Alice's POV-

I have been set the task- by myself may I say – to come up with a list of 60 things that will get you chucked out of wall mart. And then we will carry them out!

Here is the list.

1. Make a water slide with slim sliding down it so it creates a slimy covering over the isle floor and then slide down it at full speed.

2. Go up behind people and shout boo and run away.

3. Fill trollies with underwear and mix it with mustard while placing them round the mart.

4. Climb in a trolley and get your friend to wheel you around wall mart.

5. Go on the intercom and say "Sale! Sale! 99.9% off on all items."

6. Set the fire alarm off!

7. Follow a member of staff around asking what they are doing and when they get angry and shout say "NO! NO I DONT WANT TO DIE!"

8. Buy a very expensive item at about $500 and pay all in pennies then loose count about 3 times!

9. Go round the store singing "Baby got back!" And wiggling you but around.

10. Set up a free booth with makeup (freshly bought from wall mart of course) and give people VERY ugly makeovers for $5!

11. Dance to the hoedown throwdown, then to the chacha slide. And singing at the top of your voice.

12. Set of stink bombs around the store and fan the smell out! (will need a strong fan for this!)

13. Set up a tent, sit inside it, sit very still let kids poke you (EEEW did not sound right!) and then randomly go MUMMIIIEEEEEEEE!

14. Put a huge sign up saying "All items here are tested on infectiously diseased people!"

15. Grab all clothing and get loads of dummies and dress them up in mismatching weird styles and put a sign saying "All new fab styles here!"

16. Dress 3 people up badly as kris rob and taylor and then say £10 celeb signing in a dressing room!

17. Buy loads of dominos, set all of it up in all of one aisle and as soon as one person comes it will all knock over.

18. Create a rally race around a few isles and race loads of cars around it, each one starting at a different time.

19. Go up to a random with a cookie jar in hand and sing "Can't keep my hands my hands my hands off the cookie jar!"

20. Have a massive pillow fight!

21. Climb into clothes rack and when some comes to pick something out go "Please miss, pick me, no one eva does."

22. Re-alphabetize all books, DVDs and CD's.

23. Scribble all over books, DVD's and CD's.

24. Take a bight out of some fruit and veg then place it back and sprinkle coke over all of it!

25. Take a couple of melons and shove them down your tee to create huge breasts then fling them about (make sure they are secure) hitting people in the face saying "Pardon me big breasts coming through!"

26. Stare at one person with wide eyes and when they say "What" laugh and then shout "IMMA BEE!" keep repeating this.

27. Get a golf club and some sponge balls and hit them about the place.

28. Get a football and play passie!

29. Buy a sun lounger (if possible), bikini, sunglasses and a cool drink and sunbath in the middle of the store.

30. Run about screaming "Mummy! There's a big man chasing me!"

31. Make a hole in one of the shelves, big enough to get an arm and an object through and hide. When someone comes pass grab and item small enough to pass through the whole and steel it.

32. Get dressed up as a staff member, and grab a tag, Go up to a customer when they are buy cereal grab the packet, shake it and say "Can't you hear that sir/miss, it's broken." And take it away.

33. Have a pie fight.

34. When in narrow isle and someone is behind you walk slowly, stopping now and then in the middle flinging your arms across the corridor yawning/stretching and then continue to walk slowly.

35. When in the food area say that all food has been poisoned.

36. Get a champagne bottle and a knife and shake the bottle up and down before slicing the cork off and spraying foam every where.

37. Jump on all the beds.

38. Buy scissors and cut up dollies hair.

39. Cut up pieces of paper.

40. Stick up signs saying there is a stolen toy Anyone one with a toy report to the desk NOW!

41. Out off all your friends get price machine (you know that small machine that prints out the price and you stick it on the shelf/item?) go round the isles and stick the wrong price on as much shelves as possible.

42. Buy loads of mixing bowls, cereals and other food products (any random thing) and mix loads of ingredients and place mixture into each cereal box (If out of cereal boxes buy a few more and dispose of cereal)

43. Grab a few fish rod and ladders set them up on an aisle and dangle the fishing rods over the shelves try to take people belongings (while bumping them on the head) and stealing it- make sure you have a trolley and a person below you to put it in!

44. Walk up to people and say in a sexy voice "Cant touch this!" Running your hands down your body.

45. Buy a candy bar then grab another buy it and keep repeating this exercise!

46. Buy the cheapest item and out it in the bin.

47. Keep walking through in and out the automatic door until it is broken.

48. Go up to people give them an accessory and say "put this on it makes that hideous outfit look that little bit better"

49. put the music on full blast and sing- badly- as loud as you can.

50. Buy a camera and snap pictures of every one going passed in the underwear section.

51. Go up behind people while eating a frosties from a huge packet and say into their ear "Theeeeeeirrr greeeeeeeeat" in the tigers accent.

52. Get a rather long stick and create two small whole holes in the shelves- big enough for you to look through and to slide the stick through without knocking anything over- and poke anyone that comes past.

53. Dart around the store suspiciously while loudly humming the theme from 'Mission Impossible'.

54. Grab a CD player, a bowl some milk and coco pops and buy the CD that has "My humps" by black eyed peas (lets call them BEB from now on!) and dance to it by making rude dances with your breasts (womans job only!) When it comes to the milky milky cocopops make a bowl of cereal. Once it comes to the end grab the bowl of cereal and jump in the air causing all the cereal to fall out (Make sure bowl is plastic and you runaway before it covers you)

55. Put up advertisement for a treasure hunt around walmart for free clothing and then in each department put out pointless riddles.

56. Clear a whole shelf then clamber into it and pretend you are asleep while snoring.

57. Rap to a song and street dance.

58. Buy some planks of wood and karate chop them.

59. Buy a black top hat a black walking and a black penguin suit and dress up in it. When you come out bow to every passing person holding your hat out to them.

60. Go to electronic department and watch very scary horror movies and scream very loudly at the scary parts.

61. at the end of the day/days go up to a staff member and say "I'm so very sorry to bother you, but your manager says that you have to clean the mess we created." And run for it.

(Okay this is my new story guys I hope you like it! Basically this is just the introduction- only the list and a bit of Alice's POV! The actual story will start in the next chapter! The whole idea came from my other story the cullens have msn! They maybe some talk about it there! I will be making a sequel to this too- Truth and dare! I know sad I thought of it already! But any ways bye!)