Tracie learns the secret.

Tracie Van Horn spit on the ground in rage. For years she had trusted her, and then she learned everything had been a lie. Her best friend didn't exist. She was the invention of a stupid girl named Miley Stuart. Hannah Montana didn't exist. Tracie felt hurt and betrayed. She also knew that Miley Stuart would pay. Pay for deceiving her, pay for lying to her, pay with her life.

She called Hannah and asked her to meet her at the beach in Malibu. Miley said she'd be there. It was a complete accident that Tracie had discovered the secret. She had accidently caught Miley and her dad talking with the wig off. Seeing Miley's bundled-up brown hair and the blonde wig didn't anger her any. Tracie just thought how lovely to find that Hannah had gone brunette. She was fixing to congratulate her when a blonde girl entered the room and said "I can't believe it, Miley, We're going to New York."

"Yeah, I can't believe it" Brown-haired Hannah (from Tracie's point of view) said.

"Yeah," Hannah's manager said "It'll be a welcome break from the job"

"Yeah," Miley said "and it will give me some time to get away from this." She said holding up the wig. "I can't believe that people can't see through the secret." Miley said smiling.

"Yeah, It would be easy for people to see that Hannah Montana is really Miley Stewart." The blonde haired girl said laughing. It was then that Tracie realized that the blond haired girl was Lola Luftnangle. "Well, let's go dad" Miley said to her manager.

The mixed up entourage with the wigs and stuff left the room. Tracie stepped out and looked around. It was time to get some information.

Tracie hired a private investigator to look into the name Miley Stewart. What he found wasn't good. Apparently Miley Stewart was a southern teenage who moved here with her father about the same time Hannah became recognized. Tracie finally decided to see for herself. She broke in to the Stewarts house and stayed there for a few hours. She saw Miley and her dad enter the house and heard Miley say that she needed to change into Hannah. Tracie followed her making sure to stay hidden. She saw the whole transformation. After Hannah and her dad left, Tracie exited her hiding place with a look of murderous rage. She had been hurt and lied to. She looked around in anger and left the house. She shook in anger. She vowed that soon, very soon, Miley Stewart/Hannah Montana would pay.