Lucre!" Bumm cheered.

"Hitting on a girl... Sigh. But I'll let it slide this time," Karnap smiles.

"Come on, you two! You should hit it out just like me and Bumm!" Alma wraps her arms around Bumm's right arm.

"H-Hey!" Lucre blushes furiously.

"Another scoop...," Salopok took pictures without hesitation.

The group are having fun till the sun sets. Afterwards, Lucre and Karnap stays behind to undo the decoration in the classroom they used. Alma and Bumm guard the entrance to keep anyone (especially teachers) to barge in. While Sia is escorting Pamela to her dorm.

BGM: A Friend's Hand

"So... What do you think of today's Birthday Party, Pamela?" Sia unusually start a conversation.

"I love it! I feel grateful you guys are there for me!" the sweet lady hugs the teddy bear she got from Lucre in showing her happiness.

"I see..."

"But please don't put up that scary black thing again, okay? I'm scared stiff, you know?"

Sia look at the sweet lady questioningly, "What black thing?"

"That black thing, which says scary words... That's one of you wearing a costume, right?"

Sia shrugs, "We don't do any costumes..."

The sweet lady's expression is blank as if she just saw a ghost.

"Then again, I'm not involved with the surprise part, so of course I didn't know," Sia said comfortingly.

The sweet lady sighs, "Thank you Sia. I thought I just saw a ghost..."

"Are you scared of ghosts?"

"Well, who doesn't? They're invisible, can go through walls, and scream the 'BOO' words..."

Sia laughs. The sweet lady abruptly punches him on his back.

"Sorry, I never thought of that...," Sia apologized; he's still laughing.

The sweet lady puffed her cheeks with air. She looks so cute.

"...Here," Sia hand the sweet lady a big wrap of beautiful, big pink ribbon.

"Is this my birthday present?" the sweet lady can't help but to feel confused.

Sia nods. The sweet lady can't understand it.

"Why didn't you give it at the party?"

Sia look at the sweet lady, and then at the distance. At the sweet lady, at the distance, at the sweet lady, at the distance, at the sweet lady- ...and at the distance.

"T-This is not much of a gift compared to that doll, so... I thought pink is color for girls, but then again... Uh, I-I mean..."

Sia is blushing to his ears. The sweet lady chuckled, put the pink ribbon in her uniform pocket, and...

"...!" Sia is trembling in shock, as the sweet lady just... kissed him on the cheek.

"Good night, Sia! Have a sweet dream!" the sweet lady waved him goodbye with a smile.

"G-Good... night..."


It was evening.

/Al-Revis Academy – Classroom Hallway

BGM: off

"Hey Sia, did you see Pamela today?"

"No... I look for her from morning until now, but no luck."

"Wonder where she went... Hey, why are you looking for her anyway? And didn't include me in the search?"

"...I could ask you the same."

The mood becomes awkward. Suddenly, from a distance they saw the sweet lady.

"Pa-" But before even spelling her name, they are surprised to see how she looks right now.

BGM: Ghost Girl for Mana Khemia

Atop her head, she is wearing a headband with pink ribbons attached to left and right side- each is in butterfly form. Partial of her front hair are made into two tails, each is kept neatly using two hair bracelets, which are elegantly tied using pink ribbons. In front of her, a cute teddy bear wearing macho tier of pink scarf derived from the same pink ribbon, held by both of the sweet lady's arms. The way she dress, the way she hold the teddy, the way she is everything now...

"What do you think, Lucre, Sia? Do I look cute?"

She is undeniably cute, but also stunningly-

"-Beautiful...," the two guys worlds are now nothing but her.

"Why, thank you! It means a lot to hear that from both of you, Lucre, Sia."

The sweet lady feels embarrassed, but also joyful. She has truly become a true lady, as the beautiful aura she found herself is producing now. ...However, the two guys see this differently.

"Today is holiday, right? Let's have fun somewhere, guys!" the sweet lady feel excited.

"Who you will go with?" Lucre is the first one to speak.

"Don't be silly! Of course I will go wherever you two are going!"

BGM: off

"What if each one of us has a different destination?" Sia spoke, his voice is cold.

Everything went silent. The sweet lady couldn't even hear the clock ticking in that hallway they are in. It's as if the world has stop running the engine of life.

