Disclaimer- This is on for a reason. It's Fan fiction and hence the characters, places, so on so on do not belong to me. They belong to J.K Rowling. However, I do enjoy messing about with them.

Full Summary- Harry is revealed to be a Horcrux and is sent to an alternate reality in a last ditch attempt to stop Voldermort rising again. However this alternate reality contains twin Harrys, not-dead-parents, strange going ons, wrong boy who lives, dark alter egos, Ravenclaws and sword fights with dark creatures. Well, I never!

I'll probably put up replies to reviews ( And I do hope to get some) on my profile, rather then on the actual story chapters.

(AzraeltheFallen- thanks for pointing out that nasty error.)

I hope you enjoy, starts off slow, picks up after prologue part-

We have all heard of alternate and parallel universes. The idea that one decision, one choice, one change in chance can create a whole other world. Perhaps that choice has to be important to have an impact of the outcome of things- loosing a penny or deciding to wear your hair up rather then down, when you weren't going out anyway, isn't going to change anything. But something such as deciding who lives, who dies, who you should trust with something important to a whole society can change everything.

And we all know about the story of The-Boy-Who-Lived, Harry Potter. We know about how his parents were murdered, how he was raised, how he seemed to attract trouble and overcame a new challenge each year. We know that he defeated He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, Voldermort, Tom Marvolo Riddle. We know that to do so he lost friends, mentors and allies. But, in the end, we know he had a somewhat happy life with his wife Ginny and their children, Albus, James and Lily.

However, if a decision was made differently, we would have a slightly different outcome. We would know the story, up till a point. This point would be some time after gaining Slytherin's locket. What should have been a good idea, with good intentions, ended up destroying large amount of hope left in those resisting the Dark Lord. Hermione, in her brilliance, remembered an old tracking spell, one that was used specifically to track down someone's soul. In order to do so, you needed to have that persons soul in the first place, or in the case of hunting down Horcruxes, a Horcrux could be used.

It was planned that by using the spell on the locket they could then track down the last ones quickly. But in doing so they also revealed that Harry was a Horcrux. And, as important and devastating news always manages to do, this information reached the public of the magical community- perhaps not that Harry was a Horcrux, but that Harry must die, in order for the Dark Lord to die and to never return. How such information was spread is still a mystery, but it was thought that during one of the few times they were captured a death eater managed to look into their minds and then used it to destroy the light sides moral.

And so, even though Harry had defeated Voldermort, at the age of 19, the magical community wanted his death. Yes, he was a saviour, yes he was The-Boy-Who-Lived, but now he was the only thing that could allow Voldermort to come back. They were scared and they had lost so much to the war, and were terrified of it happening again. Harry had to die.

Which was why Harry, now 20, was standing in Dumbledore's office, one of the few truly safe locations left, with Hermione drawing symbols and glyphs around him. Those who were still alive and loyal to Harry were making sure that the Hogwarts grounds were still secured and Harry's life was in no immediate danger from hired assassins, desperate witches and wizards and the bitter and angry Death eaters that were still alive after the war.

"Hermione? Not that I'm not grateful or trying to rush you but.... Just how long will this take? I've been standing here for hours now and my legs are killing me," Harry complained, and received a small scowl from the busy Hermione. She was cautiously, and thus painstakingly slowly, copying down each symbol and mark onto a complex set of lines within a circle, from an ancient text, and occasionally telling him to be still in a frustrated voice.

"Harry, I can't risk anything going wrong- the symbols have to be exact, in the exact location and the added work of having to be specific with it means I have to consider each variable, check things through with Arithmancy, Apparition studies, my knowledge of ancient runes and-" Hermione caught the almost worried look on Harry's face and huffed at him for pulling a face at her detailed explanation, "You have to stay still Harry. I don't want to risk the spell not acknowledging you as the subject. This is such a detailed and untested spell- it only has a few recorded events of being done, and it is impossible to tell if it actually worked- and I'm having to alter it to fit our needs, I just, I don't want you to..." Hermione bit her lip, stopping herself from continuing.

