Disclaimer: I don't own BtVS or the Mortal Kombat series or the characters in the said series.
Vengeance of the elder gods
Chapter 1
The Elder gods were angry, one of their champions had been stolen by the Powers that Be, had his memories erased and was made into a lapdog of the slayer. This insult could not be allowed to continue, they would not strike at the slayer; she was not the problem and now they would claim their champion and the Powers that Be would finally learn just who the more powerful ethereal beings were.
They cared about all of their champions but this one was particularly dear to one of them, he had been abused when Raiden had found him and he cared for him as had most of the fighters who fought for good and now his memories were removed by the Powers so that he would not show their slayer how to really fight and now his friends have turned against him and they would take him from his so called friends, Alexander Harris would come home.
Xander was picking up the donuts for the group again, 'ah well,' he thought, 'at least I am helping in my own little way,' he was happy enough but he wished he could do more, he always felt like something had been taken from him and he had friends other then the Scoobies. Little did he know that several people were thinking of him right now.
Sonya Blade looked at the picture of Xander Harris, she had found him with Raiden's help, she and Jax would be coming for him tonight and from what Raiden had told her; his friends weren't the best but she was going to take him away and hopefully, he would accept him as a mother figure like he did when they met him at the first tournament. She had been informed of the state that her little Alexander had been treated by those Powers that Be, everything that was noble in him twisted by these things until there was nothing left but a clown for the others to look down, and she was going to find some way to take the PTBs down.
Shao Kahn was listening to the reports that his spies in Earthrealm had given him, he started to laugh; he tried to break Xander and these so called forces of the light did it for him. Well that was just neat, he need to send them a reward or kill them for doing what he wanted to do, 'ah yes,' he thought, 'killing these upstarts would be good.'
One of the Shokan, Rentaro, had heard about the brave little human he adored, the human who had introduced him to the ambrosia that was Twinkies. He had been the youngest person chosen by the Elder gods to fight in the sacred tournament and he had done so bravely that he had earned several Shokan's respect, he decided to head to Sunnydale to honour his debt to the boy, after all the boy had freed him from Shao Kahn's service and now he could bring honour to himself and repay his debt
Sub Zero listened to what Sonya had to say; 'the adopted son of the Lin Kuei was being treated like this? Unforgivable,' he thought, he would have words with this slayer but he had to save his little brother first then deal with the powers,
Sindel and Kitana were talking in the palace of Edenia, they had decided to have Xander live with them, he would be better off with them than his parents. He could be a member of the royal family and be taken care of and allowed to flourish as he had never been allowed to before.
Scorpion rushed through the Netherealm, he had heard from others trapped there that Xander Harris had been found and he would see how the young boy had turned out.
Cyrax calculated the chances of finding Xander before something on the hellmouth killed him, it wasn't good, the slayer was somewhat competent, but she could not be everywhere at once. So he would protect Xander Harris, the other fighters for good would be coming too, they would not get there in time he could.
Ermac also searched for Xander to redeem his crimes that he had committed against him, he would help the boy remember his past.
The Mayor was looking outside his office he saw the storm clouds gathering, "Well Golly,' he thought, 'what was going on?'
Giles was looking at Buffy and Faith spar, Xander had just brought the donuts in and was trying to aid in research but it wasn't helping, he liked the boy but he was only going to get hurt if kept trying to fight the darkness and now Quentin Travers was coming to check up on Buffy and Faith.
He knew he tolerated Willow because of her magical abilities and he also liked Angel around because of his knowledge but Quentin didn't see the point of having Xander in the slayer's group and Giles was beginning to see Quentin's point but he knew the senior watcher would probably have Xander shot or something and Giles couldn't see that happen.
Quentin was walking in as he saw Xander bringing in refreshments for the group, he looked smug, 'that's where the boy belonged; serving his betters and the others knew it,' oh they tried to hide it but he could see the contempt in their eyes.
The Elder gods saw the balance demon that was the power's messenger, the gods stopped him from going, they would have words with him first.
Whistler was in front of four beings that looked like each one was made of the elements, he said, "Look you guys, I don't you know who you people are but I got better things to do than being stared at by whatever you guys are."
The gods responded, "We are the Elder gods, we have come to claim our champion that the Powers stole and made his life miserable, they twisted him into a clown, a shadow of what he was and we would like you to guide him for us. If you agree let us know now, though, if you do this you will no longer be working for the Powers, do you accept?"
Whistler looked at the four beings, he had heard rumours about the Elder gods; they were powerful, even more so than the Powers but they only really involved themselves with their chosen champions, 'why would the Powers take one of their champions?' he thought.
Whistler looked at them and said, "Sure, from what I hear; you guys have good payment options. So tell me the name of the guy and I will start to help him as best as I can."
"His name," the Elder gods said, "is Xander Harris, and here is his true life story." They showed Whistler the truth, he fell down on his knees and wept, what had the Powers done to this boy? This was an insult to the Elder gods and he felt he was now on the right side.
Raiden teleported down to Earthrealm, he felt the evil in the air. He had been on hellmouths before but this one felt particularly toxic, he finally found Xander. He walked in and heard someone badmouth Xander; he saw the defeated look in Xander's eyes when he felt the air shift around him and several other figures that were coming in. He noted Sindel, Sonya, Kitiana and several others, they had come to defend him, and Raiden screamed and blasted the door to the library open.
At the shocked look on the Scooby gang's faces, Raiden looked at them and picked up Xander, he looked at the sky and said, "Powers, the insult you did to the Elder gods will not be forgotten and we are now telling that all champions of the Powers that Be are now forbidden from coming near Xander Harris and that includes these people who call him friends," then he and the rest of the group teleported away leaving a angry looking Buffy and group.
Poll question: Ok put yourselves in the Elder god's shoes and they hurt one of your champions and turned him into a walking joke, what do you want to do to them? And should certain members of the Scooby gang be punished as well? Be creative.
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