"C-Come on, guys. This isn't funny...," the sweet lady begs them to stop.

But they didn't. Lucre pave path across the hallway, passing through her.

"Are you coming or not?"

Before the sweet lady's mind could produce answers, Sia had already climbed the campus' wall and head into the wilderness.

"I'm sorry, but I can't wait for you."

The sweet lady glances back and forth the two of them; over and over, over and over, without making any decision, until they are gone.

"Lucre... Sia... Why?"


/Al-Revis Academy – Battle Arena

It was night time.

BGM: Disruptor

A noise erupts in the battle ground; where alchemists test their battle skills and alchemic items in a real fight. However this battle draws everyone's attention not only because there aren't any scheduled fight today, but also the faces-

"Stop! Both of you! STOP!" the sweet lady's force her lung to scream.

Her scream pierces through the wall, the glass, and the arena's fences- everything that stood between her and her two precious friends.

"Lucre! Sia! Stop! Stop all this! STOP!" she screamed again, not any less louder and desperate than the previous.

The two guys stop. They stop to swing weapons at each other. Stop to scatter blood all over the ring. Stop cursing and blaming at each other. Stop every sick term of friendship they were engaged about two hours prior. They look at her.

"How-" Lucre's voice is filled with doubt and uncertainty.

"...She broke through," Sia doesn't seem to be surprised, but unhappy either wise.

The sweet lady's breath is heavy and thick, as if she has just escaped from a hellish, cold prison. Which she did; she was trapped in a cave, long walk from the campus, by none other than these two friends she believed the most. Why? Why? WHY? That question echoes in her fragile heart like a nightmare.

"...I think we are done here," Lucre undid his weapon.

"There's no 'we', I remind you," Sia do the same.

They both leave. Leave her alone, not even a single glance. Their cold eyes are imbued with mixture of negative and positive emotions. Whatever they are, it has something to do with the sweet lady.

"Why... Why... WHY!" the sweet lady cried of her powerlessness.

"Pamela...," Karnap tried to comfort her, but to no avail.

"It is all about choices," out of all people, Salopok is the one to speak.

"Choices?" even Karnap, the top student couldn't grasp it.

"All of us born as something. But it has little to no effect on what we are going to be. What will you choose, it is not you. Instead, it is the 'you' that you choose."

"...What are saying? I can't understand," Karnap bent her head in depression.

"It's not about understanding, Karnap. Not that kind of understanding," Salopok stare at a blank page of his notes.

"I... I...," Karnap look at the sweet lady, and then Salopok.

"What about you Pamela?" Salopok turn to the sweet lady. She lifted her face, face covered in angel tears.

"Your time is coming near. What will you choose?" his voice as if it wasn't him talking anymore. As if... No. It is really Him, who is speaking. At least, it looked that way from the sweet lady's perspective.

"I choose...," her voice is drowning, sinking with the sea of consciousness. But she knows. She knows what to do.


It was midnight.

/Dragon's Grave – Bone Grove

BGM: Beat

The sweet lady runs, as fast as she could. As fast as her slim legs could march her forward. On her arms, there is teddy, the lovely doll Lucre gave her. Around teddy's neck, on her headband, on her hair, there are ribbons. Pink ribbons Sia gave her. She could never wear them apart. Just like her two male friends, she could never let them go in separate ways. Because if they do, she will lose one of them. She doesn't want that. Even she has to form a pact with the devil or offer her life to God, she won't allow it to happen. She will keep both of them, no matter what the cost.

"Wait for me...," she said with all her compassion, selfishness, arrogance, innocence, all of the feelings she honed through her ordeal of life so far.

None of them were pleasant, but she denied. Should either one left out, she wouldn't be here. But it wasn't a baseless remorse or accusation. This time she had what it takes. Right, inside her uniform, a ruby is hidden. Not just any ruby, a big ruby in size of an apple pie. Its deep, crimson red color holds both sanity and insanity. But she doesn't care. That's not what's important. The ruby holds her wish. A simple wish, really.

"...There they are!" the sweet lady cut her thoughts as she has arrived.