The spell itself was dimension travel, widely believed impossible and having very little evidence to support it. This was a last resort. Attempts on Harry's life had increased and even Harry's friend knew that something had to be done to destroy the last piece of Voldermort's soul. In this world things played out differently and Harry never found out by chance that if he was The Master of Death, (as he still was in this world), that a killing curse from the Elder wand would kill the Horcrux but not him. So finding another method to destroy the soul piece, without killing Harry, was impossible- which was why the normally rational Hermione was desperate enough to look into irrational methods, one of which was sending Harry, and thus the soul piece, to another reality. Whether or not it worked, well...

No one had ever actually come back (Or, for that matter, had anyone from another reality visit this one). So it could very possibly be that this spell, while meant to send something or someone to another reality, simply vanished them out of existence completely; killing them. Though, this was actually what Harry wanted. Death.

Go to an alternate universe where no one knows you or die and go to your loved ones in the after life? No competition, was there? However Harry couldn't commit suicide or recklessly try and get himself killed. No, that would destroy the friends he left behind, who had fought to keep him alive during the war. If this spell, which he doubted even Hermione truly thought would work, gave them some sort of comfort, that he was off in another universe befriending the alternate versions of them, then he would go through with all this fuss.

"Well..." Hermione had finally composed herself after drawing a few last symbols onto the already complicated circle of glyphs, symbols, words and various ingredients, "I've managed to work in some specifications so that if- when it sends you to another reality, it'll send you to one with certain acquirements- A blood spell, so that maybe you can find you're family? I know you weren't sure if you wanted to be in one were you might already exist, but... I can't stand the thought of you being completely alone, and maybe this way you'll finally get to meet you parents."

"And Voldermort's soul piece? Is there a chance he'll be resurrected from it in the new world?" Harry genuinely was worried about that, after all unleashing a meglomaniac onto another universe didn't seem the polite thing to do.

Hermione looked worried for a moment as she thought but then shock her head, "Shouldn't do. Souls are tricky things, Harry, but I think they are unique to each person, even to universes. The soul changes with person so it will never be the same as another. So it's not like you'll bond to another Tom Riddle and I don't think he can regenerate if that soul piece is removed from the reality that his 'shadow' is in. I hope."

It wasn't that reassuring, but Harry trusted Hermione's logic.

Harry was still not sure what he actually wanted in another universe, if he ever was actually sent to one, but decided it was better to humour Hermione's queries. Should he have asked for one where he never existed, maybe where no one he knew well existed, so that he wouldn't have to deal with the pain of knowing someone, but not being known? To start again? Or... should he ask for one where the people he lost were still alive? To try and fit back in with those he'd loved, like his family and some of his friends..

"By interweaving a blood spell, does that mean that it'll find one were a 'Harry Potter' already exists? That'd be the closest match to my blood after all-"

"I've tried to work around that Harry." Hermione cut him off with a 'don't you think I thought of that' look. "I've chosen a blood spell that specifically finds immediate family, but there is a chance that there is already a 'you' there. You have been working on that cover story I asked you to make, right? After all I've targeted it so that you'll end up in Britain, some where away from people- which was extremely difficult to do by the way- so you'll need to think up an excuse for your lack of records, both magical and muggle."

When Harry hesitated Hermione sighed. Harry had tried to think of one, but he'd also been preoccupied with other things, like not being killed and trying to deal with the loss of loved ones. And it didn't seem like there was much point, as this was very unlikely to work. Hermione dusted herself off, standing up and examining the entire drawing she stared at Harry sadly for a moment.

"You'll think of one I suppose. You'll always find a way through things." She bit her lip again, a nervous habit Harry had noticed she'd developed after Ron had gone. "Have you got everything? That book of spells that might come in handy, the one I made for you, spare clothes, money, potions, broom, wand..." Harry could see Hermione check off the mental list in her head and stopped her with a chuckled.

