Heya again! This is my second fanfic! Simple: I'm a fan of Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis, who've beat the game (most of you have too, I know). This story is about what happened after Vayne and his friends defeat Crazed Eye (Y' know, final boss for good endings), with Anna as Vayne's partner. Whee! I love Vayne-Anna pairing, but I barely see any fanfic for it yet. In my opinion, the most 'balanced' happy ending for this game is that every character got their own life-partner (lover, soul mate, whatever you like to call it); and in that case, Vayne ended up with Anna. Maybe you don't like it, but only that way possible to make everyone get their own partner. Well, actually not all, though. It's kind of impossible. But don't worry; this one with Vayne-Anna pairing is the best of all. You'll see what I mean. Read on!

Disclaimer: All characters of Mana Khemia are belongs to NIS America and Gust, not me. So don't attack me with a fire skill _ By The Way, the story started right from Anna's ending. Watch it first if you haven't, or again if you have--- simply to avoid confusion. I know the Japanese voice used chan, senpa, and last names in the dialogue, but since this is an English fanfic, I used the similar phrase in the English language text.

Note: BGM means the background music which is playing during the story; it's taken from the game (replayable in the Gallery), and it changes every time a new one is written. Hear (or imagine) them while read this fanfic, and you'll enjoy it more!

New Resolve

By superecho


Chapter 1: Duel, Love, and Reunion


10 minutes of fierce fighting... Vayne Aurelius give everything he got from sword arts, alchemy variations from medicines, stats-enhancing machines, magic-based sub weapons, bombs, etc. against the "Master of Swords" whom have been renewed as "Master of Swords and Alchemy": Anna Lemouri!! Despite Vayne's great effort; he barely damages Anna, and obviously the fast-dimension-cutter girl doesn't look like she's going down any minutes soon. Finally, the battle reaches its climax.

BGM: Overwhelmer

Vayne : *panting* I... didn't even have time to breathe...!

Anna : Hyaaah!

Vayne : Whoaa!

Sounds of swords clashing each other, then a sound of someone hit the wall.

Vayne : *gulp* I-I'm cornered!?

Anna : This is the end!

Vayne : W-Wait, no...!!

A sound of sword's swing can be heard, then a picture of Ann pointing her venom-imbued katana to Vayne's throat; only 1 mm more to scratch it... Vayne's face becomes pale, while Anna expresses the smile of victory.

Vayne : (shock) ---------!!!!

Anna : Hmm...

Anna pull out her katana away from Vayne, and put it back in its place. The next moment, she jumps in excitement.

BGM: Good Job!

Anna : I won!! My hard training in both swords and alchemy is finally paid off!!

Vayne : (still in shock) ..............

Anna :...Vayne?

Vayne : (collapse) *thud*

Anna : Vayne!?

Several moments later, Vayne awakens with Anna by his side. Vayne is lying helpless on the ground, with a heavy compress on his head. Anna is busy to get a new compress ready, and then Vayne slowly whispers to her.

Vayne : A... nna...? Wha...? Wha... t... happened...?

Anna : I won the duel, and you fainted. From my check-up, it seems you got a light heart-shock. Were you sick?

Vayne : No... I thought that... your venom katana scratch my neck, and...

Anna : *laughter* I said it could kill an elephant with the slightest scratch (which is true)...

Vayne : What?

Anna : Nope. But of course I don't want to kill you!

Vayne : For a second, I thought you were...

Anna : Of course not! You are precious to me! I'm an honoured swords girl!

Vayne : (If that's the case, shouldn't you refrain from using venom?)

Anna : What?

Vayne : Never mind. Uh, what did you say?

Anna : Of course not?

Vayne : No, the other phrase.

Anna : I'm an honoured swords girl?

Vayne : No... The middle one.

Anna : You are precious to me?

Vayne : Y-Yes, that one... Why?

Anna : I've heard from everyone else... When I collapsed before the battle with Ms. Isolde, you cried... That was because you think of me as someone important, right?

Vayne : Well, that's... *cheeks blushing*

Anna : Maybe it's kind of late to say it now, but thank you for think of me as...

Vayne : *gulp*

Anna :...Your good friend.

Vayne : ............

Anna : Well, I'm going to polish my sword now. You just rest, okay?

Anna left; only a few meters from Vayne's position, take out her variable tools for perfect sword-caring. As soon as she take out the oil and cloth, she began to polish her long katana---- Wait, when did she pull the katana out again? Damn; for speed in sword's swing, Vayne'll never catch up with her. Done with the random thinking, Vayne look up at Anna from his bedridden position. His lowerclassmen... The high (HIGH)-ly imaginative samurai girl with blue hair and small demeanour; the sharp and cunning cute swordie whom can cuts and enters dimensional hole at will, was never really get on his mind... Well; actually she did, A LOT. All for her "determined mode" which have caused dimension-rifts of terror for his workshop... Uh, "Flay's Cave". Vayne always try to keep her imagination lay low all the time he is with her, for life's sake. That's all she ever thought about her... Until now.

Vayne : No... Not just a good friend... Anna, I... I... I love you...