/Dragon's Grave – Heaven's Road

BGM: Rusted Neigh

Stood in front of her are Lucre and Sia. They've been duke it out for hours. Blood, sweat, bruises, cut, everything you can expect from a war are there. But this time, the sweet lady steeled her resolve.

"Lucre! Sia! Listen to me!" she yelled at them.

"Don't stop us!"

"You don't understand!"

The sweet lady's resolve didn't budge. It pushes her to advance; even it is seemingly a death door.

"I don't! So what if I don't? What are you going to do about it? You can't do anything about it! There is no reason for me to leave!" her voice stuns the two guys.

"Y-You might die if you...!"

"Don't! Don't do it!"

The sweet lady ignored them. She is walking, walking, and walking till she reaches the middle. The middle spot, in-between the two guys.

"Now you will tell me everything. Swing your weapons all you want, but I won't move an inch. Scare me; give me a little cut, a little push, a little bruise, any kind of bluff so I will run. But it won't work! I will not ascend to heaven nor descend to hell before you two tell me the truth!"

The two guys lower their weapons, defeated. They both nod at each other, and...

"Fine. We will tell you," Lucre is the first one to speak, as always.

"But we can't assure anything," Sia followed behind, just like he always did.

The sweet lady holds her teddy tight. Her ribbons wave left and right by the unstable wind atop that dark Dragon Grave. Her eyes are steel with strong resolve.

"I love you, Pamela." Lucre spoke.

"I love you, Pamela." Sia spoke.

"We love you, Pamela." They both spoke.

A crack is on the sweet lady's heart. She doesn't understand how, but her soul is racing with unpleasant aura. Perhaps it was only her brain that couldn't process it in time. But the answer is there, and her soul knows. She knows.

"But you hold the teddy bear from me," Lucre's eyes are stifling.

"But you wear my ribbons," Sia's fist clenched.

"You don't choose one of us."

"You want us both."

"But we can't accept that."

"We refuse to stay like this forever."

"So after a while, I made up my mind."

"I'm thinking hard, and that is my answer."

"The other should go away."

BGM: Pitch Black

She knew. She knew when they said those confessions. She knew. She knew! She knew far back. She knew from a long, long, time. She knew this is the answer. But she still didn't write it on the sheet. She broke her pencil intentionally and threw the paper away. She left the paper blank. She tucked it away in miserable state so nothing can be written on it. She didn't choose the wrong answer. She didn't walk the false path. She didn't choose anything at all.

"So... All this time...," it hit the sweet lady like a lightning storm, "From back then till now, I...," a meteor shower is heading directly at her and she can't dodge.

...No, that's not it. It's not that she can't dodge. She didn't dodge. All this time, it is obvious now. Why nobody choose her at the orphanage? Why she doesn't have an inherent skill up till now? Why the bald teacher hates her? Why she is left alone until Lucre and Sia came? Why now they are fighting over her? The answer is easy.

She didn't want to choose. She is afraid to lose something she already had. No matter how big the probability of getting it back, she still didn't choose. At the orphanage, she had two choices: speak nicely to the parents and speak rudely to them. Either of those options could turn good or bad. At the campus, with Lucre and Sia, everything could be A or B. But she didn't do any of it. She stood like a statue that couldn't do any action. She refused to take any risk of suffering, and let fate move her. Man cannot gain without sacrifice, so she gains nothing. She lives, but she doesn't live. She is afraid. She is afraid of choice!

"I'm... sorry...," tears are streaming down her cheek. She realized how wrong she was all this time.

Should she choose to approach either Lucre/Sia to ask their opinions, this problem wouldn't happen. But she is afraid if she approaches one, the other will be angry. She didn't even consider of apologize to the other guy later. She forced the two of them to be tangled together, which they despise, but she doesn't want to understand that.

"Don't blame yourself, Pamela."

"We are half of it, too."

It is true the sweet lady's fear of choice lead to this, but the way the blood splattered like this were their fault. If they haven't been so selfish, wanting the sweet lady for themselves, things won't be like this. Should one think calmly and compete for love, things won't really change except for the sweet lady's indecisiveness. But they have been blinded by love. Love is powerful and important, but discarding friendship and everything else to achieve it is wrong. Yet, blood can't be returned to its veins. This is the wrong path, and they don't have the ability to return to the decisive point.