"Yes 'Mione, remember you made sure I had all that, safely shrunk and packed away in my pockets, before you started to make the circle?" Hermione blushed slightly and mumbled something about better being safe then sorry, "I've got Godric Gryffindor's sword. And wand, both mine and the Elder wand, as well as the other hallows, all safely tucked away in my mokeskin- just in case and my new Firebolt. Anything else? Fresh underwear? Toothpaste and brush?" Harry grinned as Hermione looked as if she wanted to hit him, but didn't dare step into the circle.

Harry fingered the light weight short-sword that used to belong to one of the four Hogwarts founders. During the last years of the war, it became evident that Harry needed to know any sort of magical and non magical fighting technique he could learn in order to survive. One of which turned out to be the technique of the Spell-sword. It was an old technique, dying out as long ranged styles, mainly using wands, replaced the close combat styles. However, when battling dark wizards and dark creatures- who would not stand away from you and fire spells, but rather run up and attack you physically- it was extremely handy to be able to give a quick melee attack along with a short ranged powerful spell.

Spellswords, like Godric Gryffindor's sword, were designed for such fighting styles. Godric's sword being one of the best- indestructible, imbibes anything that can increase it's strength such as basilisk venom and never dulls. Harry was sure there would be many angry goblins out there, as he permanently took the sword away from them, but they'd get over it. Eventually.

The sword was actually used by Ron, who had died during the war, as he proved to be an excellent spell-sword. Mix basic spells with physical strength in short powerful bursts of magic? Definitely Ron's thing. He was actually a better spell-sword then Harry, so was given Godric's sword, while Harry used another, less powerful (And less decorated) spell sword, that he'd found in the Potter vault.

As for the Elder wand...Harry didn't want it. He didn't want the resurrection stone either. Both of them brought bad luck. But it was decided that he may as well help those he left behind by taking the powerful and cursed hallows with him, as they, especially the Elder wand, only seemed to attract power hungry megalomaniacs. And maybe they could help him in what ever world he ended up in.

It seemed a shame that the other things would be destroyed, like Godric's sword and his vault money. But, in order for this to be as believable as possible, and give a feeling of comfort to those he left behind, it was necessary. At least he managed to talk Hermione into allowing Sirius' vault and it's contents (As well as some of the items in the Potter vault) to be given to support the order of the phoenix and Harry's friends, such as the remaining members of the Weasley family.

Thinking about Ron,Harry realised how alone Hermione would be after this- Both him and Ron would be gone. The golden trio destroyed. Through the stress of having to perform such a complicated spell under pressure, Harry could still see the sadness in Hermione's eyes, and cursed the fact he wasn't allowed to move to comfort her.

"You'll be okay, right, when I'm gone?" Hermione looked up at that, after she'd gone back to looking solemnly over the spell and texts.

"Of course Harry. I'll miss you, we all will, even those idiots who..." Hermione bit her lip again at that, a flash of anger in her eyes, "...I'll be fine. I've been looking into job applications and I know I can get a position in the Ministry of Magic, In the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Hopefully I can help change the way things are done, and get better rights."

Harry smiled t the thought of Hermione on a war path, getting better rights and equality for creatures like house-elves. Harry wondered if he'd ever be able to apply as an Auror in this new world. They'd want to have records of him, and of course he wouldn't be able to provide. Hermione managed to redo her newts, but Harry hadn't and the offer to those who participated in the final battle to become an Auror without them wouldn't apply in this other world (Or so he hoped, as he didn't want to be flung into another world that suffered the same as this one).

"Hey, Hermione, do you think It'll be the same time in the other world as it is here?" Harry asked after a thought- after all if this other world was similar to his, did that mean he would be entering a world that was also suffering from a post-war climate? Or would it be different enough that Voldermort never rose to power?

Hermione thought for a bit, "It's hard to say, but I presume not- the spell said that you needed to lock down on a specific location, because if you just went ahead intending for the subject to arrive in the exact same place in the other reality that it was in here, then they may end up in space."

Hermione stopped there thinking it explained things, and had to be prompted by a confused Harry to explain further.

