Previously- 30th of October- Harry enters the alternate universe. He stays at the three broomsticks and discovers what he believes is his alternate version, Charlus. 31st of October, Halloween- Harry suffers from his first of the nightmares, changes his appearance slightly, Death eaters attack Hogsmeade. Morfin, Harry's true alterself, kills Dumbledore. Harry is labelled a threat and possible Death Eater by Aurors and the Order. Harry escapes to the leaky cauldron. 32nd of December- Death Eaters ponder of their next move and plan to try and recruit Harry- Or show him his place. Harry suffers from another nightmare, buys a kneazle and sends a message to the order, who where in the middle of their meeting:-

(A mistake was pointed out in my last ch.- the date was the 32nd not the 33rd, so we aren't going back a day- hopefully the quick sum above might help people get back on track with the jumpy story line, till I go back and make everything a little more ordered)

32nd of October- Grimmauld place.

It wasn't long before the first Order of the Phoenix meeting, without Dumbledore at its head, began to go ahead. The Longbottoms being the first to arrive. Alice and Frank Longbottom were still alive and sane in this world, though Frank lost his wand arm in a fight with Death Eaters. He had it replaced with an enchanted prosthetic limb, but nevertheless, he couldn't use his wand the same way any more. However he was offered a position of Potions Master at Hogwarts, with Slughorn assisting him, due to his skill at potions and that it didn't require too much wand work. Neville, as a result of both parents being there to support him, was more confident in this world then the other, though he still held some of his clumsiness, which just seemed to be part of being Neville Longbottom.

"Hey Charlus." Neville gave the False Boy Who Lived a weak smile, the death of Dumbledore weighing heavily on his large heart. He broke away from his parents and made his way to stand beside Charlus.

Charlus gave a 'Hey' back along with a polite nod to Mrs and Mr Longbottom, who looked anxious and worried, no doubt eager for the rest of the Order to arrive so that they could discuss the plan of action- now that Dumbledore was no longer there to lead them. They barely even returned his nod before disappearing to join the other adults in the study.

"Who else is there to come?" Neville asked curiously, looking around to see if he could spot anyone.

"The Weasleys haven't arrived yet- I expect that they'll be getting in touch with Charlie and Bill, before they arrive here. Maybe Charlie and Bill will come too, though I don't know if they could be excused from their jobs that quickly," Charlus motioned for Neville to follow him up to his room, both boys being joined by Connor, who simply didn't want to be by himself while the adults were busy, "Then Moody needs to return- I don't know why he left, probably just to check up on things. Then Pr. McGonagall, once she get the chance to escape the chaos of the school, has to try and come, though she mentioned in a floo earlier she doesn't know if she'll be able to."

Charlus' room was remarkably tidy for a teenage boy's room- there was a few school books and the odd muggle comic strewn about the place. Charlus enjoyed reading the comic books, because muggles seemed to have more imagination then most wizards, maybe due to their lack of knowledge on the basic rules of magic- Super beings that could control weather by will, shape-shift into anything and retain the ability to talk or never die due to rapid healing rates? Charlus thought it was brilliant insanity. But other then that, the room had a clearly visible floor and the bed wasn't a tangled mess.

Connor would likely change that if Charlus didn't keep an eye on him, so he let the six year old boy read one of the older comics, ignoring the complaints that it was broken because it didn't move. Connor had yet to understand that muggle pictures and photos were meant to be static. Charlus sat in his study chair, allowing Neville to sit on the bed. Neville didn't look much better then his parents; as if he was waiting for someone to come tell him that it was over, they'd lost. Charlus just felt numb.

"Do you think Luna will come?" Neville was searching for a conversation topic, but was avoiding the one he wanted to bring up: 'What's going to happen now?'. So instead, he picked one he was much more comfortable with; friends.

Charlus shook his head, "She rarely can. Her father is too... eccentric and absent minded to be allowed to join the Order and he would want come as well if she did. She only comes here if my parents feel up to coping with Xenophilius'... abstractness, or if she can come by herself."