Suddenly, Anna turns her head at Vayne's direction.

Anna : Did you just say something?

Vayne : N-No! Nothing at all!

Anna : I see... If you ever need anything, just let me know.

Vayne : O-Okay.

Anna is busy with her sword-polish again, while Vayne thinks by himself. He's always been shy, weak, and gets carried to others' trouble... He's never been popular among girls. But this is the first time he ever had that 'strong feelings' toward one with different gender... It doesn't mean he ever had one toward a same gender though. Sulpher come out of the 'spectator's seat' made of grass, moving closer to Vayne. The slightly blue black cat can't transform nor speak human language to Vayne's ears anymore, but it still keeps its wise (and often annoying) personality. After years of training Vayne can catch some glimpse from Sulpher's meowing, though. It won't be a waste to listen.

BGM: A Boy's Worry

Sulpher: Meowr.

Vayne : You said that I'm a coward...?

Sulpher: Meow. Meowrr!

Vayne : I know; if I don't say it soon, it might be too late...

Sulpher: Meeoow.

Vayne : Yeah; if the other me still here, he would say the same.

??? : Exactly. Don't dominate her for yourself, okay? Remember, we are the same...

Vayne : *gasp*

Sulpher: Mew?

Vayne : N-Nothing...

While resting, Vayne occasionally stares at Anna from a distance. Sometimes Anna felt it, but Vayne able to hide it somehow. After a few moments, Anna have finished her sword polishing and return to Vayne. Vayne has got much better and wake up.

Anna : How do you feel?

Vayne : I'm fine now. Thanks, Anna.

Anna : You're welcome. I'm looking forward to our next duel.

Vayne : Next duel...? *sigh* I must train harder.

Anna : Well, it's about time.

Vayne : What time?

Anna : Muppy's invitation. You got one too, right?

Vayne : Muppy's... Whoa, I'm completely forgotten. He invites us all for a brief reunion at his home planet...

Anna : Besides reunion, he also said that he's got an important announcement about throne or something.

Vayne : He's gonna be a king, right? Maybe he wants us to witness his coronation.

Anna : Probably. Shall we go?

Vayne take up a portable portal device and turn it on; reveals a small energy tube blazing blue... The two enters and arrived at Muppy's home planet. Right in front of Muppy's kingdom! Its' so HUGE that Everest Mountain on Earth is only a small pieces of rock compared to this gigantic castle. It's almost scary to see a castle this huge. Most importantly, it wasn't THAT big the last time Vayne came.

Vayne : Whoaa... its improved lot more than before... Is it because of the coronation?

Anna : Oh yeah, you've been here once, Vayne. So amazing...

Suddenly, something comes out of the wall.

??? : BOO!

BGM: Ghost Girl for Mana Khemia

Vayne : Gwaah! P-Pamela!

Anna : Please don't scare him like that. He's just recovered.

Pamela : Sorry. Seeing you two come together, kind of make me jealous... Teehee.

Vayne : I-It's not like we...

Anna : We just went through a duel, that's all.

Vayne : ........

Sulpher: Meow....

Vayne : Yeah, I know. She's totally insensitive for this...

Meanwhile, Pamela and Anna are chatting.

Pamela : A duel? I bet you win!

Anna : Yes, perfectly. Vayne even fainted, so I took care of him.

Pamela : Anna treated you? How sweet!

Vayne : S-Stop it...

??? : Your heart seems to be burned in spirit!

A tall, red haired man suddenly appeared behind Vayne. He looks so muscular and carries a long claymore with chakram-like design on its edge.

BGM: Defender of Justice Has Come

Vayne : Flay!? Since when you...

Anna : He's been there for 5 seconds...

Flay : Hahahahaha! Nice instinct, Anna! And Vayne, your sense of Justice should not get dull!

Vayne : P-Psst! don't say it out loud...

Flay : Whoops. Sorry, it slipped. Anyway, how's Justice lately? Any big villains?

Vayne : Not really... It's peaceful.

Flay : Hmm, I see. Well, that's predictable with the 'Alchemy Man' around. Maybe I should----

Vayne : No, not yet! I have an important thing to do...

Anna : What are you two whispering about?

Pamela : Count me in!

??? : Tch. Still doing silly things, as always...

A blonde-haired man with old-fashioned glasses approaches the 'silly group'. He carries a small handbook wrapped in gold cover, and he's tinkling his glasses as he steps closer.

BGM: My Glasses Are Addicted

Pamela : Ooh. Roxis! BOO!

Roxis : Hmph... Sorry to disappoint, but you can't scare me anymore.

Pamela : Boo! Boring!

Flay : Hoo, Roxis! Long time no see, but it seems you've grown a lot.

Roxis : ...Sometimes, I'm wondering when your illogical analysis will be cured.

Flay : I've heard that that you've won World Class Card Game Tournament! You're the man!

Roxis : ...You're not listening to a word I said?

Anna : I've heard about it too. Congratulations.

Roxis : ...Oh, well. Thanks, but it's no big deal. More importantly... Vayne!