"Look, the universe is continuously moving right? Galaxies, planets, solar systems are always in motion. So if you were to travel back in time or forward in time, intending to arrive in the exact same location in the universe as you are now, then you'd appear in space, as the earth and even the solar system, would have moved by then, if even marginally." Hermione paused staring at Harry till he gave a nod of confirmation, as he did understand that. "Anyway, if the spell is warning that may happen, then obviously the person who created it thinks there is a chance that it could also throw you into a different time from now. Oh, I do wish I had more time to research this thoroughly!"

Hermione threw herself down in the chair near by, massaging her temples, and Harry had to resist the temptation to move to comfort her.

"It'll be fine Hermione. When I get over there I'll find a way to send you a postcard, maybe with picture of your alternate-self. I bet you she wears lots of pink, loves divination and cries and laughs hysterically at the most inappropriate times."

The thought of her alternate-self being like Lavender Brown snapped Hermione out of her spiral of dismay. With a snort she stood up again, checked the spell once again, then motioned to the door.

"I've finished the spell now, so should I go get the others?"

Harry nodded. It was time to say goodbyes.

As Fred, Neville, Mrs. Weasley, Hagrid and surprisingly a few of the Hogwarts teachers as well as Bill and Charlie Weasley, along with Bill's wife Fleur shuffled into the room and stood around the circle. These were some of few survivors of the Second Wizarding War. Even though he was not close with all of them he was thankful they'd came. Waving goodbye to them as Hermione began to chant the activation spell, Harry watched them all.

Mrs. Weasley dragged her remaining sons close to her and looked at Harry as if she was about to loose another one. The Weasley boys gave him sad smiles with a 'give that dimension hell, Harry' from Fred. Hagrid was balling his eyes out next to an uncomfortable and sad looking Fleur. Some of the teachers put on stoic faces, as if they were watching a war hero's funeral, which didn't comfort Harry that much. Hermione's chanting seemed to be coming to a climax.


The edges of the circle glowed, the chalk turning into sharp light. The light flooded inwards, the complex markings inside the circle appearing to spin and rotate around Harry, until the spiral under Harry's feet glowed and seemed to stretch downwards at an alarming speed. Before Harry could call out something latched onto his feet with a crushing grip and pulled. Apparition felt like he was being pulled through a tight rubber tube. This felt like he was being pulled through the eye of an needle. He thought death was supposed to be quick and easy, once you got through the 'dying' part.

"I'm coming guys."


A 'Thump' and a string of curses later Harry, still very much alive, stood up feeling incredibly bruised. Pulling up his Basilisk skin robe, which was lined inside and out with cloth for both comfort and to avoid attention, back Harry looked at his stomach in mild horror. He may be alive now, but if that ugly full-torso bruise hinted at internal injuries as well, he may not be for long.

He attempted to move further from his arrival point, which appeared to be in an uninhabited plain in Scotland (Hopefully, because he didn't want to be somewhere were he had no knowledge of. And it did seem...Scottish.). When he tried to move He realised it wasn't only his torso that had been beaten to a pulp by magical forces. His arms and legs felt like jelly with bits of rotten sticks supporting them.


First, Harry got out his shrunk and feather-charmed possessions and agonisingly searched through all of it, till he remembered where he had put his small supply of bruise removal paste, and murtlap essence. While neither could be ingested and heal any internal injuries they'd at least stop Harry from looking like he'd been in a fight against three trolls and provide mild pain relief. He could only hope episky could help repair the worse of any internal injuries.

Finally being able to move without cringing badly, Harry looked around in frustration as he finished putting everything away into his pockets again. He wasn't dead. Could that actually mean he was in another reality? Things still looked normal; green grass, blue sky, black dragon.


Drag- FUCK!

What appeared to be a Hebridean Black was flying towards Harry with what he thought looked like a blend of annoyance, curiosity and dragonish wrath about it. Harry was pretty sure any dragon was wrathful at all times- it just seemed to be a dragon thing to do, but it was never pleasant when it was directed at you. Whipping out his wand, Harry tried to figure out how to avoid being killed by it. What had he learnt about Hebrideans, other then them being the most territorial of the British dragons - of course, they were native to the Hebrides isles! Though he didn't remember any information on how to avoid being eaten by one it none-the-less confirmed he was on the Scottish isles of Hebrides. He just needed to figure out how to escape the dragon before thinking about escaping the island. Perhaps he could do both at the same times.