Charlus studied Neville quickly and was about to talk about his belief that his parents were even trying to exclude him from Order knowledge, even though it obviously involves him somehow- Why else would they be so stubbornly hiding it?- when the floo sounded again. Charlus decided that he could wait till later, as he didn't feel like speaking about with the Weasley children, who would most likely be the ones arriving, and that Neville probably would say the same things like last time:

'We are a bit young, though, aren't we?'

'I'm sure they'd tell you if they felt they should. They know best, right?'

'They're only trying to protect you.'

Connor dropped the comic book and raced past Charlus, calling to Fred and George, while Charlus and Neville calmly made their way back down to greet the red-headed family. Still, s soon as Charlus entered the room, Mrs. Weasley had him in a bear hug. Despite not having the same bond that Harry and Mrs. Weasley had in the other world, the firm but kind woman had too big a heart to treat Charlus overly formerly. Connor would have most likely have been hugged also, if he hadn't managed to avoid her and tackle the unusually serious Twins. They put on a smile for the 'honorary Weasley', though, returning Connor's attention.

"How are you doing, dear? oh- nevermind, that was a silly question to ask..." Mrs Weasley pulled back to get a good look at Charlus, examining him with motherly concern. He smiled at her and said he'd survive, before letting her give a similar, if slightly less motherly, treatment to Neville. The Order had stayed strong in this world, so the families knew each other well, often becoming unofficial Aunts and Uncles to each others children.

"Molly! Arthur!" Lily greeted the couple, almost a little too joyfully considering the sombre atmosphere. Mrs Weasley instantly went to give her a warm hug, making somewhat weak, small-talk about Lily's unborn child, mentioning how she hoped for Lily's sake it was going to be a girl. Arthur gave Lily the best smile he could manage, before moving to greet the other four adults who had come to greet the family. The brief moment of happiness past, and the adults returned to the study, speaking in hushed voices, leaving the young adults in an awkward silence.

"... What's going to happen now, do you think?" Ginny broke the tension, brave enough to ask the question that they were all thinking, except maybe Connor. She sat on one of the couches, her brother, Ron, sitting beside her, looking more uncomfortable. For a moment all they could do was stare at her, not coming up with an answer, before Neville looked expectantly at Charlus, but he wasn't the one to answer.

"I'll tell you what happens- Bad things, like 'You-know-who-taking-over' bad." Ron blurted out, and received an elbow from his sister. The twins, George temporarily distracted as he played Connor, sighed dramatically.

"Oh dear, looks like Ronald's lost his nerve-" Began George.

"Not that he had much to begin with." Ended Fred. Ron muttered a curse under his breath at the two, and Charlus had to hide a grin. He knew it was mean and immature of him to have this rivalry with Ron, but he couldn't help it. They were two totally different personalities. Ginny, however, stuck up for her brother.

"Knock it off you two. You know you're thinking it could happen too. But it won't, right Charlus?" Ginny looked at him with confidence. She'd long since given up on her crush returning her feelings, but still had a lot of faith and, oddly, pride in him. Neville nudged Charlus, encouraging him to answer, and Charlus faltered for a minute. He wasn't a Gryffindor, that he could make uplifting and brave speeches. He was a Ravenclaw, who could analyse the situation and realise how dire things were. He could figure out that things where going to get worse, drastically, but he also knew he couldn't say that.

"Right... I mean, when push comes to shove, the wizarding world will fight back. Up until now, Voldermort's been the bogeyman. The Terrorist, as mum calls him. The wizarding world fears him, but see's him as a threat they can pretend isn't happening. That they hope some one else will deal with. When they're forced to realise this isn't true... We'll fight back. Voldermort won't be given the chance to take over." Charlus did his best to keep his voice certain, and steady. He was the Boy Who Lived. He was going to be a figure head of this war. He couldn't afford to look weak- not even in front of friends... How he hated that title. One he never even truly earned. How can you expect a baby to consciously survive a Death Eater attack? It's not as if one year old him picked up a wand and fought back, valiantly. He survived, by chance. He wasn't going to delude himself and think otherwise.