"Let's end this..."

"I'm tired of waiting..."

They dash, they draw, and they lunge at each other.



The two guys regain their common sense; they are looking around with fear and anxiety, but it was already too late.

"PAMELA!" their desperate scream pierces the heavens and slices hell.

The sweet lady is standing in-between the two. Her expression is void. She doesn't feel anything. She is cold like a doll made of ice. But there is one thing that is still warm from her body. Something red. A dark red liquid, streaming down her stomach...

"Lucre... Sia... you two... stopped... I'm... glad...," her voice is like an engine running out of fuel.

The sweet lady's stomach has been stabbed; pierced by sharp weapons the two guys used, from both front and back side. Not a single part of her inside came out, but everything in the weapons' way is damaged beyond cure. But she shows no pain. She shows no hatred. She shows nothing negative. She just smiled. Her smile didn't have any sign of abnormality. Her smile is beautiful and comforting as usual, as if nothing had happened.

"P-P-Pamela... W-What have I done?" Lucre snapped.

"I-I... I...," Sia is at loss for words.

Just as their grief began, a small object fell of the sweet lady's uniform. A deep red ruby.

"T-This is...," Sia focuses his vision at the big ruby.

"Oh... That's right...," the sweet lady muttered with her stomach still pierced with weapons.

But she ignored it. She didn't even think that she has been stabbed. She keeps on smiling.

"I found... this ruby... and make it big... with alchemy...," her voice is running thin, closer and closer to death.

But she doesn't close her mouth. To her, her throat is running like usual. Her bleeding, her dying breath, her paling skin... They don't matter anymore.

"I... made a wish... inside the ruby... that we three... will be together... again... and forever...," her tone is low and barely audible, but the two guys heard every word clearly.

"P-Pamela, for us, you...," Sia is almost crying.

"It is... the symbol... of our... friendship...," she spoke so weakly.

The sweet lady use every last of her physical strength to lift the ruby with her left hand.

"This is... My Gift To You... Please... accept it..."

Lucre rushes to the sweet lady; just in time that her body is now limp and fell to the ground. Lucre catches her and holds her tight in his arms.

"No! Pamela, don't die! I'm sorry! I'm very sorry! Just don't die!" he cried in agony and guilt.

Sia approaches the two, his expression is drown in despair and hopelessness.

"Curse me, blame me, hate me, kill me, anything you want, but please survive!" Sia cried, his tears are falling in high speed.

Both Lucre and Sia took everything they still have; hoping for any curing potion or remedy, but to no avail. All have been consumed in their pointless battle of selfish love. But the sweet lady's expression remains unchanged.

"It is... my fault... I'm not decisive... I'm afraid to choose... I'm... sorry..."

Then the sweet lady realized. She could no longer speak. She could no longer move. Her legs, her arms, and her head- all are motionless. Her heart has ceased function. No air is coming in or out of her lung any longer. Her time has been stopped.


She is dead.


But she has no regrets. Her two best friends had reconciled, and that's what matters. The ruby made her wish came true, and she has no objection on the cost. It was all her fault, so she deserved this

BGM: Darkness' Voice from the Abyss



Yours only?


If you may aware, I was HELPING OUT a bit.


The two guys are crying, screaming in guilt and unbearable sadness. They lament on how stupid they were. They could no longer think of happiness. They think they should follow her to the grave-


As if answering their prayer for divine punishment, a giant dragon with pale blue skin is roaring at them, hungry for flesh. His jaws are so sharp and wide, his wings are blowing tornadoes with each flap.

"Wing... Drake...," Lucre mentioned the dragon's name.

"God has sent His executioner...," Sia is looking into the dragon's eyes, hollow.




"Ahhhh... Ahhh..."

Red, red stain on the ground. Red, deeper red on two unmoving things. Red, red, red, on the dragon jaws and claws. Red, red, red, red, red, red, red...


The sweet lady's eyes snaps open. Her eyes are purple. Demonic purple.



Purple. Dark purple. Then, red. Red. Red again. Red yet again. And... black.

You, the tormented soul of a human girl...

The sweet lady is purple. But she is also reddish. Red all over.

You made a mistake, you choose the right thing at last, but you let darkness consumes you in the end.