Before he could gain enough concentration to apparate away from the flying, black, fire-breathing lizard, a couple of men on broomsticks made him instead drop down and quickly tug his invisibility cloak out of his enlarged pocket and over him. Dragons and now men on brooms? Why did he get the feeling that his arrival didn't go unnoticed?

The men, who ever they were, were shouting in Gaelic to each other, while firing bright blue hexes at the dragon until it gave up on what ever it was wanting to do near Harry and flew back in the direction it appeared from. The men, now looking around the area in confusion, were still talking in Scottish Gaelic, much to Harry's frustration. Eventually however, one swapped to English, but that didn't comfort Harry much, as the man seemed to speaking into a communication device, making Harry's feeling that his arrival caused a stir worse.

"Ministry o' Magic? Yeah, Brain MacFustyhere. Thare's been a disturbance oot in Eilean siar, ooter Hebrides, in the Hebridean black reserve? Naw, no muggles, just a magical disturbance, got the blacks riled up. Aye, strang surge o' magic, cannae find the source. Richt, I'll go to yer investigator then, the radio's losing it's charge."

The men conversed in Gaelic again, seemingly annoyed about something and the one who talked on what Harry guessed was a magical radio, unless the ministry of magic decided to adopt muggle technology, flew off, leaving the others to continue exploring.

Harry could understand that enough to know that 1) he'd ended up on a Hebridean Black reserve, which made sense as Hermione did try to find a place away from people in Britain and places away from people are used for magical creature reserves. And 2) His arrival caused a stir and magical surge, the Ministry of Magic was involved and he should really get out of here.

Despite trying to apparate earlier, Harry was dreading apparating in such a tender state and hoped that in this alternate universe locations were still the same, or he'd risk getting splinched along with being bruised.

Focusing, Harry hoped that Hogsmead station hadn't changed location.

A sharp 'Pop' rang out as Harry appeared at the busy station, still under his Invisibility cloak, which made a few of the people near by look around for the person who had apparated in. Harry wondered if he should have just apparated without the cloak on, as he dodged around people to a more hidden area, and pulling it off while glancing around. Part of him had still hoped that he was still in his world, and had just been transported to a random place in the British isles, but looking around dispelled that. Unless in the last few days fashion had changed in the wizarding world, the unfamilair wizard robes and clothing appeared to be a sign of this being an alternate reality. While Harry wasn't an expert on wizard clothing he could still tell this style was different- the traditional pointed and brimmed 'witches hat' seemed also to be popular amongst the males of the wizarding and travelling cloaks seemed to clasp on the shoulder rather then below the neck.

Harry pulled up the hood of his own travelling cloak and hoped his own clothing wouldn't draw too much attention to him. Maybe he could pass himself off as a wizard from another culture? His languages skills, minus the unearnt parseltounge, were poor and he couldn't put on a fake accent to save his life. Maybe he could claim he was from a British family in America.

However it didn't seem like he was drawing too much attention- Hogsmead was purely a wizarding town, the only pure wizarding village in it could be that unlike muggles, wizards didn't pick up on such fashion inconsistencies or maybe they passed him off as a muggle-born with no knowledge of proper wizarding wear.

As Harry continued to explore the fact that this was an alternate universe became all too apparent. Shops were on the opposite sides or had moved down or up a space from where they used to be, fashion was different, songs he'd never heard before were being played by magical devices... Damn. Harry hadn't wanted this. He'd wanted to die and go back to his family, his friends. If he died here, would he go to his own afterlife, or this world's? Would he see his loved ones again, the ones that he knew and knew him? Were there even separate afterlives for each dimension?

Harry frustratedly ruffled his hair under his hood before tugging it back down, further over his face, and decided he could do with butterbeer and a place to rest. Once he'd found where the Three broomsticks had moved too, of course. He thought about going to the Hogshead instead, as hooded shady customers were the norm there, but it didn't offer rooms and well... Harry couldn't imagine the Hogshead being any more pleasant in this world then his.

