I do not own any of the characters present in this. They belong to DC Comics (Batman, in particular). This was done purely for fun.

A soft groan escaped from the villain as feeling slowly began to return to his body. His neck was killing him, as were other various parts of his body. His eyelids fluttered open after he drew a hissing breath in, pain shooting through his chest. He felt like he was moving; each slight bounce he felt made his neck scream in pain. He realized he was staring up at the dark interior of a vehicle, craning his neck.

Jervis Tetch finally brought his head forward so he was sitting in the seat he was in properly. He felt like a bobble-head; if he wasn't so disoriented, he would have started giggling at the thought. His droopy eyes fell to his lap, where his gloved hands rested. He noticed the handcuffs around his wrists with the all-too-familiar bat resemblance.

The grogginess began to lift as his eyes rose to the windshield. He hardly saw the road flying by beneath them. His memories of his brief battle with the Caped Crusader flashed through his mind.

He blinked dully and looked to his left. Sure enough, sitting in the driver's seat of the vehicle, was the Batman. The Mad Hatter had been caught, again, and was being transported via the Batmobile back to the doctors and orderlies of Arkham Asylum.

"Well," Jervis began after making a clicking sound with his tongue, "I guess you caught me."

Batman's eyes never left the road before him. He held the steering wheel with a rock-hard grip. "That is an astute assumption, Jervis," he replied in a low voice before falling silent.

A single laugh escaped from the Mad Hatter and a grin plastered itself to his face. He began to study the inside of the Batmobile. "Y'know, this is the first time I've actually not been unconscious in your car…" He turned in his seat and looked behind him. "You have no back windows."

The Dark Knight said nothing. His brow hardened beneath his cowl and his eyes narrowed slightly, hinting at the fact that he was getting annoyed.

Jervis turned back around and stared at Batman. "How do you reverse this thing?" Before there was the possibility of an answer, the sandy-haired man had looked out his passenger-side window. "You have no mirrors, either…"

He pressed his face against the cool glass in an attempt to see the side of the car. "You must have some serious blind spots…" He started laughing to himself as he faced forward. "You're literally driving "blind as a bat," aren't you?"