"Y-yeah! I mean, most of these Death eaters are spoilt pure-bloods right? They're not as loyal, as u-us. We're fighting not only because we choose to, but because we have to- They'll.. they won't be able to stand up against us, not when we all fight back- which we have to, and will!" Neville, always there for him, came to Charlus' aid. Ron looked sceptical, and the twins looked thoughtful for a moment, even Connor stopping to listen. Ginny smiled confidently.

"Told you. Any way, why are we worrying about something that's not happening yet? What do you think they're talking about in there?" Ginny nodded to the study door, and Charlus found himself agreeing with her. He really did want to find out what they were talking about.

Fred grinned, and pulled what looked like an ear out of his pocket, "How about we find out, hm?"

Charlus blinked, before smiling back. Now all they had to do was wait for Moody and McGonagall.


"This is bad, James." Frank looked at the others, before fixing his eyes on James' " I agree with you, I really do- That we can't just give up because Dumbledore is gone. But how long can Minervra keep Hogwarts? How long till the Death Eaters get confident enough to do ever bolder attacks? How long will the ministry stay in the right hands?" Frank stopped looking around. He was a kind hearted man, usually with a soft touch, but when it came to the Order he wasn't afraid to say what everyone else was thinking. James rubbed his face- And they were all thinking it. It just seemed so much worse to hear be said seemed to have been nominated as the new Head of the Order, despite no discussions o votes happening on the matter. And he was finding it was even harder then he'd imagined.

"Minervra will keep Hogwarts as long as we keep the Ministry in the right hands. And as long as we keep the Ministry, Death Eaters will keep to their shadows." James stated this firmly, more confident in his words, then his son was in his speech. James was a true Gryffindor. He could make you believe you had a chance of running on lava, with out being burnt, so long as you tried hard enough.

The others though, weren't as convinced. McGonnagal looked somewhat embarassed due to the discussion being over her ability to hold Hogwarts. Lily stroked her belly nervously, offering her husband a supportive smile. Frank and Arthur sat pensively, while Alice and Molly shared a look. Tonks, who didn't think she'd be able to arrive, had difficulty keeping her hair a confident shade of pink. Only Sirius came to his defense.

" 'Course. It's not like the Death Eater ever have a chance of winning. They're more like a creepy pure blood club that's gotten out of hand." Sirius grinned at James, backing him up, much like how Neville did for Charlus. However, even Sirius' grin faltered when Moody looked prepared to speak.

He sat up straight, Fawkes, who perched on his shouldered, mimicked the action, making the oncoming lecture even more imposing, " Wipe that stupid grin of your face, boy. They're as much as a tea party as we are. This is war- and we're approaching the climax." Moody's magicked eye flicked over each one of them, as if daring them to state otherwise. "The Pure-bloods already have the Ministry. It's only a matter of time before they begin to wield it. What then, hm?" He growled.

"They'll replace Minervra with one of their own. Then the portraits will talk. And then, the news about your son. Or have you all forgotten that Harry- the one the prophecy applies to is playing Death Eater for his 'daddy'. Did you?" James flinched and Lily sought out his hand with one of her one, needing comfort.

"And what do you suggest we do Moody?" James bit out, " Harry is still our son. And unless you have forgotten, we need him. He's the only one who can defeat Voldermort."

"That boy is as much your son as I'm this bird's mother. And as for a matter of needing him, that all depends on your interpretation of the prophecy".

Silence washed over the Order, most looking shocked by Alastor's words. Their shock grew greater, however, as Lily drew her wand on him. James seemed torn between calming her down, and joining her. Sirius, who sat beside her, took the dive and tried to get her to lower her wand.

