A/N: Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Sorry about leaving, some really depressing shit's been going on. Chap for Gohan's Sorrow will be up hopefully tonight, if I can finish it before I leave Thanksgiving break. Enjoy this until then!

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or Avatar

Goku stared at the squirming baby in the pod. Gohan, he had named him, though he wasn't sure why. It just felt right, he supposed. Goku was born and raised on Planet Vegeta by his father, Bardock, and he wished the same for his son. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like Planet Vegeta was going to last that long, nor did it seem that the remaining Sayians would survive the wrath of Lord Frieza. Goku shivered at the thought of his name. Sayians were once a fierce race of proud super warriors, who not too long ago sold their services as mercenaries to an Ice-Jin named Frieza. His powers surpassed that of even King Vegeta, which he would never admit. So he thought it best to keep his enemy close. But all of a sudden, Frieza started sending troops to exterminate the Sayians. Goku sighed sadly. He might not make it through this battle, but knowing that his son might make it gave him hope.

"Right…here I come Frieza…" He said as lifted the baby from the pod. He went outside to his ship and placed him inside and set the co-ordinates. The people there seemed to him accepting enough, but as a precaution, he removed his tail. "I want you to be accepted where you're going." And with that, he sent the ship on its way. He turned a looked up at the ship that hovered in the black-red sky. That's where Frieza was. "I'll come to get you soon, my son." He said through clenched teeth, and took off.

Goku and Bardock were the fighting ferociously, even in their current state. Friza watched in his throne, amused as Goku took out another two of his soldiers. After a few minutes he began to grow bored. He raised his finger into the air summoning a giant black ball. He hurled it at him ending every single Sayian. Well…save for the baby boy, but Frieza saw him as no harm and let him go. He sighed with satisfaction. "Ah, now wasn't that fun!"