Roxis' glasses are sparkling with fury, as he stares at Vayne--- who is startled.

Vayne : M-me?

Roxis : What do you mean by cancelling our duel today!?

Vayne : W-Well, I have a promised duel with Anna...

Anna : Huh? But you said you were free.

Roxis : Oh, I see. Duel with her was more important, huh?

Vayne : N-not like that... Umm...

Roxis : Ah, Isee... Unbelievable...

Flay : Yeah, but that's what makes it interesting!

Pamela : Right, right!

Vayne : Everyone, wait...

As Vayne tries to change the subject, a beautiful song is heard. To the group, it's obvious who is singing, so they rush to the source. In a grand hall-like place, someone is singing on a stage-like platform. The song has just finished as they arrive. The singer jump off the stage and faces Vayne's group.

??? : Hey, everyone!

BGM: Stupid Hair Saga

Vayne : Nikki!

Nikki : Vayne! Long time no see!

Fan A : Ms. Nikki, please sing once more!

Fan B : We love you, Ms. Nikki!

Fan C : Encore! Encore!

Anna : In a flash, you already got hardcore fans...

Roxis :...Better it's not cause us trouble.

Nikki : Ooh!? Roxis is here too!?

Nikki rushes to Roxis and hug his right arm.

Roxis : Hey! Let go of me!

Pamela : My, my. Nikki gave up on Vayne and turned to Roxis?

Nikki : It's not like I'm giving up... My opponent is too strong!

Vayne : Opponent...?

Anna : Vayne got a crush? Who it might be?

Nikki : You know... A small, cute girl, but she's so scary sometimes...

Anna : ...Do we know someone like that?

Vayne : Just stop it, please...

??? : It's been a long time.

A Muppy-like creature (with different color) approach Vayne and the others.

Pamela : Why, it's Muccho!

Muccho : Yes! Nice to meet you all again. So, everyone has gathered?

Vayne : No, Jess isn't here yet...

Roxis : Right... How was she?

Vayne : Last time I saw her, she's going out.

Anna : Going out? To the towns?

Vayne : Yes. She's exploring every town and greet every people like crazy---- No, like there's no tomorrow... She's also shopping a lot while doing that; which makes me wonder, where she got so much money...

Nikki : Hehe! That's Jess, alright! She must be really happy that now she has been cured!

Flay : Of course! There's no bigger joy to man's life than freedom!

Roxis : I've never heard such phrase before... Shouldn't you say "health" instead of "freedom"?

Pamela : Boo! Roxis, Don't ruin the mood!

Roxis : Excuse my intelligence, then.

Vayne : Well, anyway! She's already out of harm's way from illness, but it was some time ago. I haven't heard any news from her lately, not even a letter.

Anna : I'm worried... After we've worked so hard to cure her, I don't want anything to happen...

Nikki : Me too...

Muccho : *cough* about M--- I mean Ms. Jess, you don't have to worry.

Pamela : Huh? You don't mean...

Muccho : Yes, she's already here.

Vayne : Really!? I didn't expect that...

Roxis : Well, we can relax now.

Muccho : Certainly. Now, shall we proceed to the King's Coronation Chamber?

Pamela : Whee! Muppy is really going to be a king!?

Nikki : I like to see that!

Flay : Hrm. Maybe that's why Jess was ahead of us; she wanted to congratulate her first-love first-time, in private.

The last two words, Flay gave the typical grin of the "Flayvor of Evil". Vayne wish he don't have to see that look veer again.

Pamela : Yes! I like to stalk them now!

Nikki : Wonder what they're doing now...? Maybe this, maybe that...

Anna : *readies her sword* Stop thinking dirty!

Vayne : W-Well... Shall we go guys?

Muccho : Right, let's go. Please, follow me. My Brother and Ms. Jess are waiting... *evil grin*

Anna feels anxious about Muppy's evil grin just then... Did he plan something evil again? Vayne tries to convince Anna that it can't be. Still, Vayne can't help but feel that they will get involved in some kind of trouble.

Done... Yeah! Actually I've wrote this story just for fun a long time ago, but I never finished it. But after seeing some good reviews for my first fanfic: Alternate Ending (Kingdom Hearts), I've decided to finish and publish this one. Speaking of which, there will be a sequel to my "Alternate Ending"! I gotta say, Bornfromdarkness has really motivated me to create this one (thanks a bunch, brother!). It still takes some time, though. Lucky you, I've attached the trailer for it in this fanfic as a surprise. Here you go!

Sora... I missed you...

"Who are you!?"

"You are not complete."

I missed you... so much...

"The time when we will meet again will doubtless to come."

"A Keyblade!?"

"You... are...?"

"Someone from the dark."

"The one you miss."

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

"I am... a mere shell."

"I am... the one and everything."

"It... Can't be! You... You...! You can't be----"

"Tell me. Tell me why he picked you!"

A shadow of someone generated beside the mysterious hooded person, reveal a familiar; yet, different face. As the keyblades lunges in closer, the shadow grows thicker--- As if SHE was real...

"Why he picked you... And not US!?"

[Alternate Ending II]

by superecho