"Come on Lils, we can't do this righ-"

"Take it back! Take it back, right now! He is our son. My baby, you hear! I won't let you hurt him, Alastor. It doesn't matter wha- He didn't know what he was doing. That bastard stole him from us. But we can get him back. We can save him- we can get our boy back-" Lily's voice cracked, and finally allowed Sirius to sit her down, James embracing his now sobbing wife, as her hormonally heightened maternal rage fell into despair. The others glanced at Moody.

"You don't really mean that, do you Moody? I mean... We know what he's done but...there's gotta be another way" Tonks questioned her Mentor timidly, as if she couldn't think of another option either, but couldn't accept the proposed one.

" I do think we're being a bit rash, Alastor. We haven't even seen him, yet alone talked to him. We have theories yes- but we can't decide anything on so little evidence." McGonagall added.

"Anyway, is this really a topic we need to discuss right now? This is something we have to take time to think calmly as possible. And I believe we were discussing issues with the Ministry- Lily doesn't need this right now." Molly firmly told Moody, but he just scoffed.

"It's the same bloody topic. To beat this war, to keep the Ministry as uncorrupted as possible, to disperse the Death Eaters, we need to kill Voldermort. And that has everything to do with Harry." Moody paused, and they all considered this.

The Prophecy said that Harry had the power to defeat the Dark lord, but not that he would. It said the either must die at the others hands, but not who. It said neither could live while the other survived, but so far no one could figure out what that meant, beside it meaning that their quality of life would be non-existent while they both breathed. The Prophecy could mean any number of things. It could mean Harry had to die for Voldemort to be defeated. It could mean that Harry had to be converted back to the light side. It could mean that Harry was already doomed to fail. But it was true. The only way for the war to be one was if Voldemort was defeated, and they needed Harry to do that.

Finally Arthur broke the silence. "I know, as a father of seven myself, that this isn't decision to be made lightly. I know you want this decided now Moody, but that's just unreasonable. Give us all time to think. Mean while, we can address another issue- who's head of the Order now, for instance. I don't believe any of us wish to disband."

Alice was about to speak when a wave of magic radiated thought the house, warning bells quite literally chiming. Moody and Tonks were quick to react, drawing their wands, the others not far behind them. "James! Which alarm was that?" Moody spun towards the door, upsetting the young Fawkes clinging onto his shoulder.

"Front door!" James shouted, and the others hurried into action. Molly took Lily upstairs, shouting at any children she could see to get upstairs to safety. Sirius and Frank went to make sure the other entrances were secure as well. Alice, Arthur and McGonagall got into position behind Tonks and Moody, while James checked the front door. James carefully approached the door, wand at the ready, before glancing through the enchanted peek hole, allowing him to fully examine all parts of his garden before he opened the door.

"Well? What's out there?" Moody growled. James just shook his head.

"Nothing. Nothings out there. It was only a small alarm, but still- what ever it was had to have been magical- and somehow got through the fidelius charm. How is that even possible?" James glanced, confused and worried, back at them. By this time Frank and Sirius had come back with clear reports.

James took another glance, before deciding to look outside with a call for cover, in case there was anything still out there. Gryffindor courage could tackle anything, but this danger was threatening his family's safety. As he slowly pulled the door back a few images of possible consequences of opening the door- unleashing a horde of Death Eaters into his house, or compromising the last thread of secrecy they have but the simple act of opening the door. Still, he took a breath, and pulled it all the way back, wand sweeping the front of the house like a metal-detector for danger.

Seeing nothing, he stepped outside the safety of his home, knowing his friends were ready and waiting behind him. He was, however, not expecting the soft noise of a paper roll being crushed. Surprised he pulled his foot back and stared at the intruding item.

A letter.