The blast of warm air from inside the pub made Harry shudder happily. During his war this place had lost some of it's cheer- it was good to see it full of people and the smell of pub food and drinks again.

Glancing out of the corners of his eyes, Harry checked the small area of the pub he could see for people he knew, while ordering his butterbeer. He noticed Rosmerta didn't greet him as friendly as she used to, even when he'd first met her, and worried the his hood wouldn't be as accepted as he hoped.

"Anything else? You look like the chill followed you in, with that hood up." Rosmerta added the not so subtle hint on as she bent to look into Harry's face, almost to hint at another reasons he should pull it down.

Harry bent his own head and passed it off as a chuckle. He didn't want to be paranoid and attempt to hide his face from everyone, but he knew he looked like his father and if there was another Harry or a James in this world and he didn't want to raise suspicion if someone recognised his features.

"It is chilly, isn't it? I was wondering if you had any rooms spare... oh, and do you have a copy of the Daily Prophet?".

Rosmerta nodded, but looked slightly annoyed at the fact Harry hadn't lowered his hood. "I do have a room spare, just you is it?"

It was Harry's turn to nod, and Rosmerta passed over a butterbeer and key. "The room is No. 7, it'll be 5 galleons and 13 sickles a night, and the Daily Prophet will be on one of the common tables. 6 galleons and 11 sickles please."

Harry fished the money out of his extended holding and feather charmed pouch, before taking the two offered items with a polite nod. Heading over to common tables, Harry snatched up an issue of the magical newspaper before moving to one of the more secluded tables. He thought back to why he hid his face from Rosmerta. His parents might be alive.

Newspaper and drink forgotten for the moment, Harry mulled that information over in his head. Lily and James Potter alive. Maybe even Sirius, Remus and the others... Ron, Luna, Ginny...Himself? How would he, should he, react to any of them? Seeing his dead parents who will only see him as a frighteningly familiar stranger. Seeing an alternate Harry. Should he even try to talk to them? Maybe he could watch them from afar, see the life he never had... Or he could try and befriend them, all the while trying to hide the fact he was their son from another universe.

Should he even consider them his parents? His parents, although dead, loved him and he knew they watched over him. These people, if they were alive, wouldn't know anything about him. But even so, he knew he wouldn't be content with watching them from afar. He could get to know his father, properly and not just from other peoples tales, memories and photos. He could actually get to know his own mother, something any child should be allowed.

He pulled out of his thoughts. He was in an alternate reality- the questions were endless and could not all be answered right at that moment. He took his first sip of the butterscotch tasting drink and glanced over the newspaper, pausing when he noticed the date. The date being 1994, 30th of October.

Harry's 4th year at Hogwarts, when the Triwizard Tournament happened. His alternate self should only be 14 years old. How...weird. A younger him. Would his alternate self, if he existed at all, be The-Boy-Who-Lived or just an ordinary student? Would he, in a few days times be put into the event that changed Harry's life dramatically? Before Harry could actually read the article a voice that was vaguely familiar caught his attention, and Harry looked up to see himself storm to a table near him, followed by Luna and Neville, and giving the oppotunity for Harry to find answers to his quetions.

Ah, slow start. Introductions are needed though, m'thinks, so I left it at this for now. I'm not sure if anything needs addressing yet, but please, review, makes criticism, comments, questions- Anything! I've kinda felt like I might of overloaded you with info....

I should update soon, (maybe next tue?) as I've written some of the chapters in advance (Because my writing phases are sporadic and if left to update as I write it could be months in between updates) -oh And any questions, seriously. They help, not only because it helps you and the other readers understand the Fanfic but also helps me figure things out and plan stuff more. Well, I'm optimistic bout this story. Hopes it works out all fine. Hope you're enjoying this so far. I'm trying not to give an information overload, so I hope it doesn't come off that way. Don't worry, things will perk up soon. It's Harry after all- he has a sign above him saying 'try and kill me- it's fun'.