The sweet lady's eyes are opened wide. There is nothing there. Hollow.

But your friendship has called upon me... I will now protect you in their stead.

"Lucre... Sia... Lucre... Sia... Lucre... Sia... Lucre... Sia...," the sweet lady is repeating those two words endlessly like a broken doll.

Within this day and forth, this tragedy shall be contained inside this ruby. Strong feelings of love, guilt, and suffering... I shall keep it safe inside of me.

"Lucre... Sia... Lucre... Sia... Lucre... Sia... Lucre... Sia...," the sweet lady doesn't stop.

...That is correct. My name is LUCRESIA, the Mana of Life. I cannot give you life, but I shall accompany you in your afterlife. I shall watch over you through this doll's eyes.

"Lucre... Sia... ...Lucre-sia. Lucre-sia? Lucresia... Lucresia." She stops.

Until the day you can be strong, forget everything...

[Pamela Ibis, deceased at the age of 18. Memory of life ends here.]




In another memory of life...

/Al-Revis Academy – Library

BGM: Sunny Day City

This is the Al-Revis Academy. Nothing much is going on... I'll just stick to my books-

"Owww!" the gray-haired boy hold his head in pain. Something- someone had him struck on the back of his head.

"There you are egghead. Stop diving in these books. Dive inside real water out there," a rather grouchy- but yet elegant female student was the culprit, the weapon is her blade-like hand. She didn't look even half guilty, as she is combing her short fiery blue hair in relaxation.

"I'm not done with these books of Mana and Alchemists... Give me 20 more minutes," he pleaded.

"And I'll give you 2 minutes to return those books and come with me," the blue head threatened with her sharp eyes.

The gray boy did as she commanded; he doesn't even growl his denial. He is so spineless.

"I'll go with you, Ernentraud... But where we are going?"

"Summer is starting today, Bernard. You know what that means."

"...Independent research homework?"

"Or endless torture in extra classes."

"What should we research about?"

"Every other theme has been booked by other groups. There is only one left."

"What is it about?"



To be continued...



BGM: Nostalgia of Studies (Extra Version)

A. Monsters.

1. Wing Drake

An ancient, very powerful dragon that lives atop the Dragon Grave a long time ago. One day it is mysteriously disappeared, leaving one egg. Some said that it has been slain, but there are no remnants of it, so nobody knew the truth until this day. The egg it left behind will grow mature into Grandwing Drake in the far future.

Traits: Dragon.

B. Characters' New Skills. Copyright by superecho

Nothing new at the moment. Sorry! :)


C. New Material Items. Copyright by superecho

[Puni Liquid] Element: None

A strange, sticky white liquid from a Puni. Despite look similar to a cream, it's inedible and highly flammable. It's usually used in making traps and complex chemical substances. Originated from a rural area's tradition, the local inhabitants there intend to spread their recipe to make this material around the globe. However, this material is banned forever by alchemists around the world and all nations. The reason is never revealed to public, but this decision comes out as soon as the alchemists watched the making process.


[Wondershroom] Element: Earth

A unique mushroom found only on Planet Wonderchak; has a shape of an umbrella, scent of meat, and taste of heaven. Packed with ten times the nutrients than a regular mushroom, the taste is superior beyond comprehension of universe. Each one of these grows in dark and humid places, mostly near moulds and rivers. Although the taste won't be reduced when eaten raw, it better cooked first to prevent plenty of side effects caused by its habitat.


D. New Recipes. Copyright by superecho

[Mimi's Motherhood Manual 1]

Nikki's own-made; original recipe to create the perfect bowl for every household. Her strong willpower to lessen a mother's burden and spend more time with children can be felt in each page. Sadly, most of the contents are hard-to-recognize scribbles and relies heavily on instinct. This recipe book needs to be heavily edited before published.

Synthesize Items:

Mimixis Bowl


[Rosenkrantz Alchemy, Edition R1]

The newest, latest addition to the long-running [Rosenkrantz Alchemy], a recipe book series famous for its elegant and charismatic approach on alchemy. After years of stand holder, the latest successor, Roxis Rosenkrantz, publish this new edition with brand new look and simple, yet deep design. The first half of the book explains the basics of alchemy, easy-to-made synthesis items, but much more detailed and easier to understand than similar recipe books. The 'R' could mean Reborn, Rebirth, Reminiscence, Redemption, or even Roxis, but who knows? The last half of this thick book contains recipes for two personal items for the author's travels himself.