There was a letter on his doorstep, a doorstep no one he didn't trust should be able to see. And everyone he trusted would have sent and owl, or at least knocked, or done something other then leave a small rolled up letter and bolted. Picking it up, wand still ever ready, the paper unfurled, and he skim read it. Then had to double check. Then had to call for Mad-Eye, slamming the door behind him. Alastor looked baffled, and demanded to know what he was holding, but James just told everyone to go back to the meeting room. Now.

"What's this about, man? Is that a letter? Tell us already!" Moody's eye erratically examined every millimetre of the paper from where he stood, and James knew that it'd be able to discern what some of the words were before everyone had arrived.

"Lily, Molly! You're needed back down here!" James called out of the door, and was answered with an unhappy grumble from Molly, who also snapped at the children to go back to their rooms. James needed them all here. He only really fully understood part of the letter, but that doesn't change the sheer weight this thing had. Someone knew where they were, who they were. This person seemed well informed on Voldemort, and could very likely be a Death Eater themselves. And the Information contained... was unbelievable, but disturbing.

"James? What's going on, love?" Lily, asked concerned, finally entering the room with a disgruntled Mrs. Weasley. James closed the door behind the two, before putting the letter on the table, still looking panicky. Finally, after everyone stared at the seemingly innocent piece of paper, Alastor picked it up and read it aloud.

The Order listened, faces growing more serious and the atmosphere became tense. They all realised how momentous this letter was. What it said, what it meant. Alastor even hesitated before speaking.

"Horcrux. Horcrux-es. They're almost considered a myth in the Auror department. Barely mentioned. I did more research..." Alastor snapped his mouth shut, before looking to make sure they were all paying complete attention, "A Horcrux is made by putting part of your soul in an object. It guarantees a immortality of half-life" Moody spat.

"If this letter is true," He continued "Then it's worse then I feared. We'd have no hope of defeating Voldemort if even one of these things remained." The order stayed Silent, before Alice finally got chance to speak.

"You don't really believe it, do you? A Horcrux is a thing of legend, and we're expected to believe an Mr 'H' that Voldermort has multiple Horcruxes?" Others seemed to share Alice's sentiment, but Alastor just scoffed.

"Do I look that gullible to you? Of course not! Still theres truth within every lie and every tale, and I'll find out what truth this letter holds. It could be false. It could be a scare tactic. Or, it could be true- why lie about something as unbelievable as separating ones soul into seven pieces."

The order broke out into heated debate, about who the sender could possibly, their intentions, how believable and how true the information was. It was agreed the person knew Voldermort well- too well. Death Eater, Ex or not, was still not to be trusted. And who else could it be but a D.E?

Lily just stared at the initial H. She knew it was silly, that it was foolish, but she couldn't help it. The motherly side of her hoped, with all it's heart, that it was him. Her boy. Her Harry. Her more sensible side scoffed, and berated it's other half. But it wished it was as well. It just knew better then to hope. Hope their son was coming back to them.

"R.A.B, huh. Wonder if this D.E was mates with my brother. Although, he's been dead a while." Sirius' seemingly unthought out comment gained him much attention, and snapped Lily out of her thoughts, "Well... I mean he became a Death Eater, and got himself killed, the bastard. And it's not like I see my brother stealing his beloved master's soul-in-a-locket. And anyway.. there must be plenty of people with R.A.B as their initials... right?" Sirius explained himself, looking around for support to his thoughts.

Moody looked thoughtful for a while, before being brought out his thoughts by a fidgeting Phoenix, who'd just woken up from a nap. He didn't even know Phoenixes rested, but then again, being hit by a killing curse was bad for anyone's health. Fawkes was taking longer then he liked to grow back to adulthood again. Not that he didn't like the bird, but he didn't like children of any species.

"Maybe. But no stone should be left unchecked, no back unguarded. Constant vigilance." Moody stared at Sirius, " Did your brother show any signs of defecting? That he knew of something important, as important as a Horcrux?"

