T.T I am soooooo sorry! I'm giving you another author note chapter. I feel so horrible.

Like an idiot I didn't back up the files on my jump drive so when I tried to transfer everything over to my new laptop I got the other day most of my stuff got wiped out.

I even had chapter 11 written out but it got deleted along with 95% of my personal drabbles (that I was gonna post as well) and 30% of my pictures. I even lost some scholarship essays. I am completely bummed and feeling utterly useless at this point in time. I'm also heading to school on the 16th so that's even more stress added to my fried brain right now, but hey lesson learned back things up.

Another problem I'm having is that I forget the majority of the stuff I wrote for chapter 11 and where the hell I'm going with Hana Kitty.

It'll be very helpful if you send me reviews on your guys' thoughts on Hana Kitty or anything else you may want me to post (i.e. drabbles, one shots).

AKU wolf-chick