Synthesize Items:

Heal Jar, Nicro Cloth, Protect Sphere, Glass Gentle


E. New Items. Copyright by superecho

[Mimixis Bowl] Element: Earth

An ultimate bowl for every household; made with love and care for mothers, which truly requires little to no washing or drying. It maintains its perfect cleanliness for thousands of times usage in serving food, so there'll be less household work and the mothers can spend more time with their children. Please note that this bowl is 100% healthy to use.

Tool Item.

Specialty Recipe:

Dried Yubana, Preservative, Youthful Apple


[Protect Sphere] Element: None

A portable device shaped like mini globe; it will wrap the area around its user with protecting field which repels monsters, attacks, rains, fog, and other harm. Using Mana powers as its source of energy, this device could run seven days non-stop and recharge by itself by leaving it in the open. The protection area's range can be set from 50-200 meters, but once activated nothing can get past it, so be careful.

Effect: In the field, there will be no monsters until the next area.

Specialty Recipe: Brilliant Stone, Stellar Globe, Shield of Ajax/Mirror of Gargol


[Glass Gentle] Element: Earth

A special handkerchief to wipe things; it cleans without leaving even a microscopic scratch. On glass, table, spoon, fork, and other things will shine like gold without a single dust. The mysterious fiber strength within it could wipe every single dirt without fail and almost effortless. A top-rated daily life item; the must-have item for people with glasses.

Tool Item.

Specialty Recipe: Formell Fabric, Gold Bullion, Rainbow Feather


[Liquid Launcher] Element: None

A tool to launch objects to a desired target; the objects used are mostly traps, bombs, and baits. Lucre and Sia often uses this to gain advantage over monsters, escaping fix situation, or duke it out with teachers...

Tool Item. Increases effect and accuracy of Attack items.

Specialty Recipe: Unknown. The recipe disappears mysteriously in 221.


[Chasket] Element: None

A special basket made by Muppy and Jess; it could carry thousands of things, while ignoring their weight. Durable enough to survive weapon blows and elemental rage (fire, ice, lightning- you name it), this tool is a paradox on its own- Only can be compared to Jess' Dimension Bag. Why not simply mass-produce that instead of making this new design? Simple answer: you won't want to be thrown into another dimension while synthesizing it. (Which, in fact, the Jess happily comply)

Tool Item.

Specialty Recipe: Unknown.


Whee! Finally done! Starting this chapter, I tried to create bunches of items and synthesis materials, also recipes... Glad it turned out good. After all this is Mana Khemia we're talking about- What it would become without alchemy here and there, right? :3 Hope you like them as much as the story progressed in this chapter. Sorry of the lengthy Pamela's past (and it's just half of it), which only let Bernard (the Principal) and Ernentraud (the Vice Principal) to appear briefly... My apologies X(

Half of Pamela's truth has been revealed... What do you think? I think it's pretty close to the actual facts within the game... If you compare this story with the game, it should ring a bell. If you're paying attention on how Pamela fought in the game, you should notice that most of her skills are done by her teddy bear- her Mana. The skills she unleashes on her own (Poltergeist, No Bullying!, Immortal Body) are her powers as a ghost. Thus explains why she doesn't have any original skill when she live.

But ultimately, you readers decide. For the last half (when she meets Bernard, Ernentraud, and Flay), shall be told by Flay himself. Nikki's truth has been opened a little bit... Jess also ready to share both hers and Muppy's; aren't you excited? I am! XD Should you miss Renee already, don't worry as her truth is coming out piece by piece each chapter.

By the way, 'Lucresia' is a beautiful name created by my pal: Spaghetti Soysauce. He used this name to name Pamela's Mana, and... Boy, I love it! So I asked for his permission to use this name for this story. This name is crucial, as it is a part of Pamela's truth. Thank you very much, buddy! Should you readers bored, read his fics, especially the Mana Khemia ones... They're awesome!

That's all from me this time. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, for reading this chapter till the end. Thank you very much, and stay tuned! :D