Sirius just shrugged. "I didn't see him often enough to know"

Moody growled, and snatched up the letter, "Tonks, with me. We're going to see what we can find out about Mr. H. As for you lot. Think about what I said about Potter, and the new information you've received. Don't take it as the honest truth, but never dismiss it." He paused, "Oh, and elect a new Head. We can't keep squabbling amongst ourselves like ignorant children."

Tonks gave a 'catch'ya later', before following the Ex-Auror out, leaving the others to mull over everything that happened during the hectic meeting.

Lily was the first to break the silence, "I'm going up to rest dear. I'm far too tired" Lily rose uncertaintly, her pregnant belly and fatigue putting her off balance. James joined her, and accompanied her back to their room. Sirius just sighed and rubbed his face.

"Anyone want a cup of tea? Or something stronger? I got a dry throat from all that 'banter'." Sirius offered, getting up and heading towards the drink cabinet. McGonagall declined, but Frank accepted. The others, accepted the offer of tea.

"I knew he was evil. But do you really think he was, is, capable of such a thing- splitting his soul?" McGonagall asked, looking horrified.

The others just shook their heads, Molly mentioning something about 'never putting anything by that monster'. Arthur, seemingly trying to change the topic away from such a morbid subject asked the Transfiguration teacher how it was going with Hogwarts, but didn't find it to be a much lighter conversation.

"Dreadful. Parents are refusing to let children come back, calling them out during school time. And the... Magic feels gone. As in the feel of welcoming, of warmth, and safety. The halls feel cold and dead. It's as if the very school is grieving. And let me tell you, I'm having a hard time myself, stuck up there with all those damn accusing Portraits." She sighed and shook her head, "Speaking of which, I really should be heading back. Good evening to you all." The Acting Head-mistress bid them all, before heading to the fire place. Soon after the Longbottoms and Weasleys mentioned there own needs to leave, despite Sirius assuring them they could sty the night if they really wanted to.

When the children were called down to say goodbye, most looked a little shaken, and stressed. Charlus appeared almost cold with his stoic expression. But Sirius expected that. After all, there was that panic with the alarms going off, and Charlus hated to kept out of things. He needed to know everything. That's what probably got him stuck in Ravenclaw.


Charlus wasn't sure what to feel. He was Angry. He was Shocked. Betrayed. Sad. Frightened.

His own supposedly dead brother. Poor Harry. The twin that didn't survive. The Twin that made him The-Boy-Who-Lived. The twin that killed Dumbledore, while wearing his face. Poor, Bastard, Harry.

And his parents thought keeping this from him was a good idea? Letting him believe he was destined to defeat Voldermort, save the world, while really that responsibility fell to his long lost twin, who, by the way, seemed to get the wrong owl. He killed Dumbledore, not Voldermort.

It was insanity. And he didn't know how to cope with it.

"Uh, Ch-Charlus?" Neville nervously stuttered, watching his friend pace. They'd all listened in, barely getting the ear up and hidden when that alrm went off and the adults had rushed out. Only Connor, who couldn't really understand who Harry was, didn't share everyone elses show and anxiety. Charlus could practically feel them waiting for him to... do something. Explode. Break down in Tears. Declare vengeance upon his evil twin. He wished Luna was there. She'd say something. Something insane, to fit the occasion, but wise. Good, cryptic advice. Luna was good at that. Instead he sighed, and tried to figure out what to say to the people he was sharing his room with.

" I'm fine- well, no I'm not. I'm just... I can't believe this. They where hiding this from me?" The others looked at eachother, before looking back at Charlus.

" least you know, now, right? A-and you're no longer responsible for everyone. S-so there's a bright side, see?" Neville only stuttered when he was really nervous, and it hurt Charlus even more to see his friend return to old habits. And he didn't find that thought all that comforting. He may no longer feel it's his duty, but the wizarding world still did. And he didn't think he'd get much sympathy if they knew the truth. He'd be the pretender. The false-hope.

"And there's not a lot you can actually do, is there?" Charlus glared at Ron, who balked a bit, but then met Charlus' eyes, " I mean, think about it. Your brother killed Dumbledore. You have no chance. You might want to kill him, but that doesn't look like a possibility, does it?" Ron argued pessimistically. Though, Charlus hated to admit it, he had a point. If 'Harry' could defeat Voldemort, and likely commit all the other crimes attributed to the 'Young Death Eater', then Charlus would be no match for him, one on one.

"Not much help, are you Ron. Look, Charlus, before you get yourself worked up on this, you really do need to think 'what can I do', before asking 'what should I do'." Ginny took the role of counsellor, and received supportive agreements from Neville. The Twins had taken Connor else where, to avoid him getting upset. Charlus sat himself down, ready to be patronized, while trying to keep control of his emotions.

"First things first- what's done can't be undone. It doesn't matter what your parent did or didn't tell you. Your Brother might be a Death Eater, but you can't do anything about what's already been done. So; You can either stay angry at your parents, which won't do anything but make things work, or use that Ravenclaw intelligence I hear so much about and figure out why they did what they did, and deal with it."

While it was sound advice, Charlus felt the need to snap, but one concerned and worried look from Neville made him bite his tongue. So, Ravenclaw intelligence. He had that- he could use it. He wasn't so sure about forgiving and forgetting just yet, nor letting his parents get away with out giving him a bloody good explanation themselves. But he could approach this rationally. But Ginny wasn't done yet.

"And you can't take Harry or Voldermort on by yourself. So forget about that. If your going to do anything, it's with everyone else. We have to stick together. And... with your brother. That's up to you and your family." Ginny sighed.

Charlus sighed to. They hadn't come to any conclusion. Ginny had just listed things 'not to do'. A knock sounded at the door, before on of the red head of a Weasley Twin peeked through to look around the room.

"Oh good, nothing's been blown up then" The twin said, before both came in saying, "Splendid" at the same time, before starting their dual monologue.

"Because, while you where all having a nice group chat, we decided that we should..."

"Do something useful. Like finding out what al that fuss was about earlier."

"Turns out we got an anonymous tip"

"About You-Know-Who"

"It appears he's even more devious and evil then we thought"

"It appears he's created 'Horcruxes'. Ring a bell Ravenclaw?" Charlus shook his head.

"Well, if it wasn't one huge fib, then it seems Voldermort can't be truely killed till all of these Horcrux things have been destroyed first"

"Thought you might like to know. Since you like knowing things, the little Ravenclaw you are."

"Any way, Toodles. We Weasleys are being called home. You too Longbottom."

The group blinked, try to process the seemingly vague, yet important information they'd been given, as well as the call to leave. Charlus sighed, and followed them out. As they walked past Connor's room, Charlus could see the Twins, or someone else at least, had put him to bed. The Twins, despite teasing Ron horrifically, could be surprisingly big brotherly.

Charlus watched them leave, barely registering the good-byes, as he thought on what he'd been told; figure out what you can do and Horcruxes.

Aye, aye, aye. Long time no read, eh? I'm Sorry about that, I really am. But things happen. My Granpa died, not long before my exams. So I just couldn't sit myself down and write, let alone meet deadlines. And once I dropped it, I couldn't seem to pick it back up. And I've lost my notes, and am trying to remember what I wanted to add. And I've got more sad news I'm afraid. I won't be able to continue this. I'm going on a Gap year to Japan next year, and I've got my A levels to earn this year, along with fundraising for said trip. So, I will try to get further with this, before seeing if anyone wishes to adopt it. I do enjoy creating stories, but Fanfiction is for fun- not an obligation. To anyone interested in possibly adopting this story, pm me. If you appear to be able to continue the quality of the story, or raise it, we can talk about maybe cowriting a few chapters, where we want the plot to go, before I hand it over fully. Again, I apologise to all my readers for my slowness and irregularity.